//------------------------------// // Shock and Awe // Story: Guardian // by Thule117 //------------------------------// Stepping out of the shower Derran wrapped a towel around his waist, and wiped condensation from the ovoid sink mirror with an open hand. Meeting his own ice blue gaze, Derran ran his hand across the light beard that graced his features. "Hmm, I really must take care of that, it wouldn't do to be seen looking like a hobo by lady Twilight and her friends." Derran stated idely. He had just begun wondering where he might acquire a razor, when his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pounding at the door. Stepping over to his right, Derran gripped the brass knob and gave a light tug, feeling a rush of cool air on his skin, as he looked into the panicking face of Starlight Glimmer. "Ah, lady Starlight, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, smiling as she looked at him with a shocked, goggle eyed expression. "Y-you, you're healed?!" Starlight stated, unable to fathom how such a thing was remotely possible. Derran's face was devoid of the bruises, swelling, and burst blood vessels that had marred it not eight hours ago. His limp was gone, and the rest of his flawlessly athletic body showed no sign of damage, as he leaned casually against the opaque crystal door frame. Magic was the obvious answer but quite frankly that still seemed impossible. For all the things you could do with magic, the one thing it was never any good for was healing. While it was possible to use magic to heal somepony, it was also incredibly dangerous. Screw up even a little, and the results could be life threatening. Nerve damage, rejection of the body's own organs, cancer, and worse, weren't just possible, they were common results. If Derran had used magic, it was like none she had ever encountered. "Now do you see why I didn't want lady Twilight involved? She has enough on her plate without worrying about whether I've stubbed my toe or not." Derran said lightly. "Now if you don't mind I need to get dressed and prepare breakfast, milady Twilight will be awake in less than an hour, and I haven't even put the tea on yet. Speaking of, how do you feel about earl gray this morning?" Starlight stared at Derran in utter disbelief. "So what?! You're just going to pretend that me almost killing you last night never happened?!" Starlight hissed desperate to keep from shouting. Derran shrugged, seemingly unconcerned. "Why? Are you saying you want me to tell everypony?" He asked with an arched eyebrow. Starlight took a deep breath as she replied. "After seeing your life story, I think you should be allowed to do whatever the buck you want about it." She said sincerely. "Well in that case, I choose not to get my friend in trouble over something she's already been punished, and is sorry, for." Derran stated with a smirk, and Starlight found herself tearing up as she looked into his eyes. Despite everything, Derran intended to give her another chance, he didn't even ask for her silence regarding his past in exchange. "Thank you." Starlight said gratefully, as she wrapped her hooves around Derran's chest. Derran just chuckled as he patted Starlight's head. "Anytime milady, now if you don't mind. . ." Derran stated, clearing his throat as he gestured to his towel. Starlight blushed as she suddenly recalled that Derran was almost naked. "Right, sorry." Starlight intoned, heading out the door and closing it gently behind her. Walking down the hall towards the dining room, Starlight considered what she had seen the night before. Contrary to her own statement, she had not seen quite all of Derran's past, only intense flashes. However, what she had seen was crystal clear, and allowed her to easily connect disparate events in her mind. She had seen visions of the fall of Derran's home planet, she had seen the war of vengeance he had prosecuted in the wake of that tragedy. She had seen images of his time in Equestria eleven hundred years prior and the vows he swore there. Then she saw him leave to face the greatest enemy ever known to mortal life. She knew his triumphs, and his tragedies, his victories and his failures. She also knew many of his greatest secrets. . . and why she could divulge them to nopony. At least, not yet. "So you'll be back in time to meet me, Spike, and Rarity at the train station this afternoon?" Twilight inquired as she spread raspberry preserves on a fresh scone. Trying at the same time not to blush, as Derran leaned over her seated form to place several slices of piping hot prench toast in front of her. "Of course milady, my work shift at Sweet Apple Acres ends at four in the afternoon sharp." Derran reassured as he withdrew to serve Spike and Starlight. "I shall meet up with lady Rarity at four fifteen, and be there to escort you at no more than five fifteen at the absolute latest. Can I get anything else for anypony before I sit down?" Derran asked, glancing around the table with a smile. Twilight sighed inwardly, as she felt a flutter in her heart. Derran really was one of the most selfless ponies she had ever met. "I think we're all good for now, this meal looks absolutely amazing." Twilight wasn't exaggerating: earl grey tea served with blueberry scones, several types of fruit jams and preserves, fresh squeezed orange juice, and the piece-de-resistance, prench toast with fresh sliced strawberries, a light drizzle of vanilla icing, and dusted with powdered sugar. Since his arrival, Derran had insisted on cooking for Twilight at every opportunity, and now she couldn't imagine living without the meals he prepared. Every day she woke to a new culinary masterpiece presented by a handsome knight from another world who waited on her horn and hoof. Twilight had to admit, she felt extremely spoiled. "Celestia this is amazing Derran!" Starlight declared loudly, as she savored the delicious meal. Her comment was made with utmost sincerity, the toast was light and fluffy, practically melting in her mouth, and had just a hint of nutmeg for an exotic extra kick. While the sweetness of the icing, and syrup, was complemented perfectly by the tang of the strawberries. "Why are you working on a farm? You should have your own chain of restaurants!" She declared. Derran chuckled as he dug into his own stack of toast slices. "Much though I appreciate the praise lady Starlight, I am more than happy where I am. Besides I am a warrior, not a chef." He replied modestly. "Coulda' fooled me." Starlight declared. Prior to her disastrous spell the night before, Starlight had flatly refused to eat anything Derran had prepared, claiming not to be hungry. Now she mentally kicked herself for missing out on Derran's immense culinary talent. Derran simply smiled and nodded his thanks as he ate. Twilight grinned, grateful that Starlight finally seemed to be growing comfortable with Derran’s presence. Spike also seemed to have begun warming up to the Doom Slayer, or at least seemed to enjoy Derran’s cooking. As he wolfed down his stack of toast with extra syrup. Twilight would have admonished Spike to eat more slowly, if she hadn’t also been stuffing her face at that moment. In fact the only one eating with any restraint was Derran himself, as he used his knife and fork to deftly slice off bite sized pieces of his toast. Bringing them to his lips with remarkable finesse, before placing them in his mouth, and carefully chewing for a few seconds before swallowing. Twilight was always amazed at the dexterity of human fingers, but even more so by those belonging to Derran. Those same digits capable of so delicately manipulating utensils for dining, were capable of crushing bone into powder, or tearing flesh like cheap paper. Even encased in gauntlets of supernaturally empowered armor, Derran’s fingers were capable of incredibly precise movement. In the back of her mind Twilight found herself wondering just what else those marvelous appendages could do. . . “Milady are you alright?” Derran asked, breaking Twilight out of her increasingly lecherous thoughts. Twilight nodded vigorously as she tried to hide her embarrassment. “Never better!” She stated a little too loudly. “Why do you ask?!” She asked, laughing nervously. Derran frowned as he leaned toward Twilight, squinting slightly as he examined her face. “Well it’s just that your face is rather flushed, are you certain you are well?” He asked in a voice etched with concern. Twilight quickly busied herself with her meal, refusing to make eye contact with Derran. “Its nothing, just uh. . . got a bit too much sun yesterday, that’s all.” Twilight stated, desperately trying to suppress the intense blush overtaking her features. Derran however, frowned, as he rose from the table. Walking over to Twilight’s side. then before she could offer a word of protest, leaning down to place his chin against Twilight’s forehead just above her horn. Twilight felt her mind go blank. “Hmmm, I do not believe you have a fever milady, but you seem slightly warmer than normal. Perhaps I should fetch a physician just to be safe.” Derran’s suggestion went unanswered, as Twilight’s mind tried to reboot itself. ”Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshhe’stouchinghisfacetomineanditfeelssogoodbutIhavenoideawhatIshoulddoandohCelestiaifhewasjustalittlelowerwe’dbekissingohmygoshohmygosh!” Withdrawing himself, Derran looked down at Twilight with even greater concern. As she now stood stock still, her eyes unblinking, and staring straight ahead like she was in some form of shock, her face even redder than it had been a moment ago. “I’m fine.” Twilight stated, her voice coming out as an extraordinarily faint squeak. Derran raised an eyebrow as he looked down at her. “Are you certain milady?” He asked hesitantly. Twilight nodded stiffly after a second or two. “Very well then, but let somepony know if you feel even the least bit ill. In fact, perhaps I should remain here for the day, just in case.” Shaking her head and smiling, Starlight cleared her throat. “Don’t worry Derran I promise Twilight will be fine. Like she said, she just got a little too much sun.” Starlight stated with a knowing smirk toward her teacher. Derran seemed unconvinced, but slowly nodded. “If you say so lady Starlight. . .” He said, heading back to his seat to finish his meal. “So Derran, what does Applejack have you doing today anyway?” Starlight asked, trying to shift the subject away from Twilight’s brief catatonia. Swallowing another mouthful of food, Derran dabbed at his mouth with a cloth napkin before responding. “I am not entirely certain, apparently we finished the week's apple harvest the other day, so I won't be in the orchard. Though lady Applejack did mention that she was considering having me plow some of the vegetable fields today.” Starlight gave Derran a confused look. “Wait, you finished the week's harvest? You harvested a week's worth of apples, in only two and a half days?!” She asked in mild astonishment. Derran nodded. “Indeed, lady Applejack claims the credit is mine, but I believe she underestimates what she and her siblings are capable of.” He stated with a mild shrug. Starlight shook her head, wondering if Derran was being humble, or oblivious. Finishing his meal Derran glanced at the nearby grandfather clock. Carved of oak and featuring a design of roses, and vines it read exactly ten minutes to six o'clock. "Oh dear, I seem to be running late. Master Spike, could I trouble you to take care of this morning's dishes?" Spike was too busy chewing to respond with words, so he simply gave Derran an enthusiastic thumbs up. Nodding his thanks, Derran wiped what few crumbs there were on his face away, before heading toward the door. Reaching it, Derran turned and gave a small bow. "I bid you all good morning, and do not hesitate to call on me should you require assistance lady Twilight." Twilight nodded, having finally managed to get her blushing under control. "Right, of course, have a great day Derran, and say hi to Applejack and her family for me." Twilight stated. Derran nodded. "As you say milady, have a good day, and I shall see you later this afternoon." Derran replied, with a smile that had Twilight blushing all over again. Derran approached Sweet Apple Acres in a fine humor, watching the morning dew on the grass sparkling like countless diamonds as the sun shone overhead. Having run the whole distance, he felt extremely grateful for his enhanced physiology that rendered him immune to exhaustion, letting him arrive slightly sooner than expected. Derran had no watch, but had long ago learned to tell accurate time in his head with a single glance at the sun. It was a useful trick, and on this occasion let him know he had arrived a full five minutes early to his new place of employment. "Howdy mister Derran!" Came a voice that brought a gentle smile to the Doom Slayer's features. "Good day Apple Bloom, and how does this morning find you?" He asked, stopping at the break in the farm's white painted border fence that abutted the main road. A well worn path lead from the break down toward the farm, rows of apple trees on one side, and several large unplowed fields on the other. "Ah'm swell, how'r you doin?" The scarlet maned filly replied. "I am quite well thank you, did you come here just to meet me?" Derran asked lightheartedly. "Yep, jus thought ya'll might like some company." Apple Bloom responded, a wide smile adorning her features. Derran returned the filly's smile, feeling a sense of contented calm as he did so. Then staring down the long path to the farm, he was struck by an idea. "That was very generous of you miss Apple Bloom, but I have only a few minutes before I am late. So why don't we make the journey a bit quicker?" Apple Bloom gave Derran a puzzled look as he knelt down next to her. "Alright miss Apple Bloom, just climb onto my back." Derran instructed. Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment, before giving a shrug and doing as asked, wrapping her front hooves around Derran's neck so she wouldn't fall off. "Very good, now make certain you hang on tight understood?" Apple Bloom nodded as Derran looped his arms around her back hooves for support. "What'r we-WHOA!" Apple Bloom cried out, as the Doom Slayer took off like a shot. After taking a second to adjust, Apple Bloom found herself staring in awe as the trees passed by in a blur of motion. The sensation was exhilarating, as Derran left the path to weave through the rows of trees in the orchard. Apple Bloom felt a strong sensation of elated excitement as the Doom Slayer jumped onto a low hanging branch. Using the branch as a springboard Derran leapt to a still higher branch on another tree, repeating the process until they exploded from the foliage into open air. Apple Bloom screamed in delight as they burst through the canopy, granting them an amazing view of the near endless rows of trees from above. Accompanied by Apple Bloom's joyous laughter, Derran plunged back down to the earth some forty feet below. Crashing through the canopy again amid a flurry of dislodged leaves, Derran didn't break a single branch with his passing as they landed. Striking the ground Derran absorbed the force of the impact with bent knees, before shooting off again as if he had never left the ground. Caroming from one tree to the next, Derran almost seemed not to touch the ground as his passenger shouted out her appreciation of his efforts. "This is amazin!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, as she and Derran hurtled forward like a comet. "It's almost like we're flyin!" Derran let a small laugh escape his lips at the filly's comment. "Well, if it is flying you desire. . ." Derran replied as he spotted another low hanging branch and once more climbed toward the sky. ". . . then so it shall be!" He called out with a laugh, as he blasted through the canopy once more, hurtling toward the cloudless blue sky. For a moment they hung suspended in mid air as their momentum bled off, then just as they began to fall, Derran engauged his jump boots, sending them back toward the heavens. Apple Bloom's expression was one of awe, as the world seemed to drop away behind them, and for a moment she felt herself lost in the ultimate freedom of flight. In that brief instant, Apple Bloom felt like she was on the back of her own personal guardian angel, guiding her toward the infinite unknown. Apple Bloom was pulled from this sensation, as gravity reasserted its grip and they began to fall back to earth with ever greater speed. However despite the distance of nearly sixty feet, Apple Bloom had no fear, only joy, she knew her angel would keep her safe. After all to brief a time, the ride ended with Derran landing in a crouch in front of an awestruck Applejack and Big Mac. As Apple Bloom reluctantly slid off Derran's back he rose to his feet to glance briefly at the sun. "Hmm, and with three seconds to spare." He said with a small chuckle. "So darling did they work?" Asked Rarity eagerly. Twilight gave a disappointed sigh in response, as she looked at her friend with an equally disappointed expression. "I don't think so, but honestly I don't know what I was expecting. The legend of Lovers Blessing flowers is just that: a legend. It's ridiculous to think a flower can cause ponies to fall in love." She replied dejectedly. "Well perhaps it simply takes a little time dear, or maybe it's because Derran is a human?" Rarity offered sympathetically. Twilight gave her friend a small smile, that nonetheless failed to mask the sadness, and frustration in her eyes. "Either way, it didn't work, and I have no idea what I should do about these feelings I have for him. I mean it's not like I can just walk up to him and say: 'Hey Derran, I have an increasingly out of control crush on you. Want to go out?' is it?" She stated with a slight bitterness. Twilight and Rarity had met up a few hours after Derran had left for work. Sitting in a cafe, and regaling her friend with the story of the Lovers Blessing, Twilight only now realized how much hope she had pinned on the mystical blooms. When she had gone down to breakfast that morning, she had desperately looked for any sign of change in Derran's behavior. But despite her best efforts, she could see no increase in romantic intent toward her on the part of the Doom Slayer. What's worse, her infatuation seemed to be intensifying to ever greater heights, as evidenced by her near paralysis on physical contact with Derran earlier. "Hmm, yes I suppose that would be rather awkward." Rarity replied with a slight giggle. "So what am I supposed to do then?! I've looked through every book I could find on the subject but everything I found assumes that you already have a special somepony! It was all about improving your relationship there wasn't anything about creating one!" Twilight ended her borderline tirade by letting her forehead strike the table with an audible thud. "Maybe he just isn't interested in me." Twilight considered aloud, her tone defeated. Rarity nodded slowly, before giving her friend a questioning look. "Tell me Darling, why is it that Derran is so special to you? What makes him different than say. . .Flash Sentry?" Rarity asked, her expression turning thoughtful. Looking up from the table Twilight opened her mouth to respond. "I. . ." Twilight paused as she considered the Question. It wasn't that she couldn't think of reasons to like Derran, there were plenty. He was handsome, heroic, and in perfect physical shape. But all those things were superficial, they were why he would appeal to anypony. "I don't know." Twilight admitted her voice becoming subdued as she realized how shallow she must seem. Rarity however just gave her a sympathetic look. "That's about what I thought. Darling I know this might sound a little, hypocritical coming from me given my, ahem. . . propensity to get a bit overzealous when it comes to romantic partners. But perhaps before you start trying to woo Derran, you should ask yourself why you really want to be with him. It took me awhile, but eventually I discovered that that's the most important question to ask before getting involved with somepony. I only started asking it myself after that incident with Trenderhoof." Rarity's voice was calm as she sipped at her tea, letting her friend absorb her words. Placing the teacup back on its saucer and dabbing her mouth with a napkin she continued. "Here's my advice darling: ask Derran out for the day, not on a date, but just as a friend, and if by the end of the day you still can't say for certain why you want him as your special somepony. . ." "Then give up?!" Twilight asked, feeling slightly incredulous. Rarity shook her head. "No, just simply content yourself with being a friend for the time being. I know that's not what you may want to hear, but it is the best advice I can give." Twilight wanted to argue, to say that Rarity's suggestion was no different from quitting in the face of adversity, but instead let out a sigh of frustration. Rarity was right, she couldn't force Derran to acknowledge her feelings, and trying could end up destroying the friendship they had built. "Ok. . . I'll do it." Twilight promised, trying not to sound as dejected as she felt. Derran reached into the burlap sack for another fistfull of seeds. Slowly opening his hand he allowed the small, flat, white objects to trickle through his armor covered fingers onto the freshly tilled earth, like sand in an hourglass. Come fall, the massive field would be filled with hundreds of giant, bright orange pumpkins, just in time for Nightmare Night. A holiday that had not existed back when Derran had first come to Equestria, but Apple Bloom had assured him was lots of fun. She had also mentioned it had something to do with lady Luna before suddenly stopping, and Derran had not asked for further particulars. Frankly, Derran had little interest in asking after the existence of new holidays, as he was too busy contemplating the events of the previous night. Lady Starlight had cried herself to sleep in his arms, her guilt combined with the terrible experience she had endured, having exhausted her to the point of passing out. As for Derran, after tucking lady Starlight into bed he had crawled back to his own, and for the first time since awakening on Mars, had fallen into a deep dreamless sleep. One of the many enhancements bestowed on Derran's body, was a massively accelerated ability to heal. As long as he could rest undisturbed for a few hours, he would awaken fully restored. Granted this ability had limits, for example, it would not allow him to regenerate limbs or removed organs, nor would it work if he was not able to rest for six or more hours minimum. Nevertheless, this ability had saved his life countless times during his battles in Hell, and now seemed to have aided him again. On waking the next day Derran had swiftly headed to the shower to wash the blood from his body. While washing himself, Derran had ample time to wonder just how much Starlight had gleaned of his past. He did not pretend to know the exact mechanism by which Starlight had entered his mind, but he was more than able to connect the dot's, including the ones Starlight was not privy to. Now in the serenity of the pumpkin field, Derran believed he understood what had gone wrong. "Crucible." He growled to himself, casting an angry glance at the artifact clipped to his belt. Derran had no doubt the vile device was to blame, and had hijacked Starlight's spell in an attempt to kill one or both of them. Just as a disease might use a wound as a vector of infection, so had the Crucible used Starlight's spell to circumvent the Doom Slayer's otherwise impenetrable mental defenses. Once inside the reconstructed memory, the artifact had done all it could to destroy Derran. The demons in the memory had all been made far stronger, while Derran had been weakened. His limbs had been slow to respond, and his reflexes dulled. The entire time he had endured a constant mental fog, making him become dizzy and off balance, and at several critical moments his vision had become blurred to the point of near blindness. Equally bad, was the absence of any of the UAC healing bio-plasma canisters that, while not as effective in healing him as allowing his armor to absorb demonic energy, had helped him greatly the last time he had fought through the area. Derran had felt the presence of the Crucible's demonic power throughout it all, as a sort of pressure on his conscious mind. That pressure often gave way to visions and whispers proclaiming his inevitable failure, and assurance that even if he escaped, Starlight, would not. Derran countered with images of Equestria, of his friends there, of the Seraphim and his own litanies of hope and duty. The psychic battle of ancient wills was every bit as intense as the physical battle, even if it was far less apparent to the eye. At one point however the pressure had been lessened, as the Crucible shifted to the only other target available, and Derran had to exert every ounce of will to drag it away from her. Fortunately, Starlight's mind was strong, and she had managed to fight off most of the hateful artifact's influence without his assistance. All in all, they had both been fortunate that the Crucible had not thought to remove the experimental combat drugs Derran had recalled finding on his last sojern to VEGA, and more fortunate still that Derran was nearly as skilled in mental warfare as in physical combat. However between the attack on his mind and body, the enhanced enemies, protecting Starlight, and a complete lack of medical supplies, it was the closest to death the Doom Slayer had come in a very long time. The news wasn't all terrible though. After failing to kill either Derran or Starlight, the Crucible had grown almost completely silent. The repugnant consciousness residing within the object, having lost whatever desire it had to fight against it's captor for the foreseeable future. Far more importantly though, Derran had forged a friendship with Starlight Glimmer that he had no doubt would last an eternity. Pausing in his work, the Doom Slayer unclipped the now silent Crucible from his belt. Staring down at it with an unreadable expression he spoke in a tone of calm certainty. "I have no doubt that even here in the fields of heaven I will need to answer the call of battle. As there is light, so shall there be darkness. However. . ." Bringing the Crucible to within an inch of his face Derran's voice while still perfectly calm became one of absolute command. "our war is over, and you. . . have lost." There was no sound, nor visual sign of response, however at the utterance of his proclamation Derran felt the last vestige of resistance within the Crucible gutter and die. The artifact, perhaps the greatest single power Hell had left in its arsenal, spoke into the mind of it's enemy. It spoke only two words, two words that no being of Hell had ever spoken to any mortal, god, or angel since the beginning of time. . . "We yield." Rarity hummed happily to herself as she laid out boxes of clothes for her newest, and most unusual customer. Coming home from tea with Twilight Rarity found herself fervently hoping that her friend would find what she was looking for. Rarity knew all too well how painful it could be to build up hopes of a relationship in your head, only to have it come crashing down, and hoped the advice she had given would spare Twilight from having to experience that. She also reflected that, regrettably, seeing Derran in his new clothes wasn't going to help Twilight restrain herself. Rarity had planned everything out far in advance of actually finishing the Doom Slayer's outfits. First Derran would try on all the outfits to ensure they fit properly. Then, they would drop his armor off at the castle. Next Rarity had booked an appointment with Ponyville's best mane stylist Clau'd Du'man, for a shave, trim, and styling. After that it was off to the spa for a quick manicure, and pedicure. Then finally they would head out to meet Twilight, and Spike at the train station. It was a lot to do in an hour, but still far easier than some of the things she had to deal with when putting on shows in Canterlot and Manehattan, where the only guarantee was that something would inevitably go wrong. Rarity smiled as the bell above the entrance to Carousel Boutique rang at exactly four fifteen. Turning, Rarity was greeted by Derran with a polite bow. One thing you could always say for the Doom Slayer, he was relentlessly punctual. "Good afternoon lady Rarity, am I late?" He asked evenly. "Not at all darling, in fact you're right on time." Rarity replied with a smile. Derran nodded as he viewed the stacks of boxes in front of his friend. "Are all those intended for me?" He asked, a note of mild surprise entering his voice. "Mmhm, they are indeed." Rarity replied happily. Derran glanced at the boxes again, there must have been at least twenty or more of varying sizes, and shapes. Derran felt grateful indeed that he had just been paid, this looked to be getting expensive. Fortunately, his job paid quite well, so well in fact, that he suspected that Applejack was giving him more than was fair, out of some misguided sense of gratitude for saving the town. However when he had asked her about it, she had insisted that he had earned every bit. Granted, that wasn't quite the same as denying she was overpaying him, but he had let the matter rest for the moment. "Shall we get started dear?" Rarity asked interrupting Derran's train of thought. "Oh, yes of course." Derran replied, accepting a box Rarity had levitated over to him. "Once you're ready, just bring out your armor and place it in there." Rarity instructed, pointing at a large open case about the size of a man. Derran nodded his understanding as he disappeared around the dressing room curtain. Rarity busied herself with the boxes for a minute or two before glancing back at the veiled room. "Is it all to your liking darling?" Derran's reply was as prompt as it was impressed. "Indeed milady, the fit is perfect, and this material is amazingly comfortable. Truly, words cannot do justice to your skill." Rarity beamed at the praise. "Well dear, don't keep me in suspense, let's see how you look." A sound on shifting objects, accompanied the metallic hiss of the curtain being drawn back. Rarity's jaw fell open as she beheld the sight of the Doom Slayer, and for a moment she couldn't have spoken even if she wanted to. Managing to get herself under control after a few seconds, Rarity still found herself wishing she could find an excuse for a cold shower. "Nevermind Twilight, it'll be a miracle if every mare in town doesn't attack him. . ." "So Dash what's this big surprise that you have for us?" Spitfire asked, giving her teammate a look out of the corner of her eye. Rainbow just chuckled in response. "Oh not much, I just figured you and Nimbus might like to meet the newest resident of Ponyville." She said offhooffedly. "Why? Are they a big fan of the Wonderbolts or something?" Nimbus asked, wondering what Rainbow Dash was up to. Rainbow shook her head. "Nope, he didn't even know we existed until I filled him in." Spitfire arched an eyebrow. "I hope you didn't promise him a special performance or anything like that, we have way too much work to do for our upcoming show right now." She admonished, but Rainbow just laughed. "Actually, I was hoping he'd be willing to give you two a show." She replied cryptically. "Rainbow you know we don't do impromptu tryouts right?" Nimbus asked with a sigh, she liked Rainbow, but this cloak and dagger routine was starting to test her patience. Spitfire nodded in agreement. "Nim's right, if this guy wants to be a wonderbolt he has to apply like everypony else, sorry Dash it's the rule." Rainbow if anything laughed even louder. Spitfire gave her friend an annoyed look as they wove their way through the busy street. "Look Dash we just came here to deliver the newest flight routines to you, and maybe grab something to eat. We only have a few hours to spend here so quit dragging this out and tell us what you want to-oof" Spitfire glared at the pony in front of her who had stopped so suddenly she ran into them. "Hey what's the big-" "Whoa." Nimbus said in an awestruck voice, interrupting her captain as she stared fixedly up the cobblestone streets. Unable to see past the pony in front of her Spitfire tried to push through several others who seemed unable to move, instead staring stock still at something up ahead. Finally getting fed up and taking to the air, Spitfire was allowed an unobstructed view of the scene. The entire street seemed frozen in time. A pony in a nearby vegetable kiosk who had been in the process of advertising her produce, stood with a bunch of radishes dangling forgotten from the end of an upraised hoof her face red as she stared unashamedly. A pony taking a drink from a nearby fountain had raised her head without taking time to swallow, so water now flowed in a multitude of rivulets from her open mouth, as her cheeks turned pink. Off to one side a fork tumbled from the levitation field of a unicorn sitting at a cafe, as the waiter poured tea into an already overflowing cup. However none of this even registered in Spitfire's brain as she stared fixated at the figure walking down the street a vaguely familiar pony at his side. Walking on two legs the figure stood slightly taller than six feet, icy blue eyes stared out with a calm born of confidence. His face beheld noble, clean shaven features, framed by long black hair pulled back into a decorative topknot. He wore a collared, white cotton, dress shirt, with a dark green cravat, tucked into a red vest embroidered with delicate silver vines. Over that, was an unbuttoned black sports jacket, with a strange symbol sewn onto the breast pocket in scarlet thread. Black dress pants were held up by a black leather belt, with a simple silver buckle, and on his feet he wore shined black leather dress boots. Finally, at the figures waist, and held in place by his belt, was an odd elongated black leather box, covered in silver scrollwork. Walking like a model on a runway, the creature's stride bespoke control and dignity, while his gentle smile produced an aura of affability, that combined with the calm look in his eyes to project power, without being intimidating. Every mare as well as at least three stallions that Spitfire could see, were positively drooling. Seemingly unaware of the effect he was having on the ponies around him, the creature walked straight toward Rainbow Dash, the crowd parting almost automatically before him. Spitfire felt her mouth fall open, as the creature then addressed her teammate in a tone that was formal yet familiar. "Lady Dash, this is a pleasant surprise, is this a shopping outing, or are you here for another rematch?" The creature asked lightheartedly. Rainbow smirked, seemingly unaffected by the spell that had overtaken pretty much everypony else in the vicinity. "Neither, just here with a few of my wonderbolt pals, this is Nimbus," Rainbow said giving a nudge to her fervently blushing companion before pointing a hoof at her hovering captain. "and up there is Spitfire, our captain. Girls, meet Derran Grandel, A.K.A: the Doom Slayer." "A pleasure to meet you lady Nimbus, and you as well captain Spitfire." He said bowing his head slightly to each of them. "N-nice to meet you too." Spitfire replied, glad that the sunglasses she habitually wore, covered up the fact that she was staring. Nimbus just nodded her head at her captain's words, as she tried to understand how a creature so alien, could look so unspeakably handsome. Rainbow Dash looked at her fellow wonderbolts with an expression that told them exactly how much she was going to enjoy holding this moment over their heads, before turning back to Derran. "Gotta say, I hardly recognized you without the armor." She commented conversationally. Though she would never have admitted it, the change was far more drastic than that. Despite how appealing Derran was, it had always been tempered by the intimidating presence of his armor. Like a light always shines brightest in the dark, so Derran shon brightest outside of his armor's fearsome shell. In fact, had Rainbow not been as familiar with Derran as she was, she would doubtless have been as dumbstruck by the change as those around her. Even despite her familiarity, and dedication to playing it cool, Rainbow still had to work hard to keep from blushing. "All lady Rarity's doing I assure you, she is a true paragon of her craft." Derran replied, favoring the pony beside him with a smile, and allowing Spitfire to finally recall where she'd seen her before. Rarity just giggled. "It was my pleasure, he cleans up well doesn't he?" She commented, glancing at Rainbow Dash with a slightly superior smirk, and arched eyebrow. "I'll say, I'm half tempted to ask what it takes to see you completely out of uniform." Dash replied suggestively, neatly puncturing her fashionista friend's display of pride. Rarity may have had the best social skills of anypony Rainbow knew, but only Derran could match Rainbow when it came to conversational fencing. "Rainbow Dash! That is hardly appropriate!" Rarity declared irritably, to which her friend simply smirked. "Oh like you never thought it." Rainbow teased. "That is completely beside the point!" Rarity scolded, as Rainbow's smirk widened, and Rarity realized what she had just inadvertently admitted. As Rarity struggled to find a counter argument, Derran decided to intervene on Rarity's behalf, clearing his throat to attract Rainbow's attention. "Forgive me for interrupting lady Dash, but I'm afraid lady Rarity and I are dangerously close to being late. Perhaps it would be best if we save this debate for another time?" On hearing Derran's words Rarity quietly resolved that regardless of how little charity Derran wanted, he was getting at least two of his outfits for free. Rainbow looked vaguely disappointed, before a sly grin appeared on her face. "Alright, but only if you promise to show the wonderbolts some of those sweet battle skills of yours." Rainbow declared, her grin widening. "So it's blackmail is it?" Derran asked with a chuckle. Rainbow nodded unashamedly. "You got it." She confirmed with a wide smirk. "Lady Dash, I must admit, you are the most honest pony I have ever met, when it comes to being dishonest." Derran declared with a laugh. "But very well, I agree to your terms, one combat demonstration, in exchange for excusing us from the current conversation." "I had a feeling you'd see things my way." Rainbow stated as she shook hooves with Derran to seal their bargain, before standing to one side. As they walked away amid the hubbub of ponies recovering from seeing a living Adonis, Rainbow turned to regard her fellow wonderbolts. "So what do you think of our new arrival?" She asked, with a grin positively overflowing with smug. "So. . .hot." Nimbus declared dreamily. Spitfire privately agreed, but would rather be plucked than admit it in front of her team. "Eh, he seems cool." Then leaning close to Rainbow she lowered her voice. "Hey uh Dash? Look, just between the two of us. . . what would it take to convince you to maybe, I dunno, set up your captain with a certain alien stallion?" For a moment Dash's mind reeled with the favors she might extract from her commanding officer, but then she thought better of it after recalling something Scootaloo had mentioned. "Sorry captain, but I think Derran's already spoken for." She said a touch ruefully. "By who?" Spitfire asked, narrowing her eyes, as a faint edge entered her voice. "A friend." Rainbow stated, her tone making it clear that this was one situation where her captain would do well not to get competitive. Fortunately for everypony, Spitfire knew when to take a hint. "Shame," She said with a sigh. "but at least we got that show you promised." "Pretty sure I got us two." Rainbow said with a chuckle. Sitting on a train station bench, Twilight stared into the clear sky, deep in thought. Replaying her earlier conversation with Rarity in her head she struggled to answer the question her friend had posed. "Why is Derran so attractive to me?" There was no question as to why he was attractive in general. Handsome, polite, strong, heroic, Darran had plenty of traits in his favor. However as Twilight analyzed, she became aware that it was more than just these obvious characteristics. Derran seemed to possess an "aura" for lack of a better term. That made him instantly desirable to anypony who might find him romantically engaging, or even just think positively of him. Derran had a presence that exuded power, confidence, and certainty. Everything from his movements to his expression, seemed calculated to project the sense that there was nothing he couldn't handle. It was similar to the aura that Celestia, and Luna sometimes seemed to have. Only rather than creating deference through an expression of wisdom, intelligence, and love. Derran's used Power, confidence, and just a hint of intimidation. The more Twilight reflected on it, the more certain she became of her hypothesis, eventually deciding to refer to the phenomenon as the "Apex Aura". The name reflecting the fact that Derran himself was much like an apex predator, having no natural enemies by virtue of being bigger, stronger, and more dangerous, than anything else. That also would explain why mares seemed naturally infatuated with him. Millions of years ago, pony tribes were led by the strongest, as opposed to the wisest, and it was wholly possible that a creature like Derran could trigger an awakening of long dormant instincts. However if anything that made Twilight feel even worse. After all, if her attraction was based solely on the effects of this: apex aura, then it meant her affection was nothing more than an instinctual response. Ergo: she didn't actually love Derran, she just felt drawn to his strength. Granted that might not be an issue, if all Twilight wanted was a "Friends with benefits relationship" as Rainbow Dash had once described it. But that wasn't what Twilight wanted. Twilight wanted love, not just a physical relationship. It wasn't that she had anything against purely physical intimacy, it just wasn't what she wanted. But what did Derran want? Sure, he clearly didn't have anything against ponies, but that didn't mean he was obligated to be attracted to them. Twilight sighed heavily, all this analysis had done nothing but give her a roaring headache. "Twilight, are you alright?" Came Spike's concerned voice, as Twilight closed her eyes and massaged her temples in an effort to banish her self inflicted migraine. Opening her eyes to glance down at her assistant, Twilight smiled and nodded for a moment before her expression became thoughtful. "Spike. . .can I ask you a personal question?" She asked, glancing around to insure nopony was within earshot. "Uhh, sure, I guess, what did you want to know?" He asked scratching his head in mild confusion. Twilight bit her lower lip as she considered how to phrase what she wanted to say. "It's about you and Rarity." She said, wanting to give her assistant a chance to back out, before getting to the actual question. Spike's expression registered a moment of uncomfortable consideration before he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he responded. "Ok, what about me and Rarity?" He asked, clearly resolved. "Well. . .I mean. . ." Taking a deep breath to steady herself Twilight decided to be direct. "How is it that you stay friends with her, despite having a crush on her that she might never return?" For a moment that seemed like an eternity, the question hung in the air between them. Briefly Twilight wondered if she had gone to far, before Spike let out a long sigh. "I honestly don't really know. I guess it's because I just care enough about her, that as long as she's happy, then that's really what's most important. I mean, it's never easy, and sometimes I feel angry at her, or myself, but that's what it means to love somepony right? You're willing to take a hit for them because you care about them?" Spike said with a shrug. Twilight nodded slowly. "Yeah, I think you're right. Thank you Spike, I really appreciate you answering such a personal question." Spike nodded. "Anytime." He said with a smile as a loud whistle signaled the train from the Crystal Empire's approach. Free of her fears for the moment, Twilight watched the incoming train with a faint sense of apprehension. While she felt certain that Pinky Pie, and Fluttershy would accept her vouching for Derran, it only now occurred to her that she had not considered how to reassure the other passengers. A flare of panic shot through Twilight, but she held it in check with an effort of will. She was, after all, a princess, and she felt that even if the ponies rejected a royal endorsement of Derran's harmlessness, she could always send them to the population of Ponyville for character references. Thus reassured, she observed the train coming to a complete stop amid an obscuring cloud of opaque white vapore, smelling faintly of coal dust, and oil. "Twilight Darling!" Twilight turned in the direction of Rarity's voice as her friend trotted down the platform. Curiously Derran was nowhere to be seen. However, given Twilight's concerns, that may have been for the best. "Hey Rarity." Twilight called back as the doors to the train opened behind her. "Where's Derran?" "Oh he's waiting outside, he felt it would be best if you had a chance to explain him to everypony before they actually saw him. Rarity explained, as she moved into position alongside her friend. Twilight smiled as she nodded, she might have guessed that Derran would have already considered the meeting, and planned accordingly. Any further conversation was forestalled however, as ponies began to disembark from the train. Clearing her throat Twilight prepared to address the crowd. Only to be cut off, when a violently pink blur collided with her at near mach speed, wrapping her in an unbreakable bearhug while talking at a mile a minute. "OhmygoshTwilightit'ssogreattoseeyoudidyouhavefunwhileweweregoneisRainbowDashbackyetYakyakistanwassoamazingishiRarityyoulookamazing. . ." Struggling to extricate herself from her friends enthusiastic greeting, Twilight tried to call out to the crowd. However, her friend's death grip hug, insured her voice came out only as a strangled whisper. "I'm glad to see you too Pinkie Pie, but I need to. . ." Twilight began, only to find herself choked off as her friend squeezed even harder. All the while she watched in ever mounting, mute anxiety, as ponies walked past them toward the street. Rarity attempted to intervene, only to also be grabbed in a near bone crushing embrace. Realizing that she would not be in time to stop what was coming, Twilight braced herself for a scream or shout as the ponies encountered the alien in their midst. However, to Twilight's surprise, no such outburst was heard. Finally, Pinkie Pie relinquished her grip on her friends faintly aching necks. "Pinkie!" Rarity declared sternly. "As overjoyed as we are to see you, Twilight had an important announcement to make to everypony on the train, and. . ." Rarity's admonishment was cut off by a sharp intake of breath from her magenta colored friend as she snapped her gaze over to Twilight. "Oh. . .my. . .GOSH! YOU have a super important announcement to make?! I have a super important announcement to make! We're super important announcement TWINS! Well. . .technically it's not just me Fluttershy knows to so would that make us more like super important announcement triplets? Or would it be quintuplets since Rarity's also. . ." "PINKIE!!" Twilight shouted, still wondering why nopony was making a scene yet. Rarity had said Derran was there, so why hadn't anypony noticed the six foot alien standing in the middle of the road? "Yes Twilight?" Pinkie asked, her trademark grin plastered across her features. Twilight took a deep breath, deciding that it was pointless admonishing Pinkie now, the damage was already done. Somehow, Derran had managed to escape notice, and regardless, any panic would be restricted to the dozen or so ponies who had already left, and they would soon be brought up to speed by the residents of Ponyville. Who would be eager to protect their unofficial champion. "Nevermind, Where's Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, glancing around as more ponies filtered past them. Looking left and right, Pinkie seemed to be checking to see how many ponies were left on the platform before answering, seeing the last few grab their luggage and head toward town she replied. "She should be here riiiiiiiiiiiiight about. . .now." No sooner had the last syllable left Pinkie's tongue, than Fluttershy walked into view, however she wasn't alone. On either side of her were two ponies, one slightly taller than the other. Both wore heavy cloaks that completely obscured their bodies and faces from view. As Fluttershy walked forward, the two figures came with her, the larger one briefly fidgeting with a small bundle just barely visible beneath their cloak. "Hello Twilight, Hello Spike, oh and you to Rarity, it was awfully nice of you to come and meet us all at the station." Fluttershy greeted with a smile. Twilight glanced suspiciously at the two cloaked figures behind her friend. "Its great to see you to Fluttershy but, who are these ponies?" Twilight asked, a note of concern entering her voice. However before Fluttershy could offer a word of explanation, the figures cast off their cloaks with a dramatic flourish. "SUPRISE!!" Shouted the unveiled figures of the regent of the Crystal Empire herself, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and her husband Shining Armor, while tucked into a carrying sling around Cadence's neck, was their daughter Flurry Heart. Twilight stared in shock at her sister in law. "Cadence?! Shining?! Flurry?! What are you all doing here?!" Twilight cried out in a mixture of surprise, happiness and mild foreboding. "We came to visit of course." Cadence declared, happily embracing her sister in law. "Cadence's exact word were: if I don't get out of this castle for a few days I'm going to scream. Plus little Flurry here really wanted to see her favorite aunt." Shining Armor related with a chuckle. Twilight felt another flare of panic as the familiar feeling of events spiralling out of control assailed her. Something of how she was feeling must have shown on her face, as Cadence gave her a concerned look. "I hope this isn't a bad time?" She asked, a look of worry appearing on her face. Twilight struggled to respond as her mind instantly conjured a thousand horrible ways things could go wrong. "Yes! Er, I mean; No not at all, well it is but it isn't, it's kinda hard to explain, see well. . ." Twilight sighed in defeat as she glanced at Rarity, who gave a nod of unspoken agreement. "Ok. . . I kinda, have a surprise for you too. I want to introduce you to somepony, he's a really good friend, and he's a great hero. Just. . . brace yourselves, he's kinda. . .unusual." Twilight explained, then turning her head, and ignoring the neurotic voice in the back of her head begging her to reconsider, Twilight called out. "DERRAN? WOULD YOU PLEASE COME OUT HERE?!" Before anypony could ask questions, a figure appeared from around the corner of the train station. Seeming to melt out from the shadows, he approached the group of ponies at a leisurely pace. Twilight would have been drooling over how amazing Derran looked without his armor, but she was too busy watching her brother and sister in law's reactions, not to mention those of Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Eyes widened in shock, mouths fell open, and to Twilight's unspoken dismay, Shining moved to interpose himself between his wife and the incoming human. As for Derran, he betrayed only the vaguest hint of surprise as his eyes flicked to Cadences wings and horn. Nopony so much as breathed, as Derran Grandel stood before them. "Cadence, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Shining, I would like to introduce Derran Grandel." She stated, gesturing to him with a hoof and deliberately leaving out his title. "Derran these are my friends Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, my brother, and sister in law. Prince Shining Armor, and princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and their daughter Flurry Heart." As smoothly as if he had rehearsed it a thousand times, Derran fell to one knee his right arm across his chest making a fist over his heart, his head bowed low. "Your eternal servant, Seraphim Mi Amore Cadenza, and yours, lord Shining Armor, and of course it is always an honor to meet any friend of Seraph Twilight." Derran's formal tone and show of fealty clearly surprised those assembled, as for a moment they were at a loss for words. "Uh. . .thank you." Cadance offered after a slightly awkward pause. Clearly just as flummoxed as Twilight had been when he had performed the ritualistic bow for her. However it was at this point that Flurry Heart, who had been asleep during the entire proceeding, chose to awake. Yawning and glancing around as she blinked sleep from her eyes, the young foal's gaze settled upon Derran's kneeling form. With a sound of joyous excitement, Flurry wriggled free of her swaddling to fly over to the Doom Slayer. Alighting on the ground before him with a giggling exclamation. Glancing up from the ground, Derran stared at the foal in front of him. His eyes widened in shock, his mouth opening and closing a few times as the breath caught in his throat. "Impossible. . ." He said in a whispered tone filled with a disbelieving awe. "This child. . .she is. . .it is not possible!" Twilight recalled her own surprise at the discovery that her niece was an alicorn, but it had been nothing close to what Derran appeared to be feeling. "A born Seraphim?!" He asked in a tone of deep reverence, seemingly unable to believe what he was saying. As if sensing the Doom Slayer's confusion and wishing to comfort him, Flurry wrapped her front hooves around Derran's bent leg, a happy smile upon her face. Swiftly bowing his head once again, Derran seemed overtaken with emotion. "I. . .I do not deserve. . ." Derran seemed to be trembling as Flurry only looked up at him her smile turning to a look of apparent concern. "She is beautiful!" Derran stated in a shaking voice, that spoke of an immense weight to every word. All those present watched the exchange with varying degrees of confusion. As the strange alien reacted to Flurry Heart's presence like she were a goddess come to earth, as opposed to a curious foal trying to make a friend. "Um. . .thank you? She, uh. . . seems to really like you Mr. . .Grandel, was it?" Cadance asked awkwardly, feeling at once confused, and proud that her little girl could affect somepony so dramatically. Derran seemed not to hear at first as he raised his head, and extended a trembling hand to the foal who released his shin to nuzzle his outstretched fingers affectionately. Finally. Cadance's words seemed to register, and Derran blinked as if awakening from a trance. "I was not aware that there were other Seraphim in Equestria besides ladies Luna, Celestia, and Twilight." Derran stated managing to compose himself after a moment. "It is good to know that more have been chosen, and that one has been born is surely divine providence." For a moment Derran's tone took on a note of religious fervor as he smiled down at Flurry who giggled up at him with a smile of her own. "I don't know about 'divine providence' but we're certainly proud of her." Replied Shining Armor, with a faint smile indicating that he was already starting to relax in Derran's presence. Derran nodded as he rose to his feet, only for Flurry to fly up and perch on his shoulder. For a moment Shining Armor glanced at his daughter sitting on the shoulder of a creature at least a head or two taller than himself, and felt a flutter of apprehension pass through his gut. Glancing over at his sister however he felt reassured by the fact that she was struggling not to laugh at the odd sight. The tension was then broken down even further by PInkie Pie, who moved in a pink blur to stand in front of Derran. "Awwww, that. . .is . . .the. . .cutest thing. . .EVER!" She stated clasping her front hooves next to her face in an adoring expression, before pulling a camera seemingly out of nowhere to take a picture of the moment, dazzling everypony with the flash. Even Derran seemed caught off guard as he rubbed the afterimage from his eyes before noting the camera had vanished again, and Pinkie was now pasting the freshly developed instant photo into a scrapbook entitled "Derran and my Friends Scrapbook." Derran's eyes widened slightly at Pinkie's behavior, before an odd half smile made its way onto his face. Finished with her scrapbooking, Pinkie placed the book within her mane where it was soon lost amid the fluffy pink curls that somewhat resembled cotton candy. "So you're a human right? I've never seen a human only Twilight told me about them from that time Sunset Shimmer stole her crown did she ever tell you about that? Anyway she told me all about humans is it true you never walk on all fours or that you have these strange little plastic squares that you can talk to other humans with? Oooh, is it true that you always wear clothes because otherwise-" "PINKIE!" Twilight exclaimed, breaking her friend out of her endless train of questions before it went farther than anypony was comfortable with. "Yeah Twilight?" Pinkie asked, her enthusiasm not diminished even slightly. "Derran is new here maybe you could. . ." Twilight was cut off by a squeal so high pitched it could shatter glass. "OHMYGOSH! I JUST REALIZED YOU'RE TOTALLY NEW TO PONYVILLE!" Pinkie shouted, before switching to a more serious tone of brusque efficiency. "Excuse me everypony but I need to get on this like frosting on a cake!" Pinkie stated, before vanishing in a flash of magenta. For several seconds nopony spoke, then Derran chuckled, a bemused expression on his face. "You might have warned me that lady Pinkie Pie was a weird." he stated with a small smile. "A what?" Twilight asked confused. Derran arched an eyebrow, as if surprised Twilight had not known the term. "A 'Weird'. An individual with an extremely rare mystical trait that allows those who posses it to bend, or even break, the laws of reality. The most common abilities include: unconscious space time manipulation, ability to alter one's own physical composition, and the power to see into other realities." Derran explained with a shrug. Twilight's mouth fell open stunned. "Wait. There's actually an explanation for what Pinkie does?!" She asked incredulously. "Well. . .yes, you mean you did not know milady?" Derran asked in mild surprise. Twilight shook her head. "No, I always figured it was unique to Pinkie and couldn't be explained." Derran shrugged. "I suppose that is not all that surprising. It is an exceedingly rare gift, and those who posses it often do not realize they are using it. But see here milady, why don't we get everypony settled back at the castle, and then discuss it?" He suggested glancing at Cadence, Shining Armor, and Fluttershy "Right, of course. Let's just grab their luggage." Twilight replied swiftly, trying to cover up that she had momentarily forgotten they were there. "Um, excuse me, Twilight?" Came a soft apologetic sounding voice so low it was almost a whisper. "Yes Fluttershy?" Twilight asked turning her attention to her friend. Fluttershy hemmed and hawed slightly before she explained. "Well it's just, I really need to get back in time to feed all the animals, especially Angel, and well. . . your castle is on the other side of town, and so, I was wondering. . ." "Oh of course, you go take care of your animals, and we'll catch up later, sound good?" Twilight suggested with a sympathetic smile. Fluttershy nodded happily as she made her way to the luggage cart. However on reaching it, she went for what was easily the largest case on it. A massive steamer trunk, that was easily bigger than she was. How she had managed to travel with such a burden without aid was a mystery. Setting her hooves, Fluttershy heaved with all her strength, managing to push the trunk off the cart, barely. Grabbing a hold of the worn leather strap on the side she tugged with everything she had, but only managed to break the strap and tumble backward. Equestrian leather was made from the bark of a tree, as opposed to the tanned hide of animals like on D'nur, but it was every bit as strong, breaking it wasn't exactly easy, and it testified to the item's weight. Derran had seen enough, protocol demanded that he escort the Seraphs back to the castle, but his heart commanded that he aid the struggling Fluttershy. Ever so gently he removed Flurry Heart from his shoulder. Treating her as if she were a priceless ancient tapestry that would crumble to dust at a single errant movement, Derran placed the young Alicorn in the sling around her mother's neck. Flurry clearly didn't wish to be separated from her new friend/favorite perch, and grabbed at Derran's departing hands. However Derran calmed her with a loving pat on the head, and a calm word. "Now, now, little one, I will return, but first I must aid our friend lady Fluttershy." He said with a smile, before turning and walking to Fluttershy's side. Hefting the trunk onto his shoulder as if it weighed no more than a feather, Derran glanced down at the wide eyed yellow pony with a gentle grin. "Where to milady?" Derran asked. "Oh you don't have to do that mister Derran!" Fluttershy protested, as if Derran was undertaking some sisyphean task, as opposed to carrying luggage. Though given the trunk's weight, to any other being it might well have been. Derran simply chuckled at Fluttershy's comment. "I am afraid you will have to take that up with my conscience milady." He said smoothly. "In the meantime, perhaps you could point me in the proper direction?" Seemingly unsure of how to respond, Fluttershy was relieved to hear Twilight speak up. "I'll go with you, I, uh, need to discuss something with Fluttershy anyway." Derran smiled at Twilight's effort to spare his feelings, but he knew that she really was going so her friend wouldn't have to walk around alone with a strange alien. "I'm sorry, you guy's can get to the castle on your own right?" Twilight asked her brother apologetically. Shining nodded in understanding. "Yep, unless you moved it since our last visit?" He joked, then glancing warily at Derran he lowered his voice to a whisper. "You're sure you'll be alright?" Twilight bristled slightly at the question, but understood her brother was just trying to look out for her. She nodded. "Trust me, I'm safer with Derran than if I had an entire army with me." Shining still wasn't totally sold on the strange biped, but he knew his sister, and she wouldn't sound that confidant if she had any doubts. "Ok we'll see you back at the castle then, don't take too long." Shining stated, ruffling his sister's mane. "Hey!" She laughingly protested, but he was already walking away. "I'll head back to the castle with them, and make sure everypony gets settled in properly dear." Rarity stated with a smile before turning to catch up with Cadence and Shining who had already grabbed their belongings and headed toward the street. "I'll go too." Spike stated, and Twilight nodded before redirecting her attention back to Derran, and Fluttershy. "Ok Fluttershy, lead the way." Twilight stated, gesturing with her hoof. The trip to Fluttershy's cottage was made mostly in silence, periodically punctuated by awkward attempts at conversation that inevitably fell flat. Until however, Derran decided to speak. "So lady Fluttershy, Twilight tells me you once managed to talk down a manticore of all things?" He asked conversationally. Fluttershy glanced up at Derran with a slightly nervous expression before nodding. "It was really no big deal." Fluttershy mumbled, hiding behind her mane. "Oh? You managed to calm down an enraged predatory beast, alone? Without the use of any tranquilizer or other sedative? Forgive me if I speak out of turn, but that is hardly 'nothing'." Derran declared calmly, as he shifted the trunk on his shoulder to a slightly more comfortable position. Fluttershy tried to hide even further behind her mane, blushing slightly at the praise. "I was just doing what anypony would have done for a creature in need." Fluttershy replied meekly. Derran shrugged. "Perhaps, but of all your friends, only you were able to see the true cause of the beast's aggression. I consider myself a fairly observant man, but I could never imagine having such insight into another creature's woes." Derran stated truthfully. "Oh, I'm sure you're just being modest, I bet you could have done it." Fluttershy stated, starting to feel a little more comfortable. Derran shook his head. "With respect milady, I do not believe that is so. More to the point, even if I could have, my response would have been far less. . .restrained, than yours. Keeping your head, you managed to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, that is a truly admirable quality. One I am forced to admit I do not posses." Derran stated with a slight sadness. "I don't know Derran, you're a pretty smooth talker when you want to be." Twilight stated with a laugh. Chuckling in response Derran shook his head. "My enemies might disagree with you milady." Derran stated. "Is that your home up there lady Fluttershy?" He asked inclining his head toward a beautiful, sod roofed edifice on a hill. With walls of yellow adobe or clay, it stood alongside a gently flowing stream, a small wooden bridge allowing a winding dirt path to lead up to it. Fluttershy nodded. "Oh yes." She stated, finally seeming to let her guard down. "It is magnificent, it's almost as if it was a living part of the landscape." Derran breathed out, his praise heartfelt. Fluttershy smiled at Derran's appreciation of her home. "Oh that's very kind of you, you should come for tea one day mister-" At that moment Fluttershy was interrupted by a loud bang as the door to her cottage flew open, and a tall misshapen figure walked out. The creature's body was a mishmash of elements from a variety of creatures, serpent, pony, dragon, lion, donkey, and griffon to name just a few, making him utterly impossible to mistake. "Oh Fluttershy how I missed-" Discord began, only to stop mid sentence as his mismatched eyes fell upon Derran. . . Twilight, and Fluttershy had seen a lot of expressions on the chaos lord's face: astonishment, fury, playfulness, but the expression he wore on sighting the Doom Slayer was entirely new. Sheer, undiluted, terror. A loud thud sounded as the steamer trunk was thrown from Derran's shoulder. "YOU!!" The two yelled out. Their utterance was simultaneous, but their tones could not have been more different. Discord's voice was a high pitched squeal of supreme fear, while Derran's was a roar of near berserk fury. Discord raised his fingers intending to snap them and teleport as far away as he could, but he was just a hair to slow. Before the stunned eyes of Twilight and Fluttershy, Derran drew a strange symbol in the air before shouting "ZAHN! Discord!!" at the top of his lungs. Discord snapped his fingers, and his face turned white as nothing happened. "Oh no." Discord squeaked out, as the Doom Slayer charged at him. Fortunately, even bereft of his magic, Discord was still remarkably fast, and his body shape made his movements hard to predict, allowing him to just manage to twist out of the path of a punch that would have impaled him on Derran's arm. "I SHALL END YOU CHAOS BRINGER!!" Derran roared. Though not normally known for talking in battle, Derran felt there were occasions where one's true emotions simply had to be unburdened. Besides, Derran more than anything wanted his old foe's last few moments to be filled with fear and pain in equal measure. "I can explain!" Discord begged, managing to scramble behind a nearby tree as Derran was slightly overbalanced by his missed punch. "DIE ABOMINATION!!" Derran bellowed as his second punch obliterated the tree, and sent Discord flying. Discord recovered just in time to feel five fingers wrap around his throat, and bring him face to face with the most terrifying, hate filled, gaze in existence. With his supply of oxygen cut off, Discord could only watch in terror as Derran wound up for a finishing blow. "I WARNED YOU NEVER TO RETURN! NOW PAY THE PRICE FOR YOUR ARROGANT TEMERITY MONSTER!!" "STOP!!" Derran checked his fist just before it would have turned Discord's head into a cloud of blood, bone, and pulped grey matter.Turning his head, he stared at Twilight in stark disbelief. "Put him down right this instant!" Twilight stated firmly. Derran instantly began to protest. "Milady, you cannot be serious! You must know what this creature is, he-" "I know who he is Derran, he's my friend, just like you are. Let him go!" Twilight's voice was calm, but commanding, and Derran relented. "By your will Seraph." He stated, visibly reigning in his temper as he dropped Discord unceremoniously to the ground. Coughing and hacking, Discord managed a grateful glance at Twilight. "Thank you Twilight, that was just a hair to close for comfort." Discord stated, and for once he sounded entirely sincere. Then glancing fearfully around Discord looked up at Derran. "Your brother's aren't here are they?! I'd rather not-" Discord was silenced by a glare that could have leveled a mountain range. "Speak any further of the past, and I shall remove your forked tongue!" Derran commanded coldly, cutting off whatever Discord had been about to say, though not before Twilight registered it and filed it away for later. "Enough Derran! I don't know what happened between you two in the past, but Discord has changed! He saved my life, heck, he saved the lives of everypony in Equestria, including Celestia, and Luna!" Suddenly Derran's demeanor shifted slightly, and his gaze bored into Discord's with an expression as icy as the voice he spoke in. "Is this true?" He demanded without so much as blinking. His tone promising terrible consequences in the event Discord attempted to mislead him. "Yes." Discord said simply, clearly able to see that the Doom Slayer was in no mood for jokes. Taking a deep breath, and letting it out, Derran allowed the anger to leave his body. Extending his hand to help Discord to his feet Derran spoke. "Then I beg forgiveness for my rash judgment. If you acted in defense of this land, and if the Seraphim have given you their blessing, then I am in your debt." Accepting Derran's help, Discord was quickly back on his feet, yet Derran did not let go. Holding Discord in place so that their gazes were locked."However, until I can confirm your story with ladies Luna, and Celestia, I am obligated to keep an eye on you. I'm certain you understand?" Derran stated calmly, thought there was no mistaking the faint undertone of warning in his voice. "Of course," Discord agreed sullenly. "I would never chastise the guardian of Equestria for performing his holy duties." He declared. Derran nodded, ignoring the hint of sarcasm in Discord's voice, but still did not release his arm. "Then you also understand that the past is a delicate thing, and that it is. . .unwise to bring it up before it's time." Derran stated, his tone low and threatening as he emphasized the word: unwise. "Oh absolutely." Discord replied his smile and tone implying a good humor that didn't quite reach his eyes. Derran responded with a curt nod, and a smile that also did not extend to his eyes, before finally releasing Discord's limb. As she watched the exchange between the gods of war and chaos, Twilight could almost see the tension in the air as crackling bolts of electrical energy. Made all the more unnerving, when she noticed a disturbing detail about Derran. One of Derran's most striking features were his eyes, two beautiful orbs of icy blue, so deep you could drown in them, at least. . .normally. However, when Derran's anger had been roused, those irises of blue had undergone a disturbing transformation, becoming a violent, hateful, scarlet. . .