//------------------------------// // 34 - Gathering, Part 3 of 6 // Story: The Last Cutie Mark Crusader // by Jatheus //------------------------------// Cloud Blazer took a final look at the hospital room that had been his home since he’d awakened months ago. He was by no means back to his former strength, but after the influx of wounded from the last two major battles, bed space had become too precious to spare. There were now six injured in the room that had been his, and this sort of crowding was widespread. It had become a noisy place once again, and he felt it was just as well to depart. "You ready, Pixyglitter?" he asked over his shoulder. "Yes.” She placed a hoof on his shoulder and explained, “It’s too loud in here.” He nodded, but then remembered she couldn't see it and said, "I agree. Let's go." Keeping in contact, they walked slowly through the crowded corridors. Wounded now lined both walls, most of which had to lie on the floor. Dodging around these obstacles with Pixyglitter in tow was a bit of a challenge, but they managed to make it outside without tripping over or stepping on anypony. To Cloud Blazer's surprise, it might have been more crowded in town than it was in the hospital. It looked as if an entire division had just arrived by train, and the sky was filled with patrols circling overhead. They were stacked up at various altitudes above Ponyville. Pixyglitter let go. “It sounds a lot busier than usual," she noted. "More soldiers," Cloud Blazer replied. "By the look of things, they're being mobilized for another push. That or an attack is coming to us; hard to say." There didn't seem to be any additional fortifications being built, nor did they seem to be deploying in a defensive posture... yet. He felt it was more likely that they were going to move out soon. "Come on, probably best if you hold on to me." She again placed her hoof on his shoulder, and they continued through the bustling streets of Ponyville. As they walked, Cloud Blazer's mind was drawn back to the dreams that had haunted him for so long. Though now faded as a distant memory, he couldn't shake the feeling that somepony had been speaking to him through those dreams. He had first thought of Princess Luna, but every story he’d heard about her forays into dreams were not so vague as his experience had been. That theory was shot down rather quickly by the accepted truth that the alicorn princesses had died when they destroyed the mirror pond. Like sandpaper grating at the back of his mind, the sense that something important needed to be done gnawed at him. It had never really gone away, but time and the reality of his injuries had caused Cloud Blazer's conviction to wane. The pain certainly continued, but his strength of body was still growing much to the puzzlement of the doctors. The pain in his heart was another matter entirely. At this point, he just wanted things between himself and Scootaloo to go back to how they’d been before. He longed for the restoration of their friendship. "The crowd really is thick," Pixyglitter broke his reverie, “and noisy.” "Not to worry. I think they'll be departing soon.” They made their way through town, and one thing that stuck with Cloud Blazer was the look on the ponies faces. They seemed wary but confident. Listening to them talk didn't give any conclusive indication as to why they were mobilizing. Apparently, none of the soldiers knew where they would be deployed next. There were the usual rumors of attacks and similar things, but there were only two consistencies in what was overheard. These soldiers had been pulled from all over Equestria, and they all believed that they were headed somewhere south of Ponyville. As for what could draw such a force, Cloud Blazer could only guess. Arriving on the farm put these things out of his mind for a while. "Hi guys!" Sweetie Belle squeaked when she saw them approaching. She ran to greet them, sweaty and covered in dirt. Pixyglitter let go of Cloud Blazer and went back to using her cane to feel around. "Hey, Sweetie Belle," he replied. "Sorry I couldn't walk with you guys today," Sweetie Belle said, "They put me to work." "I see that," Cloud Blazer snorted a laugh. "Don't worry about it. Between the two of us, we made it through the crowd." "Come on, I'll show you to your rooms.” Flight harnesses aside, they really didn't have much to unpack. The hospital had given them hygiene kits that each contained a toothbrush and a few other odds and ends, but that was about it. They had used some blankets to make a small bed for Pixyglitter in Apple Bloom's room with Sweetie Belle, Glitterdust, and Shimmerpuff. The room was becoming quite different than Cloud Blazer remembered. It was nearly all utility now that it was housing so many. Across the hall, Big McIntosh's room was the same situation. They had made a blanket bed for Cloud Blazer, and he'd be sharing the room with Big Mac and Thunderfly. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twinklestar also shared a room, and the Cakes with their children were all staying in Granny Smith's old room. Though the house was full to bursting, it was still more pleasant than the hospital. "I'll leave you two to get settled," Sweetie Belle said. "I'll see you later!" The house was quiet during the day, but Cloud Blazer was exhausted. Maybe all of the flight practice had finally caught up with him. Not only that, but the pain from his ribs and leg were bothering him more than usual. He carefully laid on the hard makeshift bed and tried to get some sleep.