Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction

by Blackdrag-rose

Universe 6: Saiyan vs Saiyan

Rainbow sighed as she leaned back on the couch that she, Applejack, their mother, their father, and Whis happened to be sitting on, because while she was enjoying some of the matches they had seen so far she found one thing that was really ruining the experience, she was bored of sitting on the sidelines. Sure, she understood why she and Applejack had to sit on the sidelines and watch their friends fight for the planet they lived on for the majority of their lives, before they got their memories back anyway, but she would have liked the opportunity to actually help her friends out in some manner. When she mentioned that to their father, back when he was training them before the start of this tournament, he told them that Champa would have thrown a temper tantrum if either of them were allowed to fight, as they were originally from Universe 13 and not Universe 7... meaning that Champa wanted a fair fight between Universes 6 and 7.

She wanted to fight and prove to her uncle that she was a nobody like he seemed to treat her, and even Applejack for that matter, but in the end all she could do was sit there and watch her friends fight for their planet... while at the same time rooting them on to the best of their ability.

It was in that moment, following her sigh, that the announcer declared that there would be a change to the rules, which raised some eyebrows as Beerus leaned forward, because he was waiting for something like this to happen ever since the tournament started. Everyone watched as a greenish colored barrier formed around the fighting arena, though even as it formed Beerus could see Vados and Champa floating above it, where his natural assumption was that Champa wanted to protect the actual barrier around the entire tournament grounds. He still picked himself up from where he was sitting and floated over to where his brother was floating, as he wanted to have some words with Champa before the next round of their tournament started... while at the same time noticing that Frieza was staring at the barrier with some interest.

Of course before he even reached Champa the announcer declared that the barrier served as an out of bounds marker, so that if someone touched it they would be considered out of the arena limits and lose their match.

"Champa, what's with the rule change?" Beerus asked, though this time around he simply had Whis remain with the others, because he wasn't about to do anything that would make Champa demand he forfeit the tournament and surrender his version of Earth to his brother.

"I'm sorry about this, my brother," Champa replied, though his tone indicated that he took great pleasure in not telling Beerus about the sudden change to the rules, something that Beerus was just going to overlook while they talked, "but the barrier has been damaged twice since the tournament started, and I've determined that it would be a bad thing if such a thing were to continue to happen. That's why we created a second barrier around the arena and added in the ring out rule at the same time, just to make sure the barrier isn't damaged again and to make the matches more fair."

"Still, this is a tournament between the two of us," Beerus stated, as while he understood where Champa was coming from he still felt the need to make sure that his brother understood that he couldn't do things like this without consulting him, "you should have at least told me that you were planning on adding a rule... though I will not deny that you were right in making sure that all of our guests are safe from harm. In the future, if we are ever to do this again, just make sure that you confer with me before making any additional changes... who knows, I might surprise you and think of another rule on my own."

Champa was, once more, stunned by the fact that Beerus wasn't fighting him over what he and Vados had done, which in turn made him truly wonder what those pony girls had done to his brother during the time he had spent with them... because he couldn't see a trace of the brother he knew anymore. Vados, on the other hand, noticed Frost walking away from the tournament grounds and was heading towards the crater that contained all the riches Champa had promised his fighters if they won him the tournament, including the Cube that Hit had asked for. She would have made a move to go after Frost, but as Champa conversed with Beerus she noticed that the assassin was already on the move and was following after Frost... though not a few moments later he returned with an unconscious Frost. From what she gathered Frost intended to run off with everything and make sure that no one could catch him, though she was pleased to see that Hit didn't let such a thing happen... to which she turned her attention back to what was happening with the two Gods of Destruction.

Champa, from what Vados could tell, was still stunned by how his brother was acting, while at the same time Beerus simply smiled as he floated there, indicating that he was perfectly fine with the change in the rules and the addition of a second barrier... which made her wonder what sort of power the pony girls had over him.

It was at that point that the announcer called for Magetta to enter the arena, to which the metalman picked up a canister that was sitting near him and jumped into the arena, though when he landed the side near Universe 6 sunk closer to the ground while the Universe 7 side rose into the air for a few seconds, before settling back down. Frieza remembered his dealings with the Metalmen from Universe 7, as they were another one of the many races he had exterminated back before his defeat on Namek. In fact he was pretty sure that their planet had been destroyed as well, which wasn't a surprise considering how destructive he had been in the past, which meant that the Old Kai was surprised by Magetta's appearance and was laughed at by the Supreme Kai of Universe 6, which irritated him more than it should have. At the very least he knew that there was some information on the Metalmen in his empire's archives, he just had to find it and give a copy to Shin and the others.

As all of this ran through his head, however, he noticed that Magetta was drinking the liquid from the canister, which appeared to be either some molten metal or even lava, as a drip of it hit the arena floor and burned a tiny hole in the structure... which worried the announcer at the same time.

When the announcer called for the match to start Magetta tossed aside the canister, bumped his chest with his fists, and came stomping towards Frieza, who immediately could see what sort of fighting style his opponent was going to use for this match, while at the same time knowing that he had to be careful since there might be a trick involved. The moment Magetta was in front of him the Metalman raised his right fist into the air and brought it down on where Frieza was standing, though at the same time Frieza jumped backwards a tiny bit and allowed the attack to pass him, where a small crater formed around Magetta's fist. That was followed by Magetta swinging his fists at Frieza multiple times in the same area, forcing him to move between the same two spots for a few seconds, before Frieza jumped into the air above his opponent's head and kicked him three times in the head... which seemed to release a vibration that caused everyone to cover their ears for a moment.

Even though Frieza put some power into his kicks, not enough to do some serious damage, Magetta's head appeared to be pressed a little bit into his chest area, where Magetta literally banged his fists against his head until he was able to pull it free... where he spewed steam from the pipe on the top of his head for a few moments.

Frieza watched all of this with some interest, because he was comparing Magetta to the other Metalmen he had fought before, while at the same time Magetta pounded his chest several more times until the steam turned into a small burst of flames. Once that was done the Metalman came at Frieza, who immediately noticed an increase to his opponent's speed and power, but before Magetta could hit him he slipped under his opponent's body and moved into the area behind him, where he turned around and faced his opponent. That was when Megetta started spinning his upper body around and turned himself into a twister, chasing after Frieza for a few seconds before the emperor jumped into the air and stared down at his opponent, as this was a new tactic that the Metalmen from Universe 7 never used against him. Since this was a new tactic Frieza raised his hands and gathered some ki, before he loosed a hail storm of small ki blasts on his opponent... though after a few moments Magetta opened his mouth and started spewing the liquid from before in what looked like his own ki based attack.

Before anyone could call a foul, not that Beerus was planning on doing that after what happened with Frost, the announcer declared that this was Magetta's 'Lava Spit' technique... meaning that it wasn't a weapon and that Magetta wouldn't be fouled for using it.

Frieza found this information to be quite interesting, once more confirming that this was something that he hadn't seen from the Universe 7 Metalmen, though his concentration returned to the match as Magetta increased the power of his attack and started spewing a stream of lava into the air. Instead of attacking it with his own attacks, and wasting energy, Frieza canceled his hailstorm of ki blasts and started moving around the air, keeping himself away from the barrier while at the same time keeping an eye on the stream of lava. It quickly became apparent that Magetta was trying to force him into a corner so that he would have no choice but to be considered out of bounds, but instead of giving in Frieza surrounded himself with his aura and pushed it outwards... tearing apart the smoke that had gathered around him and cut off his opponent's attack at the same time, while pushing Magetta back as well.

As Magetta seemed to power up some more, however, Frieza noticed something interesting about the area inside the second barrier, it was starting to get warmer and he was actually starting to develop a sweat... which meant that Champa was either cheating to eliminate the Universe 7 warriors, or he had no idea what was going on and would proclaim to be innocent of what was going on.

At the same time it appeared that he wasn't the only one that determined that something was wrong, as it seemed that the rest of his team, as well as Beerus and his daughters, had noticed that being in the air was dangerous because of how Magetta was heating up the place. Since Vados designed her barrier to allow the air to circulate in and out, like it normally would, Magetta was causing the oxygen to be constantly low and that meant that being in the upper area of the barrier was dangerous. Champa declared that he didn't cheat and that Beerus had already agreed to the rule, even though Beerus' wasn't upset by what was going on, though at the same time Frieza landed on the floor and wiped some of the sweat off of his forehead. He already knew that this was going to be dangerous, since Magetta was unaffected by the change in the oxygen levels, so he had to be careful and do something to lower the heat back to a more reasonable level... before he collapsed from exhaustion.

In the instant that followed Magetta released another stream of his Lava Spit and targeted Frieza, who moved out of the way with his speed and made sure that the attack never hit him, while at the same time thinking of something that would turn the tables and end this match. What happened next was that some orange colored gas erupted from Magetta's head and he burned it with his Lava Spit, causing an explosion that made Frieza brace where he was standing and, since he was moving close to the barrier, forced him to blast the barrier to stop himself from moving. A few seconds later the referee announced that Magetta had ignited one of his farts and caused an explosion, which was followed by the Metalman rubbing the back of his head for a moment in shame.

Frieza took the opportunity that was presented to him and charged a small amount of his ki into his hand, though this time he intended to use a low powered Death Cannon to see what else Magetta had up his sleeves, though when he fired the beam Magetta turned around and breathed his Lava Spit in return. What happened next was that his attacked was repelled, but as that happened Frieza noticed that the lava was hardening into what appeared to be a club, so the moment he stopped attacking Magetta loosed a glob of spit at him. Frieza blasted the spit with his ki and found Magetta standing behind the spit with the club, though instead of taking the hit he moved out of the way and let his opponent hit the area he had been standing on... while at the same time thinking of a good way to truly end this fight before he collapsed from pure exhaustion, before an idea came to mind.

"I guess it's all or nothing at this point," Frieza commented, to which he jumped into the air and stopped himself when he was diagonal from where Magetta was standing, who turned and looked at him as he prepared another burst of his Lava Spit attack, "Very well then, I shall show you my true power... the power of Golden Frieza!"

The moment those words left his mouth his golden aura phased into existence, though as he started to power up and start the transformation he noticed that his power was vibrating off all of the walls of the barrier, while at the same time Champa confused him for an angry fool as Vados told her Destroyer God that he was the real fool. As the light from his transformation enveloped him, and prevented everyone from seeing his body for a few moments, Frieza noticed that the walls of the barrier were actually starting to crack under the intensity of his power. He grinned for a moment as he felt the changes lock into place, where he released a burst of his power and expelled the aura that surrounded him, while at the same time shattering the barrier and allowing him to feel the cool air of the true barrier without having to sweat due to Magetta's lava heating up the place.

The only downside to the barrier shattering was that it actually formed glass that went flying in all directions, though Frieza raised an eyebrow as Applejack summoned a barrier that literally stopped all of the glass before it could hurt anyone on her platform... which made him remember that she and Rainbow had powers that were unlike anything he had seen and that this was one of them, to which he turned back to Magetta.

Instead of saying anything Frieza allowed his aura to reform around his body as he held his arms out, in the fashion that Vegeta did whenever he called upon his Final Flash technique, though instead he started to charge two Death Cannons at the same time, to which two red spheres appeared in front of his hands. As he did that Magetta started to beat his chest once more and gathered his own energy for whatever he was about to do, though Frieza merely pulled his energy together as he slowly brought his hands side by side in front of his body. He could tell, at just a glance, that both Vegeta and Mizuna were interested in what he was doing, though instead of focusing on them his eyes remained locked on his current opponent, who was standing where he had been for the last few minutes.

Once the attack was complete Frieza sent it flying with all the power he could muster, though when Magetta released a stream of his Lava Spit Frieza was pleased to find that his opponent was being pushed back almost immediately and was approaching the edge of the arena... until he gave the attack one more push, which destroyed Magetta's attack and caused him to be dazed in the process. Frieza then sensed the opportunity and cut off his attack, before racing through the air and punched the Metalman in the chest, where Magetta raised his arms to block the attack for a few moments, but what Magetta didn't anticipate was the power before his punch... as a few seconds later the ground beneath him shattered and he fell out of bounds, while Frieza landed on the arena and stared down at his opponent.

As the referee declared Frieza the winner, and that he would be fighting Cabba next, he noticed something odd about the Universe 6 Saiyan, he seemed disappointed for some strange reason, to which looked at the list of fighters and instantly realized what was going on... Cabba, being a Saiyan, wanted to know the strength and power of a Universe 7 Saiyan and had been looking forward to fighting Vegeta, something that he had taken away from the young fighter. As he powered down he realized something else, if he had been his old persona, as the tyrant, he wouldn't have cared about such a thing and would have dominated Cabba until he cried, but his new persona, as the emperor, made him realize when one option was better than the other. Sure, he could easily fight Cabba and beat him, leaving Vegeta, Goku, and Mizuna to fight the mysterious Hit, but at the same time he knew exactly what he needed to do... to which he flew back up to where Beerus was resting and joined the rest of his team as Vados fixed the arena once more.

"Is something wrong?" Beerus asked, though while Whis gave Frieza a pitcher of water, to help replace what he had sweated out during the fight with Magetta, he noticed that there was something off about Frieza at the moment, which meant he was thinking about something.

"The young Saiyan, Cabba, is disappointed that I will be his opponent," Frieza replied, though at the same time he picked up one of the glasses and poured himself something to drink, to which he downed the contents before bothering to continue, "he's more interested in seeing the power of a Universe 7 Saiyan than fighting with me, which brings me to an interesting conclusion. Lord Beerus, might it be alright if I withdraw from the tournament? It will give Cabba the chance to experience the power that Vegeta possesses... and you'll still be in the lead, since we have four fighters left and Champa only has two at the moment."

Beerus was surprised by Frieza's announcement, and he could tell that the rest of the team was surprised as well, but at the same time he knew that this was another sign that the old Frieza was gone and a new one had taken his place, as he was thinking about others more instead of focusing solely on himself. He knew that Frieza still had a lot of energy leftover from his fight with Magetta, enough to take on Cabba and eliminate him, but at the same time Frieza was thinking of tricking Champa into thinking that Magetta's tactic had done enough to force someone to retire from the tournament. In the end, however, he decided that he might as well put his trust in Frieza, because so far he remained true to his word and had truly turned over a new leaf, to which he got up and floated down to where the referee was standing. A few seconds later, as he returned to his platform, he noticed that Champa was pouting, as if he believed that Frieza was sympathizing with his team since they were losing, while Cabba was relieved to be facing Vegeta.

Since Vados was repairing the stage, however, Whis floated over to her and helped speed things along, though before long the two of them silently agreed to increase the size of the ring to avoid fighters from falling off the edge and to provide more exciting matches. Once the changes were made the two Destroyers came down and looked over the changes, where the two Angels inquired about the aerial out of bounds rule, where both Beerus and Champa agreed to get rid of it. Beerus knew that Vegeta would never go out in such a manner, as he would rather be exhausted first before that happened, and Goku was a mystery at times, even to him after all these years of watching him fight and grow... but Mizuna was a mystery to him, as he had actually never witnessed her fight with all her power. He chuckled for a moment as he and Whis returned to their platform, while Champa and Vados did the same, because he was sure that the next fights would be interesting for the two of them... as well as some of the watchers.

When the two of them landed on the platform, however, Beerus found Frieza and Vegeta staring at each other, but it was the type that acquaintances made, though a part of him wondered if the two of them, along with Goku and Mizuna, might be becoming friends with each other.

"Frieza, why did you decide to withdraw?" Vegeta asked, though he knew the official reason was because Magetta exhausted him, but he wanted the real reason behind the decision, as this wasn't like the Frieza he knew.

"I took out two of their fighters and didn't want to hog all of the spotlight," Frieza replied, though as he turned around, so he could take a seat somewhere to watch what was coming next, he turned back towards Vegeta and smiled, "besides, young Cabba seems more interested in you than anyone else on our team... I'm letting him have what he wants, and you'll likely get something out of this as well."

Vegeta stared at Frieza for a few seconds before turning towards the edge of the platform and stared down at the new arena, where he nodded in satisfaction, before the referee called for him and Cabba to enter the arena, to which the two of them jumped off their platforms and landed on the arena floor.

"I heard that you were disappointed when you first found out that you weren't going to be fighting me," Vegeta commented, though at the same time he smiled, because truthfully he was also eager to see the strength of a Saiyan that was from another universe, "now, however, you must be extremely happy to have the chance to battle me."

"I am glad to have this opportunity," Cabba replied, though he offered Vegeta a smile as well, to reflect what he was feeling on the inside, before adopting a battle stance that reminded Vegeta of the one he used when he first landed on Earth all those years ago, "I will fight you with my full power and hold absolutely nothing back."

Vegeta nodded his understanding, because that was what he was planning on doing from the start, though that also depended on whether he could transform into a Super Saiyan or not, because he really didn't want to overpower Cabba and beat him into the ground. A few moments later, when the referee called for the match to begin, Cabba immediately charged at him and threw his left fist and Vegeta's face, though while Vegeta was impressed by Cabba's speed he still raised a fist and caught the attack before it could hit him. From there Cabba threw several more punches at Vegeta, who blocked them all in rapid succession, before Cabba spun around and kicked at him with his foot, which Vegeta bent backwards to avoid... before raising his arm to block the other part of the kick as it came back towards him.

Vegeta took the opportunity to throw a punch at Cabba, who ducked under his fist and struck him in the chest, but before a second blow hit him he caught the attack that was coming and made sure to do the same thing to the other fist that was coming... before throwing Cabba's arms to the side and flipping forward and bringing a foot downward, though as Cabba raised his defenses Vegeta immediately switched directions and used his other foot to hit Cabba from below. The resulting hit knocked Cabba backwards and forced him to one knee, as he actually hadn't been expecting such an attack, though at the same time Vegeta lowered his foot and stood straight once more. That trick move was one of the attacks he and Kakarot had developed during the three years of training inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, as it was a new one that he had never shown anyone, but it seemed to have worked out quite well.

Cabba, regaining himself after a few moments of huffing, stood straight up once more and brought his hands to one side, though the stance immediately reminded Vegeta of his Galick Gun, to which he smiled and repeated the stance, where the two of them gathered their energy until they loosed their beams at their opponent. Vegeta was immediately impressed, because so far he had determined that Cabba was, somehow, evenly matched with his normal form, which meant that the match would go on for quite a while if they didn't get serious. When he made the comment, however, both he and Cabba stopped channeling their ki and the two Galick Guns faded away, though at the same time he prepared himself for what he was going to do.

"Let us kick this up to the next level," Vegeta said, as he was mere moments away from accessing his Super Saiyan form to continue the battle, though at the same time he could tell that Cabba was prepared to learn what he was talking about, "Tell me something, can you transform into a Super Saiyan?"

"Super Saiyan?" Cabba asked, though something flashed through his mind, as he was recalling the first match between Goku and Botamo, where Goku's hair, eyes, and aura transformed in an instant, "Oh, you mean that strange form that your friend used in the first match?"

"That's correct," Vegeta replied, though even as he said that he knew that Cabba might not be able to transform, because the way he said 'strange form' meant that he's never taken it on before, "Let me guess, you can't transform into a Super Saiyan like Kakarot, my mother, and I can?"

"I... no, I cannot use the Super Saiyan form," Cabba admitted, though at the same time he felt ashamed, as if he believed that this was something that every Saiyan should be allowed to use at any given moment, "Vegeta-san... please, teach me how to use the Super Saiyan form."

Vegeta was a little surprised by how forward Cabba was with his request, especially since they were in the middle of a match, but at the same time he already knew that teaching someone to use this form was extremely difficult, as he and Kakarot had transformed on Namek when their friends had died in front of them. His mother had done the same thing years prior to their fight on the doomed planet, as she had witnessed the death of her entire race from the Other World and it required someone like Bardock to calm her down. His father also had access to the Super Saiyan form, as he had been emotional after the death of Future Trunks during the Cell Games, as he treated Future Trunks like he treated the present Trunks and was angry over his death. Anger was the cornerstone of the first Super Saiyan transformation, and a greater level of anger was necessary to achieve Super Saiyan 2... but at the same time Vegeta actually thought of the one thing that might help Cabba out.

For a moment Vegeta glanced towards Champa's platform and stared at the God of Destruction for Universe 6 for a few seconds, before glancing back towards Beerus's platform and locked eyes with Chronoa, who nodded her head for a moment, before sighing as he turned back towards Cabba.

"Alright, I might be able to help you," Vegeta said, to which he noticed a look a hope appear in Cabba's eyes, before he turned his attention to Champa's platform and raised his voice, "Lord Champa, might I ask if it's okay to bring something into the arena? I wish to show my opponent something that will help him understand the power that my friend used earlier in the first match... and I promise you, it's not a weapon of any kind."

The first look on Champa's face indicated that he didn't believe what Vegeta was saying, that he believed that Vegeta was trying to trick him into letting him bring something into the arena that would purposely allow him to defeat Cabba easily. The next look that appeared on his face was when Vados commented that Vegeta might be trying to level the playing field by allowing Cabba access to the same transformation that Goku used earlier, one that she knew that Vegeta had access to as well. Champa also glanced over at Beerus for a few seconds, where he watched his brother nod his head, indicating that there was no trickery involved, to which he growled and finally declared that it was alright, even though inside he didn't care for whatever Vegeta had to show Cabba.

The instant Champa agreed to allow Vegeta's request Chronoa pulled something out of the small bag she was carrying and hopped into the air, where she floated down towards the two Saiyans and handed Vegeta what looked like an oval mirror of some kind... to which she smiled and flew back to where her husband and daughters were waiting.

"Let's see here, Age 739," Vegeta commented, to which he stared at the mirror for a few moments, carefully adjusting the device to the exact place that he wanted to show Cabba, while at the same time making sure that it was in the correct time period, before a small smile appeared on his face, "Here, I've found what I wanted to show you."

Cabba looked at the strange oval device for a few seconds and noticed that it was a device that allowed someone to view a planet, though the planet in question was reddish colored and seemed to be extremely important to Vegeta, to which he stared at the planet with some interest. He noticed some sort of spaceship flying close to the planet's atmosphere, though that was before someone called a sphere of energy into existence and threw it down at the planet in front of them. Cabba watched as the sphere collided with the planet and caused the planet to fall apart around it, before the planet violently exploded, though that was followed by some sinister laughter that reminded him of Frieza and Frost, since their voices were the exact same.

"Wh... what was that?" Cabba asked, though he had the feeling that he had been shown something that was important to Vegeta, because he refused to look at the oval mirror the entire time the video was playing.

"The destruction of my home planet," Vegeta replied, to which he sighed as he noticed Cabba's shocked expression, though he couldn't fault the young Saiyan for feeling the way he was at the moment, "the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Now then, to the reason why I wanted to show you this; imagine that Planet Vegeta is actually Planet Sadal, and that everyone you cared about was on that planet when it was destroyed."

Cabba looked up at Vegeta in shock, because he had no idea why this method would unlock the Super Saiyan form that he had seen earlier, but even as the thought crossed his mind he realized that he could easily envision that Planet Vegeta was actually Planet Sadal. He closed his eyes for a moment, where he envisioned Frost leading his shadowy empire to Planet Sadal with the intent on attacking his home and his race in a violent and bloody war, before eventually destroying the planet and laughing like a maniac. It was easy for him to see Frost doing that, because now that his true allegiances were known to everyone it wasn't hard to see him as the villain that he really was, though at the same time he growled as he felt his anger rise for a few seconds... while he felt Vegeta take the oval mirror from him.

"I know it's hard to imagine your loved ones dying in such a manner, but you need to keep up with what you are feeling," Vegeta said, knowing that it had to be difficult for Cabba to do this, but at the same time knowing that this was the only way for him access the Super Saiyan transformation.

"I... won't... forgive you!" Cabba shouted, to which his anger snapped as his aura transformed around him, while at the same time he felt a new power awaken inside his body, where he glared at Vegeta for a few moments as he imagined Frost destroying Planet Sadal.

Vegeta smiled as Cabba transformed into a Super Saiyan, one with incredible power for his first time taking on this form, though at the same time he carefully tossed the oval mirror to the referee, who indicated that he would keep it safe until the match was over, before he prepared himself. Cabba dropped into his battle stance and raced towards where Vegeta was standing, though as Cabba swung his fist at him Vegeta used both his hands to block the attack and felt Cabba's energy pass through him, pushing him backwards for a few moments, before the young Saiyan went on the offensive with a barrage of punches. Vegeta smiled as he blocked the barrage of punches that were coming his way, as Cabba was definitely much stronger now, before he dropped down and kicked out Cabba's feet, who surprised him by kicking him into the air.

Cabba then appeared behind him and punched him down into the arena floor, where he cracked the floor, though that was followed by a barrage of ki blasts raining down where he was standing, to which Vegeta purposely allowed them to hit the ground before swinging his hand... causing the remaining ki blasts to be tossed backwards, where they exploded in the air until they were all gone. Cabba then landed on the floor in front of him and raced towards him, though when Cabba threw his fist forward Vegeta allowed it to hit his forehead... though he remained standing where he had been and smiled at his opponent, who seemed confused for a moment.

"You're doing good," Vegeta said, as he was proud that Cabba had been able to grasp the basics of the Super Saiyan form so quickly, because now he was proving to be an excellent fighter with his power boost, "remember this feeling and train yourself to access this form on your own, because then you'll be able to use it like Kakarot and I can."

Cabba seemed shocked for a moment and immediately snapped out of his Super Saiyan state, though as he touched the ground he backed up a little bit, as he was unsure about what to do now, but the look on his face showed that he was happy to have done what Vegeta had wanted of him. That was followed by Vegeta asking Cabba to transform again, so he could get used to the feeling he used to transform, to which Cabba recalled the anger he had felt and the golden aura returned in full force, along with his hair shifting upwards. In that moment Vegeta stated that Cabba indeed had some talent, which seemed to please the Universe 6 Saiyan, though at the same time his friends on the side nodded their heads, as they understood what he had been doing.

"Now, there are two more forms after this one, Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3," Vegeta stated, causing Cabba to nod his head, as he was eager to see them, but at the same time Vegeta smiled as he realized there was something else he could show Cabba, "but Kakarot and I actually have another form above our Super Saiyan 3 form... here, let me show you what I am referring to."

Vegeta braced himself and transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue state, causing Champa to let out a gasp of surprise while Beerus smiled, while at the same time Cabba looked at him in total shock, as if he had never expected to see something like this today.

"This is the latest form we have unlocked, Super Saiyan Blue," Vegeta explained, to which Cabba, despite being completely surprised, nodded his head in understanding as he imagined the power this form contained, "Trust me on this Cabba, if you continue your training, like Kakarot and I have, you will unlock your hidden potential and unlock all the Super Saiyan forms I've mentioned."

"I can have... this power?!" Cabba said, to which Vegeta nodded his head, causing Cabba to raise his arms to defend himself, though he knew he was severely outclassed and was going to do his best against the power that was standing in front of him, "Vegeta-san, show me the power of your Super Saiyan Blue form."

Vegeta let out a sigh as he dashed forward and punched Cabba in the chest, though the blow caused him to stagger for a few seconds as he dropped out of his Super Saiyan form and fall to the floor, to which he waited for a few seconds as the referee declared Cabba defeated by knockout. Vegeta then went back up to where Whis was sitting and picked up another pitcher of water, where he returned to Cabba and splashed him with the water and smiled at the young Saiyan as he came to. Cabba than thanked him for taking the time to teach him the ability to transform into his new Super Saiyan form, where Vegeta simply said that it was his pleasure and that if he kept at it he would catch up with him and Kakarot... and maybe surpass them at some point in the future.

As Cabba returned to Champa's platform, however, the referee declared that the final member of the Universe 6 team, the mysterious Hit, would be fighting him next, to which Vegeta prepared himself... because something told him that this fight was going to be a tough one for him, and potentially Kakarot and his mother as well if they were forced to fight the man after he did.