Foal Kingdom

by BubblePuff

Part 1

It was a beautiful, sunny day in the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor and Cadance were taking their foal daughter Flurry Heart out for a morning stroll. All of the Crystal Empire’s citizens loved Flurry Heart. They would stop and coo at the little princess. Flurry paid them no attention however, as she was too busy playing with her stuffed snail whammy.

That changed however, when the royal family passed by a candy shop. Flurry looked up and saw a giant lollipop in the shops window. She put down whammy and reached for it. “Iawanee!” She said.

Both Shining and Cadance both stopped and giggled. “Now now Flurry.” Cadance said. “We don’t have time for sweets.”

Flurry Heart did not like what she had just been told. “Iawanee! Iawanee!” She said louder and with a more angry tone.

“Flurry, our answer is no.” Said Shining.

Flurry Heart’s face turned bright red. She then let out a scream so loud that every pony within the area had to cover their ears.

Shining leaned down towards Flurry Heart. “Flurry, stop. You’re making a scene.” Flurry Heart threw whammy at Shining and hit him in the face.

Cadance let out a defeated sigh. “Lets just go home.” Flurry Heart continued her temper tantrum all the way back to the crystal castle. Sunburst was waiting for them by the entrance next to the crystal heart.

“I take it your family stroll didn’t go so well!” Sunburst shouted over Flurry Hearts waling. Fortunately, he had Flurrys pacifier with him for this very situation. As soon as he placed it in Flurrys mouth, she quieted down. For the time being.

“Everything was going so well until we passed by the candy shop.” Cadance said. “Flurry wanted a lollipop, we told her no, and then she threw a huge temper tantrum. I feel so embarrassed.”

Shining Armor stood by his wife. “Don’t get us wrong, we love Flurry but sometimes she can be too much. From always throwing her food to using other foals as toys, She can really wear us out.”

Don’t forget shattering the crystal heart.” Sunburst added.

“Don’t remind us.” Cadance said as she rubbed her temples. “Our little bundle of joy was only a couple of weeks old, and she almost plunged the Crystal Empire into another thousand years of snow and darkness. It’s a good thing that Twilight, her friends, and Celestia and Luna were here otherwise...I don’t even want to think about it.”

“What have you’ve done in regards to discipline?” Asked Sunburst.

“We’ve tried everything.” Shining said. “We’ve put Flurry in time out, taken away her toys, told her no, and withheld sweets. She just keeps acting up.”

As the adults talked amongst themselves, Flurry Heart looked up at them with discontent. “Mommy and Daddy awe dum dums.” Flurry thought to herself. “ I’m pwincess, but tay don’t wet me anyting. If I was in chawge, I would do whateva I wanted.” Flurry then looked at the crystal heart, and a grand idea popped into her head. A devious smile spread across her face.  

Concentrating, Flurry Heart focused all of her magic into her horn. She then shot a magical beam at the crystal heart. Shining Armor looked down to see what his daughter was up too. “Flurry, what are you…” Shining was cut off as the magical beam struck the crystal heart, causing a bright wave of magic to spread out and engulf the entire Crystal Empire.

A short time later, Twilight was in her castle seated at the cutie map. She was reading one of her thousands of books when she noticed that the Crystal Empire had disappeared from the map. “That’s odd.” Twilight up for a closer look, but all she could see was a bright light.

Spike then came running into the room. “Twilight! Celestia and Luna are here to see you! They say that it’s urgent!”

“Send them in.” Twilight looked back towards the cutie map. “This must be about the Crystal Empire.” She thought to herself.

Spike came back, escorthing Celestia and Luna. Upon seeing Twilight studying the cutie map, the two royal sisters figured out that Twilight knew why they were there. “I see that the cutie map has already alerted you.” Celestia said.

“Yes. What is going on with the Crystal Empire?” Twilight asked.

Luna stepped forward. “Several hours ago, we lost all communication with the Crystal Empire. Letters cannot be sent in with magic, even train service has stopped.”

“Could this be the work of King Sombra?” Asked Twilight.

“We do not know.” Celestia replied. “That is why we need you and your friends to travel to the Crystal Empire to find out what has happened.”  

Spike stood at attention and saluted the princesses. “You have nothing to worry about! The hero of the Crystal Empire is on the case!”

Both Celestia and Luna could not help but giggle a little. “We trust that this mission is in good claws and hooves.” Luna said.

Twilight and Spike soon gathered all of their friends. After explaining the situation, they all boarded a hot air balloon and set out for the Crystal Empire. Applejack turned to face Twilight. “What do suppose happened to the Crystal Empire? Could King Sombra really be back?”

“It’s possible.” Twilight replied. “But we won’t know for sure until we get there. I just hope that Shining and Cadance are alright. And poor little Flurry Heart..”

Fluttershy wrapped Twilight in a gentle hug. “I’m sure that your family is fine Twilight. Shining and Cadance have survived tough odds before, like the Changelings, King Sombra, and Tirek.”

“Yeah! And whatever is threatening the Crystal Empire this time, we’ll be sure to woop its butt!” Rainbow Dash added.

As the hot air balloon got closer to the Crystal Empire, the group could see that it was surrounded by a pink force field. After touching down in the snow, Twilight and her friends walked to the gates, only to find that they had been replaced by what looked like a giant gate for a playpen. Above the gate, spelled out with giant wooden blocks, were the words FOAL KINGDOM.

“Okay, this is getting really weird.” Spike said.

Twilight knocked on the gate. It opened, and out crawled two newborn foals dressed as guards. Their armor and helmets were made of plastic, and their swords and spears were made of foam. “Bahaa!” The first one guard ordered, thrusting his sword at the group.

“Oh my goodness, they are so adorable!” Rarity gushed. “Pretending that they’re guards while wearing poofy diapers. This is just too cute!”

The guard grew irritated and poked Rarity with his sword, which had no effect. The other guard just sat and sucked on his hoof.

“Who goes thewe?” A third guard approached Twilight. He was a colt, no more than three years old but wearing pull ups. “State youw business!”

Twilight had no idea what was going on. “I am princess Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends. We are here to…”

Upon hearing her name, the third guard lit up with joy. “You must da BAE! We heaw about you all da time from da gweat wuler!. Come, I take you too hew!” The third guard then turned around and led everypony inside. Twilight was shocked at what had been done to the Crystal Empire.

The entire city looked liked one gigantic pre-school. The streets were made of a soft, foam padding. The buildings were made out of toy blocks, and sold nothing but foal supplies, toys, and candy. Various jungle gyms, slides, sand boxes, and other playground equipment were scattered everywhere.

Spike’s crystal statue had even been replaced by a gigantic teddy bear. This made Spike fall to his knees and shout. “NOOO!!!!!!!!”  

What Twilight and the others were more concerned about was the ponies of the Crystal Empire. They were all foals! They ranged in age from day old newborns to three year olds.

When the group arrived at the crystal castle, it looked basically the same. The crystal heart however was now pink, and appeared to be the source of the force field surrounding the Crystal Empire. The guard led them all through the front gate and into the throne room. The throne room was filled with toys, splatters of foal food on the walls, and a large pile of candy. “Pwesenting hew woyale highness, pwincess Fluwwy Heawt!” The guard announced. To the shock of everyone, Flurry Heart sat on the throne, her whammy by her side.

Twilight’s jaw practically fell to the floor. “Flurry heart? What in the hay is going on here?!”

“Hi auntie Twilight!.” Flurry heart said cheerfully. “Welcome to the Foal Kingdom!”

“Flurry Heart, what have you done?” Twilight demanded.

“Mommy and Daddy wewe being meanies, so I used da cwystal heawt to incwease my power and take over! Now evewypony is happy and I can do whatevew I want!”

Twilight could not believe that her own niece was responsible for all of this. “Where are your parents now?”

Flurry Heart clapped her hooves. Shining Armor and Cadance both came crawling out from behind the throne. They both had been turned into newborn foals, complete with pacifiers and diapers.

“They are so cute!” Pinkie shouted.

Cadance removed her pacifier. “I’m Cadance! Look at what I can do!” Cadance then started smacking her cheeks, making a loud, hollow clapping noise.

Shining just sat on his rump. There was a hissing sound, and the front of his diaper turned yellow. Shining broke out crying. Flurry Heart clapped her hooves and Sunburst came into the throne room, a swirling motion in his eyes.

“What have you’ve done to Sunburst?!” Twilight yelled.

“He hypnotized! I still need an adult to change diapees and bath me and the other foals.” Sunburst proceeded to change Shining’s diaper.

Twilight had seen enough. “Flurry Heart, you have been a very bad foal! What you have done is the worst thing yet! You leave me no choice but to report you to Celestia and Luna. Hopefully they can fix this mess.”

Flurry Heart began to panic.  “No! I don’t wanna get into twouble!” The next thing Twilight and the others knew, Flurry Heart had shot a beam of magic at them. There was a bright flash of light, then everything went dark.