//------------------------------// // Chapter Three: Hearts // Story: Cruising Into The Unknown: The Detective's Gambit // by Megaskullmon //------------------------------// "The idea of my story Louis is to not only show the life of a broken woman. But to show the life of a woman that can't give the chase. A chase so fine it's like a rich wine of pleasing cheese. If only some could understand the peace within the idea of it." Donna of course was boring poor Louis with her constant speaking of how she wished to write her book. The gentle stallion Louis was though he just listened. "Such beauty in those words Donna. Smooth silky the understanding of how some can learn within it. I know that it's not all going to be easy to learn it either. If a soft idea came with your flowered mind. Then it's a soft voice. Think of it this way, shall we? You chased me, you beautiful woman. You now a mare a detective normally always gets her man." Louis gave a simple charming smile. Donna's cheeks glowed bright red under her newfound zebra fur.  "I just need to know what to do in the story Louis. Should it be every chase we had? Everything we did together even the times we slept together?" "You wish to call it The Detectives Gambit. I think you went through hell then came out on the other side in a quick flash of your wrist. Our guns firing at each other. The times you beat me in a fistfight, the times I had the upper hand and then the journey through the US during this chase. A chase to end all chases, my dear. That Gambit shall be what you write in the book. But who would read it?" That is the question she never thought of it that way how would one read it? It's not going to be easy to get a book published. Would any of the world even care that her book is of her life? She has the time now to write it and hopefully write it well. Looking over to her desk there is a bunch of paper in the trash and her opening still not done. The idea of this is maybe Louise is right, Write about the chase and the chase would be what she should do. Getting off the chair she sat back down at the desk. "Now I just need to get a good opening for the story. One that won't plant you into a bad light Louis" She turned to look at him. He had a thought in his mind on how to do this. She still felt he deserved to be placed in jail for his deeds. But the problem is there might be no more humans or their laws to follow. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath to feel the juices of creativeness flow in her mind. "Maybe don't use my name. You don't wish to put your new mate to be in a bad light." Oh, that was the wrong thing to say. He could see the hate in her eyes after that. He knew that look and knew it well. He just gave a charming smile. "Oh come on Donna you and I both know you can't fight my charm."   A sigh came from Donna. Laying her head on the desk she knew he was right. Sooner or later they will fall in love. She heard the radio turn on of course there wasn't a live radio station at the moment. But he did have his music. Turning to look at Louis the music is gentle and calming. It's even romantic, Louis gently got off the chair and bowed to her. "May I have this dance, my dear? A simple need to get your mind off the chase and the book for the moment." Placing her hoof on his. Louis gently lifted the zebra mare on her hooves. It wasn't easy to learn to dance this way. But the song had soft gentle singing playing through it. The song happens to be the song that Louis used on Donna before. The two souls started to dance through the music. Donna watched Louis move his hooves. She moved her hooves with his. Her heart thumped each time she stared at him. In her mind is there really love? Maybe in her mind, it could work. After thirty years of the chase. He is the only man she ever knew. The only man she ever chased just in the name of justice. The name of the next city the next town. Louis's heart thumped at the same beat with Donna's he just stared at her gaze. The world ending is nothing now compared to this life they wish to share. Is it a way of understanding they can learn from their past? So the chase never happens again. So he never has to chase her and she chases him? Something started coming over Donna. She wanted to break away from him. She couldn't allow herself to be trapped. But her heart is telling her to stay. Even though the mind is telling her to go. How can she give up a chance of being happy? The sense of pleasure the want. Just to be happy is strong after so long. Could it be the wine they had together muddling her judgment? Love to most people is a heavy gain for those that never felt it. It's a fleeting story. A story of pain hardship and the idea that you're never alone. So many souls never get that chance to be happy. Tears always fall from the pain of the heartbreak. Is it worth it to some? The idea that this thing called love is real? Can it work, can those hearts sing together? Even in time, the world has ended? These two souls have felt this chase for justice. The chase because one felt they needed to. The other to run away. Maybe the one that should have been chased was the detective chased to her heart. Not to run, not to have justice. But to find love with the one that knows her most. The two souls lean in to kiss even though the music long ended for they feel it in their hearts. Before their lips touched Donna pulled away from him looking away. Louis put his hoof on her cheek turning her eyes to him again. Tears streamed from her eyes. The brokenness of this woman is easy to see. Just the fact she gave up so much... To chase this man. No words needed to be said between them. He knew her so much just from the chase alone. The talks while they were sitting together waiting for him to spill his guts. The idea of this between Louis is love. But he knows that he is pushing. Donna stares back at him, her heart is beating to just be with someone. The longing after 30 years to be with someone. She knew though she couldn't do this not yet. She sobbed hard running out the door of her room. So much coming to the surface a strong woman breaking. A man staying behind seeing one he cares for. One he feels bad for now. That chase so long. That chase. He looks at the paper on the desk. He noticed something she wrote. 'The Gambit of the Detective in the dark and stormy night. The broken young woman watches her father and mother fall apart because love is not in their lives.' He looked back to the opened door. He is wondering if he should chase her. Maybe best to leave her alone for the time being. Maybe someone on this ship will talk to her. He sits on the chair closing his eyes feeling tears stream down his face. Love is fleeting but to those that long for it. May never get it till it's too late.