//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Welcome to Manehatten! // Story: Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten // by Foal Star //------------------------------// The next day, Rarity was sitting in a train car with Hoity plopped in her lap, with his bulging white diaper with cute purple leak guards, letting his pacifier bob up and down in his mouth. Cannon Feather was snuggled next to him, strapped in his pull-up and hugging a pink rabbit. On the other side of the aisle was Applejack who was feeding Zecora, clad in a cute pink diaper, a bottle of fresh formula, watching her suckle gently and only kicking her back legs a little. Rarity blushed, taking a camera and snapping a few photos as she whispered. “Wow, I can’t believe how calm she is. She’s nowhere near as fussy as Hoity.” Applejack looked up, smiling. “Yeah, but to tell you the truth, she ain’t like this most of the time. Still, I do enjoy these moments with her, she’s just a precious little thing. Can you take a few more, please?” Rarity took a few more pictures, and as she put the camera down she asked. “Darling, you’re doing better as a mom now. I mean, does it get easier after a while or are you just used to it because of past experiences?” Applejack looked up at Rarity and explained, “Oh, well, it’s both. I mean I've been doin’ this for almost two months now, so it's almost second nature in carin’ for little Zecora. But I also feel that you got to have a bond with your foal, it’s easier for me since I had to help raise Apple Bloom.” Then on cue, Zecora gave a small burp. Applejack instantly took the bottle out, and popped a pacifier into her mouth, as she patted the little zebra until she gave another loud belch. The farm mare then placed her foal back into a cradling position. Rarity was gaping in awe the whole time. “Applejack, you're a natural!” Applejack looked up and blushed. “Oh, uh, yeah, guess so.” Rarity sighed, turning to the colts laying in her lap, “Well, it'll be awhile before I'm that coordinated with these colts. They’re so rambunctious and hard to control. It doesn’t help that one of them’s in potty training, and the other’s trying desperately to follow.” Applejack turned to Rarity.  “Well, Zecora here may be a zebra foal, but she ain’t an angel. Heck she still makes potions out of the craziest stuff. One time I found her mixing her formula with her applesauce. All it did was give her an upset tummy.” Rarity laughed and cooed. “Oh, isn’t she just the little scientist? Hoity is so creative, I mean, I always knew he must of been a natural for fashion. But last night, he was drawing suit designs for his teddy. I hanged them on the fridge.” Applejack burst into laughter. “Oh, he sounds just like Cannon Feather. From what I hear, every mornin’ he draws a picture of what he dreamt that night, and Luna puts it on their fridge.” “What else is Luna up too?” Rarity asked out of curiosity. “She must have tons of stories about being a mom.” Applejack nodded. “Oh she does, trust me. And, just sayin’ from what she told me, right now I feel sorry for ya, if ya have to potty train Hoity. Apparently, Cannon Feather’s a real hooful.” The fashion mare squeaked. “Cannon Feather is that bad?!” As she said that they all heard a hiss and they all turned to see his pull-up turn yellow. Rarity groaned. “Oh dear, should’ve put him in a diaper for the train ride. I thought he’d tell me if he had to go.”     The farm mare chuckled. “I'm not too keen on startin’ potty trainin’ for Zecora until she's three, or at least two and a half. I already know she's gonna use her trainin’ potty like a cauldron. Don’t wanna imagine the messes I’ll have to clean up then.” Rarity burst into laughter with Applejack, just before the conductor shouted. “Now arriving at Manehatten Central Station!” The mares turned to see their train pulling into the station and the foals suddenly woke up. The regressed royal guard looked down to his soggy pull-up and whimpered. “Uh oh, I wet. And in my puww-up no wess.” Rarity sighed and replied. “It's alright, sweetie. I’ll change you, come on.” The little colt hopped off his seat and Rarity hoofed Hoity to Applejack. “Can you watch him while I change Cannon Feather real quick?” Applejack smiled. “Sure thing,” She took the little colt into her hooves. He smiled at Zecora with his pacifier in his mouth and babbled. “Hi, Zecowa, how ya doin’?” She hugged her friend and cooed. “I doin’ awight, ta twain twip was weawwy wong though.” Applejack nodded, taking a hoof and pulling both their diapers back to check them thoroughly. “I’ll say. You’re both a  little wet, but that’s about it.” Hoity looked up at Applejack and babbled. “Wew, we had fuw diapees befowe ta twain twip this mowning.” Applejack waved a hoof over her nose. “Yes you did. Zecora’s stinky rump could be smelled for miles.” Zecora suqealed in laughter, kicking about. “Mama, who’s stinkew? Hoity, ow me?” Applejack tapped a hoof to her chin. “Hmm, I think Hoity is,” Hoity blushed as Zecora giggled, bouncing up and down. Then Applejack turned to her little zebra and added. “Well, at least Hoity doesn’t make potions out of his formula.” This made Zecora blush and Hoity giggled “Weawwy?! Whe did she do tat!” The farm mare continued. “Well, one mornin’, I put this little cutie down for her nap while I finished up on some chores, feedin’ the pigs, milkin’ the cows. When I came back, I found Zecora mixing somethin’ in a pot with a wooden spoon. I came over and saw it was her formula, mixed with applesauce.” Zecora whined. “It was supposed ta be abbwe fwavoed fowumuwa so it’d taste even bettew!” All the while Hoity was laughing, kicking about in his diaper. “Oh, wow! Maybe I showd do tat with my fowmuwa?!” Just then, Rarity came back with Cannon Feather bouncing along, as she gave them a smile. “Alright, darlings, let’s get going.” They all got up, walked out of the station, and out onto the busy streets of Manehatten. The eyes of the foals went wide as they gazed at the tall buildings, and the hustle and bustle of the cabs rolling down the street, ponies all walking about in a hurry. Hoity smiled. “These pwaces wook awot biggaw as a foaw.” Zecora mouth was wide open. “I neva seen anyting wike it. Is amazing!” Rarity waved a hoof, stopping a taxi and went over to tell the stallion where to go.  Applejack helped settle the foals down in the back and scooted over for Rarity to sit by her. As they were carried off, Rarity turned to the foals and smiled at the them. “I can’t wait until we get to the hotel, you three are going to love it! You especially, Zecora!” Hoity gave a nod. “Yeah, I can’ wait! Ta hotews gots supa comfy beds! I wana jump on tem!” Cannon Feather gasped and pleaded. “Can we, Wawity?! I wana jump on ta beds!” Zecora started bouncing up and down in excitement. ”Me too! I wana jump supa high!” Rarity smiled at them. “Oh, alright, just this once. But only for a little bit. I was thinking we could take you all to the park later, if you behave.” The foals all squealed in unison. “Ta pawk!” Hoity Toity smiled and asked with his eyes getting bigger. “Do tey gots swings?” Cannon Feather shouted while bouncing in excitement. “Do tey gots a see saw?!” Zecora asked in excitement. “How about a cwown tat makes bawoons?!” The fashion mare sighed. “No, sorry, this park doesn’t have a playground. It does have a lot of grassy fields and trees, we can have a nice picnic, and you three can play hide and go seek, just be careful not to wander anywhere too dangerous.” The foals all stopped bouncing and groaned, as Zecora mumbled. “Sownds wike a bowin pawk ta me.” The group eventually reached their hotel and Rarity squealed in delight. “We’re here!”  They all got out as the foals looked up at the huge hotel glaring down at them. Zecora whispered. “Hoity, di ya eva see a buwidin’ so big?” Hoity and Cannon Feather giggled at each other then the the white coated colt turned his head. “Ya tink this is big? Ya gots to see Cantewot Pawace, is way bigga ten any of tese buiwdings.” Hoity gave a nod. “Yeah, way bigga. I went thewew fow ta Gwand Gawopin Gawa a few times now, and I aways amazed at how big it is. Ya couwd pwobaby fit an entiwe city inside it!” Hoity Toity and Zecora were both placed on Applejack’s back (Rarity taking up Cannon Feather), and Rarity turned to her friend with a smile. “Aren’t you excited, Applejack? It’s got to have been so long since you came to Manehatten. You did say you once lived here, right?” Applejack looked up and shrugged. “Yeah, a long time ago. But I’m not a fan, really, hate all the noise and hustilin’ and bustlin’. I'm more a simple mare, a farm life for me.” The mares then strode through the main lobby filled with lights, classical music flooded the place. The foals just stared at the big chandelier in the middle of the room, trying to reach it with their hooves. Rarity blushed and cooed. “Oh, look at them. I knew they would love it here. I never got to visit places like this as a foal, in fact I don’t ever recall leaving Ponyville for vacations until after Sweetie Belle was born.” Applejack, rolled her eyes following her friend to the elevator. They went straight to the top floor, Applejack opening the door to their room which had a balcony overlooking the city. The foals squealed in delight upon seeing the big comfy beds! They immediately all jumped down and ran to the bed, clumsily climbing up the side before they started to bounce up and down on it. Rarity sighed. “Well, I guess we can just wait here until they’re tuckered out.” Applejack shook her head. “Rarity, listen, I know you had plans but those plans aren’t really fun for a foal. Fancy dinin’, the park, a Bridleway show, it’s all grown up stuff. We need to find things our foals will like.” Rarity turned to the foals, and seeing how much fun they were having just bouncing on a bed, she smiled in realization. “You're right I...I was only thinking of myself...I’m sorry, Applejack.” Applejack cooed. “Hey, I had the same problems with Zecora at first. There were things I wanted to do that she didn’t like. Ya will have time to go to get some fancy food and watch a musical though, I can always watch the little ones for ya. I guarantee, no flushed foals.” Rarity gave a nod and smiled. “I might just have to take you up on that offer, Applejack. But I was thinking, that train trip was very tiring, especially on the foals. So how about I just order room service, then get some sleep? We have a big day tomorrow, and I need to be fully rested and refreshed for it..” Applejack nodded back. ”Okay then, I'll watch the foals, if that's okay with you?” Rarity waved a hoof. “Alright, darling...I'll go down and order the room ser…” She blinked upon seeing Applejack bouncing on the bed too. “Wow, it actually is bouncy! I got to get one of these myself!” Rarity could only just stare. Next morning, a tall stallion with shiny yellow eyes, a sandy coat, a light brown wavy mane and tail, a long pointed beard, wearing an expensive vest with red lining, and a silky little diaper printed on his flank, was looking out his window in the same luxury hotel. He turned to see a mare in a hooded cloaked ask him. “So, I guess you have the foal clothing empire in your hooves now?” Silky Padding laughed. “Pretty much. Of course there’s a few other brands I have to deal with, but I control the entire market now. All thanks to you, regressing Hoity Toity removed the last big threat to my take over.” The hooded mare just replied. “Yes, it seems things are going our way. But I came to make sure that you can never tell anypony about me, understand? If word of this leaks out, my reputation will be ruined.” Silky turned and grumbled. “Alright. But I  still don't understand why you had to send the satin pillow though, it makes me the prime suspect.” The mare just laughed. “Please, only Twilight Sparkle thinks it's the pillow. And there’s no trace of magic on it, she’ll never trace it back to either of us.” Silky twirled his mane from his face and replied. “Still, it seems I got the short end of the stick on this deal.” The mare simply explained. “Why the heck do you think I'm here?! The reason you had to send it was so that no pony can know that I exist! Heck, your only contribution to my plans was telling me about the genie. I did all the leg work!” Silky backed up with a sheepish smile. “A-alright, alright, I get it. But um… I still have one problem...I don’t have any foal models for my lines. I...I was hoping maybe you could procure some for me?” Then they both jolted upon hearing a knock at the door. “Uh…Mr. Sandy Paddin’ was it? I got ya those extra towels you asked for earlier.”’ The mare turned to the door and cooed. “Watch and learn, ‘Sandy’.” She teleported as his eyes went wide open and Silky mumbled, “Uh...yeah, come in.” A grey coated earth pony stallion came, dressed in a bellhop uniform, with wavy blue mane, and a stack of towels on his head. “Hey, how about I just put these in the bathroom for ya?” Silky smiled. “That will be just grand,” He then watched as the bellhop went to the bathroom and put them on the line, humming to himself. Silky turned. “You are quite helpful, did a lot more for me then I expected.” The bellhop simply replied. “Just doing my duty is all, hope it’s to your satisfaction,” He then slipped on a bar of soap and fell backwards towards the sink causing a vial to drop on his head. Silky Padding watched in awe as the bell hooper shrank before his eyes. By the end, Silky was just watching the grown stallion slowly turning into a chubby colt wrapped in his old uniform. The funny thing was he got up and rubbed his head, smiling. “Oh, sowwie fow twippin wike tat. I get cweanin’ wight away,” He went over to the soap and started to use his own clothes as a rag, then he looked at his uniform and babbled. “Wha?” He looked down at the soap and squeaked, “Un no! Wha happen?!” He looked down at his chubby hooves, then turned to the mirror in the bathroom, gasping. “Oh my, I a foaw?!” Unbeknownst to the bellhop, the mare appeared again, throwing a diaper bag and  a package of diapers on the ground. “There, happy now?” She whispered. The stallion was stunned to see the foal putting on his bell hopper hat that tipped over his head. “Wooks I gonna need a new unifowm,” He mumbled, then started to pee and looked down, blushing in embarrassment. “Uh oh, wooks wike I’ww need diapees to go with it. I so sowwy, mistew.” Silky groaned as the mare smirked, pushing some diapers and a diaper bag towards him.  “You’re going to need this, and whatever you do, if you do anything that leads Twilight and her friends to me, you'll be wearing your fancy diapers too.” She warned. Silky gulped, then turned. “Wait, what about a filly? I still need a fillly.” The mare then lit up her horn while grumbling. “I'll find one tomorrow, okay?” And then she disappeared. The stallion turned to the little colt waddling about and grabbed him. “Come on, little one, let’s get you diapered before you make any more messes.” The colt giggled, kicking about as he babbled. “Otay, mistew. I sowie fow tuwning into a foaw in ya woom. Ya tink thewe’s a cuwe?” The stallion sighed, helping to tape a white diaper around the colt’s rump. “I hope so, kiddo.” Hoity woke the next morning to Rarity snuggling him, and he giggled as he got up wiggling his little diapered rump. He turned to see Cannon Feather rolling around on the ground and babbled. “Wha ya doin, Cannon?” Canon Feather turned. “Oh, hey, just wowin awound.” Hoity smirked crawling from the bed and sitting next to him. “Ya wike dinnew wast night?” Cannon Feather gave a smile. “Yeah, ta pizza was gweat. Ya can’t beat Manehatten pizza.” Then they heard a clank, the foals turned to see Zecora humming to herself. She had a small bowl, and was pouring soda into the container that already held formula, making it bubble up. She looked up squeaking. “Oh hey you two…” The colts both giggled and Cannon Feather asked. “Aw ya twyin to make potions?” Zecora groaned. “Wew, I jus twyin ta make a betta tastin fowmuwa. Its gweat but it gets bowin sometimes.” Hoity shrugged. “I guess so, bu Abbwejackie said ya can’t dwink sodaw.” Cannon Feather nodded. “Yeah, my mommy says it gots too much sugaw and wowd make me even mowe hypwew.” Zecora looked at the concoction and babbled. “Wew I gonna dwink it, and caw it my fiwst weal potion,” She took the bowl and sipped from it as the other two foals looked at her with wide eyes. She smacked her lips with a big smile on her face. “This is ta best tastin’ fowmuwa I eva had!” Hoity took the bowl and took a sip and squealed. “Wow, it’s gweat! Cannon Feathaw, ya gots to twy tis!” Hoity hoofed the bowl over carefully, and Cannon sipped some too. “It is! Is so yummy!” They passed it around, giggling and babbling about last night, when Applejack got up turning to the foals, and gasing at what she saw! “Zecora! What did I tell ya about makin’ potions?!” Zecora squeaked. “Oh...uh... good mownin’, Mama. This isn’t a potion, is a new fwavowa of fowmuwa.” Applejack growled, getting up and taking the bowl of formula, promptly throwing it out the window. Rarity got up and looked down to see the mess the foals had made, and sighed. “Can’t even get a good night’s rest without having you three causing trouble,” She sighed and mumbled, getting up and heading to the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower. Applejack, can you be a dear and help the foals get ready?” The farm mare nodded. “Alright, come on you three, let’s get ya changed and ready. No more nonsense,” She turned to the foals, took of their diapers (which were wet to varying degrees) and started to wipe them down as they all pouted. Zecora whimpered. “I sowie fow makin’ ta fowmuwa. Am I gwounded?” Applejack sighed. “No, you’re not grounded. Seeing that you’re goin’ to grown into the little potion maker, I think I’ll have ya have take lessons with Twilight. I’m sure she’ll set ya down the right path and keep ya from blowin’ yourself up.” Hoity blushed and covered his face. “Yeah, we sowie too, we shouwdn’ have dwank soda.” Cannon Feather also gave a sheepish smile. “Yeah, we sowie. Is just, Zecowa wowked hawd at it.” “I'm not angry, it’s just that I don't think mixing pop with formula can lead to anythin’ good.” Applejack explained, and strapped the three into diapers. Hoity and Zecora giggled, as Cannon Feather blushed. “Uh, Appwejack, I gots to be in puwwups. My mommy said so, I pwomised hew I’d twy to use the potty mowe often fwom now on.” Applejack blushed, realizing her mistake. ”Sorry about that, champ. I’ll get ya out of that and into a pull-up in a jiff.” A few hours later, Rarity was in a cab with Hoity Toity clad in a cute blue onesie, Zecora in a pink onesie, and Cannon Feather wearing his plastic armor. Applejack was digging through her diaper bag grumbling. “Gosh darn it.” Zecora looked over and asked. ”Wha is it, Mommy?” “I can’t find anythin’ for that stuffed bear of Hoity’s.” Applejack grumbled. The foals giggled as Zecora hugged her mom. “It’s otay, Hoity’s aweady busy pwayin’ with Mw. Bowtie.” Applejack sighed in relief, and snuggled Zecora. “Ya havin’ any fun?” The little zebra looked up. “A wittwe, I miss ta fawm tough,” She confessed. “I miss ta wowstew cwoowing tis mownin’.” Applejack laughed and ruffled Zecora’s mane. “Yeah, I know how ya feel.” They eventually came to the studio and were taken inside. They turned to see the receptionist looking up. “Oh, I guess you're all here for the Foal Fall Fashion Show. Just head down the corner and a make turn to your right.” Following the directions, they went inside to see Prim Headline turning towards them. “Oh, thank goodness you're here. You ready to do some dress rehearsals before the show?” Rarity smiled and cooed. “Oh of course, that’s why we're here.” The foals groaned as Prim Headline looked at them. “Okay, darlings, you ready to look cute?” They all nodded as she led them to the back. “Alright then, darlings, come on. After you strut your stuff, I'll take you all out to dinner, what do you say?” They all squealed as Hoity shouted. “Sounds awesome!” Applejack went off with them and Rarity sighed, thinking to herself. “I hope that things go well today. Better keep an eye on Cannon Feather, who knows what formula and soda is going to do to his bladder, to say nothing of how it’ll effect Hoity and Zecora.”