Moon Milk

by Wonderbolt Writer

Chapter 3: Chocolate Madness

Drocsid, the former Mayor of Manehattan eyed Princess Luna from afar. He did not budge an inch from his relaxed position against the trunk of the sole tree that occupied the large plain of grass he'd fled to. The patch wasn't too far off from Manehattan and he had not even tried to mask the residual magical aura left by his sudden teleportation. So it was no surprise she had managed to track him down so easily. It fact he had counted on it.

"Like what I've done, Princess?" he spoke, referring to the downpour of chocolate milk from the sky and the miniature castle he made around the tree out of her stolen bottles. "Now all the ponies across this glorious land of your's will get to experience your them."

She gazed upward at the ever-growing storm of chocolate rain. "You did this? Why?"

"It isn't obvious to you? It will take time though for the storm to get large enough to cover all of Equestria, just have some patience. Maybe then you'll see it's brilliance. "

"You speak of patience?" Luna countered, her scolding accented by a hoof pointed his direction. "Mine is wearing dreadfully thin Drocsid. This behavior that you are displaying is purely unacceptable for anypony, let alone a Mayor."

Droc immediately burst into a fit of laughter, collapsing to the ground. Even the storm clouds themselves gave a thunderous shout as if mocking her.

"What? What is funny to you about anything that I have just said?!" she asked.

He stopped chuckling long enough to answer, wiping away the tears from his eyes. "Why everything, all of it! The scolding you gave, that oh-so-serious attitude of your's. But what really takes the cake is that name you keep calling me by! It's downright hilarious at how imbecilic you are!"

"How dare you so blatantly insult a ruler of Equestria!" she stomped the ground in anger with both her front hooves. "Well then, enlighten me won't you? I'm finding these crazed ramblings a bit hard to follow."

This only caused more chuckles from him as he fell again head over heels, laughing all the harder. "Oh of course it is, hahaha! You never were the smart sister!"

Anger and annoyance transformed to a boiling rage that filled her being. Her eyes and horn lit aglow for a mere second as she shattered every one of the bottles of milk from around him with the resulting deluge soaking him down to the bone.

Now his attention was fully focused back onto her.

She took a moment, attempting to calm herself. But it wasn't all that effective. "Now Drocsid, I'm s-sorry I did that-"

"Oh it is quite alright!" he said interrupting her insincere apology as he swiftly took to the air. "However, do not call me Drocsid! That is not my name!" A magic aura swept from his horn down over the entirety of his body, rendering his soaked form completely dry.

His skin began to crawl, literally, shifting and bubbling all over. Luna witnessed this twisted act, moderately resembling a snake shedding. Parts of his flesh elongated and drooped to the ground. Seconds later two wings burst through the now paper thin hide on his back as an eagle talon ripped forth from his side.

The shriveled husk of the unicorn known as Drocsid was cast aside as if surrendering a cloak to the wind. It dissolved quickly in a light mist as a new, shadowed form stood before her.

"Much better! Now you may address me properly as...Discord, lord of chaos!" At his command streaks of lightening blitz across the darkened sky, illuminating him in an attempted display of grandeur.

Luna shifted uneasily, taken aback by this disturbing turn as she looked him over from top to bottom. "What...what are you?"

"What am I?" Discord's bottom jaw unraveled like a scroll crashing to the ground. "That now is an original question, truly. Not at all like the classics I've heard before."

He swooned back and forth as he mimicked the voices of various ponies. " 'Aargh, a-are you a monster?' 'Will you eat me?' 'Why did you destroy my home?'...and so on, et cetera."

She placed a hoof forward, cautiously, prepared to take any offensive or defensive measures necessary. "Well b-be that as if may, I must still ask that you take action to amend what you have done, Discord."

"And if I do not?" He teleported right in front of her, playfully pressing a talon to her nose. "Boop!"

"If not then you shall pay for your crimes by other means, after I clear Equestria's skies of this mess you've made." Luna pressed off the ground soaring toward the tempest. Her horn shone, charged with magic to dispel the storm.

"Hopefully this will suffice..." she let loose a powerful blast rippling over the darkened clouds. It had little effect. The clouds softened and began to grow transparent but her magic was rebuffed as they quickly regenerated back again as if nothing had happened at all.

"What kind of magic is this?" In frustration she lands and turns toward him. "Discord, stop this! Before it's too late." She bowed her head slightly but did not break eye contact with him. "For the sake of my subjects I want to end this peacefully."

"Oh, so the Pony Princess finally realizes that she is in over her pretty little tiara-wearing head. And what do you mean, your subjects? From what I've seen, they don't give a care in the world about you anymore!" His magic flowed into her shadow molding to a shape resembling that of her elder sister. "And If those clouds are too much for you to handle it's no wonder everypony loves Celestia more than they love you."

"W-what nonsense is this!?" her rage quickly returned.

The words churned something within her. Feelings she thought were buried. Ones she had tried to dismiss as purely residing only in her own imagination.

"Struck a nerve, did I?" He fluttered gracefully through the air, wearing a huge grin.

"You see I've been around for a while now and it seems that all I hear is 'Celestia this..' and 'Celestia that...' but not a single syllable of appreciation have I ever heard for the Princess of the Night. It must be so hard for you, living under somepony's shadow your whole life." He extended a paw over to her, patting her gently on the back. "But it's okay. They've never really said any nice things about me either, my dear."

She could almost feel a tinge of pure sincerity in his words but that mattered little to her now. "Enough of this! Celestia and I are co-rulers of Equestria. My subjects respect and admire me just as much as-"

Discord interjects by thrusting his talons straight into the earth and pulling them back out again. Up rises stone statues of the two sisters, both of equal height with a heart connected between them.

"You may be rulers of Equestria together and share that responsibility equally but you know just as well as I..." Slowly the stone mock-up of Luna began to shrink in comparison to that of Celestia's figure, until it became eclipsed by it. "The love your adoring ponies share for you isn't the same as Celestia." The stone heart fractures straight down the center breaking the Luna statue's bond with it's sister, causing it to fall over haphazardly and break into dust.

Luna felt something slide down her cheek, with a swipe of her hoof she wiped it off. "A tear? When did I?"

Suddenly her statue regenerated, growing all the larger until Celestia's stone image shattered and eroded away. His grin returned. "However, join with me Luna and you won't have to worry about her shadow any more."

Seeing the image of her sister being blown away like that, she recoils.

Despite everything, she can't stand it. The thought of ever losing her sibling is too much to bear. "So you're saying that overthrowing Celestia, my one and only sister, is supposed to help matters? That will bring only pain and misery to all ponies! YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, VILE SPIRIT OF CHAOS! "

"Oh, but..." He blinked several times over, somewhat surprised by her reaction. "I believe I k-know a great deal more than you think I do, Princess Luna." Before he finished speaking, he snapped his fingers. At once her giant statue sprang to life and made a mad dash straight for her.

Luna fired off a barrage of magic bursts, easily reducing it to rubble. The next act caught her off guard. Her very shadow took a tangible form, ensnared her body and began pulling her down into a freshly created bed of quicksand. Struggle as she may the dark creature refused to relinquish it's grasp. Controlling the sand with her magic she forced the fine granules in between her body and the shadow. She then bound the particles together, making them harden to a stone-like consistency. In one swift motion solid spikes began to come forth from her form, jutting outward and shredding the darkness as if it were cloth.

It weakened, just enough for her to finally rip it to bits and be free of it's grasp.

She let loose a plethora of heated blasts of her own toward Discord. All of which were easily dodged as he simply wriggled and contorted his body away from the danger. With little effort she re-directed each of her blasts to come back around in boomerang like fashion for a second strike from behind.

As they came in for a strike Discord maneuvered around these as well as if he could sense their location without even looking.

Luna adapted, taking the last shot left incoming and expanding it to the size of small house, lessening it's power but making it much harder for him to even attempt to dodge. It directly hit Discord's backside sending him flying forward.

As Luna prepared another blow a portal opened before her, safely transporting Discord behind her. But it was all for naught. Instantly she took note of his new location and bucked outward with her rear hooves, smacking him square in the jaw.

With a quick snap of his fingers another portal opened above Luna. As a Quarry Eel lashed out from within in attempt to devour her she dropped down and levitated Discord from behind her into it's path. Without enough time to react he is hastily swallowed up by the beast.

"Oh now this is just great!" He spoke from within the creature's mouth. "And I just had my hair done too."

Another magic snap, the portal closed and Discord appeared unscathed before her. "You know Princess, d-despite our differences you're actually...quite a lot of fun."

Luna gazed upward at him, her mane drooping lazily in front of her eyes. She was still panting from all the exertion. "F-Fun!?"

"Yes, fun. As in I've had an absolutely delightful time with you." He swoops down to her level. "Boop! Ah, I haven't played around like this in years!"

She smacked his finger off of her nose, rising up off the ground she fixed her mane slightly. "So all of this is nothing but fun to you?"

"Yes, it is. But I think we've already established that much." Discord snapped his finger once more, transforming the very landscape itself. Large swaths of land detached from the earth rising up into the sky where they now stood, floating gently in the breeze. Fish began to manifest and swim around through thin the air as if they were still in the water.

Then as if that all was not enough already the ground began to tremble as a mound of earth rose up forming a small hill. Atop this newly formed perch Discord teleported in a throne and quietly floated down to it, resting his buttocks on the comfy seat.

He nonchalantly waved to her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some more remodeling to do. We can play some more later."

The sudden sound of flapping wings from above caught both their attention.

Discord smiled. "Oh look, right on time. It's 'Flippy' and 'Flappy' come to take you home." He waved to the pair of bat Ponies incoming as well.

"Dusk, Lavean!" Luna addressed them. "Everything go alright with your task?"

Her twin guards bowed before her, with Dusk speaking on their behalf. "We did as you instructed Princess. Your sister is on her way as we speak. She should be arriving momentarily at the rendezvous point."

Luna nodded her approval. "Excellent work, you two. Given the recent events I think it best if we retreat for now. I need to discuss any further action with Cele before we continue. Come, there is no time to waste.''

Luna takes flight with her guards, all the while eyeing Discord until she believes herself to be a safe enough distance away.

Remarkably he took no action. He merely watched as his new friends flew away.

"Sooo, Celestia's coming too is she?" His crooked smile widens. "Oh, now the fun has been doubled indeed!"

~ End ~