//------------------------------// // When Worlds Collide // Story: The Chaos Authority // by CartoonNerd12 //------------------------------// Dipper Pines was looking at a computer screen that showed a digital map of the world he was currently living in. He was in a secret lab underground run by his Great Uncle Stanford Pines, along with Professor Utonium. There was quite an array of scientists in the laboratory including young geniuses that were experimenting and gaining knowledge from the more experienced adults. Dipper knew a majority of them given some were close to his age even if they got off on the wrong foot when they first met. Dexter for example was a total kid genius but he had a very big ego so Dipper doesn't socialize with him much. Same for the boy genius, Jimmy Neutron who focused more on his inventions then people but he also had his own set of friends he rather hang out with. Even Phineas had his brother, Ferb to help him with his experiments. But there was a high school age girl that Dipper enjoyed having around. She was great at inventing but more than that she listened to other people's advice including his own and she was a researcher just like him. Her name was Twilight Sparkle though some liked giving her the nickname Sci-Twi, and she was okay with that as it did suit her. Twilight was next to him working on another invention that could be used in the war. The Chaos War to be exact since the four greatest chaos beings had gotten together to make an alternate world that mashed other worlds together so they could stop any heroes that got in the way. At first when the war started, there were only four worlds that were put together. Gravity Falls, Townsville, Aku's Empire, and the last one was strange given it was just all forest but Twilight told him that was the Everfree Forest and it came from her world. It was strange to say the least that only a forest ended up in the alternate reality the four chaos gods made. But Twilight told them that Discord-the strangest of the chaotic beings- wasn't as powerful as the other three. But to Dipper that didn't make sense because he knew that Bill Cipher wouldn't associate with anyone less powerful than him especially since the Chaotics as everyone liked to call them considered each other their equal in terms of power and strategy. There was something that Twilight wasn't telling them but he decided to wait until she was ready to tell him. As such the girl and him became partners in the lab and they enjoyed working together. "Dipper, can you hand me that screwdriver?" she inquired. "Oh sure!" he reached for the toolbox next to him and grabbed what she needed. She smiled, "Thank you." and kept working on her contraption. He smiled back and went back to the computer as he typed in the latest worlds that the Chaotics over took and added them to the reality. It frustrated Dipper to no end that he couldn't stop this from happening in the first place given he and his family was able to stop Bill before but when he came back he wasn't alone and they were helpless this time to stop the beings. Bill of course told the Pines family that he would take his revenge on them soon enough but first they were going to conquer other worlds to make sure no other heroes get in their way and have be done with. That was how Dexter, Jimmy, and Phineas and Ferb came along and they were from dimensions that didn't have the magical power to combat the Chaotics. No doubt they were starting small before they reached the more powerful dimensions. At least that's what his Grunkle Ford had theorized but Dipper agreed with it and so did the others in their secret laboratory. So Ford and Utonium had found every scientist of every age and recruited them so they can use science to defeat the dark forces before they conquer more worlds. Twilight and Dipper however both thought it was a lost cause given the power that has been displayed by the chaos gods. Again Twilight seem to know something that Dipper didn't and it was odd she wouldn't share but he didn't want to press it and lose her friendship. He told himself, Just wait Dipper, she'll tell you when she's ready… Twilight meanwhile was thinking, I feel so bad for keeping him in the dark like this, he's such a smart kid and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy his company. In fact, I love how we have the same ideals and we have similar theories about things but… for his safety he can't know… plus, if he knew the truth I could end up losing his friendship. And a princess of friendship can't lose her friends… Dipper finished typing and exclaimed, "There, I put in all the new worlds in." "That's great!" "Yeah, but it won't be long until more worlds are added in and the Chaotics have control of everything and everyone." "Well we'll just have to keep trying in the meantime to stop them." "I guess." he got up and started to leave, "I need to show this to my Grunkle." Twilight nodded and got up herself, "I need to get going anyway, my friends are waiting for me." "I'll see you tomorrow then?" "But of course!" she beamed and headed for the door and waved goodbye. Dipper returned the wave as she left and then went into a different direction. He went straight to a door that was closed and knocked. A deep voice replied, "Come in." Dipper did and saw Ford working hard on his chalkboards with papers and strings on them. Professor Utonium was standing next to him as they went over what they knew about the Chaotics and tried to pinpoint a weakness of some kind. The 13-year-old boy voiced, "Grunkle Ford?" Ford looked in his direction, "Ah, Dipper, there you are my boy, have you added in the new worlds?" "I did and there are approximately ten new worlds that have been conquered by the Chaotics." Ford sucked his teeth and muttered, "I was afraid of that… We're running out of time. If they hit the more magical realms and conquer those then there would be no stopping them, they would forever be masters of the multiverse." he said that last part grimly. "What can be done?" Dipper asked. "We keep with our battle plans and then if something new comes up we take it." Dipper nodded and asked, "Will we see you tonight for dinner?" Ford slightly smiled, "We'll see, I might get busy looking at everyone's new inventions." "Grunkle Stan is starting to complain that you're never around anymore." "Well you can tell my brother that you try fixing worlds from being together." Dipper chuckled, "I'll tell him." The Professor mentioned, "I wish I can be of more help, Stanford but my degrees are only in quantum physics and micro-nuclear fusion, plus my girls will be waiting for me." "That's all right, you should be with your family especially since your daughters are very powerful superheroes that could be the key in defeating our foes once and for all." Utonium agreed, "Yes, I want to make sure their energy is conserved for when we truly need it. Buttercup has been so impatient to fight that I had to tell her sisters to keep her under control." Dipper inquired, "Has that been working?" "In a way. They're force to stay in the house in case HIM tries anything to undermine their power." Ford looked at the four columns on the blackboard containing each name of the Chaotics. Aku. Bill Cipher. HIM. and Discord. In the columns were a long list of the gods' powers and much to Ford's dismay all of them had about the same powers. There were some weaknesses listed but even then as long as the four of them were together they were unstoppable. The elder scientist sighed, "We can certainly use a miracle at this point." Dipper sadly thought, If only Bill hadn't burnt the journals then I could have found something that could help in this situation… As it was it was hopeless. Twilight walked closer to the Everfree Forest and was greeted by five other humans that been waiting for her. Applejack told her, "There you are, sugar cube, we've been wondering what took you so long." "Sorry girls, I was caught up in the work they're doing at the lab, I just couldn't leave." They rolled their eyes in amusement they know their friend loved anything science related. "Well? Shall we go in?" Rainbow exclaimed, "Heck yeah! I was getting sick of being like this for much longer!" Twilight sighed, "I know. It's such a strange feeling whenever we change." she took the lead and they followed after her. They all entered into the forest and when they were sure they were in deep enough they took off necklaces that resembled their Elements of Harmony and the next thing they knew they began to change forms, pony forms to be exact. Rainbow Dash stretched her wings, "Ugh! Finally!" and flew up. Twilight stretched her own wings and firmly told her friend, "Remember don't go so far up, you can't be seen from the air." "Yeah, yeah, I know the drill." she turned her head to the others, "Hey, Applejack wanna race back to the castle?" The cowgirl exclaimed, "You're on!" and the two of them raced off. Rarity stated, "I daresay, it is getting to be rather tedious to change back and forth every single day." Pinkie motioned, "Yeah as fun as it is to be a human, I really want to stick to being a pony again." Twilight commented, "Wow if even you is feeling that way then maybe we should just stick to one transformation, but the sad truth is we can't. Our identities must never be revealed to those around us in this world. For one the other Chaotics must never know we came from a magical world if only to stop us from helping those here. Not to mention we don't want others knowing where we come from and want to invade us to steal our secrets." Rarity sighed, "Yes, I suppose you're right darling." Pinkie smiled, "Well at least I'm having a blast with Mabel Pines, thanks by way for introducing me to her!" "No problem, I knew you two would get along when she came to visit Dipper that one day, glad to see I was right." "Yup! We've been like two peas in a pod ever since! We've been all over the cities and towns just to help people cheer up!" "That is good news." said Fluttershy before she slightly frowned in thought. Twilight inquired in concern, "Have you heard anything since his last report?" "No, and I'm getting worried. What if they had caught him and are doing horrible things to him!" she whimpered and tears welled in her eyes. Rarity tried to calm her down, "I'm sure that isn't the case. We would have received a message from those horrible beings telling us that we were fools to believe a spy in their mist would change anything." Twilight nodded, "Rarity's right, Fluttershy, all four of them have the biggest egos in the world that it would not surprise me if the other three did gloat over Discord's capture." The pegasus whispered, "You… you really think so?" The three ponies nodded. "I guess you're right, but that would mean he's awfully busy right now trying to make things good for us while avoiding suspicion." "Let us hope that's the case. For as much as I believe that Discord is good now, there are still moments where I feel uncertain in what his plans are. I still can't believe I put faith into him like this, but at the time we had no other choice…" Fluttershy looked up to the gray and overcast sky on occasion there would be pink clouds that were Discord's giving her hope that her friend was safe but it didn't lessen the pain of how much she missed him. Please come soon… She thought before she and the girls went on.