//------------------------------// // Chapter 27 // Story: The Bill-inning // by EmperorDalek //------------------------------// It has Begun Today, it’s been a year to the day since both Frost and Kami took Luna and Celestia under their wing to prepare them for the impending clash. A clash that will shape the future for years to come. Ever since taking her into the chamber to train, Frost’s palace has been quiet. All of Frost’s subordinates have been denied entry to the training grounds for as long as he and Luna are in there…but no more! Watching the screen from a catwalk, several hooded individuals watch the doors to the training grounds open, and Luna and Frost to walk out. Frost walked, until he arrived at his hover pod, which has been prepared for him to use. After getting into it, he and Luna began making their way towards the throne room. Everyone they encounter in the hallways and corridors en-route to the throne room bowing in respect. Presumably, though, it is because Luna, ever since returning to the palace has only worn an enraged frown on her face. No emotion was present on her face but one…hatred! Proceeding down the hall, Frost presses several buttons on the hover pod’s control panel. Flicking a switch… ***** Meanwhile, on another planet, a darkened chamber was soon illuminated as the lights switched on. A light above a sealed door beeping for a couple seconds, until it soon stopped beeping. The message having been received, and heard, due to the automated systems. Shortly, the walls started glowing as the room’s systems started back up again. Through the window in the door, a figure gently raised its head. Looking back out the window. There was a soft hiss of air, followed by steam as the door opened, moving into the wall. Through a soft wall of steam, a dark silhouette was seen standing inside the capsule-like chamber. Having been awoken from its slumber, metallic sounds were heard coming from the humanoid figure as it stepped out of the capsule and into the room. Coming to a complete halt at the center of the room. “Cyber Controller active!” it said, before slamming its chest. “Raise communications channel between Cyber Controller and Cyber Leader,” the Cyber Controller ordered, establishing a wire-less communication between itself and the Cyber Leader on the base. Currently, in another section of the base, a Cyber Leader looked up as it received a transmission. “Prepare a Cyber ship for immediate departure. I have been summoned,” instructed the Controller. “Affirmative,” replied the Cyber Leader, slamming a hoof against its chest. Letting its hand hang down beside its body, the Controller stepped forward. Another door opened, and it walked out of the room. Walking out into a corridor, which it followed. ***** Following the corridor, it soon leads them to a large steel door. Upon getting close to the door, it opened for them, allowing them entry into the throne room, which they proceeded to enter. Frost sitting in his hover pod throne, while Luna trotted beside him as they entered the throne room together. Moving across a long, red runway, that lead to the opposite end of the room, where something of an odd structure stood, as well as a single humanoid silhouette that stood in front of it. As Luna and Frost approached it, the humanoid turned around. It, facing them. Coming to a complete halt, Frost smiled at seeing the humanoid. Staring into its glowing eyes. “Princess Luna, may I introduce the Cyber Controller,” he said, holding out his hand towards the humanoid. “One of five Bio-Warriors, whom serve me.” Frost touching his hand to his chest. Noticing her lack of a response, he started getting a little nervous that she wasn’t impressed by him. “Warriors, whose bodies had been, to paraphrase the Controller, upgraded so that they are fit to serve me.” Luna’s response was just to turn her head, looking directly at him with an angry frown, which confused the galactic Emperor. “Upgraded or not, he will not me of the glorious moment when my sister has been defeated, and is at my mercy. I will be the one to stand over her crushed and broken corpse.” Her tone was soft, but filled with malevolence. Frost’s brows jumped in surprise. The Controller, merely gave her a blank look. Soon enough, though, his surprised expression turned into a sly smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Princess. The Controller and his forces, the Iron Legion, will only be accompanying us to Equestria,” he replied, jumping his brows. For a moment, Luna’s face twitched as she smiled, before her enraged frown shortly returned. Her eyes narrowing, angrily. “Good.” “What is our stratagem for the assault?” the Controller asked. Turning his head, Frost looked directly at Luna, followed thereafter by the Controller doing the same. His sly smile growing a little wider. “Well, Princess, what strategy did you have in mind?” he asked. Turning her head, Luna just stared at him with a blank frown. Looking thereafter up towards the Controller. “Whatever it takes to lure my sister out from wherever she’s hiding. The time of hiding is at an end…nor will I permit her to run.” Again, her tone was soft, but while there was a malevolence in her tone, previously, now, it was in a dark monotone. Her eyes angrily narrowing. Widening his smile, Frost looked back up towards the Controller. “You heard her. Let’s go wreck a planet…and its monarch,” Frost instructed, nudging his head towards the door. “I oeby, Emperor!” replied the Controller. Slamming his chest. Hanging his arm beside his body, the Controller then stepped forward. Walking across the room towards the front door. Without waiting for Frost to ask, Luna had already turned around and trotted back towards the door. Noticing this, Frost’s brows jumped. Surprised at being defied so openly like this, though, giving a sly smile at her persistence. ***** Meanwhile, elsewhere, at the same time, a door opened, followed by a white equine with wings and a horn, and a humanoid, walked out of the room. A bright light shining behind them as they exited the room, turned left and proceeded down the corridor. The equine and humanoid, both, holding a serious frown on their face as they strode down the hallway. Arriving at the main entrance to the whole building, they turned right and walked out into the sun light. Feeling the sun light on their face for the first time in seven years, as well as the soothing breeze blowing in their face. Both of them walking/trotting until they both stopped in place. They both turned around, facing each other. Him staring down at her, while she looked up at him. “You ready?” She just nodded in reply. Extending his hand, he gently placed it atop her head, whilst touching two fingers to his forehead. BZZT