Blue Sunny Days and Pink Lemonade

by Masterweaver

...except you kind of are. But not, like, romantically.

"Oh sweet Sunset, what a day." Lemon collapsed onto Sunny's couch with a groan. "Man, I could go for some fucking... I dunno, I wanna say burgers? But not like, burger burgers. Like burgers without the patties, but there's, you know, pancakes instead? Keep the lettuce and tomatoes, hold the mayonnaise because fuck mayo. Mustard... mustard's a maybe. Onions would work, but not pickles. Pineapple maybe. Yeah, pineapple whipped cream pancake burger with a side of fries and one of those ice cream flurry things. Maybe some chicken wings on the side. I dunno, that's what I'm craving, because today was just... fucking crazy."

Sunny leaned on the doorframe to the kitchen. "Why are you in my apartment."

"Don't want to deal with my mom right now, told her I was heading over to a friend's."

"And how did you get in? The door was locked!"

Lemon Zest casually produced a few bent pieces of metal. "You should upgrade to a six-pin lock, five is too easy these days. Or swap out for something that isn't a tumbler lock, actually, telekinesis... yeah, make a unicorn aspect lock, huh?"

The blue-skinned girl sighed. "Okay, next time, call me instead of playing a rogue. Honestly, I could have you arrested for that, you know?"

"You've got a phone on your wrist-dealies, go ahead and call 'em if you want."

Sunny Flare threw up her hands, turning around and walking into the kitchen. "Look, just because we've had this whole bonding thing doesn't mean you can just drop by unannounced." She popped the freezer open for a minute, taking a large plastic bag and reaching for a plate from the cabinet. "I could have been in the shower or working on some experiment or, you know... with somebody."

"Well I'd get a show in any of those cases. Not exactly convincing me to stop."

Sunny snorted, pouring the bag out onto the plate. "You are insufferable, honestly. Ten, eleven.... You know what? If you don't want me to kick you out, you're going to have to give me a damn good reason."

"Fine, fine. What if I told you I was trying to figure out how to apply my newfound magical prowess to the nature of technological development?"

"I'm already coding a Paradiamond app that lets smartphones detect and identify shifts in the thaumatic register." Sunny stuffed the plate into the microwave with a smirk. "Get on my level, scrub."

Lemon sat up with a genuinely impressed whistle. "Wow, that'll be a game changer. How're the smartphones going to detect that sort of thing, though?"

"Well there's already a geiger counter app, and all you need for that is to cover the camera... granted, that one's only available on one brand of smart phone, could be a technical thing. I'm working closely with Gillion."

"Like, the company, or the actual search engine that happens to be sapient?"

"The latter, I... think. It's a little hard to tell, you know."

"Oh, yeah, don't I know it." Lemon chuckled. "Hey, did you see that thing in the news about the girl that tried to marry her phone's voice recognition program?"

"I caught wind of the sordid affair through social media, yes."

"Man. Crazy world we live in." She put a thoughtful finger to her cheek. "I mean, I guess I could go for a digital dude? I mean the physical side of things there would have to be some concessions, cause you know, the whole not having a body thing. Or maybe they could have multiple bodies--'Hey babe, I'm in the mood, hop over to the vibrator wouldya?'"

Sunny snorted despite herself. "Why not just go for a fully functional android body?"

"That kind of feels like an imposition, you know? Like forcing my standards on a being with no natural physical form is sorta... it's like saying 'you aren't good enough for me unless you act this specific way.' Or something. Which I don't think is what love is about."

"Mmm, fair, fair." Sunny glanced at the microwave as it beeped, opening it up and reaching in. "Of course this assuming that said theoretical paramour either would not be willing to use an android body himself, or that he could not exist over multiple devices."

"Oh, yeah, that's actually a good point!" Lemon scooted over as Sunny approached, glancing around the room. "I mean, you've gotcher console, your phone, your computer, and maybe a digital heating system or fridge if you're really fancy... like the only place you could still have privacy is your bathroom, I think. Maybe your bedroom, which sort of means you'd miss out on some of the perks, but then again I don't know if I could spend every moment at home knowing that the person I love could hear me at any time."

"Yes, it would be quite the violation of privacy. Like, say, somebody picking your apartment lock and dropping by to eat your food without warning."

"Hny." Lemon held up a finger, swallowing the pizza-based fingerfood in her mouth. "Look. This is completely different."


"For one, this isn't some romantic move, kay? I'm not going to suddenly kiss you or take off your skirt or whatever."

"What a disappointment," Sunny quipped with a grin.

"Also, I'm sort of not everywhere at once, you know?" She gestured at herself. "This is me. Pink girl, green and yellow hair, just sittin' on your couch cause I like hanging out at your place."

"So would you drop by if I wasn't here?"

"Heck no, that would be creepy."

"And how do you know if I'm here at all?" Sunny Flare countered.

"Can I say 'the magic of friendship?' Cause that's actually a thing, you know, that exists these days."

Sunny Flare quirked an eyebrow.

"Okay, fine, so..." Lemon Zest sighed. "I maaaaaaay possibly have picked up on the particular feel of your... nn."

"You mean the abstract concept Sonata was talking about. The essence of the self."

"I know it sounds weird, but--you just... I can sort of sense you, now. Not in a creepy way, but there's this..." Lemon gestured vaguely. "There's this... like, you know how sometimes a crystal chime and a synthboard can sound exactly the same, it doesn't happen often but they hit the same notes and synchronize?"

"Not really."

"Well, it's a thing. Anyway, just... picture that, but instead of a sound it's... this... like not wind chill, exactly, it's not cold, but it touches the same places a wind chill would, but it's a crystal chime synthboard thing that's more of a feeling then a sound, if that makes any sense at all, which it doesn't--damn, never mind, I have no idea what I'm saying."

"Do you get these sorts of feelings for other people? When they're present, I mean."

"Not... well, sometimes. With the shadowbolts, when we're all together, but not as individuals. I guess with Sunset's friends, a little, but it's more... I think that's just the magic strengthening around them. Family members..." Lemon shrugged. "Important people. To me, personally. That sounds real cheesy, right?"

"Well, maybe, but... I guess I appreciate that," Sunny Flare admitted. "And... I suppose, I have gotten rather used to your company as well."

Now it was Lemon's turn to quirk a brow at her.

"In a nonromantic way, of course," Sunny quickly clarified. "Just how we talk about things."

"Yeah, that... that makes sense."


They stared into each other's eyes for half a minute.

"...sooooooo, uh..." Lemon coughed. "This... isn't going to get weird, is it?"

"Wha--no. No, of course not, let... let's not just..." Sunny Flare glanced around, before picking up the television remote. "You know, I have some... anime, I guess. We could watch that, if you're up for it."

"Always down for some poorly dubbed neighponese animation."

"Actually you'll find this is well-subbed neigponese animation."

Lemon clutched her chest with a melodramatic gasp. "You blasphemer! Alas, we can no longer be friends!"

"The subs retain more of the cultural context then the dubs--"

"But without the dubs, we would never have gotten Samurai Pizza Cats!"

Sunny Flare conceded the point with a shrug. "I suppose there's something to be said for both sides." She tapped a few buttons, and the television screen flickered to life.

The two girls snuggled into the couch, sharing a plate of microwaved fingerfood as they watched a ludicrously garbed animated cast melodramatically proclaim their actions in a foreign language. And while they definitely enjoyed the time together, they would insist forever after that it was not, like, a romantic date. Just a casual hangout between two gals that were pals.

Their actual first date was eight months later.