Letters From Across The Disgruntled Multiverse

by MixMassBasher

Bonus Chapter: Blood Moon Rising

Letters From Across The Disgruntled Multiverse
by MixMassBasher


Be on the look out for this year’s Blue Blood Super Moon on the thirty-first of January. Astronomers squeal with glee at the prospect of seeing this along with the Northern Star later this year. Though most complaints about it were the fact that the moon wasn’t blue at all.

When questioned on why this was the case, astronomer geek Twilight Sparkle said to blame Discord on the color scheme problem.

Nonetheless, what is most amazing is that this event last occured a hundred and fifty-two years ago. When asked why this phenomenon has not happened for so long, Princess Celestia started to say something about Luna’s period before being hushed by her sister.

Overall, the princesses have stated that while ponies can enjoy the stunning view, if it’s not blocked by cotton candy clouds, ponies should also be on the lookout for dangerous monsters as when the blood moon occurs, monsters will start respawning out of Tartarus. Furthermore, the princesses urge ponies that it’s dangerous to go alone so they should take a sword with them for protection.

Dear Diary,

Ponies were so worked up about this year’s Luna Eclipse, yet they weren’t that hyped about my Solar Eclipse last year. Life’s not fair.


Dear Sister,

You already had your episode in the season premiere and another episode with me. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
