//------------------------------// // Danger Looming // Story: Spiders and Magic: Avengers Assemble // by Masterob //------------------------------// Back at the Castle, Twilight is seen waiting and worried for her husband. She knows that there's trouble, she just wants to know that Peter is just fine. "I can't believe this happened. I know it was something Peter and I discussed, something we were all worried about, but to think this still actually happened," Twilight said. "I guess part of me hoped that our worrying was for nothing." Sunset went to calm her down, "Easy Twilight, I know this looks bad, but we need to trust that Peter can get it under control. Besides sometimes things like this can't be helped, that's why we have access to a lot of Superheroes, they can handle this." "Yeah, I should, he's even got help, I'm sure they have this," Twilight said. "I hope they do." Sunset also looked concerned, but she had to believe they could do this. Peter has handled worse and she knows how tough Tony Stark is. Plus the rest of The Avengers plus some Wonderbolts are on their way to help, she needs to believe in their abilities. With Peter and the rest of The Avengers, they were still on their way to the Castle, moving as quickly as they could. "What do we tell the Princesses?" Peter asked. "Um, tell them what happened," Stark said rather bluntly. "I mean what else do we tell them?" "Come on Tony, you know that sounds more difficult than it does, I mean Celestia was already unsure about the portals being accessed, now with something like this happening, she's gonna be pretty unhappy," Peter said. "She likely already knows, but once we understand the problem, she'll be a little more understanding," Stark said. "Besides it was handled very quickly, with minimal damage, everypony's alright and whatever's broken can be fixed, easy." "I hope you're right about that," Peter said. Cap looked a little worried himself, he knows how Celestia really feels about all of this, but he had to hope that the quick victory meant a more understanding Celestia. The heroes had arrived at the castle, where Twilight was the first to greet Peter, with a big hug and an even bigger kiss, getting a goofy smile from her husband. Stark chuckled at that until nudged by Cap. "Stop laughing," Cap scolded. "Sorry, but his face looked funny," Stark said, stifling his laughter. Cap rolled his eyes as Twilight continued to affectionately nuzzle Peter. "Thank the stars you're alright," Twilight said. "Of course I'm alright, it wasn't anything too tough," Peter insisted. "What about the other ponies?" Twilight asked. "They're fine too, me and Tony saved them," Peter said. "Still, do you know how this even happened?" Stark asked. "Who was guarding the portal? I'll fire them myself if I have to!" "I'm not sure Tony, but Sunset's still figuring it out, she knows this stuff a little better than I do," Twilight said. "At least we defeated the enemy, I hope there aren't more though," Carol said. "Who was it anyway?" Twilight asked. "Some guy I knew, Obadiah Staine, better known in my world as The Iron Monger. The Wonderbolts are handling the rest at least," Stark said. "So it was one of your old enemies Tony?" Twilight asked. "I've seen some of Peter's enemies but come to think of it, I don't know that many enemies the rest of you fight." "It's nothing we can't handle," Stark reassured. "Still, the less enemies the better. I am worried since I lost contact with my friends back at my other building." "We can check on them in a moment, let's just hope that the one who did this didn't cause any more damage," Twilight said. "If anything they have their own ways of defending themselves, I am a bit worried but I'm sure they'll be fine," Stark insisted. "They are," Luna said, arriving in the area. "When all this happened I immediately went to your world to check on your friends. There is some damage to your building but nothing too bad, at least according to your assistant Pepper Potts. The ones who caused the damage left." "Good, that's a relief," Stark said. "So, these extra guys, Staine mentioned them, but did Rhodey tell you anything else?" "He mentioned four names, Rhino, Sandman, Mysterio and Scorpion," Luna said. Peter groaned a bit, "Didn't think I'd hear from them again, I hope they don't find their way over, that's gonna be a pain in the butt." "Hopefully they will stay, sounds like they got away from Rhodey but hopefully he or someone else can catch up to them, we don't want them attacking this world. I'll let the heroes that are still over there know about them," Stark said. "Still, what could they have wanted from this world?" Twilight asked. "Also how did they know about the portal?" Peter asked. "What if they didn't even use this portal, suppose they have their own?" "That could happen, don't some of your enemies have Portals of their own? I'm sure Equestria is a known thing in your world, what's to stop them from coming over?" Sunset asked. "I think Dr. Doom did, but I don't know if anyone else has a portal," Cap said. "Portals aren't hard to make if you know the proper magic," Thor said. "Then again aside from Doom it would technically be hard to reach this world. It was a miracle of it's own that Doom found his way over, and that was because of assistance from Capcom." "I just hope Wesker didn't have any other friends," Peter said. "I just hope he didn't escape from Chun Li with his group," Sunset said. Twilight groaned, "I'm really worried now, Celestia won't be happy when she hears about this." "She already knows Twilight," Luna said. "She also expects all the heroes to keep this world safe." "We're doing good so far at least," Stark reassured. "Is this happens again, we'll be ready, and we'll stop them just as quickly," Peter assured. Luna nodded, "I know you will." "Though the question is who else could use a portal like that?" Carol asked. "I mean Doom wouldn't be the only one who can figure it out." Twilight wondered, "Any other enemies we should know about? Peter, do you still have any strong enemies in your world?" "Not really, I mean Goblin, Venom and Doc Ock seem to be done for good," Peter said. "All my other enemies are pretty minor in comparison." "I think we have to worry more about any enemies The Avengers have, or any of the other heroes in this world," Sunset said. "I have some tough enemies but nothing me and my team can't handle," Stark said. "What about Logan? And Johnny Storm?" Sunset asked. "Aside from Doom, The Fantastic Four don't really have that many threatening enemies," Carol said. "Are you sure about that? What about The Skrulls? Suppose we have to deal with Super Skrull again?" Stark said. "The Skrulls haven't been seen in a long while I don't believe, I don't think they have any type of access at the moment," Thor said. "Unless it's from Space," Carol pointed out. "I can contact the Guardians of The Galaxy, maybe they can keep an eye out," Cap said. "As for Logan, the X-Men do have enemies, not sure how many are portal savvy though," Stark said. "What about Thor's brother Loki?" Peter asked. "Is he still a problem?" "Loki hasn't caused that much trouble lately," Thor said. "Though that also worries me, chances are he may know of this world as well, he may be waiting." "I can understand that worry," Peter admitted. "But beyond that, I don't think there's that much else for this world to worry about." "Wait, what about Doctor Strange?" Sunset asked. "Does he have any enemies we should be worried about?" "Yeah, they might be interested in our magic," Sunset said. "I'm sure Stephen is aware of that possibility, I'm sure he's keeping a close eye out to make sure there aren't any unwanted guests," Twilight said. Sunset turned to Cap, "Um, do you have any enemies we should know about?" "I am worried about Hydra, but the odds of them coming are really slim," Cap said. "Wait, what about Ultron?" Stark said, causing some worry among The Avengers. "Ultron can't find this world," Cap said with intense determination. "We will not allow that." "Yeah, if he finds his way over here, that's gonna cause trouble," Carol said. This raised Twilight's curiosity. "Um, who's Ultron if I may ask? I've heard of him briefly from Janet, but she didn't seem to wanna talk more about it." "Makes sense, Ultron partially ruined her life," Stark said. "He's an android, he was designed to help humanity, but he became too intelligent and decided that humans aren't worth saving," Carol said. "The original Ant Man created him, he wasn't the same when the experiment turned out to be a failure," Cap said. Peter nodded, "He's a tough one for sure, we have to be careful, let the heroes in our world know that this is happening, and we need to make sure all the guards here know too." "Right, once The Wonderbolts return, I'll let Captain Spitfire know," Cap said. Twilight looked relived to know things are likely to get better, though still felt somewhat worried. "I hope this doesn't turn out too badly." As everyone started to leave, Sunset Shimmer tapped on her chin. "What if the problem is from within Equestria itself?" Back with Discord, he is seen giving orders to some on the other side of the portal. "Everything's working well, I can give you access to your own portal, use it to come to this world and have a little fun with Spider-Mane and his friends." "Sounds good, we'll bring some extra buddies," he heard. "Good, I wish you the best of luck," Discord said. As he finished, Sonata appeared next to him. "Um, what's the point of this again?" "Chaos dear, I need to spread a little chaos before the big battle in a few years. A lot of my plans had to change when Spider-Mane's friends were permanently staying in Equestria, even more when those portals to the other worlds opened," Discord said. "Seems like a lot," Shocker said, walking over. "If too many from my old world hears about this portal, they'll wanna rule it themselves, then what would your buddy Tirek say?" "Don't worry about Tirek, I have everything under control," Discord said. "Control? I thought you were chaos," Shocker said. "Even Chaos needs a little balance, though if things really do get too complicated, I'll handle it myself. The more chaos there is, the more power I have," Discord said. "Huh, sounds like you're doing this for your own benefit," Shocker said. Discord grinned slightly, "Perhaps." "This is still kinda confusing," Sonata said, scratching her head. "It's fine if you don't quite understand it yet, it's a big plan, but I'm hoping to find more to join us," Discord said. "Join us? Like those two...um what are those guys called again? The one from Dragon World?" Sonata asked. "You mean The Saiyans?" Discord asked. "I doubt they will, I just wanna see a good fight, a good way to measure Peter's power. I do need to be careful, if they find out about this plan, it can cause more trouble, unless I find someone else strong from their world or any of it's other Universes." "You really want fighters that powerful then?" Shocker asked. "The way you make it sound they could defeat us with no problem." "Of course, especially with them learning how to use God Energy," Discord said. "God Energy!?" Shocker asked. "Now there's actual Gods involved?" "There were already Gods to begin with, Thor's in this world after all, and the Princesses are Goddesses as well," Discord said. "Relax though, I'm also a God, sort of, even if those two cause trouble, I can fix it. Even their God Energy would be no match for my Chaos, I wouldn't do these things if I didn't have a good back-up plan." "So are Saiyans a type of God or something?" Sonata asked. "No dear, Goku and Vegeta merely learned to tap into God Energy, a little something they learned from the Angel of Universe 7," Discord said. "Universe 7? So there's more? That must mean a lot of strong fighters," Sonata said. "Look on the bright side, at least I'm not bringing in the Pride Troopers," Discord said with a slight chuckle. Shocker shook his head, "You're seriously out of your mind right now, but I guess that's your style." "Yes, it is. Anyway this will be fun, I promise you," Discord said, then turned to Sonata. "Soon you and your Siren friends will have all the Negative energy you desire, and your power will reach amazing heights." "Oh, sounds neat then, I like the idea of having Negative Energy" Sonata said and trotted off. "I'm going to see my friends now, good luck with your plan." Discord nodded and waved, "Thank you my dear Sonata." He turned to Shocker. "See how optimistic she is?" "You call it optimism, I call it her being a dimwit, she's not exactly the smartest girl you know," Shocker said. "Oh, and I suppose you're a genius?" Discord asked. Shocker showed off his gauntlets, "I at least know how to make and use these things. Whatever though, you do what you gotta do." "You really should join us, it'll be fun," Discord said. Shocker shrugged, "I'll think about it. No promises." Shocker himself left, leaving Discord alone. "He really needs to lighten up," Discord said, going back to his Crystal Ball. Shocker and Sonata walked back to where the other villains were, with Goblin testing out his bombs and Electro messing around with his energy. "Hey you two, back from your daily chat with Discord?" Goblin asked. "Yeah, he's fun to be around, he makes a lot of cool jokes, and he has a lot of plans!" Sonata said. "Osborn, how do you even trust that guy?" Shocker asked. "He doesn't really look like one with a plan." "Well I'm not exactly alright in the head myself, but perhaps it's what helps guys like us," Goblin said. "He thinks outside the box, plus he's got crazy strong magic, the type I wish I had, maybe I'd be ruling over this multiverse by now!" Goblin tossed a bomb away, causing an explosion nearby. "But it can't be helped I guess." "I think he wants more friends for us, in his big plan to take over all of Equestria!" Sonata said. "More huh? You know who I kinda miss? Albert, he was a fun guy to be around," Goblin said. "More like a pain," they heard. Each of them turned to see Adagio making her way over. "That guy is way to overconfident, I was so glad to hear that he lost as badly as he did." "Hey Adagio, you look refreshed," Shocker said. "You can thank Vega for that, right now he's keeping Aria company, I've never felt such disdain, it's so delicious," Adagio said. "I think he's gonna help us, don't you?" Sonata asked. "Who knows, and who cares, I just want my revenge against Celestia, I'd take it on Starswirl and his Pillars too if they were still around, but I'll settle with what I have," Adagio said. As the villains continued to talk, Tirek observed from nearby, stroking his chin. "Discord, you truly are a mystery, what could you be planning in that whacked out mind of yours?" Back with Discord, he continued to search through realms on his crystal ball, getting excited each time he goes through the multiverse. "So many possibilities await me, there are so many that I'm sure would love nothing more than to invade this world, and bring their version of chaos." Discord placed his hand over the ball, wiping it to reveal several possibilities, spanning through the Marvel world. In a Dimension of Darkness, an evil ruler sits on his throne, observing many other realms within his view. "Where should my darkness spread next? Perhaps across the Kingdom of Wakanda? The Throne of Asgard? To the distant Galaxies where my rule can increase tens of folds?" He continued to search until he saw something glowing. “What’s this?” He continued to observe, seeing all the ponies laughing and playing, looking extremely happy, bringing a sinister looking grin to his face. "This looks new...a nice and peaceful looking place, such bright colors too...hehe, perhaps I shall observe it for myself someday, I'll make sure it's a trip they can Dread." Elsewhere a man in iron and a green hood walks through his castle, passing by all his robots. Each robot bowed to him as he passed by, the man extremely determined with a powerful look in his eyes. "The time will come soon...I shall have my revenge for what those heroes have done to me, especially those in Capcom. They believe they can end me? They shall soon know a new meaning to Doom." He snapped his fingers and all the robots started to glow, each flying to a different location as he continued walking down his halls. In a small bedroom, a man is sitting on his chair as several metallic objects float beside him in circles, rotating around him as he twiddled his fingers. He rested his hand on his red helmet, going over several possibilities for his future. What he can do for himself soon, for his cause, for his children, for his entire Brotherhood. “I really should look into my possibilities, there’s only so much I can do here.” He looked outside his windows, seeing the land spread out. Despite how vast it seemed, somehow it just didn’t seem like enough. “Perhaps I need a change of view. I might know just the place too.” Another is seen walking through the walkways, twirling his staff, observing each of the Nine Realms, though this one in particular knew this wasn't the limit of exploration. "I do wonder where my dear brother had gone? Ever since those Equestrians came to Midgard, I have barely heard from him. It all started when that young hero Spider-Man had disappeared...perhaps there is a link to this?" He tapped his chin, "Oh...such possibilities, more to explore, and new mischief to unleash." The man continued to walk, laughing along the way in his joy. He has some new plans that he’s so excited to try out in the very near future. Then an Android is seen walking through his base, passing by several that resembled him greatly. "I feel a bit bored, it's been so long since I've attempted to enact my programming. It's so hard to save the world when those I wish to save resist me. It's like they can't see what I'm doing is for the best, not even The Avengers.” He walked right by his robots, keeping his hand up as he moved around, trying to make a choice. “Oh well, perhaps new allies can work out, regardless of which world they come from. Sometimes it helps to have a little assistance, not like it needs to be a permanent thing." He then used his powers to activate a nearby robot, it’s eyes glowing red as it began to move, "Wouldn't you agree my friend?" All that was heard afterwards was a sinister sounding laugh. Discord continued to wipe his ball, showing other worlds. Passing over the world of Capcom, a very familiar man in Sunglasses and a long black coat watching over a rocky land. Several companions surrounding him, including a young man in a blue trench coat, a woman with pink pants and a spider mark on her back, plus a young looking girl in a pink dress with two little robots standing in front of her. "Not much longer...our plans aren't over yet." He took off his glasses to reveal his glowing red eyes. "Soon we'll see our favorite Spider again, along with my favorite Star pupils." He looked to the skies, "Count down the days, Godhood in within our grasp..." The group began to move, ready to put their plans into motion. In Equestria, a pink Unicorn looks over a village of ponies, each of them doing their own little thing as she flashed a sinister smirk. "The perfect village, where everypony is the same, and where no Cutie Marks can ruin anything. I will perfect Friendship better than that so-called Princess from Ponyville, soon everypony will want to follow in my ideology." With a sinister chuckle, she trotted toward the village, her goals of the perfect friendship. A type of friendship she vowed to spread across this world. Off, in another realm, in it's 10th Universe, a Godly being is seen preparing some tea. It was for his master, and like a good apprentice, he would always make the best tea for his master. He would soon replace his master as that Universe's God of Creation. To be a Supreme Kai and watch over the mortals. But he does wonder if the mortals are really worth the protection, such flawed beings should not be allowed to exist in the beauty of creation. Perhaps, that's something he can change, and he will. No one will stop him from that. He finished preparing the tea and made his way to find his master, much on his mind he hoped to soon discuss. Back in Equestria, Discord noticed something in his Crystal Ball. "Oh my, what's this now?" In his crystal ball, he can see Chun Li working on her own portal with Mega Man. "Come on Rock, just a little more," Chun Li said. "What's the point of this Chun Li?" Mega Man asked. "You know we have enemies to find, I need to search every world I can," Chun Li said. "But there's so many portals, which one do we start with?" Mega Man asked. "Any of them, we need to move fast," Chun Li said. Discord tapped his chin, "Oh my, is she doing my work for me?" Discord grinned evilly. "Such a good girl she is, her and that little robot." Discord continued to observe, hoping to get notes on this.