//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A new pony in town. // Story: Of Loyalty and Chaos // by PxDnNinja //------------------------------// "Come on Twi! We have gone over this before. You're into egghead things, not flight. There is nothing your books can teach to make my flying better." A familiar argument was being had between the two friends currently sitting in the library. Rainbow Dash had come by at Twilight's request because she supposedly had some news that Dash should hear. "Dash, I know you don't care for reading anything but the Do series, but you really should take a chance. This information..." Twilight started while carrying a book with her magic to her desk near where Rainbow was lounging. And lounging was the only word to describe the way Dash ever sat anywhere. "Is useless Twi." Rainbow finished Twilight's sentence before rolling her eyes. Before Twilight was able to attempt to once again show Rainbow the merits of some books, a rather loud knock came at the door. Both Twilight and Rainbow, who now sat up, looked at it confused. "Wonder who that is. No one was planning on coming by today." Twilight said as she approached the door. Dash rolled her eyes at Twilight's steadfast belief that everyone ran on a daily checklist of things like she did. Twilight opened the door to find a nurse from the local clinic standing there with a somewhat concerned look on her face. "Nurse Redheart? Is everything ok?" Twilight asked, confused by the arrival. Dash heard who it was an came to the door. Before either she or Twilight's imagination could run wild, Redheart spoke up. "Oh good, you both are here. We have a patient at the clinic whose injuries and general appearance are unusual. The doctor wanted me to get the two of you for information to help with treatment." She explained. Twilight and Dash shared a glance, both confused on how they might help but nonetheless agreeing to go. With a nod, Twilight turned to Redheart. "Sure thing, just let me lock up and we can head over right now." ---------------------------------- The trio of ponies were making their way across Ponyville while discussing the patient that brought the nurse to them. Dash was being the most vocal. "So this pegasus crashed into Sweet Apple Acres and you think it is a failed stunt?" She asked, clearly already trying to figure out who would be trying such dangerous tricks that might put you in the hospital. She would of course try them, but she was the best flyer in Equestria, so the danger was minimal. "Correct, Ms Dash. Big Macintosh brought him in, and according to his story, there was a large stretch of land damaged as the pony crashed along the ground and into a large tree. Being the resident expert on crashes...er...stunts, we figured you would be a good source on what might have happened. Or at least know who this pony is." Nurse Redheard explained, hoping Dash didn't catch the crash comment. Unfortunately Dash caught it, but decided to let it slide. Given how often she had been in the clinic due to injury, even she knew being rude to that group might not be in her best health interest. "Well, you called in the best, but without talking to him I doubt I can figure out what he was trying." She explained. Before she continued, Twilight spoke up. "Yes, if it was a failed trick, Dash will be able to find out how. I'm more interested in his lack of a cutie mark. You say he is our age?" She asked. As far as Twilight was aware, no pony had ever reached their age without a mark. "That's correct. It's part of the reason we can't identify him." Nurse Redheart explained as they approached the clinic. Once inside, Redheard lead the pair to Dr. Stable's office. "Doctor, I have Ms. Dash and Ms. Sparkle here." Redheard announced to the doctor. "Oh good good. Come on in," Dr. Stable motioned for the two to join him. Nurse Redheart nodded and moved on to help with other patients within the clinic. "So I assume Nurse Redheart brought you up to speed with the patient?" the doctor asked. Dash and Twilight both nodded as Twilight spoke. "She did. Apparently an unknown pegasus with no cutie mark crashed into Sweet Apple Acres?" Twilight recapped. Dash had moved over and was looking at the clipboard with this pegasus' information and injuries listed. She winced at the fractured wing. Mystery pegasus or not, that wasn't an injury she would wish on anyone. "Well since you are caught up, please follow me to the patients room." The doctor spoke before leading the duo out of his office. ------------------------------------- Moments later the group found themselves around a bed containing a purple pegasus covered in small bandages and a wing wrapped up against his body. Twilight stayed back a bit, partly out of respect of the patient an to speak with the doctor, but partly because Dash had moved right beside the bed checking on the injuries as best as possible. "You said his wing would be fine?" Dash asked, looking back to the doctor. A look of worry was evident on her face, which was a little odd to Twilight. 'Huh? Dash seems overly worried about this pony...though she has had similar injuries, so I bet she just sympathizes.' Twilight thought before turning to the doctor as he spoke. "Yes Ms.Dash. We see no reason he should suffer permanent damage. Our biggest concern is how it occurred and who he is. If he didn't fail some dangerous trick, all we can figure is he jumped off a cloud with no intention of landing it safely." The doctor explained. Both Elements of Harmony took a moment to realize what the doctor was suggesting. Suicide? "That can't be. The skies were cleared above Sweet Apple Acres for the day. He couldn't have cloudjumped." Dash explained. Being on the weather team for Ponyville, she was aware of exactly how the sky should look over any part at any time. Both other ponies accepted this info with a simple nod. "Fair Dash. But if he didn't jump, and it wasn't a failed stunt, then what happened?" Twilight spoke, more as a generic thought. "That's what we want to know. However I have other patients, so please excuse me. I will return as soon as I can," the good doctor explained before stepping away to help some other ponies. Twilight watched the doctor leave then turned back Dash, who was currently looking closely at the face of the colt. "Dash?! Do you need to be so close. Have some respect." Twilight chided the cyan pegasus for her behavior. Dash just glanced over and rolled her eyes. "Don't worry Twi. I'm just getting a closer look. I know just about every Pegasus in town and I have no clue who this pony is. I know for certain I have never seen him." Dash stepped back and sat down, as if such a thing provided emphasis to her statement. "Well, no matter what, I don't think we will learn much until he awakes. That could take days to happen." Twilight explained as she turned to leave. She had seen enough to start checking records for who this colt is, so there was no need to stick around unless... "Uugg...what happened...." A voice behind Twilight asked, freezing the unicorn in place. Dash was up in a second. Turning, Twilight saw the colt in the bed lift an arm up to rub his head, most likely trying to get rid of the mother of all headaches. Twilight and Dash both moved next to the bed to explain what happened, but things didn't work as they expected. The colt opened his blue eyes and locked onto the pair in a look of shock. "AHHH!"