//------------------------------// // NYZ // Story: Prototype: the kind evolve // by Blacklight Brony //------------------------------// A new day in NYZ. The birds are singing and the daily ‘evolve attack’ is all over the news. I’m Conner and before New York became the New York Zone aka NYZ, I used to live in the red zone. I barely escaped. If it wasn’t for an army patrol I would have died to the brawlers. I lost my parents to the brawlers. I lost my home to the virus. A commander brings me food every day. He’s like my dad. I still go to elementary school in the green zone. Today I was waking to school. It was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. Mom, dad if you can see me I’m fine. Thank you for what you did over the years when you were alive. I walk past an ally and a hand covers my mouth and drags me into the ally. I try to scream, but it’s muffled. I began to cry. Is this how I die. I avoided all the dangers in the red zone to die here. I’m throne agent a wall and see my makes. “Hey there kid. You see what we have?” The teen asked waving a knife in my face. He looks like he’s seventeen. “Now give us all your money.” His voice was like a the devils to my ears. “I-I-I only have 20 cents.” I told him. Please don’t let him kill me. “Don’t give me that shit. GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY. I know you have more.” He must be insane. “I don’t have any money I swear.” I began to cry out. “ P-P-please don’t hurt me! Please!” “You’ve seen to much.” He said calmly. He rammed the knife’s blade in to my stomach ten times. I screamed out and fell to the floor. I looked at the teen who stabbed me. He was decapitated and in his place was ALEX MERCER! I need help I don’t care who from. “Help me.” I asked with a little sorrow. He reached for me and I black out. —�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—�—� I wake up and notice a window and look outside. It was dark. Who saved me. This isn’t my home. “Your a wake. Glad to see it.” A calm soothing voice said. It sounded male. “I had to giv you my gift. Your an evolved now.” My hart sank when I herd that. I turned to look at him. It was him. Alex Mercer. I went to the other side of the room. He approach me slowly. “I’m not going to hurt you.” That got me to calm a little. “Where’s your mom and dad?” I began to cry. “Did your family use to live in the red zone?” I nodded. “Where they killed by brawlers?” I nodded again. “I’ll help you get home kid. What’s your name?” His soft tone calmed me down by a lot. “C-Conner.” I said meekly. He gave a soft smile that I returned. “Here, take this. If you need help. Press one and it will call me immediately.” He gave me a iPhone 6. “What about school?” I was scared that blackwatch would find out I’m an evolved. “Don’t worry. Blackwatch won’t check schools. I only made you an evolved to save your life.” He gave me a soft smile that I returned. It’s been three months since I’ve seen Alex Mercer. I continue with school like normal. I found my powers of speed and strength early when someone tried to mug me again. Today I felt like I was being followed home. Once I got inside the door burst open. I saw James Heller. I coward under his glare. “Are you an evolve?” He asked in the most serous tone he could muster. I can’t win I never killed anyone. I only knock people away not kill them. I nodded meekly. “Why would Alex do this?” His stern look slowly disappearing. “I-I-I was st-stabbed t-ten times. He saved my life.” I answered still a scared about the out burst. “Did he ask you to join him?” He’s tone is getting less serious. I shook my head. “Do you have a phone?” I nodded. “If Blackwatch attacks you call me and I’ll deal with them.” I gave him a small and he returned it. He walked away. “Ok, Ok its just a new school year.” I told my self. I begin third grade today. It has been a year since I became an evolved. The red zone has begun to invade the yellow zone. “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” I’m stressing out hard. I’ve walked around the room a lot now. I’m so nervous. What if my powers act up. What if an evolved tries to kill everyone. What happens if it becomes a red zone. What if Blackwatch uses bloodtox! I’ll die for sure. I need to stop panicking. I take deep breaths and I calm down. On the way to school my anxiety picks up. I breath heavier. More deep breaths that will stop it. I haven’t breath that heavily since getting out of the red zone. I had to run from brawlers, hydras, Goliath, juggernauts, and flyers. That day was hectic. How did I live. I should have died. I made it to school with a sad expression. I remember what happened to my parents. Most teachers asked ‘what’s wrong’. I responded with ‘its fine’. Today was special because Blackwatch is here. I was scared the entire time. I wanted to run. I wanted to hide. But they’ll find me. They’ll kill me. No please leave. Alex, James help me. I closed my eyes when the one who could detect evolved approached me. I looked at him with fearful eyes. I just turned 6. Let me live please. He gripped my head and lifted me off the ground. No, No, NO! I screamed out of pain. The rest looked at the soldier in fear. I began to cry. He slammed me to the ground. Please leave and let me live. Have mercy. He took off his gas mask. He was smiling the most scary smile ever. “Stop. He’s just a kid.” Yelled a fifth grader. A Blackwatch trooper walked to him. BANG He fell to the ground dead. That angered me I know our amendments and they took away our freedom of speech. I noticed the pistol on the one closest to me I took it and shot the one that could sense me in the head. He fell limp to the ground. Dead. Everyone looked at me not with fear, but with happiness. I stud up to them. One gave an order. THE ROOM IS BEING FILLED WITH BLOODTOX!!! “SHIT!” Was all I could say. The word was used when I was stabbed. I cough up blood. I couldn’t see. I felt weak. I fell to the ground and a bright light covered me. I continue to cough blood but I could see now. I was somewhere else. I finished my coughing fit and got up. I look be hind me and saw a person with a white dress. She had a home and wings. She had fur that was white and a muzzle. I know this because I like horses. She also has flowing rainbow hair. Two people with spears points them at me. I look around more and see I’m in a class room. They all look like they’re my age. The one that caught my eye was a purple fur girl. She had a black shirt on and a purple skirt. I noticed that she had pointed ears that were on the top of her head so did the white one. The two guards I presume look like there about to attack and I can only utter a single word: “Shit.”