//------------------------------// // 26 - Coup d'état, Part 5 of 9 // Story: The Last Cutie Mark Crusader // by Jatheus //------------------------------// Beigh was given a final shove from one of his captors, nearly making him slam into the stone wall. ”You sit there," Captain Radiant Pyre commanded. "Yes, sir," he replied, sitting beside Brax in the castle cellar. "Lock them in; stand guard outside," the captain ordered. Beigh watched helplessly, overcome by fear as one squad followed the captain up the stairs, and the other squad secured the door from the other side. Left alone with the major, Beigh took a moment to calm down and consider the situation before speaking. "I know I'm not a changeling; I conclude you're not either.” Major Brax sighed, saying nothing. "They could have at least taken the bag off of your head.” Getting up, he moved over to the bound major and executed that small mercy. Brax's eyes contained a murderous fire that was rather unsettling to behold. Beigh began looking for something to cut the ropes that tied the officer’s hooves. If there ever had been anything sharp in the cellar, somepony had seen well to removing it. There was mostly broken harnesses and other damaged equipment. The only other thing of note in the room was the magical light source in the corner, a pink glowing orb somewhat smaller than a beach ball. Somehow, it drew in his attention, and Beigh forgot all about Brax and being imprisoned. As he stared at the artifact, the moment seemed to stretch into eternity, swallowing all thought and feeling. ... Sparklefly might have felt more uneasy being underwater were she not so focused on the task at hoof. The spell was working perfectly, and her platoon was still behind her. All they had to do was find the right spot to come out of the river. Walking against the current was time consuming, and although she'd considered going faster, she didn't want to wear anypony out before they even had to fight. The faint glow from the magic was the only thing that allowed her to see. The blackness in the river was even darker than the night had been. Sparklefly kept her breathing steady and slow. The magic that enabled her to inhale air through water had a curious effect of forming little bubbles all over her body. It might have been like diving into a pool of club soda. Around her nostrils, they grouped together and made pockets of air. It tickled a little bit, but it was a sensation to which she’d quickly become accustomed. She couldn't hear well, as everything was muffled by the water rushing downstream past her ears. They felt their way forward. Eventually, even the darkness at the bottom of the river became faint variations of shadow. Sparklefly began to make out dim shapes. There wasn’t much to see aside from sand and the vegetation one would expect to find clinging to the underside of a river. The only tell-tale sign that they had made progress was the litter under the bridges as they went by. Carelessly discarded bottles and bricks, while not in great number, were plenteous enough to let Sparklefly know that they had passed three bridges already, and they were now under the last one. It was time. Sparklefly was in the lead and cautiously approached the bank. She slowly pushed her head out of the water facing into town. As expected, the spell ended as soon as she hit the open air again. The air smelled somehow sweeter after being under water. She stood there, mostly submerged, looking around for any threats. It appeared as if this was a gap in the defenses after all. Scootaloo had come through for them again. Slower than a snail, Sparklefly shuffled out of the river, the water shedding off of armor and her body. It made the night feel much colder, but there wasn't time to worry about that. The platoon came out of the river the same way she did. "Lightning Dasher," Sparklefly whispered, "I want your squad on point with you in front. I might be recognized." "Yes ma'am," Lightning Dasher replied. "Take us straight to the castle as confidently as you can," Sparklefly said. "If we're lucky, we won't be stopped." She took a deep breath. "One final thing. Unicorns, you must be ready. If we run into trouble, the order to open fire will probably come without warning. Be ready.” She looked around at nervous faces of her squad leaders and cadets. Duster was afraid, but there wasn’t anything she could do to help him this time. She took a final breath, “Let's move." As Lightning Dasher took the lead, Sparklefly blended into the second squad in their formation. She very much hoped that their luck would hold out a little longer. This was the single most dangerous part of their plan, unless the coup were successful. There really was no backup plan if Shining Armor got captured or killed. Sparklefly pushed these thoughts from her mind as they continued walking directly into town toward the castle. As they drew near, Sparklefly's heart sank as two platoons came out of the main entrance and headed directly for them. "Keep calm and keep moving," Sparklefly said quietly. Lightning Dasher led them on, closer and closer to the incoming soldiers. Sparklefly was holding her breath when she realized that none of them had drawn any weapons or done anything defensive. They altered course slightly, passing right by her platoon, not even paying a moment’s attention. They continued away, heading in the direction of the hospital. This made Sparklefly nervous for a different reason: Applejack. ... Cloud Blazer could see them. About a hundred soldiers were heading directly for the hospital, presumably to search for Applejack. "See that?" Applejack said. "They sure are coming this way." "What are we gonna do, sis?" Apple Bloom asked. "I don't know, sugar cube," came the reply. Pinkie Pie was still holding Fluttershy, who was crying. Cloud Blazer's adrenaline was flowing, which reduced the pain he felt from his injuries, but he knew full well that he was in no condition to fight. "We could hide behind the beds," Sweetie Belle suggested. "If they're thorough at all, it won't help," Cloud Blazer said sullenly. "Maybe we can barricade the door?" Applejack suggested. Everypony looked around, but they didn't really see anything that would do the job. "If they find a blocked door, they'll know they need to come in," Cloud Blazer said thoughtfully. "I think Sweetie Belle is right." The others looked at him. "We all hide behind the beds and open the door. If the room looks empty, maybe they'll pass by." "I don't know," Applejack said. "It seems awful risky." Cloud Blazer replied, "If you're going to fight, you have to hold them at the door. You can't run. They'll have a CAP watching the roof by now. Also, we’re unarmed and impossibly outnumbered.“ He watched the mayor as she considered the options. She stood still, faint light from the window illuminating the curve of her belly, another party to protect. All eyes in the room were on her. “Alright, like Sweetie Belle said,” she finally decided. The group hid, half of them behind Cloud Blazer's bed, and the rest behind the other empty bed. Sweetie Belle opened the door, scurrying back to her hiding place. They could already hear soldiers shouting in the corridor. Cloud Blazer’s mouth went dry in frightful anticipation. ... Pixyglitter felt she was going crazy from the noise of the soldiers in the hallways. She finally did get into her wheelchair and began barricading the door with anything she could find. This still felt utterly pointless, but she couldn’t restrain herself. She was able to tie off the handle with one of the curtains that divides the room. It wouldn't hold for long if somepony were determined to get in, but it would at least slow down an intruder. Now she just needed a weapon, but there were none to be found. There was a clipboard on the end of her bed, but it wasn't heavy enough. The pen in it might be useful if she could see to gouge out somepony's eyes. In her present condition, that was a doubtful prospect at best. The rails on the bed would work if she could get them off, but they were attached far too well. The bed sheets would have to do. She could use them like a net to confuse anypony that came in. Maybe that would put them on more even ground. Turning the lights off, Pixyglitter wheeled herself to sit behind the door. If it were forced open, she'd at least not be directly in view. Her paltry fortifications completed, all she could do was wait. A cold sweat on her brow, her heart pounded a fast steady rhythm.