//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Welcome to Ponyville // Story: Nighty Night Scootaloo // by Lord King Cocoon //------------------------------// Rarity was sitting in the foyer with Sweetie Belle after just finishing reading a letter. Sweetie’s eyes went wide with excitement, “Cousin Nighty Night is moving to Ponyville?!” Sweetie squealed with joy, “It’s been like… forever since we’ve seen him!” Rarity watched with delight seeing Sweetie Belle as excited as she was. Though Rarity was also pleased at the news, “I know, Sweetie. It has been a long time. You haven’t even met Apple Bloom yet last time we saw cousin Nighty Night,” Rarity thought back on how long it has been, “I believe he’ll be quite pleased to see that you have earned your cutie mark as well.” “Oh yeah! I’ve got to introduce him to the others to show that we got the same cutie mark!” Sweetie continued in a hyperactive state that could give a certain pink part pony a run for her money, “You think he’ll be proud of my special talent?! Oh oh oh! Where is he gonna live?! Do you think he’ll li-mf mff mffmffmfm mfmfm-” A blue aura covered Sweetie Belle’s muzzle, muffling her round of random rambling, “Calm down, Sweetie! I know you’re excited. I am as well. But let him tell us in person rather than make assumptions,” Rarity said in a calm tone. Sweetie Belle calmed down… or at least she tried. But Rarity could see Sweeties muscles quivering under her fur. If she were to attempt to move, she’d probably launch herself so fast that she’d create her own sonic rainboom (or would that be a sonic sweetieboom?). Taking initiative, Rarity levitated Sweetie Belle and took her outside before setting her down. “Okay, you can release you excitement,” Rarity said with a grin. Sweetie took the opportunity, cheering, bouncing, running around Rarity and simply taking the opportunity to expend her excited energy, “If only there was a way to harness a filly’s energy into a power source. Imagine the energy that would generate.” Though Rarity’s thoughts weren’t to be taken seriously, she did wonder what a power plant powered by colts and fillies would look like: All around, there were machines drawing power from fillies and colts. There were giant hamster wheels spinning with fillies inside, pistons being pumped with the power of colts jumping up and down, and electrodes being attached to Sweetie Belle to directly extract the energy from her. Sweetie’s energy was charging the power cells quickly. But the energy flow wouldn’t stop and suddenly the power cells exploded, rainbow battery acid leaking out… Wait, what?! Rarity shook her head to get the relatively disturbing images out of her head, wondering why the image of liquid rainbows disturbed her. “Four hundred bits a month? Isn’t that a bit cheap?” a black thestral asked as he was looking at a house to rent, “I mean, this is a beautiful location. And even though I expected cheaper rents in Ponyville, I didn’t expect this cheap.” “Location matters,” his agent said, “The location is beautiful. But ponies tend to avoid the Everfree Forest. So places near the forest tend to be low.” “It’s just that I don’t feel comfortable buying a home for anything less than one thousand bits a month.” “Well, you’re renting to buy, right? If you were to buy it straightforward, including the downpayment, it would still take you two years to pay it off so that you officially own it. If you’d like to buy it now, it’d be ten thousand bits. Besides, because of the lack of retail this close to the Everfree, if you don’t buy this house, it will most likely have to be torn down.” “Ten thousand is more reasonable to buy I suppose. But I still insist on paying at least eight hundred bits per month so that I can pay it off in half the time.” “I’m sure the retailer is willing to negotiate that price. So I suppose other than signing the papers to make it official, all that’s left to say is, welcome to Ponyville, Sir Nightshade,” the agent said. He then turned around to say one more thing, “Just one more thing,” I just said that, “I feel like I should warn you that there is a pink party pony who lives here who will throw you a welcome party.” The thestral was confused about this statement, “Wait, why is that a warning?” Nightshade questioned. “You’ll see.” After his agent left, Nightshade began to wonder if he had somehow walked into a horror movie. But he chose to push that to the back of his mind and headed off to see Princess Sparkle to finalize the transfer to be her new royal guard. He had a week to spend to avoid his cousins so that he could turn his new house into a home. Twilight was in her castle arranging the books in the library when she heard a pony enter. Twilight looked to see a thestral, who was to be her new royal guard, “Hello. Can I assume you are Sir Nightshade of the Lunar Guard?” Twilight asked the thestral in a formal manner. “That is I,” Nightshade responded in an equally formal manner, “And though you honor me by addressing me by my knighted title, Princess Sparkle, I’d request that you refer to be simply as Nightshade. I am just a pony after all, and would prefer to only use my knighted title during royal events.” “Well, if titles are only to be used formally, then I’d like to request the same,” Twilight replied, “Though I am a princess, I am also just a pony, and would only prefer to use my title during formal occasions. Casually, I’d like for you to simply refer to me as Twilight, since that is what my friends call me.” “As you wish, Princess Sparkle,” Nightshade said, slipping up, “I- uh- I mean-” Twilight just giggled at Nightshade’s response, “Don’t worry about it. As I said, the request is as a friend, not as a royal decree. So don’t be ashamed of slipping up.” “Thanks. I’m just not accustomed to thinking of a princess as a friend,” Nightshade said, “And I’m looking forward to living here in Ponyville. And not being afraid of the Everfree got me a good deal on a house.” “I suppose what we do now is to sign the papers and make it official that you are now my guard,” Twilight said, taking out the papers and signing them. “I’m also looking forward to surprising my cousins,” Nightshade said, “I mean, I’ve already sent them a letter. But they don’t know that I’m a week early. In fact, one of my cousins is one of the element bearers.” “Oh?” Twilight asked quizzically. “Well, our relationship is complicated. But that’s not important. The point is that I want my new home to feel welcoming before I see them.” “So, who are your cousins?” “Oh, right!” Nightshade replied, forgetting to mentions their names, “Rarity and Sweetie Belle”. Tick, tick, tick, tick Tick, tick, tick, tick Tick, tick, tick, tick DING Pinkie Pie’s cake was done. As Pinkie took the cake out of the oven, she was trying to figure out why she made the cake in the first place. She was just tempted to throw a party for somepony. Suddenly, she heard the bell to the door of Sugarcube Corner ring, indicating a customer. She left the cake to set and saw who it was, “Welcome to Sugarcu- Oh! Hey there, Sweetie Belle!” Pinkie Pie said, seeing who it was, “Are you here for some Sweetie’s Sweets?” “No thanks. I’m here becau-” Before Sweetie could finish her statement, her stomach then took over for her brain as her mouth started to water, “Ooo, some Sweetie’s Sweets sounds good right now. Can you make them this time with Choco-” Sweetie’s brain, with effort, reestablished it’s control as she tried to hide her blush, “I mean, can you make something special for my cousin? He’s moving here to Ponyville next week and I want his experience here to be extra special.” ‘That explains why I want to throw a party.’ Pinkie thought to herself. ‘But why do I have the desire a week early?’ “I already have something in mind.” “Thanks, Pinkie! Oh, I’m so excited!” Sweetie exclaimed, bouncing around like a miniature Pinkie, “So about those Sweetie’s Sweets…” After getting Sweetie Belle’s order ready (and wiping the counter dry), Pinkie went back into the back to get planning.