//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Cadance's Lovely Misadventure // by LordBrony2040 //------------------------------// It was almost sunset as the car drove along the highway, the two humans in front and pony in the back. They had said that Cadance didn’t need to worry about being seen as long as she kept mostly still. Other people would look through the tinted windows and just see what they would think to be a stuffed animal. The drive was filled with questions from Cadance on a few human technological things, which became a discussion of the odd similarities of their world and how ponies technologically inconsistent with what they had and didn’t have compared to humans. However, after several hours, the conversation did eventually get back to something that didn’t seem to upset Mulder nearly as much as it did Scully. “You’re here to what?” Cadance blinked at the odd reaction Mulder gave her in response to why she was on Earth as Cadance road along in the back seat of their automobile, her head leaning over the back of their bench seat. “I’m here to show the two of you how much you belong together and lead you into a future of marital bliss.” In the seat next to him, Scully crossed her arms and smirked. “So, what do you think of your proof about extraterrestrial life now, Mulder?” “Okay, first off,” Mulder began as they took a right in the car. “Princess Cadenza is interdimensional, that’s a completely different thing. And two…” He looked back to Cadance. “You crossed a dimensional barrier to hook up a pair of aliens? By your point of view, I mean. How exactly did you decide on something like that?” Cadance brightened at the interest in her talent. “Oh I created a spell that divined the couple that belonged together but had the most barriers to their relationship and put me in their path.” Both of the humans shared an uneasy look at Cadance’s description before Scully’s face became extremely disturbed. “Wait, are you saying that me and Mulder are the most impossible couple in all of creation?” “Well, I wouldn’t put it like that,” Cadance replied. “I can believe it,” Mulder replied. Scully looked over to Mulder with a frown. “What’s that supposed to mean?” The question got an uncomfortable shrug from Mulder. “Come on Scully, when’s the last time you were on a date?” “Are you putting the blame on me here?” Scully demanded. “What?” Mulder interrupted before putting on a little frown. “If anyone is stopping the two of us from getting together, it’s you, Scully.” The accusation made Scully’s eyes widen a little. “Excuse me?” she asked before frowning. “Do you remember the shape shifter?” “Which one?” Mulder replied. Scully blinked at the question before she looked down and went back to frowning. “The fact that you can ask me that and I have to take it as a serious question makes me wonder how my life has turned out the way it has,” she mumbled before looking back up at him. “The one that looked like you.” “That really doesn’t narrow it down Scully. I’m pretty sure they’ve all looked like me at one point,” he said before putting on a frown of his own. “Which is...pretty disturbing now that I think about it.” “Ugh tell me about it,” Cadance added. “Shape shifters are the worst!” While Mulder put his eyes back on the road, Scully looked back to Cadance, and the pink pony princesses could see the way the male human kept glancing into the back seat. In an effort to get a bit closer with the humans through a shared experience, Cadance decided to give them a bit of information she’d rather keep private. “I was foalnapped a week before my wedding by a changeling queen after she pretended to be my husband one night before replacing me and attempting to marry him in my stead.” “Mine pretended to be Mulder and got me a little drunk before trying to make out with me on a couch,” Scully told her. “I really don’t know how far it would have gotten if Mulder hadn’t shown up when he was in the middle of putting the moves on me.” The car slowed to a stop, and Cadance looked out of the car’s tinted window. The area they had come to didn’t look like it was a restaurant of some sort. It looked like an apartment building. Not that she could say for certian, what with her being an alien and all. But, pony and human architecture wasn't that different. “Wait a second, this is-” Scully stopped talking and looked over to her partner. “Mulder, what’re we doing here?” Mulder put the car in park. “Look, I’m not going to meet Skinner in the middle of town with the one piece of evidence that finally vindicates everything I’ve been telling him for the past six-plus years,” he said. “I’m leaving her with some people I can trust to look after her and...continue the interview I had to end abruptly.” A little frown appeared on Scully’s face. “You know, Cadance doesn’t actually vindicate anything you’ve ever thought of, right Mulder?” she said. “She is her own separate...incident, completely unrelated to every single thing we’ve ever actually encountered, or at least claimed to.” “...I’m still not taking her with us to see Skinner,” Mulder told her. Scully looked back at Cadance for a second. “I understand that. But still, your conspiracy buddies?” “Would you rather we leave her with your mother?” Mulder deadpanned before taking out his cell phone and dialing a number. After looking back at Cadance for a few seconds, Scully turned her attention back to Mulder. “Point taken.” “Hey, I’m outside your building. I need at least two of you to come down here with a few blankets. There’s uh...someone I need you to keep your eyes on for an hour or three,” he told the person on the other end of the line. “Mulder, it’s D&D night. You know Garth doesn’t like to deal with alien and government conspiracies when we’re doing fantasy adventure stuff. It ruins the atmosphere, and we haven't even gotten to the enchanted forest where the guardian is yet.” The FBI agent looked back to Cadance. “Yeah, I don’t think any of you three are going to have a problem with what I’ve got for you tonight.”