Remedial Studies

by Rose Quill


I smiled as Juniper flopped to the ground, panting. “I…didn’t know…how hard it would be!”

Twilight alighted near her, her lavender wings furling behind her as she smiled. “I thought so at first too,” she said, one wing sliding forward so she could pluck a frayed feather. “But then I found that I was relying too much on the strength of my wings and not enough on the Pegasi magic that came with my wings.”

Juniper managed to climb up to her hooves, not quite as awkward as she had been when we first came over. She gave her wings a fluff, and I had to turn away slightly to hide my grin. Some of her feathers were heavily misaligned, which would affect her ability to catch updrafts.

“Magic?” the pigtailed Pegasus asked.

“Pegasus magic lets them sense wind currents and lets them be lighter against the wind,” I said. “I don’t know more than the bare basics of it since I’m just a Unicorn.”

Twilight nodded. “It’s an interesting sensation,” the Alicorn said. “I still don’t fully understand it myself, because I didn’t just get Pegasus magic, but I also wound up with Earth Pony magic as well, so I had asked another Pegasus to be here today.” Her face screwed up with a little confusion. “She’s late.”

I was about to ask when I heard a set of hooves on the cobbles behind us. Turning, I saw Starlight trotting up with Fluttershy. The Pegasus looked a little abashed as they reached our little grouping.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” Fluttershy said. “Angel gave me a little trouble during the lunchtime feed.”

“That little furball still trying to run things?” I asked.

The shy mare nodded. “I’ve started disciplining him,” she whispered. “But it doesn’t seem to work.”

“You’re a bit gentle on it, Shy,” Starlight said as she leaned over and bumped her shoulder into her friend. “If you hadn’t agreed to make him a new parfait we’d have been here on time.”

Twilight looked at Starlight. “I’m surprised you hadn’t stepped in before then,” she said, tilting her head forward.

Starlight shrank down a little, cheeks coloring slightly. “I’ve been trying to do better about that,” she squeaked.

Juniper turned, her brow furrowing. “What am I missing?”

“Starlight had a bad habit of using magic to fix her problems,” Twilight said. “Not always with favorable results.”

“Something that we all understand,” I said with a smile at my friend, winking as the pink Unicorn lifted her head a bit. “Even you, Twilight.”

“What?” Twilight sputtered. “I never…”

“I heard about the ‘Want-It-Need-It’ spell from Mom,” I said, freezing as I suddenly realized what had slipped out of my mouth.

“Mom?” Twilight asked, brow furrowing. “But the only other Canterlot resident that knew about that that you would know is…” Her face flushed full red, her mouth gaping open and her face paled.

“Princess Celestia,” Starlight finished for her.

Twilight met my eyes, and realization slowly draining color from her face.

“I have…” she squeaked. “On Celestia’s…ohnoohno!” She teleported out suddenly, leaving me blinking in confusion.

“Does she do that often?” Juniper asked, gazing at the spot the Alicorn had stood just moments ago.

Fluttershy nodded. “She’s getting better about it, though,” she asserted, walking up and nudging Juniper’s left wing out a bit, tsking. “When was the last time you preened your wings?”

Juniper ducked her head. “Never?” she said bashfully. “I’ve only had them a week.”

Fluttershy slid her wing across the other mare. “Such a shame,” she sighed. “We’ll start there before we even attempt to fly. Come on, I’ve got a pincomb back at my place.”

“Um, Shy,” I asked. “Don’t you hesitate to fly in the first place?”

“I have to have a good reasons,” she told me as they walked by. “And seeing Dashie happy to have someone else to fly with is a good reason.”

I blinked. “Uh,”

Starlight slid up to me. “She and Dash started dating a few weeks before you came back.”

I nodded, mind catching up to the information rather swiftly. But my minds eye flashed back to Twilight’s face a few moments ago and to the way she had acted two days ago at my house.

“You think she has a crush on me?” I asked almost to myself.

“Duh,” Starlight said, throwing a forelimb over my withers. “You should have seen her before you came back when you would write her.”

I stared at her in surprise. “Are you serious?”

She nodded, then gave me a tug. “C’mon,” she said, turning to trot away. “Let’s go fly a kite while we wait for her panic attack to die down. I can introduce you to Maud.”

But even as we moved, my mind kept roving over to the glittering spire of her castle.