//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Five Foals, One Restaurant // Story: Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten // by Foal Star //------------------------------// With the show now over, Bell Hopper and Pencil Pusher both waddled over to see Rarity with Zecora and Hoity Toity next to her. She smiled at the two new foals and cooed. “Hello cuties, how are you doing?” Pencil Pusher shouted. “Tewwibwe! Tat meanie stawwion weft us hewew! He said he was gonna hewp find a cuwe fow us!” Hoity waddled over and babbled. “Weawwy? Because I tink he ta one who tuwned me into a foaw!” Bell Hopper gasped. “Weawwy?! Ya tink so? Tat weawwy wude if he did.” Zecora smirked. “And messy too, fwom ta wooks of tings ya a heavy wettew.” Pencil  whimpered, looking down at himself. Applejack came up and replied sternly. “Now Zecora, that was really mean, you should say sorry. Especially since you’re no flower either.” Zecora blushed turning to the colt as as whimpered. “Sowie fow sayin’ tat, I just taught it was funny the way ya peed youwsewf wike tat.” The colt waved a hoof. “It’s otay. I know my mommy awawys said she had to put two diapees on me becawse I peed so much as a fow. Aww tis time I awways thought she was joking.” Pencil Pusher stomped about and whined. “Wew, I dun cawe about aw tat siwwy foaw stuff! I wana find out what tuwn us into foaws and get tuwned back to nowmaw, now! I duna wanna be in diapees!” Applejack turned to the foals and cooed, even as she commented. “Oh dear, two more adults turned into foals? Seems to be happenin’ a lot these days.” Cannon Feather bounced up and giggled. “Wow, maybe thewe is a foal apocwypse! I betta tew Mama Wuna ,tat we betta get wots mowe diapees and fowmuwa.” Applejack giggled, ruffling Cannon Feather’s mane before she replied to the new foals. “So, what’s goin’ on how, did ya two turn into foals?” Bell Hopper shrugged and explained. “Wike I say awots of times befowe, I was cweanin’  Sandy Padding’s bathwoom, ten fow some weason I suddenwy tuwned into a foaw in ta sink.” Applejack scratched her chin. “I see. And you think Sandy Padding is the one who did it?” Pencil Pusher exclaimed. “He had to, now tat I tink about it! He said if we hewped him in ta foaw fashion show, he wowd hewp us. But he bwoke his pwomice! He’s a dum dum, stinky head!” Rarity gasped (while trying not to gigglish at the foalish remark). “My goodness, how rude of him. Breaking a promise to such adorable little ones, of all the nerve.” Applejack nodded with a stern look. “Looks like we found our suspect in regards to Hoity, somepony needs to go after that guy! He’s got some explainin’ to do!” Just then Prim Headline came out, unaware of the situation that had transpired. With a huge smile on her face she greeted. “Oh, there’s my little stars!” She came up and hugged Zecora and Hoity, nuzzling them. “Oh you two were just wonderful out there! Makes me almost wish I had foals of my own.” Hoity giggled, and yawned. “Wew, at weast is ova. I was gettin tiwed neaw ta end.” “Yeah, but ua said we gonna go eat dinnew?” Zecora asked Prim. Prim nodded. “Yes, of course darlings. This was very much your victory.” She then heard a pair of voices call out. “Can we come too?!” She turned to see the other two foals hopping up and down in excitement. She smiled and cooed. “Of course, you two did a very good job even if you took second place. But where are your parents? Do they know you’re here?” The two stopped and mumbled. “Uhh.” Rarity quickly stepped in. “Prim… this may come as a surprise to you, but these two also were adults who were regressed.” Prim gasped and whispered. “Oh my stars, really?!” Pencil Pusher nodded. “Yea-huh, I was a receptionist at ta hotew.” Bell Hopper babbled. “And I was a bew hoppew. We gots to tuwn back to nowmaw soon, ow have somepony tew owa boss wha happened, ow ewse we can wose owa jobs.”     “Well, how about I go do that for you two?” Applejack suggested. “You will?!” The two foals asked. The farm mare smiled and explained. “Look you all deserve to celebrate and all, but clearly we need to make sure these two don’t lose their jobs. And somepony’s gotta find out what’s happenin’ around here. We can’t have every pony in Manehattan turnin’ into foals. I don’t know how much the hotel manager’s gonna believe me, but I gotta at least try.” Prim Headline gave a sharp nod, “Quite right, and thank you, Applejack. We can save you something from the restaurant if you’d like.” Applejack waved a hoof. “Don’t worry about me, not a fan of fancy restaurants anyways.” Zecora looked up and asked. “But mama I dun wan ya ta go. What if ya tuwn into a foaw too?” Applejack bent down to her little zebra and whispered. “Don’t ya worry, Zecora. Nopony’s turnin’ your mom into a foal. Now you be good for Rarity and Prim Headline.” Zecora hugged Applejack’s muzzle, then waddled over to Rarity, who lifted up the foals with her magic. “Alright cuties, we better get going,” She then turned to Applejack and whispered. “Please do be careful, darling. I don’t wish to have to change your diapers. I don’t dare wish to imagine how stinky of a foal you were.” Applejack laughed. ”Trust me, you wouldn't. Between me and Big Mac, Granny Smith couldn’t tell who was stinker. Heck, one time she tested our diapers to see if they would grow apple trees faster, and they did.” The foals all burst into laughter as Prim with a sheepish smile remarked. “What an ‘interesting’ story. Now come on, let’s go enjoy a victory feast!” Rarity then headed off with Prim as Applejack turned and mumbled. “Alright, time to do some investigatin’.” Rarity was now with Prim Headline, walking down the sidewalk with five foals all in cute onesie, and bouncing excitedly in their oversized foal buggy. Prim turned to the foals and smiled at them, sighing. “Sometimes I wish I had foals of my own.” Rarity cooed, before she marked. “Oh, I don’t know. I mean they can be very difficult. I’ve had my fair share of problems. Did I tell you about the time Hoity Toity and Cannon Feather got flushed down a toilet?” Prim gasped. “What?! No way!” But Hoity blushed and confessed. “Is twue, I accidentawwy went down the howe, and Cannon Feathew wescued me.” Prim couldn’t help but laugh. “Goodness, that must’ve been quite a scary scene. Though as a foal, I always wondered what would happen if I got flushed down the drain.” “It’s very smelly, let’s leave it at that!” Rarity remarked, fanning a hoof across her face. Just then, Rarity and Prim passed by a relatively young couple. The mare, a chestnut coated unicorn with red eyes and a sleek black mane and tail, turned and gasped! “Wow, did you have quintuplets?!” Rarity squeaked, turning to the mare with a blush. “Oh no, these aren’t mine, darling. Most of them I’m just foalsitting for the time being.” The mare blushed and apologized. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude, It’s just, they look so happy and well behaved in your car. You must be a wonderful foal sitter.” Prim laughed and boasted. “Indeed she is. Why Miss Rarity here, is taking care of none other than the regressed Hoity Toity himself.” The mare gasped, looking down into the foal buggy! Little Hoity blushed and babbled. “Hi.” The mare cooed. “Hello. I have to say, you look super cute, Mr. Hoity.” Hoity blushed “Tanks.” The mare whispered to him. “Well good luck to you, I heard you did well at that fashion show earlier.” She then walked off with her husband, humming something. Rarity and Prim continued to the restaurant, rolling the foal buggy inside as the foals gaped in awe at the glowing restaurant, filled with fancy patrons, and waiters going to and fro, balancing trays with food and drinks. They came upon a fancy stallion at the receptionist's desk, who sneered at the foals. “Really, you two couldn't hire a foalsitter?” Prim scoffed. “I’d hold your tongue if I were you. I’ll have you know, these foals are top models winners of the Foal Fall Fashion Show, and they will be treated with dignity. Now, kindly move your rump and get us a big table with five high chairs, and warm foal bottles filled with your best milk for foals.” The receptionist gulped and nodded. “Yes, of course, Prim Headline, right away.” He then ran off as fast as he could, while Rarity and the foals chuckled, followed the snobby old stallion to a table, surrounded by high chairs with warm bottles placed on each one. Rarity and Prim both placed the foals into each of the highchairs one by one, and they all grabbed their bottles and started suckling greedily. Cannon Feather got a booster seat, and had a bottle of juice given to him, as Rarity and Prim sat across from each other. A waiter came by a short time later and asked. “What do you two wish to order?” Rarity looked over the menu and told the waiter. “I’ll have the Manehattan salad, darling, and a glass of grape juice.” “I’ll be having the same as her.” Prime informed. The waiter nodded, then gulped as he turned to the foals all too busy suckling their bottles to notice him, and asked. “Um...and what will they be having?” Rarity laughed. “Oh, they’re fine with formula and juice for right now.”     The waiter just nodded and left, as Hoity turned to Zecora and asked. “So, uh, how is ta fancy fowumwa?” Zecora took the foal bottle out of her mouth and babbled. “It’s otay, but I missed ta fomuwa fwom Ponyviwwe.” Pencil Pusher removed her bottle from her mouth and replied. “Wew, it does taste vewy dewicous. Didn’ tink I wowd wike fowmuwa.” Bell Hopper giggled, taking his bottle out of his mouth. “Yeah, tis is awesome!” Cannon Feather, was seated in a booster seat, suckling his juice while groaning. “Uh oh, I tink I gots a tummy aches.” Zecora gasped! “Oh no! Ya tink is becawse of ta fomuwa and soda fwom yestewday?” The colt nodded and babbled. “Yeah, pwobabwy. It was huwtin befow, but now it got wowse. I tink I gotta go potty!” Zecora quickly raised a hoof. “Wawity, Cannon Fethaw has ta achies!” Cannon Feather nodded, holding his tummy as it was making farting noises. The fancy ponies around them gasped at the rude noises. Rarity blushed, as she got up from her seat. “Oh, um...I’ll take him to the potty,” She took the colt by the hoof and cooed. “Come on, sweetie let’s get to the potty. Just please promise you won’t try to flush.” “I pwomice, dun wanna go down the big potty again. Too scawy.” Cannon Feather nodded, as he was helped down from.his chair, still clutching his tummy. Rarity turned to Prim Headline, blushing. “Um, Prim, can you watch the rest of the foals while I’m gone?”     Prime smiled. “Of course, it’s no problem. You go on and help poor Cannon Feather, it’d be a shame if he had an accident..”     “Good, I shan’t be long!” Rarity vowed, and set off with Cannon Feather for the nearest bathroom! Prim turned to the other foals, all giggling, and Hoity babbled. “We bowed. Pwim, can ya pway with us?” But Prim blushed and answered. “Uh, we can’t play here, darlings. I’m sorry.” Zecora crossed her hooves. “Aw, tis is so bowin. I dun know how much mowe I can take.” Silky Padding was packing his stuff into suitcases, while growling to himself. “That mare is going to pay for what she did! I swear she’s probably knew I was going to fail! At the least she could’ve given me models to work with sooner, then maybe I could’ve tested those designs more thoroughly!” It was then that he heard a loud knock and shouted. “I’m busy! I don’t need anything, thank you!” But an unfamiliar mare’s voice called out. “Hey, Sandy Paddin’, my name is Applejack. Sorry to bother you, but I just came to talk.” Silky gulped, sweat pouring down his brow. He shouted back. “About what?!” Applejack responded. “It’s about your foal models, Bell Hopper and Pencil Pusher? We found them and they told us some strange stuff ‘bout you. I came to get the record straight.” The stallion squeaked in fright! “Oh no!” He thought to himself. “They must’ve told her how they were regressed. And worse, they probably told her how I lied to them, though technically it wasn’t a lie, I said I’d help them if I won and we didn’t win.” Even so, Silky turned to the windows and gulped. He was too high up to safely make a leap to the ground, and teleporting would be a dead giveaway that something was up. ”What do I do?!..I...I.” Then he sneezed, and turned to see a mare in a black cloak smirking, as he collapsed. Applejack knocked again. “Come on, Sandy, I just need to talk to you. Please, open up.” She then heard a foal crying, and gasped! She turned around and bucked the door open, running inside, only to find a sandy colored colt bawling amidst his now much too large clothing . The farm mare just sighed. “Oh dear. Maybe there is a foal apocalypse goin’ on? Well, either way, I’d better find a way to get him diapered, or at least find somethin’ that’ll hold til I can find some.” Back at the restaurant, the foals were now bored out of their minds, as Prim tried to entertain them with a story about fashion. Hoity turned to the buffet table filled with food and babbled. “Hey, whiwe we wait, how about we go hewp sewve ta food owaseves? Awot of ponies hewe been waitin’ foweva, tey must be stawvin.” Zecora turned and babbled. “Yeah, that sounds wike a gweat idea! My mommy awways says ‘Sometimes ya just gots to do things by yasewf.’” Bell Hopper smiled at the buffet. “My big bwothew became a waitew in Cantewot, maybe I can twy bein one too.” He hoped. Pencil Pusher mumbled. “I dun know..we cowd get into big twobwe.” But Hoity turned to Prim, who was still jabbering on, and babbled. “I’ww distwact Pwim, ya go gets ta food. Deaw?” The rest of the foals shouted. “Deaw!” Hoity smiled, then grunted, pushing a mess in his diaper. Prim’s nose scrunched up as she groaned. “Oh, Hoity, did you just make a stinky?!” Hoity blushed, scrunching his diaper. “I sowie, can ya change me weaw fast? I didn’t tink it was gonna be so smewwy.” The other guests around the nearby tables started to move away, and Prim sighed. “Alright, better make this quick before you stink up the place. Hope the mares’ room has a changing table. Dear Celestia, what has Rarity been feeding you?!” She picked the colt up and took him to the mares’ bathroom to being changed. With Prim and Rarity now both gone, the rest of the foals quickly crawled out of their high chairs and started to waddled to the buffet table. They all climbed up, grabbing plates while gaping at all the food. Zecora babbled. “Wow, thewe is so much hew! Is wike a sea of nevew endin’ food!” Pencil Pusher then spoke up. “Otay, how abowt we spwit jobs on what to get?” Bell Hopper jumped up and down while shouting. “I gots ta main cowse!” Zecora shouted. “I gots ta dwinks!” Pencil Pusher just babbled. “I gots sawad...tose fancy mawes aways eat sawads. Now wets get goin.” The foals then spread out. Bell Hopper turned to the main dishes and mumbled. “Tey pwobaby want some mashed tatoes,” He then began grabbing globs of mashed potatoes and plopping it on a plate. But he tipped a gravy boat onto the mashed potatoes, spilling it all over the place. “Uh oh, too much gwavy!” He then went over to the fancy pasta and started spilling that on a plate, then he started pouring tons of shredded cheese all over the spaghetti, giggling. “Wook, I makin’ spaghetti!” Pencil Pusher was mixing all kinds of vegetables while giggling. “Wook at me, I makin’ tossed sawad!” As she spoke pieces of salad were being tossed all over the place. Bell Hopper laughed. “Sawad without dwessin tastes yucky, puts some dwessin on it.” “Otay!” Pencil Pusher squealed. She took a jar of ranch and started pouring all of it onto the salad. Then she started to stir it all in, mixing it with a giant spoon. Bell Hopper looked at the plate of spaghetti and mashed potatoes and babbled. ”I need one mowe ting,” He turned to a bowl of fruit and started throwing some of its contents into the spaghetti, babbling. “I bet fwuit and spaggheti showd taste good.” Pencil Pusher was now pouring olive oil in a bowl of ranch and salad babbling. “Ya can’t fowget ta fancy owive oiw, it taste yucky tough,” She then threw the empty jar of olive oil to the side, looking up with her coat covered in salad leaves and dressing, giggling at Bell Hopper who was covered in tomato sauce and gravy. “Wew, wooks wike we got ouw jobs done. Whewes’ Zecowa?” Zecora was in the drink section and babbling to herself. “Time to make ta dwinks fow Wawity and Pwim. Wha do ya tink tey wowd wike?” She grabbed a tea pot and poured tea into two glasses, before she babbled again. “But tea is bwand, it needs sugaw,”  She then took a jar of sugar cubes, dropping a bunch into both glasses, and gasped upon seeing that the sugar was so dense it absorbed the tea. She giggled. “Bettwe mix someting ewse,” The zebra then grabbed a jar of milk and babbled. “Miwk tastes good, and is heawthy,” She then started pouring some milk into the cups over filling both. She gasped upon seeing this, causing her to throw the bottle down, which let the rest to spill onto the floor. “Uh oh!” Zecora then took the cups of tea and milk, Pencil Pusher took her salad, and Bell hopper took his plate of food and they all hopped down, waddling along and spilling their stuff all over the floor. Hoity lay upon a padded changing table in the mares’ bathroom, and was being taped into a new diaper as Prim sighed. “I swear, Hoity, you are definitely a stinker. Warn me the next time you decide to lay a stink bomb like that!” Hoity blushed, his distraction had worked a little too well. “I sowie fow makin ya change a stinky diapee, Pwim.” Prim just bopped his nose and cooed. “Oh, don’t worry. Sure, it was gross, but you foals are just so cute, it makes me forget how messy you can be.” As she exited the mares bathroom a moment later, Prim heard screaming, as she turned to see fancy ponies running for the doors, and three little foals with their bowls and plates filled with muck, which were being tossed among the guests . Zecora was knocking glasses of the table as she tried to pour her “tea”, Pencil was placing globs of salads onto plates as Bell Hopper was putting his globs of spaghetti and mashed potatoes on another, with food trailing all over the restaurant's floor. Prim’s mouth dropped wide open, and she stared in horror at what she saw! Zecora turned to face the mare and babbled. “Hey, Pwim, we hewpin sewve ta stawvin ponies!” Just then, an angry stallion came barging into the dining room. “That’s it! All of you out of the restaurant!” He shouted. The foals started shivering and tearing up, as angry stallion stomped over to them. Prim quickly went over and scooped the foals onto her back. “These foals were just having a little bit of fun, there’s no need to get angry.” She told the stallion. But the stallion just shouted back. “They ruined our buffet table and scared our guests! I don’t care who was supposed to be watching them, get them out of here!” Rarity came out at that moment with Cannon Feather, and she chimed in. “Well, Prim is right about one thing, they’re just foals. Yelling at them won’t do anything. But I will discplime them for being naughty, and gladly compensate you for the damage.” The stallion just growled. “I don’t want your money, just leave. And next time, don’t bring your foals here if you’re not going to watch over them properly!” The mares both bowed and quickly scampered off. Rarity made sure to scold the foals as she took them home. “Now, even though you’re foals, that doesn't mean you can go off making disasters wherever you go. You should be glad I'm still happy we won the fashion show, or we would be heading home to Ponyville right now. And Zecora, rest assured that Applejack will hear about this, I don’t think she’ll be very pleased.” She then got up the steps and into the hotel room, where she and Prim gasped seeing Applejack tucking a newborn foal into one of the beds as she whispered. “Hey. Sorry I couldn’t make it back to the restaurant. Was busy with this little guy.” “Oh, don’t worry about that, darling. It was an absolute disaster!” Rarity shouted dramatically. Applejack eyed the messy foals all putting hooves to their faces and smirked. “I’m guessin’ they got bored eatin’ at a fancy restaurant.” Rarity sighed. “Yes, it was quite the ordeal. I should’ve never taken the foals there. Zecora, Bell Hopper, and Pencil Pusher all made a mess of the buffet table.” Applejack crossed her forehooves and nodded. “Well, I told ya so, Rarity. Foals don’t like the fancy stuff you and Prim like, they’re gonna get bored easily. And when they get bored, they’re gonna wander off and make messes,” Though she was quick to say to Zecora. “But Zecora, you’re still in big trouble when we get back to Ponyville! Granny Smith and I taught you better than to do stuff like that.” Zecora shrank, trying not to look too guilty, and Rarity just rolled her eyes. Then Pencil Pusher and Bell Hopper both shouted. “Abbwejackie! Do we stiw have owa jobs?!” Applejack nodded. “Yep, I told the hotel manager that you two are alright, just currently stuck as foals like Hoity Toity. He understands, and will wait for you two to be turned back to normal, seein’ as he’s not lookin’ to add potty trainin’ to his employee job trainin’.” The foals sighed in relief (and chuckled a bit at Applejack’s remark) then Rarity bent over, looking at the small, sandy colored colt now in a small blue sleeper, kicking about with a faint rustling sound. The mare dawwed and whispered. “Say, is that Sandy Padding? It sure looks like him.” Applejack nodded as she came over to the other foals, taking them off Rarity's back slowly as she explained. “Yeah, it is. I went by his room and found him like this. I think he’s only a newborn, he can’t do much but cry.” Hoity gasped and babbled. “Does tat mean he wasn’t ta one who tuwned me into a foaw?” Applejack shrugged and replied. “I have no idea. And since he can’t talk yet, we may never know.” But Zecora looked up and babbled. “Wew, how ‘bout I tawk to him? I can twanswate foaw babbwe.” Rarity turned to face the little zebra and gasped! “Really, you can do that?!” The baby zebra gave a nod. “Yeah, I tawk to foaws aw ovew Ponyviwe now. I gotten weawwy good at it, though appawenty thewe’s this weiwd doctow pony who can awso undewstand foaws. Nevew met him though.” Applejack chuckled and ruffled her daughter’s mane. “Yep, it's true, at least the Zecora stuff. She loves talkin’ to foals while I take her on mornin’ strolls. Seems like she finds a new foal to talk to every day.” Hoity squealed. “Tat means we can figure out how I turned into a foaw!” But Rarity turned to the messy foals and replied. “Well, first we need to clean you three up, come on. And no more funny business.” She then herded them all into the bathroom.