//------------------------------// // 39 - Devotion, Part 5 of 16 // Story: The Last Cutie Mark Crusader // by Jatheus //------------------------------// Cloud Blazer had become somewhat accustomed to the poor sleep he’d been getting for the past few days, but it seemed to make his healing injuries hurt even more, if such were possible. He, Rarity, and Fluttershy had gone out early to resupply the rations that had been consumed from her barren cupboards. Standing in line had become a daily ritual for ponies throughout Equestria, as had saving back part of the ration for the next day whenever possible. Rarity’s meager stockpile had only lasted the three of them the one night, but it would have lasted her for a day or two, should the need have arisen. She had insisted that they eat heartily. There was a chill to the morning air, such that Cloud Blazer could see his own breath as he exhaled. He shivered, sending spasms of pain out from his mending ribs and his hind leg especially. He groaned against the discomfort. "Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked. He snorted back at her. "Oh, that’s right; I’m sorry I asked!" "Don’t take it personally, darling," Rarity said as they took a small step forward. "He’s just still hurting from all those broken bones. Cold air does make them ache more than usual, does it not?” "It does," his flat answer came. He seethed, "We would also be back inside already if you hadn’t taken so long to get ready." "A lady doesn’t need a reason to look her best,” Rarity didn’t seem phased by the criticism. A commotion up ahead got their attention. Somepony was shouting something, but they couldn’t hear across the distance for the stirring chatter of the other ponies in line. "Do you think they’re talking about last night?" Fluttershy asked with a hint of trepidation in her voice. "Hardly," Rarity let out an exasperated sigh, "These town criers are always trying to recruit for the EUP in the food lines of late.” "I can’t say I blame them," Cloud Blazer remarked. "I mean, they have a captive audience." "I suppose that’s true, but it always spoils what could otherwise be a peaceful morning." Cloud Blazer considered the action the night before. He hadn’t heard any news about it yet. Whatever had happened, it seemed as though the soldiers had completely taken care of the situation well before dawn. Nopony seemed at all hindered from moving about the city. They continued standing in line silently as they inched their way closer. Before long, they were in range of the town crier, who appropriately bore the image of a megaphone for his cutie mark. "Listen up, everypony!" he shouted. "By order of Prince Shining Armor! Every able-bodied pegasus is called upon to report to Cloudsdale immediately to assist The Hero of Canterlot. All travel restrictions are rescinded until further notice! Your cooperation is vital to the cause!” Buzzing excitement swept through the chattering and murmuring that followed. The crier simply continued repeating the message. Cloud Blazer turned to the other two, "That’s Sparklefly; she’s alive!" “That means we’ll be able to go now," Fluttershy sounded excited. "Yay." The stallion’s heart sank, remembering that Pixyglitter had left, "Well, you’ll be able to go. I’m not exactly able-bodied anymore." "I know that is terribly disappointing for many reasons," Rarity tried to console him. "You will, of course, be welcome to stay at my apartment until we return.” “I just wish I could see this through,” a twinge of despair was beginning to take hold. He sighed, “I’ll take you up on that, thanks.” “Think nothing of it. I would only ask that you tidy after yourself and remember to feed Opalescence." He snorted with disdain, "That cat." Fluttershy cooed, "Oh, she’s really sweet.” Cloud Blazer turned, showing the scratches in his flank and making a scowl at the timid pegasus. "Well, once you get to know her," she added sheepishly. They got through the line, receiving their morning portion of hay, which Rarity complained about somewhat genially. Then they began the short walk back to Rarity’s apartment. Cloud Blazer was glad to be out of the cold, but he was practically glowering from frustration. The other two remained silent as they rode the elevator back up to Rarity’s floor. As they walked down the corridor, Cloud Blazer stared down at the geometric shapes in the carpet and the hooves of the mares that walked in front of him. When they suddenly halted, he was barely able to avoid bumping into them as he stopped. He was annoyed until looked up to see Pixyglitter sitting in front of Rarity’s door. The three of them stood in silence for a moment before Cloud Blazer took a few steps forward, between the other two. He regarded the mare for a moment. She had an intensely downcast expression. Truly, his heart had fluttered with excitement or perhaps something more like joy at the sight of her. It was immediately replaced by concern for her walking through the city alone. He realized that she wasn’t just his way back to Ponyville. In the short time they had known each other, they had shared quite a lot of hurt and laughter, the way only a dear friend does. Rarity put a hoof on Cloud Blazer’s flank and nudged him forward. He glared at her, but her expression showed no apology over the brutish action. She didn’t say anything; she didn’t have to. It was clearly communicated that this moment was his to deal with. Looking ahead once again, Pixyglitter had turned to face him. Her ears were perked up, and she listened intently as Cloud Blazer began walking toward her. She stood as he drew close, as though she knew it was him. The stallion noticed that he was thirsty. "Hi," she said simply. "Hi, yourself," he replied in a harder tone than he had intended. She recoiled a little, but then planted her hooves and took a deep breath. He was on the verge of saying something disarming when she spoke. "I’m sorry. I should have come with you before. It was just... being home... I got confused. My dad’s really good at that." "Forget it,” he shrugged, trying to brush it off and move on. "No," she objected. "I need to finish.” He remained silent, glad she was back, but still somewhat upset with her. “I have always been independent... you know that. My parents... my dad is controlling, and my need for self-sufficiency has been a reaction to that. It’s no excuse for anything I said the other day, in the rocks. The fact is, you have been great, even though I don’t know exactly what we’re doing... I mean, I know we’re taking your friends back to Ponyville, and I know why. I just don’t know what we are doing... us.” Confused feelings worked through the stallion at the mention of such things. He still was concerned that he might have made her feel pressured to have a relationship beyond friendship, though her words now suggested the contrary. “I know we decided before that we’re just friends, and that’s all you have to offer... I feel like we’re a bit more than that. Whatever that means... I’ve decided that I don’t care. I mean, I care... I just... Let’s not worry about it. I guess I’m trying to say I’m with you. I won’t leave your side again.” Cloud Blazer felt himself smile, though the emotions inside were conflicted. His heart was pounding abnormally fast. He also wasn’t sure exactly what she’d meant in saying that they were a bit more than friends, but her declaration that she would stay with him was enough. They would have to define the rest at a later date. "How about we just pretend that this little detour never happened?" She stifled a giggle, "Deal." The stallion realized that the mare was unable to read his facial expressions or body language, which meant she had only his words, the tone in his voice, and physical contact. He wasn’t sure if it was a wise thing to do, considering the confusion she had reintroduced into the nature of their relationship, but he stepped forward and gave her a hug. It unexpectedly made him feel warm inside. "I’m glad you’re back," he said before letting her go. "Yeah," she replied, "me too." "And so are we!" Rarity interrupted cheerfully as they approached. "Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked sweetly. "Yeah, I’m fine," Pixyglitter shrugged. Cloud Blazer could tell that she had been on the verge of tears, but she didn’t let any escape. "Now we just have to hope they honor our pass." "You hadn’t heard?" Cloud Blazer asked. "Heard what?" "It seems that all travel restrictions have been lifted," Rarity answered. "There is a need for pegasi in Cloudsdale." "I guess we don’t have any time to lose then," Pixyglitter said. "Well, we’re not going on empty stomachs,” Rarity countered. "I don’t know how far you two can fly while hungry, but I suggest we each cut our three rations in half. The four of us can eat a half ration each now, and then we’ll have a little for Fluttershy and Pixyglitter for later." The others agreed, and they went into Rarity’s house to quickly eat their small meal. In the meantime, the graceful mare prepared the cat carrier so she could take Opalescence with them. Cloud Blazer felt himself again, emotional befuddlement notwithstanding. It was overridden by his desire to see through his mission to the end, to rescue the princesses. All the war and death aside, things seemed to be once again heading in the right direction.