//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: The Nightmare(unedited) // Story: Love thicker than blood. // by neokiva //------------------------------// Luna laid on her side smiling as she watched the chest of her little lover raise and fall in rhythm with her breaths, she looked so innocent as she peacefully slept. Luna was broken out of her cute induced stupor by the anguished moaning and thrashing of Twilight. Luna frowned and charged her horn, from which a line of silver magic slid  horn and connected to Twilight’s forehead. Luna closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she was met with a hellish firescape as Ponyville burnt in a great conflagration. Luna’s eyes widened as she took in the horrific scene as she saw ponies screaming as they burned alive. Worried for Twilight, Luna began looking for her in this hell. After what felt like hours she found a Twilight, transformed into her djinn form. sobbing as she shook a body that was obscured by her own. Luna galloped over to her side. However, as she got near her, a full look at the body Twilight was cradling  gave Luna pause. It was herself, however she was barely recognisable as her limp body was charred, covering  over seventy five percent of her body. It was then that around Twilight’s tree home, there were six crosses, on each of them a member of the Elements of Harmony and Spike. Each one nailed to the crosses, and by the looks of their dessicated corpses they had been tortured severely as they bled out and died. Luna made her way to Twilight and called her softly, “Twilight?” Twilight’s head whipped around and looked confused, “Twilight, my love, it’s okay, we aren’t dead. This is just a nightmare” and as she flared her horn, the nightmare shattered and was replaced by a flower field. Luna walked closer towards Twilight who remained transformed. Twilight’s face contorted in fear, “Luna, please stay away! I don’t want to accidentally hurt you! I destroyed Ponyville.” Luna darted forward with such speed that she was invisible to the naked eye, she wrapped her arms around Twilight, who then struggled to get free from Luna’s foreleg’s. Luna wore a look of concern for Twilight’s well being as she began trailing kisses up her neck.  When she had finished, “Twilight, I say again, that was just a nightmare we are hale and so is Ponyville. Tell me what happened in the nightmare, Twilight.” Luna coaxed her to speak, as she caressed and held her. Twilight drew in a shuddering breath as she recounted the dream, “It was a normal day, the girls and Spike were having a picnic and minding their own business,” Twilight’s face contorted into a glare as she continued, “Then a group of thugs claimed my friends and Spike as heretics against Celestia and that they should be put to death for associating with me, a demon. The girls tried their best to fight them off and escape, but failed to do so. As they begged for their lives and for them to stop torturing them, the thugs continued, unfazed by their pleas!” Twilight ground her teeth in rage, “by the time I had returned and seen what was happening I was too late,” Twilight looked up at Luna with tears in her eyes, “Me and you had came upon the scene and I lost it. Rage took hold of me as it has never before, I rampaged as you tried to revive and save them. In my moment of fury I transformed and my flames engulfed Ponyville. Be they tallion, mare or colt, none were spared. In my rage filled mind, I believed Ponyville complicit in the deaths of my friends and Spike, whom I love like a son.” Twilight shuddered as she remembered the screams for mercy from her friends. “You tried to stop me, get through to me. But in my rage clouded mind I lashed out at you, and killed you.” Twilight was fully sobbing into Luna’s coat now, “Shhh. Shhh, shhh. Twilight. It’s okay, that didn’t happen,” Luna replied as she looked down at Twilight with a reassuring look on her face as she caressed her lover’s face. “I love you Twilight, and I will not abandon you!” Luna declared resolutely, as Twilight dove into her chest again as she sobbed much harder. “But what If I.. I… hurt you?” Twilight quailed clinging to Luna tightly. “It is certainly a risk…” Twilight wilted as her worries were affirmed,  “however, it is one I am willing to take to be with you, you are worth the risk Twilight.” A different kind of tears trailed down Twilight’s cheeks now, tears of joy, “now Twilight I will put a spell on you so you will sleep dreamlessly. We will discuss all your fears my dear, when you awaken,” Luna explained as her horn lit up,  Twilight clinging to her. “Please don’t leave me!” Twilight begged Luna in fear. “Do not worry, Twilight, I am beside you as you sleep. I will not be leaving you alone. Trust me.” Luna tried to reassure her “Promise?” Twilight asked hopeful. “I promise Twilight, cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!” Luna said as she performed the motions. Poking herself in the eye, “Ow!” Luna chuckled at her mishap, causing Twilight to giggle. “I heard that!” Pinkie Pie cried from nowhere shocking Luna and Twilight, before Twilight shook her head at Pinkie Pie as Luna kept looking for the living sugar rush. “Okay then, I trust you.” Twilight said warmly as she stepped back and closed her eyes, Luna finished the spell and then everything was darkness. Luna returned to reality and shook her head to clear the dizziness. Luna then pulled Twilight close to her body embracing the now peacefully sleeping girl before closing her eyes as she went to sleep herself. Twilight awoke refreshed and full of energy, she turned to look out the window. Her plan was rudely interrupted by a soft midnight blue coat as it cover her face. Luna had kept her promise and in response Twilight’s heart soared as her attraction to Luna further strengthened by the gesture. “Morning dearest Twilight,” Luna greeted her, the vibrations from Luna’s neck tickling Twilight’s face, causing her to giggle at the sensation. Repositioning herself she freed her mouth from the furry prison of her lover’s chest. “Luna, thank you for being there for me, even when I am a neurotic mess.” “Nonsense, Twilight, you do not need to thank me for being there for you,” Luna replied with a smile as she nuzzled Twilight. “Still, I think it would be foolish to ignore this whole thing. So until the time that you are fully transformed, we shall go on a combat training camping trip. In fact, it is past due that you and the other bearers as well as Spike had real combat training. Twilight gulped, “This is going to suck isn’t it?”  Luna threw her head back and laughed. “Oh Twilight, don’t worry! This is for your own good and you’ll thank me for it later. Especially when afterwards we will be working on your self control and go on a spiritual pilgrimage. I’ll be with you through it all but the second and third portion of our training will be just the two of us.” Luna explained, her voice turning husky at the last part as she looked down at Twilight with half lidded eyes, causing Twilight to melt and her face to heat up adorably. Luna kissed her full on the lips causing Twilight to squeak in surprise, “Trust me when I say everything is going to be ok, Twilight.” “Okay, Luna, I trust you. But I can’t help but feel nervous, and what about night court?” Twilight asked in return. Luna rolled her eyes, “Night Court is practically empty all the time, me and the guards just sit around playing poker or board games, while I tend to dreams. Besides I’d rather spend my time with you Twilight.” Twilight blushed deeper as Luna gave her one last hug before getting up. Twilight rose an eyebrow in curiosity. “Where are you going?” she asked sitting up half covered by bed sheets. Luna turned to face her, “I am going to inform my sister and then make preparations, you may join me but it will likely be boring for you.” she warned. Twilight only got up and, after fixing her mane and tail, followed Luna out of the room.