//------------------------------// // Doubts In The Face Of Love // Story: Does He Still Love Me // by Vocal Range //------------------------------// The dark night sky looms over the quaint little library of Ponyville, inside a studious alicorn stallion lays before the roaring fire, a large smile pulling up on his face. He continues to look from his book every few seconds, admiring the sleeping form of his athletic boyfriend Rainbow Blitz, returning to his book he begins to feel a slight stirring beside him. Blitz quickly notices how amazing sappy he looks, curled up next to Dusk, their tails intertwined, a look of pure happiness on his boyfriend’s face which only brings a slight chuckle from the masculine stallion. “What are you looking at egghead?” Rainbow playfully booping Dusk on the muzzle, giving a slight laugh as he does so. “Oh nothing Blitzie, just looking at the cutest little pegasus in Equestria.” Dusk leaned in giving Rainbow a long kiss on the cheek, as he pulled away he noticed Rainbow’s face had turned a very familiar crimson hue. “I’ve already told you a thousand times Dusk, I’m am far from cute...granted I am totally smoking hot, but I don’t do cute.” Rainbow tried hiding the slight squeak in his voice from his embarrassment, as he stood up from his spot stretching his back and wings, small little cracks and pops resounded through the room as Blitz gave a slight sigh, his tail still intertwined with Dusks. “And I’ve already told you that you’re absolutely adorable, especially when you get embarrassed, your face gets flushed a cute pink colour, then you try to hide that absolutely adorable little squeak you have whenever you’re nervous.” Blitz’s whole face turned a light pink, even his ears turned a slight shade of pink. “Whatever Duskie, I don’t really feel like fighting you on this again...even though I’m completely right of course.” “Okay Rainbow have it your way-” Dusk paused looking down towards his book, using his magic he quickly closes it giving a sigh of disappointment as he returned his gaze to Rainbow Blitz. “You remember what tomorrow is right Blitz.” Dusk placed a wing over Rainbow’s back, rubbing it affectionately causing Rainbow to give the same sigh of disappointment as Dusk. “Yeah tomorrow’s another trip to Canterlot, just like you did last month and the month before that.” Blitz averted his vision aways from Dusk, staring off into space looking at nothing in particular. “I know Blitzie and I’m really sorry, Solaris wants to continue my lessons as a new Prince of Equestria. Seeing as how I’m the Prince of Friendship, I’ve got alot of new responsibilities.” “Can I-.” Blitz was quickly silenced as Dusk placed a hoof over his muzzle. “I already know what you’re going to ask Rainbow, I’m sorry but you can’t come with me.” A frown spread across Blitz’s face as he pulled away from Dusk, trotting towards the library window, looking towards the starry sky above. “Blitzie, you know why you can’t come along, I’ll be in either day court with Solaris, night court with Artemis or sleeping. So I won’t really have anytime to spend with you, I know I’ve been gone alot recently and I’m really sorry. I Bubble Promise, I’ll try to make sometime for us to spend together just the two of us as soon as I get back.” Dusk now stood beside Rainbow, leaning into Blitz as he kissed him on the cheek once again. “I get it Dusk, you’re really important to Equestria now, you’ve got a job to do. Don’t worry bout me, everything will be fine...I mean I guess this’ll give me time to get some more practice in. I might even be able to perfect that new trick I’ve been working on for weeks now, plus I’m sure one of our friends will wanna hang out. I mean what pony wouldn’t wanna hangout with me, I’m totally awesome.” Rainbow’s voice didn’t have his same enthusiastic bravado, he seemed depressed almost broken. “That’s right Rainbow, besides it’ll only be for a week, then I’ll be right back here.” Dusk gave a reassuring smile, Rainbow gave Dusk a smile back, it felt so fake like it was painted on like a clown. Yeah until you leave again, why can’t he just make a little time for me? Is that really to much to ask, I’m his stallionfriend for Solaris sake. Why can’t he just drop off this high horse he’s on and actually talk to me? “It’s getting pretty late Dusk, maybe we should head up to bed get some sleep, you’ve got an early train to catch in the morning.” Blitz seemed upset, I know I’ve been gone more and more...and I know it can’t be fun for him. It’s not fun for me either though, I try my very best to balance my time. Between studying with Solaris about how to be a Prince of Equestria, to my weekly experiments I do, and the assignments Solaris has for me when I get back from Canterlot. I still make sure I make time for him. Stupid selfish Dusk, I know he’s important to Equestria, I know alot of ponies depend on him now that he’s the Prince of Friendship. When did I stop mattering to him? Before he became an alicorn...he actually seemed like he cared about me, I mean I know he cares now...I know he still loves me. He’s the only pony to ever be able to see my softer side, I feel like I can really open up to him. But lately it feels like he just doesn’t care, if he’s not working in Canterlot with Solaris on Tartarus knows what, when he’s home he’s to busy in his stupid lab or working on something for Solaris. “Goodnight Rainbow, I love you.” Dusk rolled over giving Rainbow a kiss on the nape of his neck, as he cuddled closer to Rainbow. “Night Dusk...I love you too.” Blitz took a second to even answer, it wasn’t a hard question he knew he loved Dusk. I just wish we could go back to the way it use to be...we’d stay up for hours just reading or talking. When I got home from flight practice or work, he’d always be here to greet me, ask me how shitty my day was. Let’s face it before I met Dusk, most of my days were pretty shitty. It’s just whenever he’s around I’m happier than I’ve ever been, he makes me feel complete...I’d do anything for you Dusk...I just don’t think you’d do the same for me. A slight tear ran down Blitz’s face, as he felt the slight rising and falling of Dusk’s chest as it pressed against his wings. Wiping the tear from his eyes with the pillow Rainbow quickly dozed off to sleep.    The sounds of birds chirping could be heard through the bedroom window, a slight crack in the blinds allowed Solaris’ sun to shine through into the previously darkened room. Two masses lay beneath a veil of blankets, an alarm began to sound on the bedside table. A blue hoof reaches from under the covers trying to smash the cause of the infernal racket, before he could a light lavender aura appeared around the clock switching it off, as Dusk began to stir giving a slight yawn. “Wakey wakey Rainbow, it’s time to get up I’ve gotta leave in an hour. Come on Rainbow, wake up.” “Uh just five more minutes dad, then I’ll get ready for practice.” Dusk slowly inched his way out of bed, trying his best not to waking the sleeping pegasus. He creeps towards the bathroom trying to avoid making a sound, slipping in Dusk begins his morning routine. After Dusk’s morning routine he only had ten minutes to make the train, he tried several times to wake Blitz with little to no response. Using his magic he grabbed a piece of parchment to scribble a quick note to Rainbow. *Forty-Five Minutes Later* “Uh huh, mornin’ Dusk...Dusk?” Rainbow notices a note laying on the side of the table, picking it up he immediately noticed it as Dusk’s writing.  He only recognized it because of how often he received letters from Dusk, since Dusk started taking trips to Canterlot so often leaving him behind, he made a way for Rainbow to send letters to Dusk. Using similar properties as Spine’s dragon fire, Dusk constructed a magic box allowing messages to be sent directly to Spines. Dear Blitzie, I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye, I tried waking you up several times. You just wouldn’t budge, I’m going to be late for my train...I’m really sorry. I love you Rainbow, I’ll send you a letter tonight. Love, Dusk Shine “I can’t believe him, first he continues to go off for weeks at a time leaving me alone, that I can handle but he doesn’t even have the decency to wake me up before he leaves… At least he wrote a note, besides he said he’ll send a letter tonight. Plus it’s only a week, it’s not that big of a deal.” *Five Days Later*    Blitz rarely let the box leave his sight, just hoping for the time Dusk would write him. He hadn’t left the library since Dusk left, he was so bored yet he felt more lonely than anything. A knock downstairs pulls Rainbow’s attention away from the box, nopony had been by in days. “Rainbow Blitz, darling we haven’t seen you in days, please be a dear and open the door so we can talk.” Rainbow almost considered acting like he wasn’t home, yet he knew Elusive wouldn’t leave until he talked to him. “Yeah what is it Lucy, I’m kinda busy right now.” Rainbow yelled from the bedroom window. “Come now Blitz, why don’t you come downstairs and open the door? Then we can talk over a cup a tea.” Blitz absolutely hated tea, but he knew Elusive would continue to bug him until he let him in. “Fine Elusive, I’ll be right down. Come on in, so what is it you wanted to talk about exactly?” “I wanted to talk about you being cooped up in this dusty old library for days now, don’t you want to get outside, get some fresh air, stretch your wings maybe.” “No I’m fine Lucy, I’m perfectly fine in here I don’t need to go outside.” Rainbow had a annoyed look on his face, until he felt a pair of hooves grab his shoulders. “Now I know you're lying, the Rainbow Blitz I know would never say something like that. Come now darling, we’re friends you know you can tell me anything.” Stupid Elusive and his stupid logic, I know I can talk to any of my friends about anything, you don’t need to rub it in. Wait he’s dating Applejack, and he travels around Equestria alot...maybe he’ll know what to do about Dusk. “Actually Lucy there is a problem, you travel around Equestria alot for your fashion shows and stuff right.” Elusive simply nodded his head. “Okay does Applejack usually go with you?” “Not to often dear, his work schedule keeps him rather busy. He does occasionally accompany me on trips, why do you ask?” “I was just wondering how AJ feels about not seeing you for weeks at a time, and how you keep your relationship going?” “Well Blitz, Applejack knows I have to travel for work, it’s something neither one of us can change. However we did discuss it after my last trip to Baltimare, he was feeling rather lonely since it was a month long trip. So when I got back I took a few weeks off work to spend with Applejack, he of course told me I didn’t have to. I did it anyways because I missed him too, so my work may have gotten a little behind but it was well worth it. He was so happy to simply talk all night, which I gladly obliged.” “Great...just bucking great!!! That’s definitely not going to fix my problem, it’s not like he gives a flying feather about my feelings anyways.” “Rainbow Blitz!!! I’m guessing you and Dusk are having relationship issues. Why don’t you tell me what’s happening and I will do my best to help?” “It’s those stupid trips to Canterlot Dusk keeps going on, he’s gone for weeks at a time. He apparently doesn’t want me there with him, and even when he's home he’s to busy with other stuff to talk to me.” Blitz was in a blind fury, until he felt a soft pair of hooves wrap around his neck pulling him in close for a hug. Blitz’s anger immediately melted away into a pit of sorrow, as he cried into his friend’s shoulder. “I know it must be hard for you Blitz dear, but you have to understand...Dusk is a Prince of Equestria now. He’ll have to go on trips to Canterlot to learn how to properly rule the kingdom. I’m sure it’s just as hard on him as it is on you, Dusk loves you very much Rainbow Blitz. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you.” “Then why when he is around, he can’t put down a book or a scroll and just talk to me. I remember before he became a ‘Prince of Equestria’ we’d spend almost everyday together, we’d read together all afternoon and talk almost all night till the sun came up some nights. Now it just feels like work, and everything else is more important than me.” Blitz’s head hung in shame, he couldn’t look Elusive in the eye he knew he’d start crying the second he did. “Rainbow I want you to look at me.” Elusive lifted Rainbow’s chin with a hoof, immediately the floodgates opened and Blitz began to bawl again. “I want you to fly to Canterlot right now, and talk to Dusk. You can not keep this up, it’s slowly killing you Blitz. Just tell him exactly how you feel, and if we both know anything about Dusk Shine...he’ll show you exactly how much he truly loves you.” “You’re right Elusive, it’s stupid to sit here crying it’s time to take action. I’ll seeya later Lucy, I’ve got an egghead to talk to.”  Rainbow ripped out of the library flying towards the direction of Canterlot, he was slowly going over all the feelings in his head and in his heart trying to find the right words to say. He couldn’t help but remember all the amazing times he’s had with Dusk, which only left him questioning more. Does Dusk really...love me anymore. Rainbow continued flying a single tear rolling down his cheek, quickly taken away by the wind of the slowly darkening night.  It was almost night time Rainbow knew he only had about an hour before the sun went down, he had to talk to Dusk tonight. Pumping his wings as fast as he could he quickly made it to Canterlot in no time at all, landing a few feet from the entrance of the castle he notices several guards patrolling around the perimeter. Two guards stood guard one on each side of the entrance, all wearing armor of gold and silver, a sword could be noticed on both the unicorn mares sides. This’ll be a piece of cake, I’ll just walk up to the guards explain who I am. Come on there’s no way they can turn away the Element of Loyalty. Giving a slight laugh as he walked closer to the guards, remaining as quiet as possible he slowly inched closer. A small twig snaps under his hooves, alerting the guards to his presence. “Halt intruder, nopony is allowed on castle grounds without permission from the Princes. State your business, or I’ll be forced to arrest you.” The unicorn held her sword in her magic, as she slowly stepped towards Blitz. “It’s okay I’m Rainbow Blitz, you’ve probably heard of me...saved Equestria with the other Elements of Harmony, fastest flyer in all of Equestria, plus I am sorta dating Dusk Shine.” “Really you expect me to believe Prince Dusk Shine would date a pony like you, a book loving, nerdy, recluse is dating an athletic pony like yourself.” She said with scepticism, as she slowly lowered her sword back placing it back into the hilt on her side. “Trust me, you’re not the first pony to think that. I know me and Dusk seem like complete opposites, but I don’t know whenever we’re together...I just feel complete for some reason. It’s really hard to explain, I guess I love him just because he’s Dusk not because of his royal title. I was kinda dating him for almost a year before he became an alicorn.” Blitz’s face sported a slight blush still easily seen in the last hour of daylight. “Awww that’s so cute, I really shouldn’t be doing this. However it seems you really do love Dusk Shine, nopony as boastful as you would be so sappy and then cry about it too. Go right ahead, but if you do anything stupid and I find out you’re lying to me, I’ll personally rip every feather off those gorgeous wings of yours.” “Uh okay, thanks alot I guess I’ll seeya later.” Blitz quickly flew through the castle courtyard, into the front door of the castle. Trotting fast he immediately headed towards the courtroom, knowing that’s where Dusk would most likely be. “Rainbow Blitz, what are you doing here?” Dusk wrapped his hooves around Rainbow, pulling him into a tight hug and a light kiss. “Well I just figured I’d come see my favorite egghead, I thought maybe we could spend the night together.” Blitz gave a cocky smile, trying to hide any clues of his true feelings. “I’d love to Blitz, I’ve really missed you the past few days...but I just can’t, I’m suppose to participate in night court with Prince Artemis.” Rainbow’s smile deflated, sagging downward into a slight frown. “That’s cool Dusk, I know how busy you’re with work and projects and stuff...don’t worry about it. I guess I’ll just hang here for tonight and fly back to Ponyville tomorrow.” “Well you’re welcome to stay in my bedroom for the night Blitzie, I doubt I’ll be using it tonight.” “Okay well, I’m gonna hit the hay Dusk...I’ll talk to you whenever.” Blitz began running off towards the castle bedrooms, on the way he passed by none other than Prince Artemis. Tears were streaming down the cheeks of the usually strong pegasus, causing Artemis to slightly grimace as he walked past. “Dusk Shine, dost thou know why Rainbow Blitz is here?” “Sorry about that Artemis, Blitz showed up out of nowhere wanting to spend the night together.” “Dusk, what didst thou say to Rainbow Blitz?” “I told him I was sorry, but I couldn’t spend time with him tonight, I was busy having night court with you. Why is something wrong?” “Other than the fact Blitz, ran past me crying his eyes out...he seemed to be rather upset.” Dusk immediately dropped his gaze down to his hooves, until he felt a hoof wrap around his neck. “He seemed perfectly fine a few minutes ago, sure he seemed sad we couldn’t spend time together but not enough to cry about it. Rainbow Blitz never really cries, he always tells me he’s to awesome to cry.” “Thou wouldst be correct, Rainbow Blitz is a very stubborn, hard-headed young stallion. He always wants everypony to think he’s in control of his emotions, however I’ve seen his true emotions over the past few months.  Dusk may I ask thou a question?” A nod was all Artemis received as he pulled Dusk’s chin up causing him to look Artemis in the eyes. “How often dost thou spend with Rainbow Blitz?” “Well we spend alot of time together, when I’m not working on a new project, or making trips to Canterlot or...I guess I haven’t been spending that much time with Rainbow. How could I have been so blind? It’s obvious now all the signs Blitz has been giving me the past few months, he’s always at the library anytime I’m there unless he’s at work. I don’t think he’s even trained at all in the past few weeks.” “No Dusk he hasn’t, it’s because he misses you so much. I have seen it for myself, his dreams are always about you and him. I did get the chance to speak to him about it, he said ‘At least I can spend time with Dusk in my dreams, even if I can’t spend time with him when I’m awake’. Dusk you’re not accompanying me to night court, instead you’re going to talk to Rainbow Blitz.” “I really appreciate it Artemis, but I am here to learn how to be a proper ruler of Equestria.” “While thou is correct you must remember one thing, while you’re here learning how to be a Prince of Equestria. Your title is still the ‘Prince of Friendship’, and I’m sure your stallionfriend needs thou now more than I do.” Dusk’s eyes began to water as he looked at Artemis, using a wing tip Artemis wiped away Dusk’s tears. “Thank you Artemis, you really are a true friend…I promise I’ll try my very best to fix this.” Dusk took off towards the bedroom, his mind full of nothing but worry and anger. He was worried for Blitz, but he was anger at himself for not realizing what he was doing. The bedroom door swings open to reveal, Rainbow Blitz laid across the bed a pillow pulled into his face, muffled sobs can still be heard through the pillow. “Rainbow, I know I’ve-” Dusk was cut of by Blitz quickly wiping his eyes with the pillow, before pulling his face up with a sly grin on his face. “Oh hey Dusk, what’s up? I thought you had that night court thing with Artemis or whatever.” Dusk noticed Rainbow’s eyes swollen and red, causing him to give a sad sigh. “Well I did but then I ran into Artemis, he told me everything Blitz, I know how you feel now. I know you’re mad at me, and you have every right to be...I’ve been completely…” “Hold on just a minute, don’t you dare tell me you know how I bucking feel. You’ve got no idea, how I feel because you’re to busy with everypony else to even talk to me.” “I know I haven’t been there, but I’m here now and if you’re willing, I’m happy to listen to anything you have to say.” “Okay fine, first of all these trips to Canterlot I understand you’re a ‘Prince of Equestria’, so I know you have to do this kinda stuff. Yet you never let me come with you, and when you are home all you care about are your other projects.” Blitz turned away from Dusk, as he sat down on the bed next to him. “Rainbow I understand why you’re angry, I haven’t been the best stallionfriend recently or the best friend for that matter.” Dusk placed a wing over Rainbow’s cutie mark, giving it a slight rub. “It’s not just that Dusk...before I met you I was completely alone, sure I had Butterscotch but I wasn’t friends with the other guys. If you haven’t noticed even though I’m really awesomely athletic, I just do it to cover up. I’ve never really had alot of friends growing up, my parents split up when I was just a colt...I didn’t see my mom much after that. My dad was a hard-ass, he’d always tell me ‘What are you doing Blitz? You’re a colt you don’t cry and complain about everything, what are you a filly or a coltcuddler?’. So I’ve learned to not show emotion very much, it’s funny the day I met you I knew you were something special. I couldn’t quite put my hoof on it back then but I knew, you’re able to bring things out of me. When I’m around you I just…I feel like I don’t have to hide anything, I can just be myself. I use to block everypony out, not letting them really get to know me...that way they couldn’t end up hurting me. That barrier seemed to come down when I’m around you, but lately I feel like I’m going backwards building that same barrier back up...I just don’t wanna be hurt anymore. I know this sounds weird but it…” Blitz paused taking a long deep breath, it’s the first time he noticed the tears streaming down Dusk’s cheeks, he could also hear the slight whimper in his voice. “It just feels like I’m losing my best friend.” “I’m really sorry Blitzie…” Dusk wrapping Rainbow in a tight comforting hug, attempting to slowly pull away any thoughts of doubt and depression Rainbow possessed. “I know I haven’t been around much lately, and I know I’ve been ignoring you while I am home… but I promise I’ll always try my very best to make time for you. I guess I forgot that I’m suppose to be a good friend first and a Prince of Equestria second, if you’ll forgive me Rainbow I’ll try my very best to make time for you.” “That’d be great Dusk, but I don’t want to keep you from your studies with the Prince's.” Rainbow looked down a dejected look evident on his muzzle. “From now on Rainbow you come first, even if I am a Prince of Equestria I’ll always make time for you when you really need me.” Dusk nuzzled into the crook of Rainbow’s neck, listening to his boyfriend breathing heavily in and out. “Thanks Dusk, I’m sorry I went a little crazy there for awhile, I guess I just thought-” Blitz paused looking down at Dusk still nestled into his neck, until Dusk pulls away and speaks. “What did you think Rainbow? I want you to be completely honest with me, I never want you to bottle up your emotions ever again.” “When I was flying over here...I don’t know I just keep asking myself-” Rainbow paused again looking into Dusk lovely lavender eyes, Dusk places his hoof on Rainbow’s. Giving Blitz the courage and strength he needed to finish his thought. “I just wondered if you still loved me.” “Oh Rainbow-” Dusk pulled Rainbow in close, tears streaming like a waterfall from Dusk’s eyes as he spoke. “Of course I still love you, I never stopped loving you...I guess I just forgot to show you how much you really mean to me.” Rainbow pulls Dusk from the hug, both stallions look into each other’s eyes, they felt as if they could almost see into each other’s very soul. “I love you too Duskie.” Rainbow ran his hooves through Dusk’s mane, pulling him into a deep passionate kiss and for the first time in a while Rainbow actually felt like Dusk was really participating. “Blitz I’m suppose stay in Canterlot for the rest of the weekend...but I think I’ll tell Prince Solaris I need to leave early. I want to spend my weekend with you...I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side.” “Me too egghead, me too.”   Rainbow and Dusk are boarding the train back home, as they take their seats in the personal royalty cabin on the train, Dusk begins scribbling something on a small piece of parchment. Blitz watches on for only few seconds before he begins thinking to himself again. I guess we’re finally going home Duskie...together, but it’s not home because it’s Ponyville...it’s home because it’s with you. Blitz thought, yawning to himself as he slowly dozes off to sleep. Dusk stops writing watching Rainbow as he sleeps soundly next  to him, Dusk’s wing is draped over his back like a blanket. Dusk smiles as he continues to watch the chest rise of the stallion he loves as he breaths in and out, returning his attention to his writing he continues. Dear Prince Solaris & Artemis,  I would first like to greatly apologize for my early departure, however I’ve learned a friendship lesson today that was much more important than what I would have learned in the day or night courts. I’ve learned that even as ponies move up in the world, no matter how much they achieve or what their new duties may be one of the most important things is still the ponies they love the most. I’ve had to learn from personal experience over the past few hours, with all the work I’ve had recently since my ascension I’ve neglected the ponies I hold near and dear. If it is alright with you both I’d like to minimize my number of trips to Canterlot if at all possible, I await your response. Your Faithful Student  Friend, Dusk Shine  With a light from his horn the letter disappears in a puff of lavender smoke, giving a small smile Dusk looks back at Rainbow sleeping soundly a goofy grin on Rainbow’s muzzle. Dusk gives a small smile, leaning down giving Rainbow a small kiss on his nose before snuggling next to his boyfriend and drifting off to sleep himself. Both stallions finally content with their place in the world, and in their relationship.