//------------------------------// // S2, Ch.20.5 // Story: 2 Bits Short of a Full House // by Chaotic Ink //------------------------------// "I think we can all agree that Cheerilee was on top of things," Midnight said with a grunt as she examined her cards. "Exchange three." "But the fact that she let Diamond Tiara be in charge of the school news paper at all..." Berry said, "exchange one." "Well at least she caught her before she could publish those pictures that colt took," Vinyl said, shivering. "The one day Octy convinces me to try one of her fancy strings... exchange two." "Letting everypony see my theory map!" Lyra cried. "He could have blown everything! One!" “The big mess I made in Axe’s store front,” Derpy added. "Making me and Spine look like we eat ponies," Midnight huffed in annoyance. If that colt had actually gotten into her shed... well, maybe the shock would have made him break the camera. "Well, you were supposed to clean it out last week," Sapphire chided. "Two." "I just got back, then had to go with the others on that dessert competition!" Midnight said. Sapphire nuzzled her. "I know, and I'm glad." Next to them, Long Spine and Forest shared a happy glance. "Uh, two, I think," Spine said, putting two cards in the discard pile. His face furrowed as he examined his two new cards. "Is any of this good?" he asked Midnight, leaning over. She took a quick look. "Fold," she told him. "A pair of twos isn't going to do squat. Save your bits for a better hoof, er, claw." "Hey, no helping!" Lyra said, pointing a hoof at the two of them. "He's never played before," Midnight reminded her calmly. "If anything, you should be thanking me; for all you know he had a royal flush and I just told him to give up." "Uh," Spine said, looking back at his cards. "You don't," Midnight said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not a teenager, nor am I a dragon; I wouldn't screw you over like that." "I think that's both ageist and speciesist," Vinyl said with a smirk. Midnight grunted. "Just fold already." "I'm not Lyra." "Hey!" "So, how's our newest resident?" Berry asked. "Must be a lot to take in, living with ponies and with a daughter to boot." "It's a lot," Spine agreed, "but it's a lot better here than it ever was with the dragons and Ember is the sweetest thing in the world; I'm glad I'm here." “We all are,” Forest said, exchanging three cards. “I’m so happy we can finally be a family; I haven’t seen Ember this happy since she first met Midnight.” “I should have gotten a fried dog for the two of them to share,” Midnight said absently. “What?” Forest asked. “Three of a kind,” Midnight said quickly, laying her cards on the table. “Speaking of food,” Vinyl asked, not even phased by the mention of meat, “how was that baking competition? I heard it got really crazy on the ride there.” Midnight let out a long-suffering sigh. Her excuse was that the cake was so big that they’d need muscle to move it to the contest area when they arrived and she had “volunteered” to help. Her argument held a good bit of weight since they needed Big Mac to get the cake onto the train in the first place. The others made various excuses to go when all of the bearers went along with Pinkie. All of the guard stayed out of the “Who took the cake?” mystery except Scarlet, who got into the spirit of Pinkie’s little clue game. It really wasn’t much of a secret, since Night and Cleaver had seen the whole thing (thestrals could see really well at night. Who knew?) but they’d let Pinkie run her game to the end. Otherwise it was an uneventful ride, which Midnight was grateful for. “Pinkie got up to her usual antics but otherwise it was a relaxing ride. I’m more eager to get back to normal life right now.” “What about that letter you said you sent to Princess Celestia about requesting Cadance to ask the foreign leaders about Storm Clan?” Spine asked. Midnight snorted as she shuffled and hoofed out new cards. “Cadance and Captain Shining are already on their way back. Everything went fine, at least, but Celestia says it’s a good idea and is going to put another diplomatic mission together. Apparently there are a few other places she wants to contact next that she couldn’t put on Cadance’s list for one reason or another. Like I said, I’m more glad to be home and can wait.” Vinyl got an evil glint in her eye as she looked at the kirin over her cards. “I don’t know about you, but I know Sapphire is sure glad you’re back,” she said with a suggestive air. Said pegasus’ face bloomed in a deep blush at how Vinyl said that. “Vinyl!” she snapped at the DJ. “That’s not all our relationship is!” Midnight growled. "None of your business anyway," she said, squirming awkwardly. “Really Vinyl,” Berry said, “is the first impression you want to give Spine is that you’re some wild, lecherous, party animal?” Vinyl chugged her soda and belched. “Hey just being myself, and fine, I’ll lay off ‘em; Midnight was only been gone a week.” The evil eye turned on Spine and Forest. “Spine, however, has been gone for years! How long until Ember has a baby brother or sister?” Midnight and Berry threw snacks and admonishments at the white unicorn as both Forest and Spine blushed deeply and refused to meet each other’s eyes. Derpy just shrugged and took a bite of one of the muffins she always brought. “It feels like it’s been ages since we’ve played together!” she mused happily.