//------------------------------// // Dog eat Dog, Part 3 // Story: Twilight gets a Puppy // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy By TDR Dog eat Dog Part 3 [Outside the Sparkle residence. 2 years remaining until the thousandth year.] While he would never admit it to any one, Prince Blueblood knew he wasn't the smartest pony in the world. And that was after ruling out all the alicorns and elder ponies from the equation. Despite knowing this, he had a feeling he was being played somehow. He wasn't sure who it was who was playing him however in this situation. He knew it wasn't Twilight, the mare had been greatly surprised that he had asked her out. He suspected it was his 'cousin' Princess Cadence, though he was almost certain his Aunt Celestia had a hoof in this as well some where. Realizing that he relaxed in his carriage as he waited for his date to come out of the house. She was a little bit late, though he had no plans to tell her that. In fact it was often expected on dates for the mare to show fashionably late. At least that was what he was told. If Celestia and Cadence had a hoof in his current situation he would expect sooner or later to find out it was 'for his own good' and he had best enjoy himself while he could. It was also in question whether or not it was he who was getting played or Twilight. Who could understand what the alicorns were thinking? Still knowing he was not the smartest pony was part of the reason he had some interest in Twilight. As far as he could tell she was' the smartest pony in the world' baring aforementioned elders and alicorns of course. That she was cute also likely helped his choice. Though he had another reason for thinking of her as well. Her puppy. The pup had caught his attention on a trip to the palace when he was younger. He didn't recall what his parents were there to discuss, but it was dull. Rather than sit in a stuffy room and listen to the Princess talk with other boring adults before his parents would be allowed to speak, he had slipped out to find out why there was a dog allowed to wander around the castle unattended. The pup of course had easily noticed the white Unicorn colt following him and had turned it into the most ridiculous game of tag ever. Prince had not even known what tag was until one of the Guards explained it to him after the puppy had booped his nose with a paw and run off. With the rules of the game firmly in mind, Prince had quickly booped the Guard and run off. By the time the meeting was done, four Guards, three maids, Princess Cadence, four other bored noble foals, a Phoenix, and a very confused Zebra ambassador had been roped into playing a game of tag that tore through the castle and spilled out into several gardens as ponies forgot exactly who was 'it' and tried to tag each other just in case they happened to be 'it'. It was the most fun Blueblood had ever had. It was the most annoyed his parents had ever been. It was also the most amused he had ever seen Princess Celestia. Particularly when Rahs booped her it and she tagged a passing noble and added the rule of 'no backsies'. It wasn't until much later that he found out the owner of the dog was Princess Celestia's favorite student. A filly who had spent the entire game of tag in the library reading. One who he had kept an eye on, who he would have likely overlooked completely if not for the encounter with her dog. She had been eight then and Blueblood ten. He still recalled those few hours of free time with fondness, given that from that point on he was enrolled in schools and activities to prepare him for the future at the cost of his present. His parents had wanted to marry him off to secure some line or another. He had no idea who the filly was that he was to be wed to. He brought it up with his aunt and Celestia put a stop to it, she had done the same with a number of other nobles with the same idea, claiming that the arranged marriages was an old tradition that needed to die out. His parents relented, though the cancellation of the marriage had brought a number of unforeseen consequences. Namely the now seventeen year old unicorn stallion was now the most eligible bachelor in Canterlot. He really hated reporters. Prince was never a small pony. A number of his studies had included physical trainers and he had a number of servants for his personal grooming, so he always looked good and his build had him just shy of your standard Guard only prettier. The mares ate that nonsense up. He was swamped with fan mail, from everyone to starry eyed fillys not even in their teens, to desperate cougars that were old enough to be his mother. He was of course overwhelmed completely. He had also found out Cadence was an alicorn, the alicorn of love specificly,... he didn't exactly recall when he found out, but the moment all this started he had needed her help immensely. He would be ninteen soon and he wanted help on figuring out what he should do about his 'fans'. He had been trained to show a public face that radiated poise, grace, nobility, and calm, though it was harder and harder to keep that face when the letters started getting salacious. His attitude seemed to sour and he started being snapping and indignant. It was not intentional, but after being rude to a few of the more eager mares, he found they left him alone. He didn't want to, but it seemed to work for the ones that got close to him, for the others, well Cadence had a plan for that. Her suggestion to find a mare he liked, or at least had attributes of a mare he would like and ask her out, was a fair one. Even if the first date did not go well it would reduce his 'fans' a little by showing what he liked. Ones that had some of those attributes or mentality would still bother him, but those who did not should realize they had no chance and get on with their lives. He had given that some thought, thinking of the mares he had met, though none of them ever struck him as 'date material'. The few who might be would have taken advantage of the date in ways he might not catch until later. Honestly he couldn't think of any mare he was interested in. Of course Cadence sat there staring at him letting him think and that got him nervous. When she finally asked if he had thought of any one the first name to fall from his lips was a name he had not really been considering. A filly he had met perhaps twice for five minutes and both times her head was buried in a book. A filly he only knew because of her dog Twilight Sparkle. His traitorous lips had uttered the name and Cadence had squeed like a five year old seeing something so fluffy she could die. Everything went crazy after that. Cadence had info dumped everything she knew about Twilight to prepare Prince to ask her out. It was only then that he found out Rahs wasn't a pet, but one of Twilight's brothers. That was quite an embarrassing revelation as he had been trying to figure out what breed of dog Rahs was for years. Still he had to admit Cadence's idea had merit. Twilight was younger than him by two years, but Prince couldn't help admit he was slightly interested in her. Not really romantically, but she was a interesting young mare, just with all that she had accomplished in life already before even becoming a legal adult. Had she been of a higher noble house she would have been in the exact same situation that he was in with arranged marriages and countless suitors. Luckily the Sparkle's were nobles in name only and thus she was spared much of the nobilities issues with paparazzi and other nobles. Perhaps if the date went well, more might come of it than just a passing interest however. Stories claimed love at first sight was common though he knew that was rarely the case, he needed to know her more before anything would bloom. After all she had accepted..... well, after five minutes of stunned silence, during which she had stared at him like a cow looks at an oncoming train anyway. His head lifted from his hoof as the front door opened and she stepped out. The lavender furred mare wore a simple cream sundress and her hair had evidently either been let down somehow or had been magically extended as it now reached her knees spilling over her shoulders like a waterfall. He adjusted his lapel and the sun shaped pin that his aunt had given him to wear, giving himself a once over before he moved. Prince stepped out of the carriage bowing to her as he looked her over, starting to believe that perhaps he did have more than just a passing interest in the pretty mare before him. “Miss Sparkle. You look lovely.” Prince smiled refraining from attempting to kiss her hoof, it was an old practice and one he was unsure of how she would react to. “Oh, umm thank you Lord Blueblood.” she blushed at his compliment her face turning more a raspberry coloration than lavender. “Oh, no no. Please, just call me Prince, Miss Sparkle... in truth I'm not even a lord yet, that's still my father's title.” Prince corrected. At least until I turn twenty one, Prince thought, but I don't want to sound like I'm bragging. “Hehe alright, umm Prince... but only if you call me Twilight.” Twilight smiled. “Of course Miss Twilight.” Prince smirked getting a small frown, then a little chuckle from her at his slight change.“Shall we get going? We do not wish to be late for the show. While it does not start for a while yet,it is never a good idea to try and fight the crowds to get in right before showtime.” “Alright, that sounds good.” Twilight let out a sigh looking at the carriage a moment more, then back to her house.“If you don't mind me asking, why did you wait out here?” Prince shrugged a little. “I went to the door and was expecting to be let inside, though your mother suggested I wait out here, something about something your father was doing?” “Ahh. Mom said he was freaking out about something earlier. Must be his work. Not sure what there would be to freak out about as chief astronomer, but I'm sure that's it. He's usually rather calm.” Twilight stated with a small hint of disdain to her voice. Prince decided not to question it and took the small tone change as a reason to steer the conversation away from her parents if they came up. He had a small warning about that from Cadence. He waited for to climb into the carriage, before smiling softly and shutting the door after her. He walked to the other side of the carriage, brushing off a strand of dust that had settled on the lapel of his pressed white suit and called out to the chauffeurs to be ready. As he climbed into the carriage he paused a moment lifting his head to look around at the surrounding houses curiously. He had the rather strange and unsettling feeling that some one was watching him He shrugged and sat down closing the door as the carriage started off down the street, thinking of ways to start a conversation with his date. A moment later a unicorn stallion with blue hair stepped out of a bush. The unicorn was dressed in a leafy green and brown suit that covered his entire form and was tucked full of branches and leaves. His white furred face and horn was covered with black and brown grease paint and his blue hair was tucked up tight under a hood that was part of the suit. He had seemingly been part of the bush a moment before until he stepped away from it. A moment or two after that a dark gray canine creature stepped out of the house and walked down the stairs . He wore a tan pair of pants covered with pockets and a light gray jacket that was buttoned up over his chest. Sitting on one of his broad shoulders with a little purple Dragon with green spines, happily munching a small bucket of popcorn. “Did we miss anything?” Spike asked. “ Alright let's go, we can't let them get too far ahead of us!”Shining Armor stated, tearing off down the street tumbling and rolling from shadow to shadow, diving into a bush here and there as he progressed in a odd zig zag pattern after the carriage. Rahs and Spike looked at each other, shrugged, and walked along after their brother.