Equestrian Railway Tales

by Sudrian Engineer

Returning to Service

Dear Mom and Dad,
Man, this place is sure been eventful. First, an engine who hasn't been out in a while was used again and helped another engine on a hill. Second, we had some trouble with an engine and some rain. Either way, I miss you guys alot, I hope things are well and I hope to visit soon.
Love, Your Son Matthew

"Once upon a time, There was a little engine called Edward. He lived in a shed with 5 other engines. They were all bigger than Edward and boasted about it."


It had been just under a week since the ponies first arrived on Sodor and things were going, relatively, smoothly. The two engines with no names were quite rude to the ponies as they normally were. Troy was up to his usual tricks throughout the week, and Matthew did find a good amount of them funny. Most of the week, however, was spent on two main things: getting the ponies used to human world culture, and teaching them to drive the engines.

Getting the ponies used to human society had been almost a piece of cake, that's not to say, however, issues were not had. On issue in particular, was when the ponies discovered humans ate meat and were worried that the humans may eat them at some point. Matthew and Troy cleared up the misconception almost instantly, informing the girls that they only ate certain meats and that the animals they did eat didn't have the level of intelligence the ponies and humans had. As previously stated, the other concern of the week was teaching the ponies how to drive engines. The Mane 6, Twilight especially, learned rather quickly, and were soon helping Matthew, Troy, or any of the relief drivers with shunting. However, none of them had gone on the mainline yet, simply because an opportunity hadn't really presented itself.

As the week progressed, Fluttershy had noticed that Edward almost always seemed sad. She also noticed that the two humans she was beginning to know as friends seemed sad when they talked about him, so she decided to finally ask why. "Uh M-matthew, T-troy?" She said one day, while there were all working, "Why does everyone seem sad when they talk about Edward?"

Troy sighed. “Because we never have an opportunity to get him out of the shed, and he's been in there for quite a while.” he said.

"B-but why?," she asked, not fully understanding.

"Well," Matthew replied,"as you have probably seen, all the other engines are either bigger or stronger than he is, so they tend to get picked for jobs."

Fluttershy had a shocked and sad look on her face. "That's not fair," she said, "He is so nice and kind, I am sure that he could do the same jobs as everyone else if he tried. I wish I could do something to cheer him up."

Matthew thought for a moment, then an idea flashed into his mind and his eyes almost glistened. "I am sure he would love to be polished, that is something you can do," he said to Fluttershy, who nodded and trotted away. Matthew then turned to Troy and spoke with a huge smile, "Troy, If Sir Topham agrees, I think I just found the perfect opportunity for us to finally bring a pony on the Mainline."

“Well, if he thinks she's up to it, Ah was planning to take him out anyway.”

"I see you and I still think alike sometimes, even after all this time." He smiled as Troy got his phone out, and waited patiently until he hung up. "Well, what did he say?"

“We're good to go. We'll surprise her with it in the morning.”

"Sounds great, let's tell the other girls later.” Later that day, they talked to the other ponies. Rainbow seemed slightly disappointed she wouldn't be the first to go on the mainline, but understood why. They all also promised to keep it a surprise, knowing Fluttershy would love it. The next day, they all met at the shed as usual.

"Mornin all. Hey Flutters, got a surprise for ya."

"F-for me, W-why?," she asked, extremely confused. Everyone else just smiled, Matthew letting Troy tell her the news.

“Well, Ah talked to Sir Tophamm, and he said you were clear to start running trains with me. What say we go surprise Edward?”

She gasped extremely happily, "E-Edward, R-really?"

“Yep. Ya know, the funny part is that Ah was actually supposed to run my first train the day you girls showed up, and was planning to take Edward. Well, not gettin anything done just standin around. Let’s go get the ol boy fired up, hey? Fluttershy gave her usual, and adorable as heck, cheer of “Yay!”

The group headed over to Edward, the sounds of the engines speaking starting to be heard. "None of the drivers will choose you again Little Edward," what sounded like Gordon, said," They want big strong engines like us."

“Well, much as Ah hate to admit it, he’s right about one thing Old Iron. We do need big and strong engines Gordon. But, til we find one, well Ahh suppose you’ll have to do.”

As Gordon huffed and spluttered indignantly, Fluttershy spoke up.
“Troy, that wasn’t very nice.”

“No, that’s what’s known as a sick burn. But anyway, enough about Gordon, we’re here for the Old Iron.”

98642 and 87546 smirked, chuckling darkly before 98642 spoke, "Looks like the end of the line for you old timer."

Matthew and the ponies gasped before he turned to the two unnamed engines. "SHUT UP!" He frowned rolled his eyes before turning back to the ponies. "Ok girls, the rest of you can come with me to the station and you five can ride your first mainline train." He smiled and lead all the ponies, except Fluttershy, away.They stopped when they heard full on laughter. Every pair of eyes turned to see Troy doubled over laughing.

"Oh how cute" he finally got out. "You actually think we'd pick you two over Edward, hoo boy, thanks, ah needed a good gut busting laugh."The ponies and Matthew nodded and left, leaving the engines, Fluttershy, and Troy alone.

Gordon spoke up first, confused and slightly mad, "O-over edward, Y-you don't mean what I think you mean, do you?"

"If you're talkin bout scrap, you know Sir Tophamm doesn't do that. In fact, we're taking Old Iron out for a run on the mainline today." 98642 gasped, starting to fume, just like 87546, Gordon was just silent, Eagle smiled while Henry just looked unsure. Edward had the best reaction of all, his mouth open wide for a good bit, waiting for confirmation of what he thought they meant. "Well don't sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed, we're here to answer all your midnight prayers!" Troy sang out. "No, but seriously, you're coming out today. And I'll also be teaching Flutters here how to handle the mainline while we're at it.”

Edward gasped and a few tears leaked from his eyes. "Yes please," he said, in his wise and caring tone, a smile seemingly a mile wide on his face. The other engines, except for Eagle, all had frowns, making various comments while the human and pony pair set to work. Together, they built up a roaring fire and had built up plenty of steam.

“Alright, let's get to work. First stop, the coaling hopper and a water tower.”

Edward would have nodded if he was able to, the smile never leaving his face. "Yes, I do believe I need a fill up before I am able to pull a train," he said, waiting for a feeling he had been longing to experience again, the feeling of being useful.
After they had filled Edward's tender, they went to find the coaches.

“Alright, you remember your shuntin practice with me an Eagle Fluttershy?” Troy asked as they steamed in.

“Oh, um, I do, but, why do you ask?”

“Because you're going to be the one backing Edward onto the train while Ah get him hooked up.” Fluttershy had her mouth open wide and was slightly shaking in fear, "A-are you sure I'm r-ready Troy?”

Troy raised an eyebrow at that. "There's a reason I taught you like Ah did. I find that actually doing something with someone there to guide you teaches far better than listening to an explanation or reading some theory. So yes, you're ready. Remember, just pay attention, and you'll be fine."

"Th-thank you Troy, y-your very kind, u-uh E-Edward, if I mess up, please tell me," she replied, turning to said blue engine.

Edward replied with a smile, "I am sure you will do fine, if Troy says your ready, you must be."

“Right, well, this is all well and good, but we need to get this story moving. Fluttershy, you’re on controls, Ah’ll flag you back. Remember, nice an easy, these ain’t freight cars.” Troy said.

Fluttershy watched as he got out and walked to the coaches, she slowly opened the regulator to reverse Edward, who was encouraging her. "You can do is Miss Shy, just like that, nice and easy."

“That’s it, come ooon back. Little more, little more,” As Edward got close , Troy signaled for Fluttershy to begin applying the brakes. “Almost, right there!” With that cry, Fluttershy pulled the brake lever and brought Edward to a smooth stop. “See, told ya you could do it.” Troy said as he hooked the lead coach to Edward’s tender. “Alright, let’s go start the day.”

Fluttershy and Edward both had smiles, Fluttershy extremely proud of herself. "Thank you both for believing with me, did the coaches get bumped?"

Suddenly another voice spoke, "Oh not at all dearie, you drove Edward very smoothly, we barely felt it at all."

Fluttershy gasped and hid in her mane, "Wh-who was that?"

Troy chuckled and pointed a thumb at the coaches. “The engines ain’t the only ones round here with somethin ta say, ya know.”

Fluttershy blushed and mumbled an apology, coming out from hiding, and decided to watch the scenery pass by. As they pulled into the station, Troy decided to have a little fun. As the train came to a stop he jumped out onto the platform and pulled his hat off with a bow. “Mornin, all!” He cried as he put his hat back on his head. “Yer train has arrived!”

Some passengers gasped, surprised at the engine at the front, others smiled, having missed seeing the kind blue engine, but none smiled more than Matthew and the rest of the main six.

Deciding to let the conductor have his job back, Troy climbed back in the cab to make sure everything was ready for their journey. Matthew herded the ponies onto the coaches. smiling as he did so. Soon the clock struck the hour and it seemed like it was time to go, but Troy wouldn't leave.

"Why aren't we leaving yet Troy?" Fluttershy asked, nervously.

“Standard procedure, Fluttershy. We can’t leave til the guard sounds the okay.” He replied.

"Oh ok, but, didn't you say the train his to leave at 9:00am?"

"Yeah but, no whistle, no go." He reached up and pulled the chain to sound Edward's whistle and listened, but still there was no reply. "Hmm, well that's not right. Ah better go talk to the Stationmaster see if we can get this figured out." Fluttershy waited before also getting off and going to find Troy. She found him just as he asked the Stationmaster if he had seen the guard.

“Sorry old bean, but I haven’t. Perchance the porter may have seen him eh what?”

“Ahright, thanks, Ah’ll go ask.” Then he noticed Fluttershy. “Oh, Fluttershy. Would you like to come along?”

"Yes please Troy, I am worried. I-is my first train gonna be late? A a-m I gonna be in trouble?"

Troy sighed and wiped away the tears. “None of that now. Things happen that are beyond anyone’s control, and this is one of them. So we have a problem, big deal. It doesn't matter if ya have a problem, what matters is how ya react to it. Ah, and there’s the porter. C’mon, let’s get to work on solving this problem.” He said with a smile.

The other ponies and Matthew, who had been watching from the coach their were in, smiled and Matthew spoke, "Now do you see why I told you to let Troy take care of it Rainbow?" Rainbow just sat back in her seat grumbling as Troy and Fluttershy went to talk to the Porter.

“Excuse me sir, have you seen the guard?” The porter thought about it for a second, and then replied “Aye, but not since las’ night. If ye’re askin’ aboot today, then Ah’m afraid Ah have nae seen ‘im.”

Troy sighed. “Well, thanks anyway. Guess we ke- Never mind, there he is.” Sure enough, there was the guard rushing across the road with his flags in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

“Sorry I’m late” he panted.

“It’s cool, we’re not late yet. C’mon fluttershy, let’s get back to our engine so we can go.”

She smiled and trotted back to the cab, walking alongside Troy the full time. "May I blow the whistle please?" She asked, an adorable excited look in her eyes.

“Sure” he said with a laugh and a roll of his eyes. Then they heard the guard’s whistle. “Well, aren’t you going to blow the whistle?” Troy asked teasingly. With a quiet squeal, Fluttershy did just that, and the train set off. The day was mostly uneventful, Edward puffed along contently, asking for his whistle to be blown whenever he saw friends he hadn't seen in a very long time.

Later, as the sky slowly started to darken , Edward pulled back into the station he had started at, coaches empty except for 5 ponies and 1 human, and his whistle was blown. "That felt wonderful," he said, smiling. "Running the line again was always a hope of mine, thank you Troy and Fluttershy, very much, you both did wonderful." Matthew was about to speak when Sir Topham Hatt came out of his office, walking to the group.

"I couldn't agree more Edward," He said, clear pride in his tone. "I have been receiving calls all day, all complementing the performance of you three. I am especially proud of you Fluttershy, if I didn't know this was your first time on the mainline, I would have thought you were an expert." Fluttershy “eep”ed and hid in her mane at the praise.

“Hey now, none of that either, he’s not wrong.” said Troy.

Rainbow flew over and hugged Fluttershy encouraging her, "Yeah Shy, you did great, heck we all thought it was Troy driving till we stopped at that station and say you at the controls."

The grin on Troy’s face at that looked not unlike a shark that’s spotted a bare behind. “Well Ah’ll be!” he exclaimed. “Was that a compliment Skittles?”
Rainbow was about to reply, but realised now was not the time, filing her comeback in her mind, she would tell him later, for now she just smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Alright, well, me and Flutters gotta go drop these coaches and get Edward back to the shed. Later y’all.” Troy said. Fluttershy smiled and waved as they got back in the cab, heading off, Matthew and the others waved back, he then turned to Rainbow.

"Hey Rainbow, wanna help with Gordon in a few days? He has a long good train to pull and I could use a companion to drown out his grumbling."

“Sure, I’ve got some downtime.” she replied.

"Usually, if your with Gordon, You'll be with Troy, but I have a feeling that he will be with Edward for a while, Just a hunch." Meanwhile Troy and Fluttershy had dropped the coaches off in the yard and were heading back to the shed. After they had made sure the fire was out and there were no coals still burning, the two engineers started out the door.

“Make sure ya get some rest Old Iron." Troy said. "You're gonna be just as busy tomorrow."

Edward smiled and yawned, the days events catching up with him. The other engines looked jealous and once Troy and Fluttershy had left, Gordon spoke, "Today was pure luck slow coach, you will never be as usef-," he was cut off by the sound of an engine snoring after a long day of hard work.


“I’m going out again tomorrow. What do you think about that?”
He didn't hear what the other engine thought, for he was so tired and happy, he fell asleep at once.