//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Learning to Soar // by Pinky Music //------------------------------// The sun’s warmth was the first thing that tried to wake me up, accentuated by the chirps of birds. I inhaled the scent of wildflowers, more specifically lilacs and smiled. In spite of its efforts I kept my eyes shut and tried to convince myself that all was right with the world even though it wasn’t. Yet, the sun persisted and after about twenty minutes, unable to resist its charms, I rolled onto my side.  When the tall grass crunched under my weight, my eyes flew open. Immediately I sat up knowing something was wrong and the world that spilled out before me confirmed it. Nothing was familiar. My apartment was gone, replaced with a lush park. In the distance, a medium sized town clung to the hills and valley below. On top of all of that the world bore strange hues and shades that I had never known before. My heart beat rapidly as I sat, mouth agape and whispered, “Where the hell am I?” I repeated the question, much louder this time, into the sky hoping that someone, anyone would answer. With each passing moment my voice grew more panicked until, as if by divine intervention a voice from behind me asked what was wrong. “I don’t know where I am, much less how I got here,” I said as I turned to face whoever it was, only to find a small, four-legged creature that resembled a pony from the show I’d been watching the night before. “Umm...who said that?” “I did,” the pony responded. The frankness of the response was as shocking as the fact that it was a pony who said it. The rapid throbbing in my chest was matched by one in my head as every part of me tried to make sense of what was going on. I scooted away slowly and asked, “Where...what? Why do you look like that? How are you able to talk?” The pony cocked her head to one side indignantly, “Okay, first rude. Second, you’re in Ponyville Park.  Third I’m a pony and I look this way because I just got my mane done thank you very much!” “No,” I shouted, “What color are you?” “Lavender,” she said with a huff, “And you’re a blue pony.” “Blue? Pony? Boy are you off,” I said and gestured with what should have been my right arm, instead a foreleg ending in a hoof came into view. As the silence between us grew, she watched me as my eyes betrayed the abject terror that grew within me as I slowly waved the new limb. While I did this she took the opportunity to hurry off and left me with my foreleg waving in the morning sun. I raised my left foreleg into view as well and before long it joined its counterpart in a slow hypnotic dance. Unable to come to terms with this revelation I collapsed to the ground muttering in abject shock. After several minutes had passed in a shattered mess, a calm warm breeze blew through the park. The air grew sweeter than it had before and in what could only be described as a magical calm was slowly restored. In that time two things occurred to me, first if I was in fact a pony then this was a dream, a wonderful lucid dream based upon my favorite TV show. Second, whether it was because of the pills I’d taken before falling asleep or some other influence the world was in color. For the first time in my life the world looked the way it had always been described.  The grass was green. Every child hears that but for the first time in my life I could see and appreciate just what that looked like. The sky was a light blue and my foreleg a darker blue. It was a bizarre color, while cool in appearance; it could also convey a calm and joyous feeling when lighter. I looked at my legs and thought about how to get up. Carefully working them under me I slowly pushed myself up until I was standing.  Slowly I worked one leg after another, starting at a somewhat wobbly gait. Each step reminded me of my youth, where we played at being animals in a zoo at a neighbor’s house in the second grade, Mary Courtier. The problem was that most days we wouldn’t be playing for more than a half-hour before someone wouldn’t play the way she wanted, so she would call the game over. Yet, her shrill voice drove me forward until I could walk at a steady pace. Soon the walk became a trot, then a canter and before long a full-out gallop. If it weren’t for a hidden stone tripping me up and causing me to face plant into the grass I might have broken into an all out run. Even so, I smiled and noticed a pond to my left, so I moved toward it just to see what my dream self looked like. The pond was the sort of blue that I’d imagined the ocean looked like in vacation photos from Hawaii. I looked at my face in the water and saw a furry stallion with a dark mane. I had to take a peek down below to make sure nothing there changed and, yup, I’m definitely a stallion, after which I looked over the rest of my body and notice the wings. “Damn, and I didn’t have to go to the academy to get these babies! Hmm….I wonder how they work.” First I tried stretching. Several of the poses might have worked for yoga or Tai Chi  but, all they managed to do was earn more than a few stares from passersby. When that didn’t work I jumped off of some nearby rocks hoping that my pegasus instinct might kick in. Instead all I ended up with were bruised ribs and legs. It was only when I thought to partially shrug my shoulders that they twitched a little.  With a little finagling one of them opened up and flapped so hard that it flipped me onto my back. Undeterred, I got back up and shook off the dirt on my coat. This was my dream and I was going to fly! I started to flap it again, gently at first. However, as my confidence grew I began to flap it harder which caused me to start spinning out of control. Panic set in as the more I tried to make the wing stop flapping the more it wanted to flap and the faster I spun. Quickly, I dug my hooves into the soft earth and prayed they would hold. They didn’t. No sooner had they dug in when my errant wing beat harder than it ever had before and lifted me into the air. For approximately three seconds I was airborne until, with a terrified shriek I crashed into the center of the pond. My legs and wing flailed about helplessly as I quickly sank into the muck at the bottom. My heart beat with fear as the idea that if I died in the dream I would die in real life ran through my mind quickly, yet the more I struggled the more stuck I became. Suddenly a pink sphere surrounded me and began to lift me from what would surely have been my watery grave. As my head broke the surface, my coughs caused what water that was swallowed to be spat up, and allowed me to squeak out, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” “I saw your awkward splash and thought you might need some help. Can you stand?” “Yeah, just give me a bit,” I coughed out. Once on the ground, I realized that I recognized my savior. It was none other than Twilight Sparkle. My mind raced - even with my inability to see color, I had read descriptions of what she looked like, color wise. Her purple coat vibrant in the sunlight, not to mention her eyes, which regarded me with a confused look. The slight pink in her mane and tail more prominent than expected. She was more awe inspiring face to face than on the screen. “Princess Twilight Sparkle,” I said, wonderstruck. “That’s me. Have we met before? I’m sure I’d remember if we did.” “No, we haven’t but, come on, who doesn’t know of ‘The Princess of Friendship’,” I exclaimed, “Well, except for maybe a confused unicorn in a distant part of Equestria who stole you and your friends’ cutie marks just to have everyone be equals?” Her eye twitches, “H-How did you know that!?” “Ooo...there’s lots I know about you. What about ‘The Mirror of Worlds?’,” I say with a wink. Her eyes grew bigger than they were at the time, and her jaw dropped. Judging by her responses I knew she was surprised. So I kept going. Each question and comment seemed to leave her more speechless until finally I said, “Here’s a better question...How about when your future self came back trying to tell you something, and in the process of you trying to prevent a perceived disaster, you just stand in one place, not moving a muscle, while Spike ate ice cream right in front of you?” Without warning her horn glowed with a purple aura. All of a sudden, there’s a stretching and popping sensation and we were teleported to her castle. As impressive as it was my stomach objected to the act and not very long later, its contents wound up on the floor. “Hey, warn someone, er, somepony next time you’re going to teleport,” I griped as I wiped my mouth with my fetlock. “Sorry, but you kind of stressed me out with what you know about me. How do you know all that, by the way?” “It’s all part of a TV show. Jeez, millions of people have watched you and your friends at least once a week go on crazy adventures,” I said much to her obvious discomfort, “By the way you know the time Pinkie Pie made a bunch of copies of herself?” “Yeah?” “You missed one.” She didn’t yell. Instead she took a deep breath and cast another magical sphere about me and carried me up to one of the third story bedrooms in the castle. She then promptly locked the door behind her and left me. “You know I’m going to have to pee at some point,” I shouted through the door, “And eat too for that matter.” I sighed quietly and looked out the window. It didn’t really matter if she locked me in this room. Sooner or later I knew I’d wake up and this dream would be over. On the plus side, at least I was able to see colors for the first time and I thought that maybe if I saved up my money I could get an eye transplant and see them again. The streets below were filled with activity. Ponies of all shapes, sizes and colors marched about doing their daily business. Somewhere out there the rest of Twilight’s friends were probably solving a crisis of some sort, meanwhile these ponies were busy shopping, gossiping, and living their normal everyday lives. I watched them for quite a while when I heard a small conversation from outside my door. Slowly I crept up to it and listened. After a moment I realized it was Spike and Twilight. “Come on Twilight, just say it! What’s so important that you brought me up to the third floor?” “I found this pony on the outskirts of Ponyville and saved him from drowning.” “Well that was nice of you,” replied Spike, “But what does that have to do with locking him away?” “He knew things about me that nopony else would know outside of you and my closest friends. I’ve never even met him before today. It’s really strange. He also appears to not know how to fly.” “So what, Scootaloo can’t fly either.” “No I mean he doesn’t know how. He’s capable of it but, it’s almost like he never had wings before. It was worse than when I first got mine!” “Whoa,” Spike replied. “Why don’t you write a letter to Princess Celestia? She should be able to help.” The more I strained to listen at the door the more weight I put on it. Finally the large door rattled bringing the conversation to a screeching halt. For a moment prudence seemed to be the best course of action. After all even if it were a dream it didn’t mean I had to be rude. But then I remembered it was all just a dream. My subconscious had locked me away. This could not stand. “Hey, Spikey-Wikey! I’ll tell Rarity you have a crush on her,” I shouted, then heard hoofsteps moving away from me. “Hey, get back here and let me out! You’re in my dream! You do what I say! Besides, I have more dirt I can let loose on you! What about Sunset Shimmer?” The whole room shimmered in a purple light that soon faded. From that point on not only could I not hear them but the sound from the outside world was cut off as well. Grumbling, I flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, “This dream sucks.”