//------------------------------// // Origins Part 1: The Jewel // Story: The Harmony Power Ponies // by Daydreamfire //------------------------------// Celestia and Luna were walking through the Everfree Forest. Celestia was absorbed in a map held in her hands while Luna was bored and tired. "Sister, we have been walking around this forest for an hour. Are you sure we are not lost?" Luna complained, but Celestia payed no attention to her younger sister. "No Luna, we aren't lost. The castle is definitely here somewhere," Celestia replied, not taking her eyes off the map. The two sisters were searching for a castle. There was a legend of magic gems inside and Celestia was very interested in myths and legends of magical items. "Well, where is it?" Luna asked. Celestia pulled away some vines in her way that revealed an old, crumbling castle. They both were in awe that they found the castle. Celestia wasted no time and ran towards the castle and Luna followed. Inside there was a table with a glowing jewel resting on it. The jewel was small enough to fit in your hand witch surprised the two. Celestia opened up her backpack and retrieved a device. The device was a chemical detector and she pointed it to the gem. The gadget show a high amount of a unknown chemical. "Interesting," Celestia commented, then she she put on a glove and tried touching the stone. She did and nothing happened. "Luna, we should run some tests on this," Celestia suggested, picking up the stone. "Are you positive it is save?" Luna worried, her sister was already leaving. Celestia grabbed her bag and stopped at the door to look back at her sister. "I don't know, but I want to know what this strange gem is. So, are you coming?" Celestia answered. Luna hesitated and ran after her sister. They ran out of the forest as fast as they could go. They were out of the forest in a short amount of time and they spotted their jeep. Soon they were back in the laboratory and they started running tests on the jewel. When there were finished they still didn't know was the unknown chemical was. Celestia was getting frustrated and confused. "I can believe we can't figure out what the gem is. Luna, is there anything else we can do?" Celestia wondered and she waited for a response. When she didn't get one she turned around to she Luna playing with Spike, their little puppy. Celestia put her hands on her hips and gave Luna a disapproving look. "Oh, eh, no I don't think we can do much more," Luna stuttered. Spike jumped up on a counter were a load of science experiments were. The sisters cried as Spike knocked over chemicals and viles. Then he ran into a large bottle witch spilled all over the jewel. The jewel exploded into fifteen beams of light, five white and ten black. The lights blasted through the ceiling and into the sky, spreading all over the city. * * * Twilight Sparkle was in her room getting ready for the first day of school. She had straight navy hair with a strip of pink and purple and purple eyes. She put on her usual clothes: a pale yellow shirt, a pink skirt, black school shoes and a red tie. "Twilight, come down for breakfast," her mother, Twilight Velvet called. Twilight ran down the stairs, but then she was attacked. "Police, put your hands up!" the man demanded, but Twilight just laughed at him. "Knock it off, Shining Armor," Twilight ordered her brother. Twilight had one brother Shining Armor and he was married to a kind girl, Cadence who had a baby, Flurry Heart. Her mother gave Twilight her breakfast and asked Twilight a question. "So, are you excited about the new school?" She really wasn't sure. At Canterlot, she had no friends but she still loved studying there. Ponyville High School was a small school and it was a small town so she would have to make some friends but Twilight wasn't sure how. "Yeah, kinda. I'm not sure," Twilight looked at the clock. "Oh no, I'm gonna be late. Bye Mom, bye Shining Armor!" Twilight ran down the street until she saw a school and loads of kids. She was just on time. Twilight was looking around the hall a she bumped into a girl and dropped her papers. "Oh no, I so sorry," the girl apologized, helping Twilight pick up her things and then she helped Twilight up. "My name is Pinkie Pie," the girl introduced herself. The girl had pink bouncy hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a blue dress and a purple jacket with purple boots. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm new here," the other girl announced. Pinkie Pie looked even happier than before. "Oh, you're that super smart girl from Canterlot. Well, I would like to welcome you to our school," Pinkie declared, practically bouncing up and down. Twilight couldn't help but giggle at the girls excitement. "Thanks, but have to get to class. Where is room 16?" Twilight asked. "It's just down that hall and the third door on your right. I'll see you later," Pinkie instructed, then she walked down the opposite corridor. Twilight went to her classes and nothing happened. When she was walking home she saw a skateboard park. A few boys were doing tricks then a girl came with a skateboard and the boys were not happy. "Hey! Can't you read the sign, it says no girls allowed!" one boys barked and the girl said nothing. She had long, messy rainbow hair and pink eyes. She wore a sleeve less black turtle neck and blue shorts with green runners. She also had a red and black cap and purple wrist bands. She got on her skateboard and started doing tricks on the ramp. At one point, she was skating on her hands. Then, when she was about to finish, she skated up the side of the ramp, let the skateboard fall. Then she did a back flip and landed on her skateboard. Everyone was in shock and awe, then the girl skated over to the boy from earlier and smirk. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I'm not more awesome than you," the girl spoke in a raspy voice and a big ego. The girl was about to walk out of the park when Twilight stopped her. "How did you do that?" Twilight asked the girl who smirked again. "Practise and luck. And lots of it," the girl answered skating away then she stopped. "By the way, the name's Rainbow Dash." "I'm Twilight." Dash smirked and continued skating away. "See you around, Twilight." * * * Later that day, Twilight was exploring Ponyville and the shops. Then she heard screaming and she looked around. Up in the sky was a glowing comet heading for Ponyville. Everyone was screaming and running everywhere until Twilight stood up on a bench. "Everybody listen! Screaming and running around won't help anything. We need to evacuate the area. Take cover in the other side," Twilight yelled and everyone listened. The comet was heading for the edge of Ponyville, right were Twilight was. She was about to run but then she saw a little girl who hurt her foot. The mother was calling from the crowd of people. Twilight ran over to the little girl and guided her to her mother. The three started running but Twilight tripped just as the comet hit and knocked her unconscious. * * * Pinkie Pie was strolling down the beach humming to herself. She always loved walking on the beach. Then she saw someone drowning in the water. "Don't panic, I'll save you," Pinkie assured. She hurried into the sea and dived in even though she wasn't wearing a swimsuit. Suddenly, a beam of light hit the ocean and the water started to bubble. Pinkie grabbed the drowning, panicking boy and swam to the beach. The boy got to the surface but something dragged Pinkie down in to the ocean and she was trapped in a bubble, unconscious. * * * Rainbow Dash was skating through the town, dodging people and pulling stunts. Dash looked up and saw a bright light turn into a large group of clouds. She surprised when she heard lightning and thunder then saw of clouds turn black. It was weird because it was sunny and not a cloud was in the sky a few minutes ago. Dash saw the lightning again but the lightning was red. A few five year old kids were playing soccer on a pitch beside an elementary school directly under the storm and were frightened by the storm. "Hey, don't panic. Just get inside the school," Dash organized and all the kids did what they were told but one just hugged Dash. Suddenly lightning struck and Rainbow and the kid was about to be hit. Rainbow pushed the kid away and told her to run before she was hit by the lightning. Rainbow Dash screamed and fell unconscious.