The Harmony Power Ponies

by Daydreamfire

Origins Part 5: The Comet, the Bubbles and the Storm

The next day, Twilight strolled out the door for another day of school. "Twilight, don't forget your lunch!" Twilight's father Night Light called.

Twilight stopped and ran back into the house. "Thanks Dad! My favorite, peppermint sticks!" Twilight stated as she jogged out the gate.

* * *

"It's your favorite today, Pinkie. Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness cupcakes," Mrs. Cake handed the box of cupcakes over to Pinkie who was practically drooling.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness cupcakes. I'll see you after school, bye!" Pinkie laughed and she skipped down the path.

* * *

Rainbow Dash was skating out of the house when she heard her brothers. "Hey sis, I think you forgot something," Rainbow Blaze called.

"Yeah, like what about your lunch, ya little brat!" Spectrum Blitz interrupted. "Here, catch!" They downed a paper bag out the window and Rainbow caught it.

"Oh yeah, leftover zap apple jam sandwiches. Thanks guys!" Dash then raced away on her skateboard.

* * *

The bell rang as Twilight walked through the school gates and up ahead she saw Pinkie. "Oh, Good morning, Pinkie Pie," Twilight smiled.

The pink haired girl turned around. "Hey, Twilight. How's it going?" Pinkie asked.

"It's going good. I'm glad we got Rainbow Dash to join. She's pretty cool. Now that we're all together it's like a dream come true! I've always wanted to be a superhero! I can't believe it's real!" Twilight swooned.

"I know! First I was confused, but now it feels like we belong together. And plus, I love the outfits!" Pinkie confessed while giggling.

"I know! I wonder where we'll have our first fight. You think it will be Discord again?" Twilight hoped.

"I don't know. We could be called at anytime and we'll have to be ready," Pinkie guessed, a bit more serious than before

"Yeah Pinkie, you must be right," Twilight assumed. Just then, Rainbow skated in through the gates and stopped when she saw Twilight and Pinkie.

"Well, I don't know when it will be, but I can't wait!" Twilight squealed. Dash picked up her skateboard and propped it under her arm.

"Yeah, me too! It's gonna be so awesome!" Pinkie laughed and Twilight joined in.

"Ugh, don't these two ever shut up?" Rainbow muttered so the two wouldn't notice her. "Well at least we're not in the same class."

A few minutes later, "Now I know this is sudden, but we're re-arranging your classes," the principal announced and they were a lot of complaints.

Another few minutes later, "OK, everyone. From now on, I'm your new teacher. My name is Mrs. Cheerilee," the teacher started.

"Yay, we're in the same class!" Pinkie cheered.

"I know, it's perfect!" Twilight stated and they both started laughing.

"Ugh, how could they do this? Change all the classes on the second day back and now look! I'm with these two! They'll drive me crazy!" Dash grumbled.

What they didn't know was that the principal was actually the mayor's brother and Celestia asked him to change the classes so the girls would be in the same class.

"When's lunch? I'm starving! I could eat a horse," Rainbow exaggerated.

"But it's only second period," Twilight chimed in and Dash moaned.

"Yeah, didn't you have anything for breakfast?" Pinkie asked. Then Twilight's and Pinkie's stomachs started to rumble and so did Rainbow's.

"Even own stomachs' are in sync! We're the perfect team!" Twilight and Pinkie squealed and Dash face palmed and growled.

"Whatever, it's just a coincidence," Rainbow repeated, she recalled saying that about the thought reading thing.

"Hey, did anyone else heard about the weird events yesterday?" Lyra asked ad the girls looked up.

"Yes, there was a comet, a typhoon and a storm, all at the same time. It was all over the news," Rarity stated.

"So, you guys were affected by the comet too," Twilight assumed, but Pinkie and Rainbow were confused.

"What do you mean?" Pinkie questioned.

"Wait, you guys didn't get your superpowers from the comet?" Twilight whispered as a few people walked past.

"Well, I got my superpowers after I saved a kid from the typhoon, but then I was swept into the typhoon and trapped in a bubble," Pinkie told Twilight.

"That's weird. I got my powers after I saved a girl from the comet, before the comet hit. How about you Rainbow Dash?" Twilight wondered.

"A few kids playing soccer, storm coming, had to save them, struck by lightning and woke up wearing a stupid dress," Dash murmured and the girls were each confused.

The three girls gained their superpowers at the same time, but in different ways. Came in contact with with comet, almost drowned but saved by bubble and struck by lightning. And each time they almost killed themselves and unlike Discord, they all had similar costumes.

At lunch, Dash sat at a table and Twilight and Pinkie joined her. "Finally, lunch!" Rainbow cheered.

"Yeah, I'm way hungrier than I thought!" Pinkie giggled.

"Wait a minute. Who said we're eating together?" Dash complained.

"We did!" Twilight grinned and Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Look what I got. My favorite, peppermint sticks."

"I got my favorite too. Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness cupcakes."

"Check it out. Leftover zap apple jam sandwiches." The girls smiled at Rainbow. Although she wasn't shy, she wasn't very social and hadn't a lot of friends. Dash looked away and blew her hair out of her eyes, causing sparks of lightning.

* * *

Over at the lab, Celestia, Luna and Spike were about to have lunch too. "Something smells nice," Luna complemented, then she gave a cheeky smile to her sister. "Baking another cake I see."

Celestia was about to reply but then the news showed Discord on a rampage. "Discord again. We need the girls, Spike," Celestia called.

"Harmony Power Ponies!"

* * *

The girls were just about to eat and then their watches flashed. "But it's lunchtime! My Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness cupcakes," Pinkie whined.

"Well, we'll just have to go," Twilight sighed looking down at her peppermint sticks.

"This job officially stinks! I'm so hungry!" Rainbow gave out.

"We can't transform here," Twilight decided. They ran out of the cafeteria to the gym, to the library and to the science lab witch were all occupied. They dashed to the roof tired of running and hungry.

"It doesn't matter if we're hungry," Twilight panted.

"I beg to differ," Dash interrupted.

"Well, we're superheroes now and no matter what, no matter when have to be ready," Twilight stated.

"Yeah, we're the Harmony Power Ponies and we must save the day," Pinkie announced.

"You guys are so weird," Rainbow exclaimed.

Twilight pressed a button on her watch and a hologram of Discord appeared. He was blasting all the buildings in sight. The girls transformed into the Harmony Power Ponies.

* * *

Discord was running around the mall destroying all the stores while people were trying to get away. Then he saw a restaurant and went in he took all the food from the tables and started eating them. "Well, I can't destroy Ponyville on an empty stomach," Discord chortled.

"Hold it right there. We're the Harmony Power Ponies, fighting to save the day," Twilight introduced herself and the others.

"Yeah, even at lunchtime!" Pinkie finished and the two just stared at her.

"Even at lunchtime? Yeah, that'll definitely scare him," Rainbow replied sarcastically. Discord wasn't even paying attention, he was stuffing himself with all the food.

"I don't think he's even listening," Pinkie piped up.

Twilight throw her yo-yo at him. "Cut it out already," Twilight yelled grabbing his attention.

"Don't you have any table manners?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, looks to me like you were raised in a zoo," Dash smirked. She was hoping to tick him off.

"I was not raised in a zoo. Do not make fun of me, stupid girl," Discord snapped and he flew out of the restaurant and into the air, the girls following close behind.

He flew up to the crane beside the river and was nowhere to be seen and the girls looked around. "Hey, where did he go?" Pinkie wondered.

"Discord, where are you?" Rainbow called. Suddenly, the crane's hook flung back and lunged forward attacking the girls. Discord was controlling it and was laughing.

Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow easily dodged the hook leaving a comet, bubbles and storm cloud trail behind them. "Stay still!" Discord screamed. The girls started flying towards him, but Discord tried to swat them with the crane again.

The girls flew up in the air and their stomachs rumbled and they groaned. "I so hungry! I knew I should have eaten lunch!" Twilight complained.

"I think I'm feeling faint," Pinkie whined.

"Being a superhero stinks," Dash repeated.

"Discord laughed at them. "You never go into battle on a empty stomach. I have been eating all day. Spaghetti, meatloaf, casseroles, seafood, ice cream, chocolate cake," Discord listed and the girls were getting very angry.

They grabbed the hook and pulled it away. "Listen up you stupid monster!" Twilight ordered.

"It's your fault we missed lunch!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"And now you're gonna pay!" Dash promised. They stopped and threw the hook as hard as they could straight to Discord. Apparently, as hard as they could was very hard and it hit Discord.

"You made the biggest mistake of your life!"

"Never come between a girl and her food!"

"Especially when she's a Harmony Power Pony!"

They dived right into Discord and broke the crane. But Discord flew over to a boat and shrieked, "You think you can stop me that easily?" He pressed a button and three missiles shot out heading for the city.

"Comet Yo-yo Deflect!" Twilight caught a missiles with her yo-yo and threw it in the other direction.

"Bouncing Bubbles!" Pinkie created a bubble and a missile shot into it, then it bounced off in the other direction.

"Lightning Hammer Strike!" Dash hit one of the missiles and it flew in the other direction.

The missiles darted towards Discord's boat and it exploded and Discord teleported away. They landed on the ground and Discord was gone. "He got away from us," Twilight sighed.

Suddenly, there was a roar of cheering behind them. Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow turned around and saw a crowd of people. Then one child walked over to them and asked, "Who are you?"

Huh, I didn't think about that. What should we tell them?

We could come up with superhero names, cause we are superheroes now.

Oh oh, I have names! How about Comet Flare, Bubble Burst and Stormy Blaze?

I like it.

So do I.

"My name is Comet Flare," Twilight announced.

"I'm Bubble Burst!" Pinkie giggled.

"The name's Stormy Blaze," Dash smirked.

"And we're the Harmony Power Ponies," they all yelled together and they dashed away.