Twilight Sparkle and Lemon Hearts Love Life

by Ace Pony Stories

The First Date

As she walked through Ponyville, Lemon glanced around seeing how low the sun was in the sky. "My date with Twilight is in just about an hour", she said aloud to herself before thinking "It may be our first date but should I get Twi some flowers or something."

"Hey Lemon!" said a voice from behind her.

"Ah!" Lemon yelped, feeling like she'd jump out of her coat. Turning around she saw a familiar face behind her. It was Bon Bon, "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Hi to you too." Bon Bon rolled her eyes slightly, "So whatcha doing in Ponyville? From what I heard from Lyra, you and Autumn broke up."

"Yeah, but I have a question. Where have you been?" Lemon asked since she hadn't seen her for the last three days

"Visiting family in Vanhoover." Bon Bon answered, "I also heard from Lyra and Minuette that you're going on a date with Princess Twilight tonight," she continued.

"Yeah and I was just thinking if I should get her something for our first date”, Lemon explained, rubbing her chin with a hoof

Bon Bon also put a hoof on her chin to think and said she thought it was a sweet idea. So she wanted to help. Then she asked if Lemon knew what Twilight's favourite flower was.

Lemon tapped her mouth with a hoof, "I think it's daffodils but, I know she likes Lilacs." She answered

"Well, why not get both?" Bon Bon said stomping a hoof

"Sure." Lemon agreed but as she looked around realized, "But, I should hurry. The flower stand will be closing soon. Bye." She waved

The earth pony returned the wave, wishing her friend good luck.

After running for a minute or two Lemon arrived at the flower stand and was greeted by Lilly Valley, she then looked at the shelves, Theres only one daffodil and lilac. she thought her ears drooping a bit

Lily tilted her head slightly "Were you looking for anything in particular?"

"Yes, the two you have are the kinds I'm looking for." Lemon said, "but should I really give Twi just two flowers? the unicorn asked herself

Lily picked up the two flowers the stand had left,"Here you can have them. Just one bit." Lemon levitated the single coin giving it to the pink earth pony, "Thank you." Lily said

Lily noticing her customer's distress asked, "Something wrong hoping for more than just two?"

"Yeah but, I should have come earlier." Lemon said, while internally cursing herself, "I hope Twilight didn't get much or I'll feel terrible for not thinking about this!

But before the flower seller could press further, Lemon started walking away holding the two flowers she had just bought. While walking back to Twilight's castle she saw Lyra and Minuette. They both smiled after she told them she wanted to get Twilight flowers for their first date. They both wished her good luck on last time. After walking for a few minutes she was at Twilight's castle and entered then called out, "Twilight I'm back!"

Twilight came out of a room hearing Lemon and rushing over to her, "Hey are ya ready for tonight?", she asked excitedly.

Lemon chuckled and nodded.

"Oh, before I forget I got these for you," Twilight said, levitating a bouquet of ten flowers.

Lemon reached a hoof out and took the bouquet noticing the flowers were yellow and magenta, the yellow flowers were Chrysanthemums and the magenta were Tulips her favourite colours and flowers."Great and I only got her a whole two flowers!", she thought ashamed.

"What's wrong? Did anything happen on your way back?" Twilight asked concern written on her face.

"No, nothing's wrong." Lemon lied. "Why do you ask?" Lemon questioned. Twilight just pointed to something that Lemon thought was behind her before she realized Twilight was pointing at her cheek. There was a single small tear running down it, "I'm crying?

Twilight stepped forward a bit before asking again, "Seriously did something happen. We can postpone this if you want."

Lemon shook her head, "No, nothing happened. It’s just you got me these and I *takes the two flowers* just got these." she said lowering her head.

Twilight took the flowers with her own magic, "You got me some flowers? My favourite kinds too." Twilight exclaimed.

"Yeah but by the time I thought of it they only had two and you got me these!" Lemon said rising the bouquet to emphasize her point.

"So, it isn't that bad it's not like you were required to get anything for me but thank you," Twilight said with a shrug.

"B-but I-I Y-you." was all Lemon could manage to say. “Ok let’s go.” Twilight nodded in agreement and the two made their way out, “Okay even if she said it was okay I'm still going make it up to her, by making this date the best ever. No pressure. Lemon thought still a little guilty.

The two made their way through the town and got to their destination soon after they entered a green earth pony mare with a brown mane tied up in a bun, greeted them, “Welcome to the Hoof Trail how may I- Ah! P-p-p-princess T-twilight what brings you here your highness?” The mare bowed

“I have a reservation, a table for two.” Twilight informed the nervous mare

The mare checked a clipboard moving her and stopping at the name ‘Twilight Sparkle’ “Ah here you are, right this way.” The mare stated trying to be professional after her slight freakout

The two followed the mare through a large room filled with several tables most had ponies sitting at them stopping at one to the right of the stage “Here’s your table.”

​“Thank you, Uhh what’s your name?” Twilight asked

“B-berry P-pastry, your highness.” She answered

“Well thank you, Berry.” Twilight repeated

Twilight and Lemon took their seats as Berry placed a menu in front of both of them then left to go back to the front

Opening her menu Twilight looked up asking her date, “So what are you going to get?”

Lemon while looking at her menu rubbing her hoof on her chin, “Hmm well last time I was here I got the Veggie Steak, maybe I’ll get that with a Salad.” She answered before asking the same question

Twilight thought for a moment while considering her options “I think I’ll get an Oat Burger and some Fries.”

Lemon nodded, “They really do make a good burger here."

"They make everything good here!" Twilight stated

"Yes yes, they do I’ve probably had everything on the menu at least once.” Lemon agreed

After making their decisions the two just talked before a unicorn stallion approached the table, “Hello my name is Blue Plate I’m going to be your waiter tonight. So can I start you two of with some drinks?” He asked holding a notepad and pencil in his magic

Turning towards the yellow unicorn Twilight said, “Actually we’re ready to order.”

“Ok, so what are you getting?” The stallion asked

“Well, I would like the Veggie Steak and a Garden Salad. To drink I’d like Apple Cider non-alcoholic please.” Lemon gave her order

“Very good choice and you, your highness?” The stallion turned to the alicorn

“I’d like an Oat Burger and some Fries for my drink I guess I’ll have some Apple Cider too,” Twilight replied

“Ok I’ll bring you your ciders and our entertainment will begin shortly,” the stallion said as he wrote the order down

The two mares nodded.

Lemon turned to Twilight and asked, “So what is the entertainment tonight?”

“Hmmm, I think It’s singing,” Twilight answered.

Lemon nodded smiling she liked it when the performers sang last time she was here.

The mares continued talking before hearing a voice from the stage.

“Good evening everypony! Welcome to the Hoof Trail. Hope you enjoy our entertainment tonight.” A brown-orange mare announced. “Tonight my fellow performers and I will be singing.”

“Looks like you were right.” Lemon turned to her date.

“Yeah, I saw the schedule while we were being led to our table the other day and saw it looked like it.” Twilight nodded rubbing the back of her head and neck.

Lemon just nodded in understanding.

The two turned to the stage and watched the mare and other ponies on the stage begin to sing. Only stopping to thank Blue Plate for bringing their ciders the stallion told the mares their orders would be out in a few minutes.

“So are you enjoying our date so far Lemon?” Twilight asked

Lemon took a moment to respond being absorbed in the current song, “Oh! Yes, I am.”

“Glad to hear that.” Twilight smiled. “Hmm, this song is called ‘Miles’ right?” The alicorn asked.

“Mhmm.” Lemon nodded.

Both mares started humming along with the song.

After some minutes, Blue Plate walked over to their table levitating three plates placing one in front of one in front of Twilight which had a burger with fries surrounding it. and two in front of Lemon one a decently sized veggie steak, the second plate had a bowl with her salad.

“Thank you,” Twilight said.

“Yeah thanks,” Lemon repeated.

“You’re welcome, would either of you like anything else?” Blue asked the mares

“No thanks.” They replied.

“Very well, enjoy.” The stallion nodded.

“Well let’s eat!” Twilight exclaimed.

Lemon smiled levitating her knife and fork ready to dig into her steak.

Before starting, Twilight looked in front seeing the table had a bottle of ketchup along with a bottle of vinegar and salt and pepper shakers she levitated the ketchup and lifted the top bun on her burger to add a bit of it to her burger.

“You know you could have ordered a burger with ketchup on it?” Lemon asked.

“I like putting it on myself,” Twilight replied taking a bite.

Lemon shrugged “Ok then.”

Lemon started to cut her steak into pieces so she didn’t have to keep cutting off bits of it while eating. She stuck her fork in one piece levitating it into her mouth. While chewing she smiled happily at the taste.

“Good?” Twilight asked.

“Mhmm, and yours?” Lemon nodded.

“Very!” Twilight smiled.

The two mares kept on eating occasionally talking.

The two finished their meals, “Now that was good wasn’t it!”

Lemon drank a bit her cider with a small glug, “Yes it was.” She put her cup back to her lips to finish her drink when she thought, “This date was totally... Normal!” Lemon almost froze up she wanted this date to be perfect but it just ended up like every other date the yellow unicorn had gone on with Autumn and all the other stallions she had dated just your average run of the mill date. Lemon’s ears drooped

“Well, Your Highness I trust you two date enjoyed your meals.” Blue Plate said seeing the mares were done

Twilight nodded, “I did it was as delicious as usual.” Twilight turned her head to Lemon, “What about you Lemon to me it looked like you enjoyed your steak and salad.”

Lemon took a moment to realize Twilight had asked her a question, “Oh, y-yeah they were great.”

Blue smiled, “Thank you our chefs will be delighted to hear that. Now would either of you like anything else dessert, coffee, anything?”

Twilight rubbed a hoof under her chin,”Hmm well Lemon do you want anything?” She asked before seeing the expression the yellow unicorn had, “Lemon?” The unicorn didn’t react again.

Twilight closed her eyes and said, “I think we’ll just take the bill.”

“Of course.” Blue bowed before leaving shortly coming back with a slip of paper setting it on the table.

Twilight levitated the paper bringing it closer so she could read it. It read; Oat Burger 8 Bits, Fries 4 Bits, Veggie Steak 6 Bits, Garden Salad 5 Bits, Apple Cider 2 Bits, Apple Cider 2 Bits. So the total was 27 Bits.

Twilight set the bill down on the table before grabbing her bit bag. As it was set on the table Lemon caught a glimpse of it and grabbed her own bit bag, “I wasn’t able to make to make this date perfect so maybe I should pay

Twilight noticed and asked, “So are we splitting the bill?”

“W-well you did so much planning our date, so I’ll pay,” Lemon said.

“Y-you don’t have to do that, I planned this so I’m going to pay for this.” Twilight waved a hoof.

Lemon persisted though, “But-“

Twilight shook her head, “If you want to pay we’ll split it.”

Lemon was going to try again but gave in, “Ok.”

The yellow unicorn levitated 14 Bits on to the table and Twilight put 13 Bits along with a few extra for the tip.

After paying their bill the mares left. At the door, Berry Pastry said goodbye and come again. While bowing to Twilight.

The pair started the walk back to Twilight's castle once they were a bit away from the restaurant Twilight turned to Lemon, “Hey, did you like our date?”

“Y-yeah, I did,” Lemon answered

Twilight sighed a bit, “You don’t have to lie I saw your expression when Blue Plate asked if we wanted dessert.”

Lemon closed her eyes and shook slightly, “I’m sorry.”

Twilight shook her head, “No you don’t have to be I’m just glad you gave it a shot.”

“No that’s not it. The date was great but it was just so normal.” Lemon said.

Twilight looked a bit confused, “What do mean?”

“I wanted to have this date be perfect, you did so much planning our date you bought me bouquet flowers and what did I do, I got you two flowers and just gave you a normal date. Not one I would go on with a princess.” Lemon explained.

Twilight took a moment to process what the unicorn said, “Is that all?” The alicorn chuckled.

“Wha-“ Lemon tried.

“Lemon you know I prefer being treated as a normal pony and I had fun tonight, this was the date I’ve had in awhile.”

Lemon felt shocked, “It has are you sure? Being a princess you’ve must have had better dates than this like; going to the fanciest restaurants, parties or countless other things.”

Twilight sighed shaking her head, “You’re right I’ve had ponies, mares and stallions take me on dates like that and more.” Lemon’s ears drooped before Twilight continued, “It was nice at first but I grew to kind of dislike it.”

“Why?” Lemon asked.

“Well, the ponies that I actually went on other dates with just kept up with those kinds of dates, sometimes spending more Bits in a night than I’ve seen somepony spend in a week or even TWO!”

Lemon just nodded.

“So it got to the point where I felt they were dating Princess Twilight Sparkle. So I liked this date because it was normal I actually felt like you were dating Twilight Sparkle,” exclaimed Twilight.

Lemon thought about what Twilight had said, when she realized what the alicorn meant, “You mean you felt the ponies were dating the title and I was dating the pony.”

Twilight nodded, “Yes and not that I would automatically dislike going to a fancy dinner, just please If we go on other dates just please don’t go to overblown.”

Lemon felt herself start to smile, “Ok I won’t. Maybe we could just have a simple picnic for our second date.”

“A picnic?” Twilight asked simply.

Lemon nodded, “Yep, and we could bring a telescope I know how much you like stargazing.”

Twilight let out a squeaky sound while smiling, “Yay! Ok, let’s do that we’ll need a blanket, basket-“

Lemon cut her off, “Hey hey, no you don’t I’m planning this date you planned our first one this time I’m treating you.”

Twilight chuckled somewhat sheepishly, “Ok but can you at least tell me when are we going to have our picnic.”

“How about Saturday I think it will be nice to end my week here that way,” Lemon said.

“Sounds like a plan.” Twilight smiled.

The mares made their way back to Twilight’s Castle. Once they got there, Twilight asked Lemon if because they didn’t get any dessert, she wanted something here. Lemon accepted and the two had some ice cream. After a few hours, the two went to bed both happy with how the day had gone.