//------------------------------// // Cedar // Story: Failed Confessions to an Oblivious Friend // by FerociousCreation //------------------------------// Thanks to Sky Stinger’s willing ability to assist his friend, he was able to find the tree caught in a spotlight. When the Vapor Trail told Sky Stinger she needed him to come to the tree, the stallion was very curious. The pair walked in silence, Sky Stinger leading the way. “Is there a reason why you need me?” he asked. Vapor Trail winked at Sky Stinger, “You will see.” With every step Vapor Trail made, her heart ticked faster; and with four legs to walk with, Vapor Trail’s heart was at an unsteady rate. “You can say I am putting you in the spotlight once more.” Sky Stinger grinned, “You trying to set me up with somepony.” “Maybe,” Vapor Trail said, her hip bumping Sky Stinger’s flank. “Maybe not.” “Well, whatever you are up to, I’m sure I will like it.” “I hope so…” A shadow of doubt began to shroud the mare’s heart. What if Sky Stinger didn’t like the gift, or disapproved of Vapor Trail’s confession? Or both?! Sky Stinger caught wind of Vapor Trail’s tone and he stopped walking. “I know I will like what you have planned. After all, you are putting me in the spotlight. That already makes me feel awesome.” The mare giggled, “I guess that is a good start to my gift to you.” Vapor Trail gasped, the secret slipping from her lips. Her ears fell back, upset she couldn’t keep one mystery quiet until the moment was right. “Hey, why are you upset?” Sky Stinger asked. “The beautiful best sneeze shouldn’t be frowning with all that makeup she has on.” Vapor Trail flushed but couldn’t get herself to smile for long. “I wanted to surprise you,” said Vapor Trail. Sky Stinger smiled, “I already am. Knowing you have something planned for me makes feel pretty awesome.” He brought a hoof to his chest, “I swear.” “If you plan on swearing,” Vapor Trail grinned, “you better be making a promise to not use vulgar language.” The stallion put an arm around Vapor Trail’s neck, “That’s the spirit.” Sky Stinger gave a gentle pull toward where he was walking, “And I think we have found our tree.” Near the edge of the cliff was a large cedar tree, its shadow large and consuming. A cluster of clouds hovered above the tall plant, out of place as they were manually placed there. And just as Vapor Trail requested, a beam of light shined down at the cedar through a hole in the clouds. It was everything Vapor Trail wanted. All that needed to be done was to deliver the box of chocolates that held more than a sweet kiss. Vapor Trail took the lead and grabbed Sky Stinger’s hoof, “Come on! Let me surprise you even more!” Resting on the cluster of clouds, Rainbow Dash noticed Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail walking toward the cedar through the hole in the clouds. She let out a sigh and spoke to nopony, “About time…” Rainbow Dash stood up and flew through the hole. The mare landed on the grass, ready to propose step two to Vapor Trail. As Sky Stinger got close, he took notice of Rainbow Dash. “And what brings you here?” Sky Stinger asked. Rainbow Dash wanted to get all the attention off of her and onto Vapor Trail, “All I am here for is assisting my apprentice with special loyalty business. Nothing between you and I.” “Too bad,” Sky Stinger shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind showing you personally how loyal I can be to a mare.” Vapor Trail grew a little jealous as Sky Stinger had his eyes on Rainbow Dash. Even though Rainbow Dash had no interest in being with Sky, the fact that he had his eyes on other mares caused Vapor Trail’s natural instincts to go on the offensive. “Maybe today, you can show another pegasus you know your loyalty,” Vapor Trail said, absorbing as much of Sky Stinger’s attention onto her. The stallion turned toward the white pegasus and smiled at her, “And who might that be?” Rainbow Dash answered for Vapor Trail, “Stand under the tree and find out.” Sky Stinger didn’t question the request and went under the tree in the spotlight. Rainbow Dash approached Vapor Trail and whispered into her ear, “Okay, ready for step two?” “Yes!” Vapor Trail whispered, but it was more of a huff of words than a quiet transfer of words. “Yes, yes, yes ye-” “Okay, I get it…” Rainbow Dash interjected. “Now, step two, part one: get the gift hidden in the hole of the tree. Part two of step two will require you to look around for any potential interruptions that may intervene with your confession.” Vapor Trail nodded at step two, part two. Whenever the right words were about to come out before, somepony or something would happen, and the confession would be lost. She knew step two, part two was vital. “Then comes step three…” Rainbow Dash began slowly. The sudden shift in going from step two to step three took Vapor Trail’s breath. “Step three, part one involves some improvising. Tell Sky Stinger about how you feel about him and your friendship. No need to get all mushy and tell him about how much you love him.” Vapor Trail nodded and whispered, “I can do that.” The anticipation for the next step was making the nervous mare quake. She could assume what the next step was, but the mare was nervous all the same. “Step three, part two is when you give him the gift,” Rainbow Dash concluded and stepped back from Vapor Trail. Not sure what step three, part three, or even step four might entail, Vapor Trail panicked, “Wh-what do I do next?” “Anything can happen after Sky Stinger reads your note,” said Rainbow Dash. “But I am sure you will know what to do once Sky knows how you feel about him.” A nervous grin wiggled onto the white mare’s lips, “A-alright. I’m ready.” Rainbow Dash gave Vapor Trail a hard pat on the back of the neck, “Then go get em’! And remember: follow each part in order to grant success.” Rainbow Dash fanned out her wings, a sign that Vapor Trail was about to go through with a difficult task alone. “Go make your daydream a reality!” In no hurry, Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and flew above the cluster of clouds. Go make your daydream a reality, Vapor Trail repeated in her head. If she had the time, Vapor Trail would have closed her eyes, and lose herself in another fantasy with Sky Stinger. But living in a fictional world is not something the mare was willing to do any longer. With confidence in her stride, Vapor Trail pressed forward and walked toward her future.