//------------------------------// // 38 - Countermeasures, Part 6 of 11 // Story: The Last Cutie Mark Crusader // by Jatheus //------------------------------// Pixyglitter was filled with nervous anticipation as she knocked on the door to her parents’ apartment. It was strange: up to her arrival at the door, she had felt so revitalized to return to Manehattan. The sounds and smells had made her feel more at home than she had been since joining the EUP. So many varied thoughts ran through her mind that she was unable to quiet them. She had already sent a letter home to her parents informing them of her... condition. She hated it. It burned like a fire in her stomach, an anger that she couldn’t do the things she did before. She had already played out this moment a thousand times in her mind. Her mother was certain to be just glad to see her, but her father... It was unlikely that he would be anything but condescending. She tried to not think about it. The actual event was bound to be unpleasant enough without her imagining it again. The sound of the lock turning brought Pixyglitter’s attention back to the moment. She heard the door open, and a gasp from her mother. "My sweet girl!" the familiar, loving voice said. Pixyglitter was suddenly caught in a mother’s embrace. The older mare held her briefly before backing up, opening the door farther. "Come in," she said. "All of you, please come in." "Thanks," Cloud Blazer responded. "Bully! We have guests," her mother called once the door was shut. "Pixy is home!" Pixyglitter’s heart sank. Her father was in the house. The tell-tale sound of paper being folded greeted her before hoof steps came toward the entry way. "Hmph," her father grumped from a distance. "Mother, father," Pixyglitter began nervously. "These are friends. This is Fluttershy...” "Hello," Fluttershy practically whispered timidly. “...and this is Cloud Blazer." "Hi.” "These are my parents, Gentle Breeze and Bull Market." "It is so nice to meet you," Gentle Breeze recited. "Hmph," Bull Market grunted. "I’d have thought friends worth keeping would have kept you in one piece." And there it was. Not two minutes home, and Pixyglitter already wished they hadn’t even bothered to come. She could only wonder why she had thought this was a good idea. "Yes. Sir." Pixyglitter said coldly through gritted teeth. "I didn’t meet these two until after I was injured." "Hmph," he grunted again. "You wouldn’t have been injured at all if you had stayed here where you belong. So what happened to the friends who were with you?" Pixyglitter was seething. Just being around her dad was making her blood pressure rise. "They died," she answered flatly. The hostility was growing thick. "Well, we’re just glad you’re here, aren’t we, Bully?" Gentle Breeze said quickly. Then she continued before he had a chance to respond, "Make yourselves at home. Any friends of Pixy’s are friends of ours! You will stay for dinner, of course?” "Oh, well, I don’t know," Cloud Blazer began, "we hadn’t really meant to stay long. We have business in town, and then we have to get back to Ponyville.” "You might as well humor her since she’s set on just giving our rations out," Bull Market said roughly. "All outbound traffic has been suspended until further notice anyway." "Oh, goodness," Fluttershy said. The older mare shivered, "The timberwolves attacking the city was just dreadful!” "Hmph," her father added, "They shut down the stock exchange. Half of all value was lost across the board before they put a stop to it." "Bully, let’s not talk shop just yet," Gentle Breeze pleaded. "Hmph," he grumbled before his hoof steps retreated into his office just off the den. "Well, that’s dad," Pixyglitter said dryly. "Sorry about that." "Pixyglitter, do not apologize for your father,” her mother gently scolded. Turning back to her sweet tone, she added, "Come, let me show you into the den where you can relax. I want to hear everything." "I’ll take them," Pixyglitter said. "Is there anything to drink?" "Are you up for it?" her mother asked with a hint of longing in her voice that Pixyglitter had never heard before. "I am," the blind mare replied stiffly. "I can remember my way through the house." "Of course, dear, I just meant...” Gentle Breeze hesitated and then switched gears, "I believe we still have some bottles of apple cider." "Sweet Apple Acres cider?" Cloud Blazer asked with great anticipation. Pixyglitter could almost see his mouth water. "No," Gentle Breeze replied curiously. "I’m afraid I haven’t heard of that vintage. Ours is from Double A Farms." "You’ll like it," Pixyglitter declared with certainty. Her mother shuffled back into the kitchen, and Pixyglitter led the way, feeling the hallway with her cane. The living room was laid out as she remembered it, so navigation of the space was a simple task for her. She sat on the large leather couch. To that day, it was the most comfortable seat her hindquarters had ever experienced. "Sit wherever, except for the arm chair," she said to her guests. "Your apartment is so lovely," Fluttershy cooed. Pixyglitter was certain she heard her dad grunt at this from his study, but he didn’t say anything. Glasses clinked in the kitchen as her mother was getting the cider. The greeting had been about what she’d expected, but Pixyglitter couldn’t shake the feeling that things were just going to get worse somehow. "Here you are," Gentle Breeze said as she silently walked back into the room. She gave each of them a glass of cider. Pixyglitter took a sip, and the apple flavor flowed over her tongue, filling her being. The couch depressed beside her, no doubt from her mother seating herself. "We’re so glad to see you again, Pixy," Gentle Breeze said sweetly, gently placing her hoof on her daughter’s back. "You’ll be staying, of course?" Pixyglitter managed a smile; she would always make that effort for her mother. She wasn’t sure how to answer her question, but the conversation quickly turned. "This cider is fantastic!" Cloud Blazer exclaimed. "It ought to be," Bull Market spoke gruffly as he entered the room and settled in his chair. "It’s seventy bits a bottle." "Oh, my," Fluttershy gasped. "That much?" Cloud Blazer replied, "The best back home is Sweet Apple Acres cider. We usually get it for two bits a glass." Pixyglitter felt tense at his statement. "Hmph," her father retorted, "You get what you pay for." A crinkling sound filled the silence as Bull Market unfolded something, probably a newspaper. He always would look through them for stock information or news that could effect such. Pixyglitter took another sip of her cider, letting the apple flavor take over her senses for a moment. Gentle Breeze made a noise as if to speak, but then hesitated before asking, ”So, did you meet in... combat?" "No, ma’am," Cloud Blazer answered. "We were injured in different battles and met at the hospital where we were recovering." "I see; were you injured as well?" "Oh, my, no!" Fluttershy explained. "I’m not a soldier. I’m looking for a friend to take her back to Ponyville. That’s why I have a harness.” "Like I said," Bull Market interjected, "all outbound traffic is suspended for now. I’m sure it’ll be a day or two before they open it up again. Hmph! Timberwolves are a nuisance." "That’s not the word I would choose," Cloud Blazer said, "but I guess it fits well enough." "Pixy," her mother tried again to steer the conversation away from trouble, "I knew you were assigned to Princess Luna’s army, but what happened after that? You only sent the one letter before...” Pixyglitter took a breath, "I was in General Mane Crusher’s corps that lifted the siege at Ponyville. "Rotten what happened to him," Bull Market noted flippantly. Pixyglitter continued, "From there, I went to Las Pegasus when it was attacked. That was the battle where I was injured." "What happened?" her mother asked, her voice filled with concern. "Well," Pixyglitter thought through what she wanted to say, "I was flying in formation when we came under attack. A blast of magic caught me right in the face, and I nearly fell." She decided to leave out the presence of her passenger. "I managed to regain control and tried to land, but I came in pretty hard and hurt my leg a little. I got lucky considering. Really just bruises other than that." Cloud Blazer asked, "What was that about Mane Crusher?" "The general," Bull Market said, "I heard he got replaced by a changeling. He’s probably dead by now." Cloud Blazer snorted a laugh, "Is that what they’re saying?" "Did you hear something else?" Gentle Breeze asked. "Yes, well, some of my friends were in the middle of the situation. He wasn’t replaced. He attempted a coup d’etat." "Did he," her dad said, it wasn’t a question. Pixyglitter could feel him looking over his reading spectacles. "Yes," Cloud Blazer continued. "Two members of my squad were part of a counter-conspiracy to protect Shining Armor. You may have heard of Captains Sparklefly and Scootaloo." "Sorry," Gentle Breeze said. "The Angel of Death?" Bull Market asked. "Yes, sir," Cloud Blazer answered. "I heard she was killed." "What?" Cloud Blazer was in total shock. Bull Market continued nonchalantly, "I read this morning that the entire southern army was wiped out yesterday when the push started. Fallen Angel was the name of the article... or was it dead angel... Anyway, they not only attacked every major town and city in Equestria, but they crushed the Assault Corps near Apple Loosa, which was commanded by a General Brax, with Captain Sparklefly acting as an advisor." "Oh my goodness," Fluttershy exclaimed. Pixyglitter was also disturbed by this development, but she didn’t know what to say. Her father continued, "Apparently, we’ve also lost Baltimare." "By Celestia," Cloud Blazer said vacantly. "Did they say anything else? Do you know if Captain Scootaloo survived?" The paper crinkled again as Bull Market lowered it. "I don’t remember seeing anything about her. Is that a friend of yours?" "Yes," Cloud Blazer replied, a hint of fear was in his voice. "She and Sparklefly were assigned together." "Hmph," Bull Market grunted again. "Well, anypony worth knowing was mentioned. I haven’t heard of your friend, so I don’t know. Not to worry, we’re perfectly safe here, the stock exchange notwithstanding." "You’re kidding, right?" Cloud Blazer’s tone had become icy. "You’re worried about trading right now?" "It’s a cutthroat business," Bull Market snapped. "Not that you’d know anything about it." "Cutthroat," Cloud Blazer replied flatly. "On my first mission, we went to rescue the population of Canterlot. Half of my squad was killed that day. On my second mission, we discovered the fact that the changelings were responsible for the timberwolves multiplying. That’s when I broke bones I didn’t even know I had. Several of my teammates weren’t as lucky. I dragged one of them, injured and still fighting, for several miles before he got killed by enemy fire. I wonder how brave you’d be if you knew that every time you went in to make a deal that you had a good chance of not walking out of that meeting alive." "Now, boys," Gentle Breeze began, but she was cut off. "You will not take that tone with me in my house," Bull Market practically growled. "Fair enough," Cloud Blazer answered hotly, "but I would appreciate it if you didn’t so callously talk about ponies who are fighting and dying to protect your house. Especially my friends." "Hmph, friends," Bull Market sneered. "They sound very brave, but for what? This whole thing could have ended already. They should have sued for peace as soon as the changelings were discovered." "There is no dealing with changelings," Pixyglitter offered, trying to keep her own temper in check. "Nopony even tried," her father replied. Cloud Blazer answered, "Yeah, well, I’m sure it’s easy for you to have it all figured out from the safety of your home here in Manehattan. I’ve been there; I’ve seen them. They don’t want peace, not with us." "I am honestly wearied by your prattle," Bull Market said. "Maybe you should have tried talking them to death. It would seem to be more effective than your efforts fighting." A shuffling noise signaled that Cloud Blazer had stood up rather suddenly. Pixyglitter also stood, but really didn’t know what to do. This was becoming far worse than she had thought it might. "Please sit down, dear," Gentle Breeze said. Pixyglitter sat as she was told. Her feelings had become even more confused than they had been. Certainly her father was as unpleasant as she had remembered, but there was something strangely comforting about it. Perhaps it was just the sensation of once again being on familiar ground. The world seemed to make sense here, even if it were in a twisted and frustrating sort of way. Cloud Blazer spoke again in rage, “You are a coward, and it makes me sick that I almost died defending the likes of you.” The situation felt like it had spiraled out of control. "Get out," Bull Market said coldly. Cloud Blazer snorted, but said nothing. He began shuffling to the door with Fluttershy padding directly behind him. Pixyglitter was about to stand, but her mother gripped her front leg tightly. A powerful ambivalence took hold; she didn’t know what to do. She knew her parents would take care of her if she stayed, but didn’t Cloud Blazer still need her? "Pixy," Cloud Blazer said in a forced calm, "are you coming?" She was silent, the tension building in the air. Her mouth went dry, and weakness was in her legs. She wanted to stand and follow but found herself unable to do so. “I...” she began, but she couldn’t finish; she felt her head hang in defeat. "I understand," he answered. “Goodbye, Pixyglitter.” "Goodbye," she managed to get out. It was doubtful to Pixyglitter that anypony else in the room had picked it up, but she could hear the tone in his voice. It contained a sort of finality of disappointment or despair. If she were to guess, it was the anguish of loss, and the sound of it drove a dagger through her heart. Before anything else could be said, they turned and walked out. Tears welled up as Bull Market stomped over to the door and slammed it shut behind her friends. "There, there, sweetie," Gentle Breeze said. “It’s going to be okay.” Pixyglitter melted into her mother’s shoulder, reduced to a sobbing mess on her first visit home since she had left for the EUP.