//------------------------------// // Chapter 4. // Story: I AM Human // by Synthetic Soul //------------------------------// Celestia let out a heavy sigh as she lowered the moon and raised the sun. This was the third day in a row that Luna was too depressed to even remove herself from her room. Well Celestia wasn’t going to do nothing anymore. Her sister was deteriorating, and if she did nothing, it would only get worse. Celestia knew what she had to do. The princess left her room, and began making her way down the hall towards her sister’s residence. AS she did, she began to think about the situation they were going through. ‘Luna, I know you are in pain. But you have a country to run. I will no longer watch you waste away. I am going to do something about it.’ A short trip later, and Celestia found herself in front of Luna’s door. She raised her hoof and knocked three times. She waited, but received no response. Celestia thought maybe she was asleep and that it would be best to let her sister rest, but another part of her mind told her it was best to speak to her now, while she had what she was planning on saying fresh in her mind. So she opened the door, and stepped inside. “Luna, we need to-“ But before she could finish her sentence, she gasped as she saw her sister dangling from a noose. Her wings were bound, and her horn had a dampener on it to prevent from involuntary attempts at self-preservation. Luna was still conscious and thrashing, mean she had just made the attempt. “LUNA!” cried Celestia as she quickly galloped into the room. She ran up to her sister, and flapped her wings, hovering in the air. She then grabbed onto Luna’s barrel, and used her magic to cut the rope. As soon as it did, Celestia gently lowered the two of them onto the floor. Celestia laid her sister down, removed her sisters restraints, and began assessing Luna’s condition. “Luna! Luna, can you hear me?” It took a moment, but soon, her sister inhaled deeply, and began coughing. She raised her head, letting out painful hacks, before it began to subside. Her eyes opened, and connected with Celestia’s. “T-Tia?” “Yes Luna, I’m here!” cried Celestia as she brought Luna into a tight hug. Celestia began crying, tears flowing from her eyes, dampening her and Luna’s coats. “Luna, what were you thinking?” questioned Celestia as she drew back to look at her sister. Luna didn’t respond, but her lips began trembling as water leaked from her eyes. “Luna, please, you can tell me.” “It-it’s Midnight,” replied the lunar princess. “Luna, I know you miss him, and you feel bad about what you did, but I thought you were at least starting to cope.” “No…I mean y-yes, I thought I was too, but something has changed. I-I don’t just miss him…I-I’m seeing him. I keep s-seeing him wherever I go! It’s like his ghost is haunting me! And then last night…last night he came to me! He was in my room; only he was decaying like a corpse. He told me that what happened was my fault, and it WAS my fault, but then he said…he said…” “Luna?” “He said there was only one way for me to make up for it…” Celestia shut her eyes, and brought her sister in for another hug. It lasted a few moments, before she separated, and looked Luna in the eye. “That’s it Luna. I can’t watch this anymore. Things have only been getting worse and worse with you. It’s time to do something about it. Tomorrow, I’m taking you to a therapist.” “No Tia, that won’t help!” “Luna, you may not think you need to go, but you do. I know you’re a grown mare, but you’re still my little sister, so I’m making this call.” “But…they’re just going to tell me what I already know!” “And what is that, Luna?” “That it’s my fault, and I deserve this!” Tears came to Celestia, as she looked her sister in the eyes. “Luna. We both know what you did, it wasn’t the right call. You took Midnight from his home and tried to instill yourself as his parent. But I helped! You never would have been able to bring him here if Twilight, Cadence and I hadn’t helped you. And the only reason we did help you was because we couldn’t bear to see your pain anymore. But our decision only caused more pain. For you, for Midnight…and for me. But Luna…you regret what you did don’t you?” “Yes! If it meant bringing him back, I’d let him live the rest of his life with out him even knowing I exist!” “Sister, you’ve suffered for what happened. I know you were misguided and that you’re in pain, but life has to go on. If you let the past have such a vice grip on you, it will weigh you down into a place you do not want to go.” Luna sniffled, and wiped a tear from her eye. “Luna let me help you. We can’t fix what’s happened, but we can make it better! I promise you! You just have to let me help you…please.” Luna seemed to consider this for a short while, before she looked back at her sister. “Alright Tia…alright.” “Good. Don’t worry sister, we will get through this. But until we see the doctor tomorrow, I’m going to stay by your side.” “Ok.” Celestia helped Luna sit up and rubbed her back with her wing. “Come on. Let’s get something to eat.” “Alright. I could use some food.” The two sisters exited the room, and began making their way to the dining hall. “Don’t worry Luna. I’m sure that things are going to get better.” No one paid any attention to the cyan Pegasus colt with a blonde mane as he glided from high in the sky, landing in a darkened alleyway in the streets of Canterlot. He landed with a soft clip clop of his hooves. After touching down, he looked around, before whispering out. “Chrysalis? Chrysalis, are where are you?” “I am here,” came a voice from the darkest part of the alley. The Pegasus turned his head, and saw the Changeling Queen step into the light. The Pegasus turned his body to face her, and erupted into green flame, transforming back into his pony/changeling hybrid form. “We took care of Blueblood. We’re steadily replacing Canterlots ponies, and Stinger has completed his task with Luna.” “Very good my Prince,” said Chrysalis as she strode towards Tristan. “Our mind games have nearly shattered Princess Luna. Soon, our revenge will complete. And it will be delicious,” she finished as she licked her lips. “I’m not a Prince,” stated Tristan firmly. “Not yours or anyone else’s.” Chrysalis pouted, as she stroked the side of Tristan’s face with her hoof. “Oh? You may not feel that way, but I have begun to see you as family. After all, I did take you in, I trained you and made you powerful, and I’ve even dedicated my entire army to helping you gain your revenge.” Chrysalis put her head atop of Tristan’s as she said this. As she did, her eyes glowed a subtle green. As they did, Tristan’s eyes also faintly glowed, though he didn’t notice. “I…appreciate what you’re saying, but…I-I only have one mother. My human mother.” “Hm,” responded Chrysalis as she separated from the colt. “Well, I will not force you. After all, I am not a monster like Luna. But I have grown attached to you. You’re almost like my own child.” Tristan didn’t respond, but Chrysalis didn’t need him to. She knew he was considering it. “Go now. You probably have things you want to do, and I have things I must do as well.” “Yes…of course.” Tristan backed away, and began hovering in the air. “I’ll see you later.” Tristan then flew away, taking on a pony guise once again. Chrysalis watched him leave, a smile on her face. She chuckled to herself. “Soon, MY revenge will be complete. My royal DNA now flows through the boy’s veins, and now he’s slowly coming under my control, bit by bit. And once he’s fully indoctrinated, he will be mine. And when he calls me mother in front of Luna…it will DESTROY her!” Chrysalis let out an evil cackle as she thought about how her plan would soon come to fruition. She would take everything from the Princesses, including Midnights love. “Princesses, you think you’re in a dark place now…just wait until my plan is finished.” And then, Chrysalis changed her form into a pony, and left the alley, blending in with the ponies of Canterlot.