//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Down With the Pastryarchy // by kudzuhaiku //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle dreaded the apology that she owed Seville and had not yet figured out what to say or how to say it. She thought about feminine wiles, but those were not her forte. Once, she had asked Rarity for advice about feminine wiles, but the fashionista—after much hemming and hawing—had very little to say that was helpful, other than the gentle reply, “Don’t, darling.” The bake-off didn’t have a convention hall, no. It had a convention wing with everything and anything the contestants needed. Kitchen cubicles had been constructed, with walls on three sides and just enough work space to get the job done. The Moondust even provided a dishwashing service, and dirty dishes would be carted away by a gleeful, cheerful, helpful attendant. Pinkie Pie prowled the crowd, sizing up the competition with a critical eye. For the first time, Twilight wondered what Pinkie planned to fix as her signature dish. What would she compete with? Probably something spectacular. Pinkie Pie, an accomplished baker, was also something of a food scientist, at least in Twilight’s eyes. She understood food in much the same way that Twilight understood magic. Pinkie, an earth pony, had to use science and practical application to cook, and couldn’t just take raw ingredients and magic them into a stunning confection. It was then that Twilight had something of an epiphany: by cooking with practical methods, earth ponies advanced food science. New understandings of food were constantly being discovered by earth ponies, who studied the hows and the whys of food preparation. New advances in nutrition and food sciences came primarily from earth ponies. If this food culture ceased to be, so to would the science that accompanied it. The mere idea of a loss of science horrified Twilight and left her in an almost trembling state. Humming to herself, her mouth full of pencil, Pinkie Pie carefully scribbled down what she needed onto her requisition list. Meanwhile, Applejack was checking out the oven, an entirely new model that had a switch that made the oven rack come sliding out when you opened the door—or not, when the switch wasn’t flipped. It was just the sort of convenience an earth pony needed. The oven, manufactured by the Sparkheim Industrial Consumer Goods Consortium, was the sleekest, most modern kitchen appliance currently available—which was exactly why it was on display here at the bake-off. In fact, every product placed here was an advertisement of sorts, from the mixers, to the cookware, right down to the spatulas with chunky, grippy grips, designed for clumsy fetlocks—because earth ponies appreciated products that catered specifically to their needs. “Pinkie Pie…” Seville took a deep breath, held it for a time, and then let it out in a slow huff. Then, he took another deep breath and said, “Seein’ those lips of yours wrapped around that pencil… it makes a fella think. Mmm-hmm.” Twilight froze up in shock and that was when Applejack responded, “Seville, what’s it say about a feller when he’s all reassured that a mare’s lips will fit ‘round a pencil?” Pinkie—her sides heaving—now struggled to keep writing, and then was forced to stop when her script became an illegible scribble. Meanwhile, Applejack and Seville eyeballed one another, fencing with deft eyebrow exchanges, daring one another to be the first to cast aside their deadpan expression and laugh. Twilight felt a bloom of heat spread through her nethers and she wished that there was an air conditioning vent to stand over. Feeling a bit sweaty in her unmentionable places, Twilight fanned her face with her wing. “Princess Sparkle?” Twilight paused, mid-fan. For some reason, when Princess Sparkle was said a certain way, it sounded like Miss Sparkle—like right now. Something felt off about being addressed in this manner. Turning about, Twilight eyeballed the pony addressing her. A mare, middle-aged, earth pony, sooty grey coat, and a dull pink mane that lacked shine. Though she hated judging by appearance, Twilight knew the type and anticipating trouble, or at least some degree of annoyance, she summoned her patience. Ignoring whatever her friends were up to, Twilight focused on the earth pony mare. She was completely oblivious to the absolute transformation of her friends behind her. “My name is Bourgogne Blintz. You may call me Miss Blintz. I am the head of outreach for the Equestrian Baking League and Director in Chief of the Greater Equestrian Unity Project. Not one pony has done more for inter-tribal unity in Equestria than I have.” “Uh-huh.” Twilight’s face revealed no trace of emotion or reaction whatsoever. “Yer a cunt, is what you are.” Applejack’s drawl smashed Twilight’s ears like a sledgehammer and Twilight found that she couldn’t even respond to her friend’s insulting outburst. Miss Blintz seemed utterly unphased, her prim smile never once wavered, and the mare turned a leaden, saccharine stare upon Applejack that left Twilight feeling immensely uncomfortable, as if she wanted to take off her skin so it could crawl away. “You… this is all yer doing.” Applejack now stood stiff-legged, a sure sign that she was ready to throw down and go rodeo on a pony. “All of this is coming to an end ‘cause of you.” “I am correcting the tribalism that earth ponies cling to and I am dragging us into the future.” Miss Blintz had an eerie calm about her and she was utterly unruffled, unbothered by Applejack. “Some of us resist change for a variety of reasons, such as being small minded backwater hicks that are utterly unable to speak proper Equestrian. I do this for them as much as I do for myself.” “I don’t cling to tribalism,” said Pinkie Pie while several curls deflated and went limp. “Then you should have no problem with the transition to include others,” Bourgogne Blintz replied, turning her cool, calm stare upon Pinkie Pie. “Is there a problem with allowing others to compete in our traditions?” Turning about, Twilight saw Applejack chewing her lip, Pinkie Pie’s mane was in danger of collapsing, and Seville had his teeth bared. Much to her dismay, Twilight realised that she was oblivious to what was going on, and had no idea why her friends were reacting the way they were to Bourgogne Blintz. She didn’t even know who Bourgogne Blintz was, but apparently her friends did. A crowd was gathering—a pretty big crowd indeed—and most of them did not possess smiling, happy faces. Twilight, as it turned out, was oblivious to the happenings of earth pony culture. Undaunted, unconcerned by the angry mob around her, Bourgogne Blintz turned to Twilight Sparkle, took several steps into Twilight’s equinal space, and said, “Princess Celestia told me that you would be here, Princess Sparkle. It is my sincere hope that you and I can work together to give this shameful practice a proper end so we can put it behind us. We must embrace the future… an inclusive future where we all stand wither-to-wither as equals and nopony is turned away due to tribe.” “I’m not sure I see the problem with earth ponies keeping a cultural tradition for themselves.” Fully aware that she was treading upon dangerous, unknown ground, Twilight threw caution to the wind and advanced her position. “Tsk-tsk.” Miss Blintz shook her head. “I would have thought the so-called Princess of Friendship would be more enlightened.” Eyes darting in the direction of the three earth ponies beyond Twilight, she added, “Perhaps you would be if you kept better friends—” “Hey, you don’t get to cast judgment on my friends!” Twilight felt the muscles in her legs go stiff and without realising it, she brought herself up to her full height so that she could look down upon the haughty mare. “Princess Celestia spoke so highly of you, but now that I’ve met you, I can’t imagine why.” Miss Blintz, now rigid, didn’t bother looking Twilight in the eye, but stared straight ahead, ignoring the difference in height. “Baking is a cornerstone of Equestrian culture. It symbolises many things, but first and foremost, our unity and our family values. This contest”—for a second, her face crinkled with disgust— “is the last holdout of a tribalist past. It goes against everything we believe as Equestrians. This is a celebration of the earth pony way, a practice that shuts out and excludes other tribes and reinforces a negative, tribalist point of view that persists in spite of the efforts of many to stamp it out.” Twilight reeled. The earth pony way was bigotry? Ears pricking, Twilight heard something, but couldn’t figure out what it was. It was a dreadful, terrifying sound, a predatory sound, and the last time she had heard similar was in the midst of brutal, bloody combat. Two conclusions were reached at once, and both of them were disturbing; she heard growling and the growling came from Applejack. When she turned her head, she could see her friend out of the corner of her eye, and what she saw chilled her blood. Applejack’s hackles were up and she growled; a deep, throaty growl that one would not expect to come from a small hoofed quadruped of the equine species. It was the sort of growl that would send diamond dogs scurrying away with their tails between their legs. Much to her own shame and dismay, Twilight found that she wanted to see Applejack throw down. “Is it possible that you and I could meet in private later?” Twilight asked while the gathering crowd intensified. “I can’t help but notice that just about every pony present seems to have a strong dislike for you and I am concerned for your safety.” The greatest danger, of course, was Applejack. “Sure.” Miss Blintz’s response was cool to the point of being icy. “Three, this afternoon. Where can we meet?” “The executive offices for this event. Search out the command center and ask for me.” “I’ll do that.” Twilight’s jaw firmed and she felt a chilly prickle of fear when Applejack’s growling dropped into an even more menacing rumble. “I shall see you at three. Hopefully, our next meeting will be more cordial.” “It will if you bring better manners,” Bourgogne Blintz replied, and then, before Twilight could respond, she turned and strode away, departing with a haughty, dismissive tail-flick. Grinding her teeth, Twilight watched her go. The fierce growling did not subside, and it wasn’t until Bourgogne Blintz was completely gone from view that Applejack began to resemble something remotely equine again, with a very broad definition of ‘equine.’ Thoroughly irked, Twilight knew that she couldn’t just dismiss this; as a princess, she represented all of Equestria and she was obligated to face this issue head on. “So, uh, Applejack… anything I can do to help you calm down?” Seville asked the mare beside him. “Maybe take you for a walk or get you a dog biscuit?” “Har har...” Though no doubt annoyed by Seville’s sarcasm, Applejack did not push him away when he began to smooth out the ridge of stiff hairs along her spine. She even leaned into it and even wiggled beneath his hoof in an effort to get him to scratch her back. “I hate that mare. I’ve hated her since the day we met.” “Applejack—” “Eenope, I don’t wanna talk about it, Twi.” Applejack—her lower lip protruding—swung her head from side to side. “That’s not helpful, Applejack.” Realising that now was not the time, Twilight did not press the issue. She turned to say something to Pinkie Pie, but the words caught in her throat. Pinkie looked miserable; many curls had deflated, gone limp, and poor Pinkie appeared as though she would either explode with temper or start bawling—or both. “Pinkie…” Not caring who might be watching, or what they might be thinking, Twilight rushed to embrace her friend. She wrapped her wings around her, pulled her close, and even planted a firm kiss upon her friend’s cheek. One limp strand of mane responded and made a halfhearted effort to curl, but it ultimately failed to revive. “That mare is horrible,” Applejack muttered while Twilight tried to reassure poor Pinkie. “She gives Celestia fits.” Seville’s eyes shifted left, then right, then left, and came to rest upon Twilight and Pinkie. In a very low whisper, he added, “She once called Celestia an alicorn supremacist and accused her of only being concerned with alicorn issues. She said it when she couldn’t get her way about something. Not sure what.” “She what?” Twilight squeezed a little tighter when she heard Pinkie whimper. “Goose had to be restrained… he was going to throw her down the stairs.” Shaking his head, Seville clucked his tongue, then went on to say, “I wasn’t there, but Goose told me that Celestia had to paralyse him for his own good.” “She makes the laughter go away.” Pinkie, sniffling, braced herself against Twilight. “But who is she?” Twilight asked, baffled by all this hate. “She’s a celebrity activist,” Seville replied, his ears pinning back while his expression soured. “She became a celebrity because she’s an activist. She goes around helping widows and orphans. She houses the poor. So that the world knows exactly who she is and what she does, she has a whole publicity agency working for her and she is their sole focus.” Still holding Pinkie, Twilight somehow managed to shrug. “Never heard of her.” “Pretty much all of her marketing and publicity is targeted specifically at earth ponies.” Seville and Applejack exchanged a glance with one another, and Seville continued to smooth out the stiff hairs standing at attention all along Applejack’s spine. Having heard enough, Twilight made a decision. “Pinkie Pie, I’m taking you someplace quiet so I can sort you out. Now, if only we can find someplace quiet.” “Will there be kisses?” The distressed pink mare now had a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Yes, there will be kisses.” Twilight’s eyes darted around, plotting escape. “Then I offer no resistance.” After a moment she added, “I want snuggle-humps.” Seeing no other good option for escape, Twilight thought of their room and teleported.