The Married Life

by Legacy55

Even More Anger

Luna’s pace quickened as she heard another mysterious smash echo through the bowels of the castle. “What in Equestria is going on here?” She questioned as she turned another corner, wondering what possible could be making such a loud racket. She was so immersed in her thought that she practically ran over a pegasus who had jumped in front of her.

“Your highness! This letter is from the Arcana Council.” He held out a tightly wrapped letter, the Princess of the Night quickly snatching it from his hooves.

“Arugh, what do they want now?” Luna snarled before reading over the exceedingly neat handwriting.

Dear, Princess Luna

We regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to take your responsibly of raising the sun every morning. As the leading magic council in the kingdom we have much more important matters to attend to. We hope you understand our decision.

Sincerely, The Arcana Council

“They can’t be serious! This must be some sort of joke!”

The frightened pegasus glanced up from his wing, hardly able to even look the angry Princess in the eyes. “I assure you it’s not your highness! They handed it to me themselves!”

Luna gritted her teeth upon realizing the letter was not some crude joke. “They can’t expect me to raise the sun and the moon every day! What do they have to do that’s so important?!”

The pegasus shrugged his shoulders then quickly scurried out of sight before he angered the Princess further. She let out a sigh then continued down the hall, making a mental note to have another meeting with the council. The Arcana council never ceased to be a nuisance to her, but this was simply too much. They were bestowed the honor of raising the sun every morning, but now they were simply throwing it back in her face and expecting that she would take their responsibility.

“One problem at a time…” Luna told herself, resuming her quick pace down the castle hall.

“Uh Discord? Could you maybe-”

Pinkie’s meek, frightened voice was drowned out by another loud crash.

“Just consider-”

The screeching sound of metal on stone filled the room.

“Not breaking-“

More broken glass was scattered around the already littered floor.

“Things for one second?”

After finally finishing her sentence the Draconequus stopped his rampage and turned to the pink pony. His angry gaze only served to frighten her more as she trembled, frozen in one spot by fear. “And why should I? This is all Celestia’s fault, so I might as well break all of her stuff!”

“W-well it’s not really her fault… If it’s anypony’s fault I guess it would be yours…”

“ARGH!” Discord let another furious yell before throwing yet another object threw a window. He was just about to continue his destructive rampage, but a dark blue Alicorn entered the room. She looked around, her mouth agape as she took in all the destruction. Upon seeing the Draconequus she scowled and hurried over to him.

“Discord! What in Equestria are you doing?! The throne room’s ruined!” Luna yelled, giving Discord a furious look that rivaled his own.

Not for long however, as upon seeing the alicorn Discord’s eyes appeared to catch fire with an intense hatred. His scowl twisted into an even more freighting shape as he teleported over to her. “We’ll look who it is, Celestia’s bratty little sister! Shouldn’t you be off ruining somepony’s love life?”

Luna returned his angry glare with a crossed look, “Bratty sister? Why you-” She pointed a hoof at him, but then stopped to sigh. “Listen Discord, I promised your wife I wouldn’t start any fights with you… So don’t mess with me and I won’t mess with you. Simple as that.”

“Simple as that?” He replied blankly. “SIMPLE AS THAT HUH?! You ruined my life and that’s all you can say?!” Discord yelled in an explosion of anger.

“R-ruined your life?” Luna questioned in a mix of disbelief and surprise.”Discord, you can’t possibly mean-”
Her response only infuriated the already furious Draconequus. “Of course that’s what I mean! You think you just forget someone ruining your relationship?!”

Luna quickly looked away from his livid, piercing glare. “Discord… You know I’m sorry about that, it happened a very long time ago…”

“Oh so you saying sorry makes up for all those missed years of bliss?! I could have had an amazing life with Celestia, but you ruined that and I was forced into a thousand years of boredom!” Discord barked, each of his syllables making Luna shrink to the floor.

“I was being controlled by Nightmare Moon, it wasn’t my fault!” The Princess quickly replied, trying in vain to defend herself.
“That’s your excuse?! Some alter persona that you made up because you had a temper tantrum?!” Discord roared before letting a drawn out sigh. “I should have ended you when I had the chance…”

The sinister threat sent a shiver down Luna’s spine. The Discord she had come to know over the past few months was seemingly disappearing, leaving the evil Draconequus she had fought all those years ago in his place. Perhaps these stages of grief may lead to his end, or *gulp* mine…

“I’ve had enough of arguing with you, you’re denser then the walls of this castle!” Discord snapped, immediately turning away from her. He then snapped his fingers, leaving only Luna and an extremely frightened earth pony in the now destroyed throne room.

“I don’t like this…” Pinkie Pie mumbled as she soon recovered from her terrified panic. “He’s starting to act evil again. Oh I hope Twilight get’s back soon…”


“Twilight!” Celestia snapped, not understanding a word of the seemingly endless waterfall of words that was pouring from her student’s mouth.



The lavender pony immediately stopped her banter and looked curiously at Celestia. “Yes Princess?”

“Please, just calm down for a moment! Now what’s possibly making you so worried?”

Twilight sighed before looking back up at her teacher. “Discord moved into the next stage, he’s going on a rampage around the castle.”

Celestia put a hoof to her head and let out a pained groan. “Why does he have to make some much trouble? Every time I turn around there’s something else wrong…” She mumbled, not understanding why these problems were infesting her like a plague of pesky locusts.

“Well we should hurry back to the castle! I told Pinkie Pie to watch him, but I don’t know if she’ll be much help…”

“This is bad… very, very bad…” Luna mumbled ominously as she paced back and forth across the destroyed throne room. Bits of broken stone and glass still covered the floor, the debris also still accompanied by the various holes in the walls. Normally the Princess would have called a servant to clean it up, but right now there were much more pressing matters on her mind.

“Um Princess?” Pinkie Pie asked as she watched the alicorn pace endless around the room. “Shouldn’t we maybe look for Discord? You know, before he breaks some more stuff?”

“No!” Luna instantly replied, her tone filled with fright and nervousness. “It’d be stupid to get in Discord’s way right now. He could turn on us at any moment, so for now let’s just simply wait for my sister… Hopefully she can calm him down…”

The answer did very little to assure Pinkie Pie, as she still stared at the Princess with a confused expression. “But what if she can’t?”

“Then Discord turns evil, overthrows the government, and plunges Equestria into an endless state of chaos and suffering.”
Pinkie gulped loudly, wishing with all her heart that the Princess would come through for them.

As if almost on cue Twilight entered the decrepit hall, soon by a panic stricken Celestia. She glanced around at her once gorgeous throne room, hardly believing that it could be brought to this state in such a short amount of time. After recovering from the blow, she looked towards her sister and frowned. “Where’s Discord?! Shouldn’t you be watching him?”
“Well he was here…” Luna replied weakly before staring down at her hooves.

“And where is he now?!” Celestia questioned sternly, her piercing gaze beating down on her younger sister like the relentless desert sun.

“He’s well um…. I have no idea…”

Celestia’s left eye twitched awkwardly as she continued to stare at Luna. She seemed to have taken the news well, that was until a scowl broke her impassive expression. “You lost him?! So my rage filled husband is running around somewhere probably destroying something?!”

Luna glanced up, quickly realizing that was a mistake as her sister stared directly back. “Well sister, there wasn’t a lot I could do! He simply teleported away, I couldn’t have stopped him!”

Celestia sighed before turning to her student. “Twilight? Please alert the guards about Discord, if they see him then come right to me.” The lavender unicorn nodded back before teleporting away. The royal alicorn turned back to her sister. “And you, start looking for Discord! He’s got to be around her somewhere!”

“B-but why do I have to?!” Luna quickly questioned, still not wanting to go anywhere near the raging Draconequus.
“Because I said to, now go!” Celestia snapped, pointing one hoof down a hall. Luna quickly followed her direction and galloped out of the room, soon followed by a very confused Pinkie Pie. Now alone, she took another glance around the room and sighed. “Of all the ponies Discord could marry, he just had to pick me…”

“Of course since she’s the big sister she gets to make all the decisions… Hmph, just because she’s older than me doesn’t mean she’s right!” Luna complained as she stormed down the hall, Pinkie Pie following in her wake. “I shouldn’t even have to look for Discord; he’s her husband after all, not mine!”

“Well if you’re right then why are you still looking Princess?” Pinkie asked, only serving to annoy the already disgruntled alicorn.

“Because Celestia’s going to freak out on me if I don’t! She may seem nice, but I’ve know her for a very long time. She can have a pretty nasty temper…”

Pinkie titled her head in the same way a confused puppy would, then quickly stepped back into pace following the Princess.

After ten minutes of nothing but wandering around the castle, Luna let out an exaggerated sigh then stomped her hoof against the ground. “This is getting us nowhere! We’re never going to find Discord by wandering around here; he probably isn’t anywhere close to the castle!”

Pinkie Pie looked away from the Princess, and instead peaked her head around the next corner. “Um, Princess?”
“Let’s just go back to Celestia and tell her that-”


“What?!” Luna snapped, her patience now reaching its limit.

“Discord’s right here!” Pinkie stated, point one hoof down the hallway. Luna turned the corner and her jaw dropped, sure enough the Draconequus was levitating in the middle of the hall. Six, beautiful, shinning gems encased in gold hovered around him.

“Oh great, you’re here…” Discord hissed, his mouth now twisting into the same inane scowl he had worn earlier.

“Listen Discord, I don’t want to start anything with you…” Luna immediately stated, hoping in vain that he had moved to the next stage in the short amount of time he had disappeared.

“Oh but I do!” The chaotic sprit grinned, not in delight as he had done before but now in a much more sinister way. “I think it’s about time for some payback, you imprisoned me in stone for a thousand years after all! You’d look great as a statue…”
Luna gulped loudly before taking a step away from the Draconequus. “If you think you can just turn me into stone your wrong, I will fight you if it comes to that.”

“Ha!” Discord cackled in the same, menacing laugh that he had so often used. “You can’t take me on your own Luna; it took you and your sister to even fight me as an equal!”

The Princess of the night quickly shot a worried glance at Pinkie. “Quick, go get my sister! I’ll hold him off as long as I can, just be quick!”

True to the Princess’s urgent statement, Pinkie Pie shot off like a bolt of lightning, leaving a large cloud of dust in her wake.
Turning back to the Draconequus she growled before digging her hooves into the ground, trying her best to appear as intimidating as possible.

“Do you think you scare me Luna?” Discord questioned as he grabbed one of the Elements from around him. “I just need to break this little gem right here and you can’t do a thing to stop me. I could take you and Celestia down, then bring back my old kingdom! I could be king again!”

A thought came to Luna’s anxious mind, perhaps she could reason with him? If his mind wasn’t completely blinded by his raging fury, then maybe she could stop this without a fight. “But you’re already a Prince and your married to Celestia, what more could you want?”

“I could think of a million things I want right now.” Discord hissed, crossing his arms as he glared at her. “And the first is for you to shut up!” He raised his talon menacingly, then after a moment snapped his claws.

“What in Equestria was that?!” Celestia questioned as what sounded like an explosion echoed through the castle. Her eyes flew across the room in a frenzied panic as she heard another explosion, almost afraid that the castle was going to crumble under the intense pressure.

“Well Princess, I think it’s pretty obvious that it’s Discord…” Twilight stated as she stared up at her teacher, waiting silently for her next order.

“I think I know that now…” She mumbled as another explosion rocked the castle’s foundation. “We just need to find whe-”

The Princess was cut off as a pink blur flew into the room, abruptly stopping in front of the two of them. “Princess, Discord’s gone all evil and now he’s fighting Luna! You need to come help!” She chirped at an almost incoherent speed. Luckily Celestia caught the most important parts, and was quickly able to piece together the situation herself.

“Well, where is he?!”

“Just this way, follow me!” Pinkie sped off once more, this time at a slightly slower pace so the bookish unicorn and the pregnant mare could follow her.

I hope we’re not too late… Celestia wondered to herself as she struggled to keep in tow with the speedy mare. If Discord’s really turned evil again there’s no telling what he’ll do to Luna…