//------------------------------// // 35 - Games, Part 1 of 11 // Story: The Last Cutie Mark Crusader // by Jatheus //------------------------------// The mare stood upon her hind legs as she peered over the hedge which served as concealment. Her heart pounded against her rib cage as she clutched tightly the crossbow that was in her grasp. Only the faintest sound of her breath could be heard as she watched for the beast that approached. Slowly, it slunk into the moonlight. It’s great cat-like paws padded silently forward. Its frame seemed far too large to move with such stealth, but it continued approaching, wings folded in. The parts of the wild manticore that commanded the mare’s attention were the tail, scorpion-like with stinger and all, and it’s lion head complete with razor-sharp saber teeth. The mare carefully raised her crossbow into position. At this distance, it would be impossible to miss. The beast hadn’t seen her. The bolt sped from crossbow and lodged into the heart of the creature. A direct hit that should have been lethal. It turned to face her and bellowed a roar that made the mare’s efforts to reload hampered by decreasing strength. She fired again. Another direct hit, this time lodging in the massive creature’s throat. It seemed to not so much as feel the shot as it pawed the earth and charged. Not fast enough to run, the mare dropped her crossbow and pulled out a dagger, backing up all the while. The enraged manticore howled as it burst through the hedge. The mare wasted no time, leaping upon the beast and stabbing again and again. There was no effect. A massive paw swatted the mare, toppling her end over end. She made it back to her hooves just as the beast was on her again. She put all of her strength into a final strike, driving the dagger home, blade and haft disappearing into the wound. Still, the creature didn’t drop. Like lightning, his tail shot forward, striking her in the eye. She was blinded and began to shudder as the venom worked its way through her. The mare collapsed. She was helpless as the beast stood on her with his great paws, crushing the air from her lungs. She tried to fight it, but she was paralyzed from the poison that had coursed through her body. Helpless, she was being smothered to death. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t get free... Sparklefly awoke with a start. Her blood raced through her veins as she became aware of her surroundings. There was no manticore. She was surrounded by other soldiers, some trying to sleep, most awake and watching. Her mouth was impossibly dry. She fumbled for her canteen and took a an unsatisfying sip. She stood and stretched, fear working on her still. Charging Lance was nearby talking to a scout. She approached him. “You still have a half-hour; you really should try to sleep.” “I’m not tired,” Sparklefly lied. She felt ashamed at how easily falsehoods seemed to come from her. Ash Eater was on her mind, a subject she couldn’t discuss with anypony. She felt sick. “I always had trouble sleeping when the enemy is close.” “What’s our status?” she asked. “Unchanged. We are waiting to hear if they’ve reacted to any of our forces to the north and west before we try them here. I expect it’ll be at least an hour before anything is decided.” She nodded, rubbing her eye patch. She shuddered at the memories that plagued her. “Are you alright?” “It’s a small matter, just a weird dream. I guess that’s to be expected at a time like this.” “It is not uncommon,” he replied thoughtfully. “I try to bury myself in work when I can’t sleep.” “That sounds good to me,” she replied. Anything she could do to get her mind off of Ash Eater and what had happened in the cave would be worth looking into. The older stallion regarded her in the darkness for a moment. “It must have been a nasty dream to affect you so.” Sparklefly shrugged, “I’ve forgotten most of it. Something about smothering...” “Flip your tail.” “What?” Sparklefly asked in confusion at the subject-change. “It’ll help, flip your tail a couple of times.” She did as he suggested, silly as it sounded. She flicked her tail back and forth a few times, and much to her surprise, Sparklefly’s thoughts seemed to come into focus. “How did... How does that even work?” Charging Lance chuckled, “I have children older than you; I know a lot of tricks.” “Really?” Sparklefly hadn’t thought to ask much detail about personal lives of the other members of the Taskforce. Charging Lance had mentioned his wife on many occasions before, but this was the fist time he’d specifically said anything about his children or their age. Given how much he was Sparklefly’s senior, it didn’t surprise her that much. “Yes, two colts and a filly.” She couldn’t help but smile at his use of “colt and filly” instead of “stallion and mare”. It seemed that offspring were always children in their parents’ eyes. “Are they in the EUP Guard?” He smiled, “No. They have each managed to keep their jobs in spite of the crisis. I for one am satisfied that they are out of harm’s way.” Sparklefly couldn’t help but shiver at the thought. She knew her own momma-mare couldn’t be exactly happy that she had decided to fight. Proud, yes, but not happy. Charging Lance dug in a pocket, dropping a small container. Sparklefly picked it up. A hoof-written label read, ‘E of Apple Loosa’. She gave it back to him. “Still collecting, I see.” “Yes,” he replied as he gave her a small round charm. It had little ornament, but was silver with a hinge on one side. Sparklefly found the release and opened it. On the inside were two photographs. On the left was an older mare, Charging Lance’s wife. The other side had three younger ponies posing together. The two young stallions sat on ether side, making a face at the happy mare between them. All were light colors like their parents, varying in shades from white to a tan. “That’s a good-looking family,” Sparklefly closed and returned the charm. “I keep them close to remember why I’m here,” his tone became grim. “If I fail, they die.” Sparklefly had no answer to that statement. She certainly felt as much every time she wrote letters to her momma-mare. It wasn’t an exact truth, but it was fuel to keep fighting. “You really should try to sleep,” he insisted. Sparklefly nodded, flicking her tail again. It had a somewhat calming effect that she didn’t understand. She couldn’t help but smile. The feeling, however, was mixed up inside. Though in somewhat better a disposition, the thousand scenarios of how she could have done things differently were plaguing her. She knew she hadn’t been strong enough. The piercing sound of a bugle cut her reverie, and Sparklefly listened to the notes being played. It was the unmistakable tune used to sound an incoming alert. “Time to go,” Charging Lance said. “I agree.” Within moments, they sounded the order to withdraw, and in another minute they were all awake and in the air, heading to the next safe place they could set down and continue working on the enemy.