//------------------------------// // Two Families // Story: Life as a Foal // by BubblePuff //------------------------------// Mommy then told what had happened with Ekko while I was away. It began that morning when Ekko was playing in the garden. She was chasing butterflies, jumping up in the air and hovering for as long as her little wings would let her. She stopped when she heard a rustling noise by the tall bushes. Ekko crawled over to investigated. When Ekko reached the bush, a big wolf with wings like her emerged. The winged wolf sniffed Ekko, then smiled. “My daughter, I have finally found you!” The big wolf said with joy. Ekko whimpered and ran. She kept running until she bumped into Aunt Celestia, who was busy speaking with a guard. Aunt Celestia turned and looked down in surprise. “Ekko, what are doing running around out here? Your cousins are about to leave for the playground.” “Monsta!” Ekko shouted. “What monster?” Aunt Celestia then looked up and saw the big winged wolf approaching. The guard pointed his spear at it, and Aunt Celestia hid Ekko behind her hooves. “Who are you? And why are you in the royal garden scarring my child?” Aunt Celestia demanded. “My name is Fang.” The big wolf said. “And I am the father of that pup.” Aunt Celestia paused for a moment. She then turned to the guard. “Go tell Quick Wit that Ekko will not attending the the other foals for their day out. I also need you to gather Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and Nightmare Moon in the throne room. Tell them that is urgent.” The guard saluted and headed inside. Aunt Celestia used her magic to place Ekko on her back. “Please Fang, follow me where we can talk properly.” Aunt Celestia then led Fang to the royal throne room. Later, Aunt Celestia met up with Aunt Luna, Aunt Cadence, Aunt Twilight, and Mommy in the royal throne room. Ekko sat next to Aunt Celestia as Fang talked told his story. “It was several months ago. My pack was flying out west to look for new hunting grounds. We stopped to take a break. This pup, Ekko, must have gotten distracted and wandered off.” Aunt Celestia was skeptical. “If Ekko is indeed your child, then surely you have some proof?” Fang nodded. “I do. On the inside of Ekko’s right ear, there is a birthmark in the shape of a star. I saw it shortly after she was born.” Aunt Celestia leaned down and looked into Ekko’s right ear. Sure enough, there was a star shaped birthmark. “Celestia, is Fang correct?” Aunt Cadence asked. Aunt Celestia nodded her head. “It is true. Fang is the father of Ekko.” “But Ekko has already accepted this place as her home, and the foals as her brothers and sisters.” Aunt Luna said. “To just have be hauled away would surely cause emotional damage.” Ekko looked up at Aunt Celestia with wide eyes. “Momma go bwye-bwye?” Aunt Celestia hugged Ekko tight. “No sweetie, mommy isn’t going anywhere.” Fang watched as they hugged. “I do not want to break up this family, but I also cannot leave without Ekko. She is my daughter. There must be some way we can work this out.” Aunt Cadence tapped Celestia on the shoulder. “Aunt Celestia, I believe I have a compromise to this dilemma.” Aunt Celestia looked at Aunt Cadence and wiped the tears from her eyes. “You do?” “Yes. I propose a shared custody. You shall raise Ekko for six months of the year, and Fang will raise her for the other six months. The two of you can also share special days such as holidays and Birthdays.” Both Aunt Celestia and Fang thought it over. “That actually sounds very reasonable.” Said Aunt Celestia. “I agree. This plan does work out the best not only for us, but for Ekko as well.” Fang said. “Agreed, but who should get Ekko first?” Aunt Luna asked. Aunt Celestia thought for a moment, then spoke out. “It is only fair that Ekko go with Fang for now. She needs to meet her real mother, whom I’m sure is worried sick about her.” Mommy looked towards Aunt Celestia. “Are you sure about this?” Aunt Celestia nodded her head. Fang walked up to Ekko and nuzzled her. “Do not be afraid little one, you will be back here soon. Think of it this way. Instead of one family, you now belong to two.” Ekko smiled. The thought of two families was appealing. It meant twice the fun and twice the love. She licked Fang on the nose. Soon half of Ekko’s stuff was packed, and she and Fang got to ride the royal carriage back to Ekko’s pack. Aunt Celestia hugged and Kissed Ekko. “I’ll see you soon Ekko, be a good girl for me.” The carriage took off and Ekko waved her little paw. Aunt Celestia smiled, but still shed a tear. “And that is what happened to Ekko.” Mommy said. “She will be back in six months. In that time I do hope you learn not to get into any more fights. Understood?” I nodded my head. “Good. Now get some sleep.” Mommy kissed me goodnight then left my room. I looked out the window at the moon. In the distance, I could hear a faint howl.