//------------------------------// // 26 - Coup d'état, Part 8 of 9 // Story: The Last Cutie Mark Crusader // by Jatheus //------------------------------// Beigh didn't know for how long he'd been staring at the orb, but it was Major Brax's voice that broke the spell it seemed to have over him. "Come over here.” Shaking his head, Beigh forced himself to comply. He could hear voices as he approached the door. "Hide behind the pillars and get ready," Brax ordered. Moving into position as commanded, Beigh asked, "Ready for what?" "You're a unicorn. When they open the door, you're going to blast them. Then we fight our way out of here," Brax said. Beigh was horrified by this for several reasons, the foremost of which was his total inability to successfully cause any kind of destruction with his magic. "I can't," he quickly said, "I don't know how." Disgust could easily be read on Brax's face, "What do you mean, you can't? Are you a soldier or aren't you?" "Yes, sir. I'm a medic, sir." "And I'm a major, and I'm ordering you to fight," Brax said shortly. "Yes, sir. I will fight, but I don't have offensive magic. It doesn't work.” "A defective unicorn, just what I needed," Brax hissed. The door opened, and the pair of prisoners crouched down, ready to jump out. Whoever had opened the door didn’t enter the room; they simply stood at the top in silence for a moment. "Major Brax, are you in here?" Sparklefly called out. They didn't answer. Beigh was initially relieved to hear that it was her, but then he felt uncertain as he tried to decide whether she were involved with whatever was going on. The moment stretched on as the two prisoners looked at each other uncertainly. "We're here to rescue you," she said. "We have Captain Radiant Pyre in custody." That was enough to coax Brax out of hiding. He nodded at Beigh, and they revealed themselves. "You have the captain in custody?" Brax asked. "Yes, sir," she replied as she came down the stairs. There were several others, presumably from Sparklefly’s platoon at the top of the stairs. "Just what in Equestria is going on?" the major asked. She took a breath before answering, ”There's an insurrection in progress, a coup d'état. General Mane Crusher is trying to overthrow Prince Shining Amor. Scootaloo and I became aware of his plan-" "And you didn't think to tell me?" Brax shouted at her. "Sir, we didn't know who to trust," she replied defensively, lowering her head. "We didn't even confirm any of this until this morning. There just wasn't time to safely get others involved. I'm sorry I doubted you." Brax sighed, calming himself, ”What is our status?" "My platoon has taken the castle. One regiment of rebels holds Ponyville, minus the two squads we captured when we took this position. Those squads have suffered modest casualties. Three are dead, and the rest are injured. We have seven wounded and one dead of our own." "Can I help?" Beigh asked, finally stepping out. "By Celestia, yes!" Sparklefly replied warmly. “They’re in CIC.” Beigh began trotting up the stairs. "You have a plan?" Brax asked. "Yes, sir. We are to hold Ponyville in hopes that it will provide Shining Armor a safe place to which he can retreat." Beigh stopped to listen. "Is he aware of this?" She hesitated, “No, sir. We had tried to warn him, but without evidence, he didn't believe us." The major sighed and then spoke grimly, “They'll kill him, you know.” "Yes, sir," Sparklefly replied, “Prince Shining Armor’s best hope right now lies with Scootaloo." Beigh continued out of the room, his heart heavy with the dark news of what was happening across Equestria.