Equestrian Railway Tales

by Sudrian Engineer

Tunnels and Rain

Once an engine attached to a train was afraid of a few drops of rain. It went into a tunnel and squeaked through its funnel and wouldn't come out again.


It had been raining for a long time, everywhere you looked, it was wet, wet, wet. The rain wasn't that heavy, but to length is what soaked everything. One morning, Matthew and Applejack were getting Henry ready for a train.

"Y'all might wanna be careful out there. Best double check yer sandin gear so ya don't lose grip at the wrong moment." Troy said as he was doing just that with Edward. Fluttershy had decided to stay home and tend to her animals, so Twilight was with them today. Matthew mouthed a thanks as he and Aj did just that, the farmpony looking outside the shed.

“Hoo wee, this keeps up and it'll knock the paint right off the engines.” Applejack said. All the engines knew she was joking, except for a certain green one, the seeds of doubt being planted in his mind.

"Sure AJ, and it will also make the color fall right off my clothes," Matthew replied, laughing.

"At least Ah'd have a reason to change outta this monkey suit." Troy muttered under his breath while adjusting his tie.

Matthew rolled his eyes as he pulled the lever, Henry starting off. "Let's hope," he said, "Henry has a good day today." The trio went to the station, coaches having been already shunted into place, and Matthew couple Henry to them. "Ready to go Aj?" Matthew asked her.

"Sure am partner. Let's go!"

This time, Aj pulled the lever and they set off. A bit later, as they were starting to approach a tunnel, the rain became very heavy, pounding the ground and Henry's paint. As they entered, Henry began to slow down and come to a stop. "I'm not going any further. You can't make me spoil my lovely green paint and red stripes!"

"What the heck are you doing Henry?" Matthew spoke. "These passengers need to get to their destinations on time." He and Aj had gotten off the train, Matthew holding an umbrella over them as they stood in front of the engine.

“No. I'm not coming out!” Henry replied and blew steam at them. By now, the rain had slacked down to nothing.

"Henry, look! The rain has stopped," Matthew said as the guard came out and started to wave his flag till his arm ached and blew his whistle till he was out of breath.

"It will start again soon. And then what will become of my green paint and red stripes? Henry replied.

The passengers also got out and started to argue with him, one of which was The Fat Controller. He spoke severly to Henry, "You are being a very naughty engine Henry, you work on my railway and are suppose to do your job."

"I'm not spoiling my green paint and red stripes for YOU." Henry said.

The controller started to get mad, and desperate. "FINE, then we shall pull you out, Matthew fetch a rope." Too scared to annoy his boss even more, he did so, and as quick as possible too.

"Don't you worry none partner. I got mah lasso right here." Said Applejack as she pulled a rope out of her hat.

He nodded and set the loop over Henry's coupling, almost everyone grabbing onto it. Sir Topham Hatt didn't, and in reply to the annoyed looks he received, he said, "My doctor has forbidden me to pull." After a three count, everyone pulled, but to no avail. "We shall push you out." The controller said shortly. As everyone gathered at the back of the train, Sir Tophamm climbed atop a barrel and quickly said "My doctor has forbidden me to push."

Matthew wanted to comment but didn't, quite loving his job. Either way, everyone started to push, but Henry just kept his brakes hard on. "This isn't working." Sir Tophamm said. "Very well, we shall have an engine push you out."

Meanwhile, Troy and Twilight had finished with their current jobs, and had brought Edward back to the shed to rest. It had been fun, but something had been bugging Troy. "Say Twi, how come you don't ever bring Spike along? I don't get much time to hang out with the little guy."

She blushed with a gasp and answered him sadly, "I don't want him to get hurt. After all, you said yourself just how dangerous steam engines can be." She frowned as a station master ran up.

"We need help at Ballahoo tunnel. Henry refuses to come out," he said.

"Seriously? Well, Ah suppose given enough time, Ah could repair him enough that he can at least make it to the next station." Troy replied.

The station master sighed before he replied, "No he is in fine working order, he just refuses to come out of the tunnel."

"wat? Nononono, what the what?!" Troy sighed. "Well, Edward needs to rest, Ah suppose we can grab Eagle and try to push him. Twilight, get a bucket and fill it from Edward's sanding gear. When yer done, just set it in the cab.”

“Why do you want a bucket of sand?” Twilight asked.

“To throw on the tracks ahead of us to make sure we get where the sandin gear can't.” Troy explained as he climbed in Eagle's cab. Twilight nodded and set to work, setting the bucket down and pouring some sand into it.

Meanwhile, back at the tunnel, Matthew was starting lose it as well. "YOU WILL GET OUT OF THIS TUNNEL NOW OR I WILL NEVER DRIVE YOU AGAIN." AJ was trying to calm him down. Emphasis on trying.

"Calm down there Sugarcube! Tain't no need fer all that!" Aj said.

He took a deep breath but still angrily stared at Henry, "It hasn't been raining for 10 minutes you giant green grouch." Presently, they heard a whistle from behind the train. As Eagle puffed up, Troy stopped him a few yards from the train and began to throw sand from the bucket onto the rails.

As Matthew walked up, Troy looked up from what he was doing and greeted his friend. "Hey, how's it goin? We came to push."

"Troy, thank the Lord your here, I am this close to snapping." His eyes were bloodshot and he was twitching slightly.

"Oh good God! Dude, you need to chill." Troy exclaimed. "Tell ya what, why don't you come by after work and have a drink? You look like you need it. So anyway, Ah'm done sandin the rails, so let's do this."

"You know how I feel about drinking," he replied, shaking his head. "I just wish Henry wasn't so stubborn.”

"Fair enough. Alright, well, get clear. We're gonna try this." With that, Troy climbed back into Eagle's cab and gently eased him up to the train. Once he was buffered up to it, Troy started to open up the regulator. But no matter how hard Eagle pushed, Henry refused to budge.

"Come on young one, it's time to go." Eagle said.

"NO!" Henry exclaimed. Matthew, AJ, and Sir Topham began to talk, serious looks on all three of their faces. Eventually, even Troy and Eagle gave up and Troy joined the huddle.

"Sorry gents, but looks like it's a no go." Troy sighed. "Only thing Ah can figure is jus grab the coaches an leave Henry."

The controller nodded to Troy and the others, walking to Henry. "Now Henry, You have finally done it. You have finally found the limit to my patience. Since you refuse to come out, we shall take away your rails, and leave you here. Troy!"


"Take the coaches away while I try to figure out a way to clean up this mess."

Matthew had an idea and looked to Aj, smiling. "How strong did you say you were AJ?”

"Purdy strong, why?"

“I'll ride with Troy to the station next to the sheds, and if it's ok with him, I'll get Edward while Troy is with Eagle, collect some trucks, and bring them here to load the rails in. While I'm doing that, can you help by seeing if you’re strong enough to rip up some rails and sleepers?”

"Sure thing, Sugarcube."

"Ah'm down, we'll just have to run back and find a junction."

"I'll stay here with AJ and Sir Topham and get the people back in the coaches, cya once you come back for the train Troy."

"10-4 good buddy. Let's go guys." With that, the trio rolled back along the line to find a set of points. As said, Matthew got everyone aboard and did so himself after going into Henry's cab and putting out his fire. It didn't take long for Eagle to return and buffer up to the front of the train. He was coupled on, and they set off. "Don't you worry none, AJ" Troy called as they set off. "Ah'll make sure Matthew comes back fer ya."

Suddenly, there was a yell from the middle coach. "SHUT UP TROY, I'D NEVER LEAVE HER BEHIND." Troy just chuckled as the train made steady progress to the station. It wasn’t long before they pulled in. Matthew hopped out and, after explaining the problem to Edward, not only got some trucks, but a coach and some workmen before heading back to the tunnel.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by a cheerful "Howdy partner" from Applejack. The most impressive part was the fact that every bit of track they need gone was already ripped up and set neatly to the side. He was half surprised, but he also half expected it so he smiled.

"Nice job AJ, let's load the trucks," he said. While Matthew, Applejack and some of the workmen loaded the rails and sleepers into the trucks, the other workmen set to work building a brick wall in front of Henry. Once everything was loaded, the others began to help build the wall. A few hours later, it was done, and a set of buffers had been set up as well. Matthew had a serious look as he stared at Henry, "Goodbye Henry, and Good Riddance."

Applejack looked at Matthew worriedly at that. "Now tain't no need fer all that. Ah'll admit He was a right heel, but maybe he can still learn a lesson."

"Maybe, but I doubt it." He climbed aboard the coach Edward had and they left.


Now Henry can't get out, and he watches the trains rushing through the new tunnel. He is very sad because no one will ever see his lovely green paint with red stripes again. But I think he deserved it, don't you?