//------------------------------// // 27 - Aftermath, Part 3 of 5 // Story: The Last Cutie Mark Crusader // by Jatheus //------------------------------// Duster wasn't at the main entrance, but even from where his squad patrolled on the second level, he heard the pounding on the gate. Startled, he jumped and whirled around to face that direction. The loud bangs sounded again and again, sending his heart racing. "To the gate, move it!" Locknload shouted as he barreled out ahead of the rest of the squad. They all followed behind him, running through the halls, down the stairs and finally arriving at the entrance. To Duster's surprise, the door wasn't being beaten in. The zebras were knocking. Brax and Sissy were watching, and LD and Digger's squads were tense, ready for action. Duster could hear talking outside, but he couldn't understand it. The more he listened, the more it sounded like the unique dialect spoken by the zebras. "What are they doing?" Digger asked nopony in particular. A cry of pain was heard outside along with some more zebra speech. It was followed by a frantic sounding soldier. LD set his ear to the door to listen. His scarred face scrunched as he strained to hear what was being said through the thick door. The talking seemed to stop all at once. "Report," Brax said quietly, almost a whisper. "It sounds like they're asking why the castle is shut. I think..." LD stopped talking as he pressed his ear again to the door. Duster couldn't hear anything now, but LD seemed able to. Looking around the room, everypony looked different somehow. He knew all of them, at least in passing, but right now, he felt like they were all strangers. Quickbeam usually had something sarcastic to say about any situation, but he was completely silent. Gunnysack, with his immense strength was never scared of anything, but he just stood there looking somehow helpless. Jewel appeared quite a mess after the fighting earlier, but for the first time Duster could remember, she held no concern over her appearance. Rolling Thunder was quiet; if Duster didn't know better, he'd think the pegasus was afraid. Moonsliver and Locknload seemed the most at ease. She usually took things seriously, so this was no change for her. Locknload on the other hoof seemed almost excited. Sissy was the greatest difference. It was as if she were somepony he’d never met. To look at her now, there was a cold graveness about her that Duster didn't recognize. Still, she seemed completely in her element, ready to deal with whatever turn presented itself next. Duster’s own mouth was dry with fear. Digger broke the silence, "What if-" He was silenced by LD holding up a hoof as he continued straining to listen. Sissy was rubbing at her eye patch again. Duster wondered in passing whether it might itch. Loud knocking against the door caused LD to jump back, and everypony dropped into a combat stance. A zebra spoke, probably shouting, with a thick accent that sounded not unlike Zecora's. He said, "Who is in there? Open this door in the name of Prince Shining Armor!" Duster's mind went racing on this. He was a little confused, but it sounded like the zebras were on their side. Brax slowly approached the door. "Zebra commander, this is Major Brax of Her Majesty's EUP, commanding the Ponyville Battalion. It is on behalf of Prince Shining Armor that we have taken this castle and locked it down." There was silence for what felt to Duster like an eternity. "Open this door!" the zebra said. "You are to lay down all arms at once!" "Can it," Locknload spat under his breath. "That's not going to happen." Brax continued shouting though the door, "Do you have written and sealed orders to that effect?" "There is no written orders," the zebra replied. Brax sighed before shouting back, “Then we will hold this castle from any who would take it from us, be they rebels or zebras.” "And what do you know of these rebels?" the zebra asked. Considering his response, Brax said, "I know that they stand against Prince Shining Armor, and we took the castle from them." "Good," Sissy whispered, "no need to tell them too much." The zebra spoke again, ”I am to capture all rebels in Ponyville." Brax shot Sissy a look. She shrugged back at him. "I need proof that your orders come from the prince," Brax said. It was quiet for what seemed like minutes. "There is no proof," came the zebra's reply. "Then what more is there to discuss?" Brax said. "We will use whatever force is necessary to defend this position until we receive proper orders to do otherwise." It grew quiet outside as the zebras talked amongst themselves. Duster was afraid that they might just try to use force to gain entry. If that happened, the platoon was hopelessly outnumbered. “I don’t understand,” LD began. “Wouldn’t we trust them?” Sissy looked at him as though something were on her mind. Digger said, “Surely if they figured out that changelings had infiltrated our ranks and have been fighting them, they won’t be a threat to us.” Sissy sighed, “I’m afraid I lied to you, to all of you. There are no changelings involved in tonight’s actions so far as I know. There never were.” Duster felt his heart stop at the realization. They’d been fighting and killing their own. But why? The stallion would have asked her, but Brax interrupted the conversation with a question of his own. "What do you think?" Sissy stood silently in thought. Duster knew that face well. She had come to some conclusion or idea that she didn't want to mention. "My thoughts are small difference in this situation," she finally said. Brax sighed impatiently, "Small or great, I want them." "We are outnumbered, maybe worse than an hour ago. They have already demonstrated plenty of willingness and ability to overrun EUP positions. The fact that they are talking to us instead of attacking most likely means one of two things." She took a breath before continuing. "Either they are telling the truth, or they are afraid that this position will be far more difficult to take than the rest of town." Brax considered the possibilities, "So how do we determine if they're lying." "Without written orders...” Sissy began and then trailed off. "Which follows that they wouldn't have any, given the circumstances," Brax added. "Now I want your recommendation, the one you didn't mention a minute ago.” Sissy swallowed hard. Duster could see a hint of fear seeping through her icy facade. He doubted anypony else could see it. "One option," she began. "I could go outside and assess the situation." A feeling of uneasiness filled the room. "If they take me prisoner, it's a good bet they are lying," she finished. Fear filled Duster, and he was near to panic. Moonsliver put a hoof on his shoulder. Looking into her eyes, she seemed to communicate in a way that was beyond words. He felt that she understood him. It was like she was tying to tell him to keep calm, that everything would be okay. "I don't like it," Brax said. "It's a small matter, whatever happens to me," Sissy replied. “Not to me. You’re the reason I’m not a prisoner, and I think every one defending this position is worth at least three or four trying to break in.” The major thought for a moment that stretched on, but finally looked her in the eye and coldly said, "Very well." He walked back to the door and began shouting into it, "Zebra commander! I would like to send out one of my officers to assess the situation outside." "For what purpose?" the zebra's thick accent came back. Brax replied, "To verify your intentions.” It grew quiet outside. Duster couldn't hear anything over his own heartbeat. Locknload glanced back at him and gave a half-smile. It wasn't happy, but an understanding sort of look. "Send out your officer with no weapons, and we will return him to you alive. On my life I swear this!” the zebra replied. "Very well," Brax called back. "Be ready to push them back if they rush the door," Sissy said. She then stripped off her weapons and helmet, leaving them with Locknload. LD got ready to open the door. She faced it, away from Duster, as if with unwavering conviction. Duster hoped she would look back one last time, but she didn't. The door slowly opened, just enough for her to get through, and the lieutenant exited. LD pushed the door shut, and the others secured it. Moments later, it sounded like Sissy let out a scream but was suddenly cut off. "Lieutenant, report!" Brax called out. He was met only with silence. Duster wanted to panic, but he was too afraid even for that. Moonsliver pulled him close into her, a dull scraping sound as their armor pressed tight. He could hear the breath of everypony standing silently and motionless. His own heart pounded heavily. An eternity of seconds passed before the moment ended. "All is well, Major. Stand by," Sissy called through the door. Relief flooded Duster, and he melted into a sitting position. Smiles from a few members of his squad met him. Notably, Gunnysack was not among them. The next hour seemed to drag by, but it was rather uneventful. Duster followed the rest of the squad as they were put back on patrol, but there was no attempt by the zebras to gain entry into the castle. They did, however, put forth significant efforts to keep everypony else inside. It was LD shouting for Brax that brought Locknload's squad charging back to the main entrance. "Major," Sissy called though the door. "The zebras are standing back so I can come back in." With a nod from Brax, LD unlocked the doors and opened them a little. Sparklefly entered, flanked by a pegasus that wore the armor of the royal guard. LD shut the door behind them. Duster’s heart stopped when he saw her; she was the most beautiful mare that he had ever seen. A tall and slenderly muscular white pegasus with a white mane, her serious pink eyes had a quiet beauty about them. Her expression declared rather boldly that there was no nonsense about her. "Report," Brax said, looking suspiciously at the pegasus. "I surveyed Ponyville," Sissy began. "The zebras have captured the entire rebel force that was here. They have also tended to the wounded. Actual casualties among the traitors are somewhat light. Major Skyflame here arrived and confirmed the zebra's orders. I located the mayor, and she is safe." Brax turned to Major Skyflame, "Report." "Sir," she spoke with a slight bow. "On behalf of Cloudsdale, I am here to report that all rebel activity has been quelled. Your Lieutenant Scootaloo has informed us of your plans to hold this castle. We appreciate your service, but things are well in hoof already. You are ordered to return your forces to their barracks until further notice. You and the officers of this platoon are ordered to Cloudsdale immediately." Duster's heart was thumping for a different reason now, but Locknload, left in charge of the platoon, snapped him out of it fairly quickly. They opened the door and proceeded back to their barracks. There was evidence of the fighting readily seen all over Ponyville. The zebras had taken all key defensive positions and were holding them. They had a grave look in their eyes as they watched the platoon trot back to the training grounds. As the sun rose the morning after the coup, Duster felt relieved to have survived the night. Somehow, more than that, he felt ashamed and a seed of bitterness was growing inside. Sissy could have told them that there were no changelings; she knew the entire time. Duster could still see the pony he had killed, almost as clearly as if it were standing before him again. It was the eyes that haunted him. He’d seen the look in them when he’d driven his knife home. No hatred or bloodlust had been there, only fear as the life that was there had been extinguished. It was unlike anything Duster had expected to experience in his grandiose daydreams of glorious combat. He realized with complete certainty that that they too were false.