//------------------------------// // Harmony, a Prologue // Story: Harmony, A Power Rangers Story // by DeadpoolMLP //------------------------------// Billy stood at his desk, looking over the readings. Practically identical. I mean, there was a slight variation, but other than that, it was… He needed to think. He had been watching this anomaly for months, but never before had he had some irrefutable proof. The statue, the rainbow beam, the giant unicorn in the sky...it all lead to one thing: Someone at this school had access to the Morphing Grid. He couldn’t go in on his own. As much as he wanted to, he was already a known figure in the scientific community. He needed someone else. Billy glanced at his cell phone. He hadn’t contacted any of the other Rangers in a long time. Who could he call? Kimberly was too busy with the Olympics, Zack had his whole Hip-Hop Kido dojo that he ran, Trini was over in Asia...Jason was….god knows where. Who could he… Billy smiled. He hadn’t called him in a while, but better now than never. Dialing his phone, he spoke with the man on the other side “Hey...long time no see! I need a favor…” “You’re sure about this? You realize it would be difficult to just move to Canterlot with no warning?” Tommy told Billy over the phone. “And besides, I have a wife and kid to think about.” “You’re the only one I could think of Tommy. Look, I’ll pay for your moving costs and the house. I’ll even pay for transportation. But this could be important. There could be an entirely new team of Rangers operating here, and we wouldn’t know. If there is, they’ll need someone to guide them, if they don’t already. And you have experience with that.” Tommy sighed “Ok. I’ll talk with Katherine about it, and we’ll let you know our decision. Do you at least know where they could most likely be based from?” “Yeah, all of the readings seem to be centered around Canterlot High School. And wouldn’t you know it, they are looking for a new science teacher. The old one left due to all the, and I quote, ‘Crazy magic demon shit’.” “Heh. Reminds me of old times…” Tommy thought for a few moments “Ok. I’ll do it. Just give me a few days to turn in my resignation, and say goodbye to the former Dino Thunder team. Was kinda hoping to make it to their big reunion party. Connor isn't gonna be happy...” “Sorry Tommy. I know how much that meant to you. Alright, call me when you and your family have everything figured out. Tell Kat hi for me!” Tommy lowered the phone, and then held his head in his other hand. “I’m getting to old for this…” Tommy stood outside the new school, the late November snow giving him a bit of a chill. He could almost feel something in the air, but really it could be anything. There was definitely something going on at this school… “So this is Canterlot High…” Tommy spoke to himself, students buzzing about the school grounds. Tommy checked his phone, looking up his notes for the day “Right...gotta meet with the principal...God, I hope Billy was right. This place seems...off.” Entering the school, he shook off the loose snow on the bomber jacket Kat had given him, a green dragon sewn into the back. Kat had always been the sentimental of the two, and Tommy wasn’t going to turn her down. He looked out on the halls of the school. It had been a long time since he had been in High school himself, and those days were filled with memories of mostly skipping class to save the day. As he walked, he noticed two kids, one wearing a beaten up tee-shirt, and the other wearing a neat cardigan sweater. It almost sent him into a flashback as the two approached a small kid, probably only a freshman, who seemed to have a british accent. “Alright Pipsqueak, give us your lunch money!” The one in the tee-shirt seemed to yell. The kid seemed to reel back, Tommy walking up to the three “Hey, you know bullying isn’t very nice…” The three looked to Tommy, the two bullies seeming to look in almost shock at the sight of the former Green Ranger “It’s...it’s….it’s him!” Tommy looked confused at this, as the two ran off, leaving him and the kid to question what just happened. Tommy kneeled down, having dealt with kids before “You okay squirt?” “Yes sir. Who...are you by the way?” Tommy let out a chuckle “I’m the new science teacher. Do you know where the Principal’s office is?” The kid smiled, pointing down the hallway “Seventh door on the right!” Tommy nodded, standing up and heading that way. He couldn’t help but shake a weird feeling about those two from before though...almost like deja vu… Tommy knocked on the door twice. He heard the shuffling of papers and a few muffled curses before a female voice called out “Come in!” Opening the door, Tommy stepped into the Principal’s office. She was sitting behind her desk, hands folded on it. Her multicolor hair caught his attention, as he wasn’t used to someone having their entire hair dyed like a three-color rainbow. “Hello, you must be Principal Celestia. My name is Tommy Oliver, I applied for the senior Science teacher position?” Celestia stood up, walking around the desk to offer a handshake. Tommy took it, as she replied “Ah! Doctor Oliver. We were expecting you. Yes, we are so glad you were able to come on such short notice. I know it couldn’t have been easy to move all the way from Reefside to Canterlot, especially in the middle of the school year. I can only imagine how disappointed your former students must have been…” “You have no idea…” Tommy thought back to when he broke the news to his former team. They were all understandably upset, Connor more than others, but they all understood the importance of why he had to move. “Thank you for being understanding. Now, if I could know which class is mine, and a list of the classes I’ll be teaching? I would like to get things sorted before the first group of the day.” “Of course.” Celestia smiled as she took a few papers from her desk and handed them to Tommy. “You’re classroom is on the second floor, it shouldn’t be hard to find. Luckily you have until second period before you get any students, so take that time to familiarize yourself with the classroom. I hope you enjoy your time here. Have a good day, Doctor Oliver!” “You too, Miss Celestia!” Tommy walked out of Celestia’s office, ready to get to know his new students, and hopefully narrow down the list of potential candidates for the unknown Rangers. Rainbow Dash entered her new class, AP Science. Who the heck even goes to AP Science? The only reason she applied for the class was because she wanted to look into the science behind- “Rainbow Dash?” Dash heard from inside, cutting off her inner monologue. She looked up to see her friends...all of them. “Girls?” Sunset smiled “Glad to see the gang’s all here it seems.” Dash grinned, taking a seat next to Sunset. She was thrilled to have her girls here. She thought this class was going to be as boring as watching an episode of VR troopers with Pinkie… AJ spoke up “So what are you doing in AP Science Dash?” Dash stuck her tongue out at AJ. While AJ had gotten in because she had excelled in her Biology class sophomore year, Dash was a bit of an anomaly within the group here. “I’m looking to find out more about the Power Rangers!” The group all rolled their eyes. Dash had always been obsessed with the superheroes from out of town. Giant Robots, Magic Powers, Technology beyond anything from this world...they had all heard it a thousand times by now. Sunset groaned “Dash, how do we even know all that’s real? I mean, I guess all those news reports could be real, but this all seems a little far fetched…” “Says the magic unicorn.” Dash snarked, a little mad at her friend’s accusations “The Power Rangers ARE real! I’ll prove it to you Sunset Shimmer! Just you wait!” Sunset groaned. Her friend had been telling her that for a year now, and had yet to provide any physical proof. It was always “the next town over” or “This one time in Mariner Bay”, but never a blueprint, or any sign of property damage in Canterlot. Dash waved her off, looking to Pinkie “So...you know who’s the new teacher?” Pinkie shrugged “I dunno. I heard a rumor it was someone from out of town. Somewhere called Reefside.” Dash pouted at this. Pinkie was usually the one who knew the latest gossip, but it seems she was short handed this time. “Well I guess I’ll just have to wait.” Dash slumped into her chair, Rarity letting out a chuckle “You can wait a few more seconds darling. I’m sure the new professor is on his or her way.” Fluttershy spoke up, wishfully thinking “I hope he’s someone nice. I mean, Mister Split Atom always was a bit jumpy, but he was really nice…” Dash spoke up “I hope he’s someone awesome! Like…” It was that moment the door opened, a man in a bomber jacket walking through the door, hanging his coat on the rack and walking to the front desk “Hello class, my name is Doctor Oliver...I’ll be your new AP Science teacher.” Dash couldn’t help but internally squeal at this, the only words escaping her mouth were a very quiet “ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh…” A Woman stood over her desk, looking over some papers. These readings...they were identical...she needed to look into this. Canterlot High...of all places it had to be here. Right on the doorstep of her company headquarters. She had been searching for the next team, but never did she expect it right outside of her window. She frowned. She hadn’t slept in 48 hours. She couldn’t… “Assistant, get me another coffee.” She spoke, a bit of edge in her voice. A teenage girl in a lab coat winced. She hadn’t seen her boss like this before. She was always determined, but this case had her….obsessed. “Yes Miss Sterling!” The girl ran off, her dark purple hair almost getting caught in the door. Miss Sterling heard the sound of a dog barking as she saw the teenager rush out of the door. “Grace...this could be it...the next team of Power Rangers…”