//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Apologies Aren't Always Enough // by SadisticFluttershy //------------------------------// Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 6 Written by: ~SadisticFluttershy~ Before any more could be said, Nurse Redheart entered the room. “Sunset Shimmer?”      Sunset put her gaze on Redheart. “What’s up?” “A group of girls are here to see you. They told me that they were your friends?” ‘Were my friends’ Sunset said in her thoughts.      Sunset wondered why she had even sent that text in the first place. Odds were that they would have found out soon enough probably from their sisters and it wouldn’t make sense to keep it a secret. Sunset sighed as she said to Redheart to let the girls into the room.     The nurse nodded and stood aside, letting in four girls.      Sunset took a good look at the four girls that stood at the door to her hospital room. Each of them looked nervous. She immediately noticed that Pinkie Pie’s hair was flat instead of its usual poofy cotton candy shape. That wasn’t a good sign.      Sunset wasn’t able to get a good look at Fluttershy’s face. She did however, get a glimpse of the girls teal eyes. It looked as though she had been crying. Looking over to her mom, she called out to her.      “Mom? Can you and Nurse Redheart step out for a bit? I need to be alone with them if that’s okay.”      Fleur gave Sunset a hug. “Of course it is sweetie. We’ll be outside if you need me okay?” “Okay.” Sunset smiled.      With that, the two women left the room, closing the door behind them leaving Sunset with the other girls that shared the space.      Sunset motioned them to take a seat anywhere they’d like.      The room was silent for a few moments, save for some of the noise from outside the door. The girls grew more nervous as each moment passed being in the presence of Sunset Shimmer. What they had done was unforgivable. They turned their backs on the poor girl thinking that she had somehow went back to her ‘old ways’ and used them to get their deepest secrets that were hidden away. Only for the truth to be told when the girls found out that Sunset had been innocent the entire time.      Finally, after observing the girls, Sunset was ready to speak. However, that’s when she noticed someone was absent. Raising an eyebrow Sunset asked, “Where is Rainbow Dash?” Silence. “Where. Is. Rainbow. Dash?” Sunset asked again, with irritation in her voice. Fluttershy winced from the girl’s tone. “She… she couldn’t come.” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Really? Why not?”      Fluttershy shifted uneasily in her chair in finding a response without making Sunset mad. “She said that… she couldn’t bring herself here and see you like this. She did get your text but didn’t respond. She also said that because she failed you as a friend, she was in no right to come here.”      Sunset grunted. “Seriously? I wouldn’t have sent that text if I felt that none of you should be here. You girls would’ve found out eventually, why hide it?”      “Sunset dear, the main reason why she didn’t come is not only because she said she felt she wasn’t in the right to come here, it’s also because she said that she wasn’t there to protect you like she should have. Just like the rest of us should have.” Rarity added.      “And ah’m sorry that Rainbow didn’t come. Ah’m sure she would’ve loved to be here to see you just like we are even if it is awkward. Ah’m just happy that you’re alive.” Applejack said.      “It makes me happy that you’re still here with us Sunset. I would have been devastated if we were told that you were gone forever.” Pinkie Pie added      Sunset wasn’t sure on what to say to any of what she had heard. It made her somewhat happy to know that they were glad that she is alive and well. They were genuinely sorry for what they did to her. Sunset was trying very hard to find a spot somewhere to just forget that any of that ever happened. She just couldn’t. “Sunset, we need ta’ know who did this to you.”      Applejack said, breaking the silence in the room.      Sunset looked at Applejack’s emerald eyes. She could tell that she was clearly interested in knowing on who’d put her in this bed that was laying on. “Why should I tell you? Or any of you for that matter?” Sunset asked. “We just want to help you is all.” Applejack said.      Sunset’s eyes narrowed. “Help? HELP? Hello! Where the fuck were you when I needed you! You see these?” Sunset lifted her gown, pointing at every single stab wound she received just yesterday. “All these were caused because someone wanted me dead!”      “And you know what else? I’m also here because you girls accused me of being Anon-A-Miss when clearly I wasn’t! I seriously still cannot comprehend on how in Equestria you all thought I was her and would post your secrets for the whole school to see! I mean come on, where was the common sense in any of this?”      “Think about it for a second. Why would I throw away everything that I’ve earned ever since that day at the Fall Formal when you girls defeated me? Something told me that even after the battle of the bands and defeating the sirens that somehow I would turn back to the old Sunset? That would be awful. It broke my heart when you thought I was Anon-A-Miss. Really, it did. And I’m fucking glad that you feel guilty about it too because we all know that it was your jealousy driven sisters that practically ruined my damn life!”      “So if you want to help me, help me by….” Sunset looked at the girls one by one, her heart in turmoil, struggling not to give into this sense of despairing frustration. In her rage, anger and deep sorrow, her life with them flashed before her eyes to this very moment. She wanted to go back, make things right again. But this was not her responsibility, she knew.      Her scowl dropped. Helpless without an answer, she dropped her hands on the sheets and sighed. “I don’t even know. How could I know?” The girls remained silent. Facing the results of their actions.      Starlight expressions swung in the margins between anger and sadness, finally settling on a mix between the two. Her voice made clear what was in her heart. “HOW COULD I KNOW?!” The next few moments were spent in silence. Before long, the door to Sunset’s hospital room opened, revealing Nurse Redheart and Sunset’s mother, Fleur. “Girls, It’s time that Sunset gets some rest. I appreciate you all coming to talk to her.”      Fleur just stared at the four girls. She was still upset at them for dumping her daughter the way they had. It wasn’t right, and it shouldn’t be. It wouldn’t be. Not until they had made their amends, no matter how grave their remorse. At least they showed their regrets and willingness to set things straight. A glimmer of hope for her daughter at least.      The four girls nodded at the nurse and said their goodbyes before walking out of the room. Nurse Redheart went ahead and performed a check up on Sunset to see how she was healing. She was done in but a few minutes, adjusting Sunsets medication accordingly. “Thank you for everything Nurse Redheart.” Sunset said, smiling at the nurse.      Redheart returned the smile. “Please, Redheart is fine sweetie. And you’re welcome. Now take those pain medications and get some rest okay?” “I will. Promise.” And with that, the nurse left the room leaving Fleur and Sunset alone in the room.      Sunset turned to look at her mother. “I think you should go mom. You’ve been here for the past two days.”      “Sunset sweetie, I won’t be going anywhere. My boss knows that I’m here and understands that you’re my main priority. You always will be, Sunset. I’m going to stay here until we walk out of here together.” Fleur assured Sunset.      “Are you sure? I’ll be fine. Besides, you’ve done an awesome job taking care of me while I’m here.” Fleur nodded. “I’m sure. You don’t need to worry about me.” Sunset smiled. “Well.. alright then mom. I should get some rest. Good night.”      The two girls shared a hug. “Goodnight Sunset, I love you.” “Love you too mom.” Sunset said with a yawn as she drifted off to sleep.      Fleur took a seat in her chair next to Sunset. She wasn’t sure for how long Sunset was going to be in the hospital. Sure her daughter's injuries were pretty serious, but she was recovering well. Surely she won’t be in here for weeks or even months.      A few hours passed as Sunset’s mother sat in the chair that was next to the hospital bed staring at her daughter as she slept. The slow, but steady breaths that she took as her chest rose and fell gently. It was good to see that her daughter was doing relatively well. She made sure that her daughter took the pain medication that Nurse Redheart gave her to ease the pain from her stitched areas. One thought kept lingering in the back of her mind. ‘Who had done this to Sunset?’ That one thought would inevitably reel her mind down the same path. ‘Why didn’t her friends trust her when this fiasco started? Why didn’t they protect her?’      Fleur looked at the clock that sat on the far wall. It was almost two in the morning. With a yawn, Fleur closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.