//------------------------------// // Appointment // Story: Entropy // by Rose Quill //------------------------------// I sighed with relief as we both collapsed onto the bed. I loved going around and playing with the girls, but there was no feeling as good as your own bed at the end of a long trip. “I have no words to describe how good it feels to be back,” I moaned as I just laid there, not even moving to kick my sneakers off. Twilight rolled over and draped an arm over me, snuggling in. “I could think of a few,” she murmured into my ear. “But that defeats the purpose of enjoying the feeling of just laying here.” “Especially since you’re not feeling nauseous right now, right?” I said. She nodded. “I thought since horses couldn’t vomit, I would be spared the morning sickness.” “You aren’t a horse, Twi,” I said, rubbing her back. “And technically, the most we have in common with the horses of this world is a passing anatomical similarity.” “I know, I know,” she whispered, shifting her head into a more comfortable spot against my side. “I’ve felt some myself. Having sensation in hooves, that’s completely out of the bounds of this world’s equines.” “Thankfully," I said with a shudder. “Getting a hooficure is one thing, but driving nails through to hold on a shoe?” I shivered again. “Hurts just thinking about it.” Her fingers slipped under my shirt and traced the lines of scar tissue on my side from the talons of an enraged Harpy. “I think we’ve had enough painful times in our life,” she whispered sleepily. My fingers felt the puckered scar on her shoulder. “Yeah,” I whispered, feeling my eyes starting to flutter closed. I was almost asleep when a flare of green fire burst in my room and revealed a rolled up scroll with a golden royal seal. I saw it hover for a moment before falling to land on the floor. “Roadapples,” I swore before sitting up and reaching for it. “I just got home!” “Leave it,” Twilight said in a sleepy voice, tugging at my sleeve. “You know I can’t, Twi,” I whispered, leaning down and kissing her forehead. “If they send it by dragon, its official and not just a social call.” The scroll unrolled and I scanned the words and my breath caught. “Another Princess issue? Twilight asked rhetorically. “I’m being asked to take over the throne in Canterlot,” I whispered. She sat up suddenly. “What?” I handed her the scroll. “I’ve been asked by Celestia to hold the Solar seat for a time.” I slumped back against the bed. “Is she stepping down or just taking a sabbatical?” my wife asked, skimming the summons. “I don’t know,” I whispered, sitting up and standing. “I suppose I should go find out.” Her hand gripped my sleeve again. “How long will you be gone?” she asked, suddenly reminding me of a small child, the memory of her sitting in the shower and staring into nothing rising to the surface. “I don’t know,” I said. “Why don’t you come along? I’m sure the practice you’ll get with Twilight and Starlight will help you from getting worked up over things.” I pulled her into my side. “Besides, can you imagine sleeping in a royal bed and being waited on hoof and wing?” “You know my wings don’t manifest without a massive outpouring of mana,” she said with a weak smile. “And I’m not sure if those beds will be as comfortable as this one is.” I kissed her forehead as I hugged her tightly. “We’ll go see how long this will last and get home as soon as possible.” I stepped out of the portal and was greeted by Princess Twilight. At least, what was left of her. Her mane stuck out in multiple directions, her eyes were bloodshot, her coat matted and feathers slightly misaligned. “Uh, Twilight?” I asked as Sunshine stepped out behind me. “Is everything ok?” She giggled. “Of course!” she said a little maniacally. “Why wouldn’t it be? Just the Rulers of all Equestria stepping away from the thrones and Celestia asking you to take over for her. Not that I think you’re a bad choice, it’s just that I don’t know why she would be stepping down! Or Luna.” A mint green glow wrapped around her mouth and moved her to a nest of blankets and cushions. “Breathe, Twilight,” Starlight said. “She’s confused, because both Diarchs are stepping down and she was asked to cover the Night Court.” I shook my head. “Any explanation from Celestia or Luna as to why?” She shook her head. “None,” she said. “And I haven’t seen her get like this since the map summoned me to Canterlot.” I looked over at the giggling Alicorn and sighed. “You think we’ll be able to get her sobered up by the morning?” Sunshine asked. “Maybe,” she said. “Personally, I’m thinking it might be more economical to just put a sleep spell on her and let her sleep it off.” I shook my head. “No,” I said. “Let her catch up when she can. We’re going to Canterlot tonight.” “But you won’t be able to get a showing with Celestia this late at night.” Starlight protested. “Who said anything about Celestia?” I asked. “I’ve got a niece to go play with.” Sunshine perked up while Starlight cocked her head. “You’re going to play with your niece?” she asked. “You just got offered the throne of Canterlot!” “We can’t do anything until she comes to,” I said, pointing at Twilight with a wingtip. “And if I’m going to be spending any amount of time sitting in that big chair, I want some time with my family first.” “Oh, look at her!” I cooed as I lifted the filly in my aura. “She’s bigger than when I was here last!” Ebony Rose gurgled in my aura and reached out with her front legs, a small smile on her face. Dew returned with a tray of cups and a teapot. “She isn’t as much trouble as you hear about newborns,” she said as she settled onto a couch seat next to Diamond Hue. “We’ve actually been getting full night’s sleep most nights.” “That’s a good thing,” Sunshine said. “I’m only a month along and I’m already losing sleep.” “Morning sickness?” Dew asked. My wife nodded, but I was to wrapped up in rubbing noses with the little bundle of joy in front of me, her giggle making everything in the world brighter. You’re enjoying this, Sunshine said in my mind. Of course I am, I returned. And you do too. Sunshine’s azure aura flickered into being around Ebony and as she pulled her over, I felt peace and calm flow slowly into the bond. And when the foal reached up and grabbed at her face, a small smile spread across her face.