Pokémon Eclipse

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 11 – Meet the Parents

“Check it out!” Sam pulled his Holo Caster away from his face to give room for his Z-Ring, which he held up with his Fightinium Z inside the face, also revealing his casual day wear.

“Whoa, that’s cool!” The full 3D head and torso of Sam’s mother was projected in a blue light from the top of Sam’s device. “Where’d you get that thing?”

“It’s a bit of a long story, but I can now use Z-Moves with this.”

“Oh, that’s one of those Z-Rings I’ve heard about. Did your sister also get one?”

“Yes, we got ours together.”

“Benji, come and say good morning to your son!” Susan turned to the left as she called for her husband.

After a few moments, his image also appeared beside her. “Hey, kiddo. What’s going on?”

“Sam just told me he completed all his trials!”

“Already? You already beat the Island Challenge?”

“No, no…” Sam couldn’t help but look annoyed at his mother’s mild ineptitude. “I’ve completed all my trials on Melemele. I still need to take on the ones on the other three islands first.”

“Oh, my apologies,” Susan responded. “It’s a bit different from the gyms.”

Sam forced a smile. “So, I’m guessing you’re calling other than to see how we’re doing?”

“Right!” Benji jumped in. “Your mother and I were planning on taking a little trip over to Ten Karat Hill for a picnic this afternoon and wondered if you and Alice wanted to come with.”

Sam looked to his side to the bathroom door, still hearing the shower head running inside.

“Where is she?” Susan asked.

“In the shower. She’s planning on taking her Grand Trial in a few hours.”

“Oh, really? You’re still in Iki Town? That’s not too far from where we’re going. Maybe we can come and watch.”

“Uh… Sure! I’m sure she’d love that.”

“How much time do we got?” Benji asked.

“Well, Hau’s still resting his Pokémon up from our battle, but he thinks it should only be a couple of hours.”

“Sounds perfect!” Susan exclaimed. “We’ll be there in less than one!”

“Okay… so, I, uh… yeah, see you soon!”

“We’ll call you when we’re close. Maybe show us around a little bit.”

“‘Kay then, I’ll see you.”

“Okay, then. Bye.”

Sam flicked his Holo Caster off, feeling alone enough to take an anxious breath.

“Oh boy…” he mumbled with his hand over his face.

“Sam!” Fluttershy came from the bedroom with Starlight, the latter’s magic brushing her hair out straight. “Were those your parents?”

“Yeah, they were.”

“You didn’t let us say, ‘Hi?’” Starlight chided.

“Oh, believe me, you’ll meet them soon enough. They’ll be coming over in the next hour to watch Alice and Hau’s battle.”

“Oh, how lovely!” Fluttershy chirped. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

Sam turned away from them and made his way to the kitchen. “I can,” he whispered.

Walking inside he found Hau in the dining room with his Passimian and Hariyama sitting along the back wall, Passiman shoveling in handfuls of fruit salad from a large metal bowl, and Hariyama drinking from quart-sized measuring cup full of raw, unbeaten eggs.

“Don’t eat too much, Passimian!” Hau chuckled. “You don’t want to get a stomachache against Alice’s Pokémon, do you?”

Hau reached for the bowl, only for his Pokémon to pull it away and hug it close with a defensive hiss. From the corner of his vision, he saw Sam standing at the counter, clearly waiting for him.

“Sam.” Hau walked to Sam, standing at the end of the counter. “What can I do for you, man?”

“It’s uh…”

“Hey, you’re not still scared about going off to the other islands, are you? Because after the way you and Honedge–”

“No, it’s not that, it’s my parents.”

Hau could tell from the quickness of Sam’s speech that something about them was clearly troubling him. “What about your parents?”

“They’re coming to Iki Town in a little bit.”

“What?! That sounds awesome! Why the long face about it?”

“It’s just… God, how do I say this without sounding weird… I mean, I’m sure you know how protective parents can be.”

“Sure. Are yours like, super overprotective?”

“I… wouldn’t say that, it’s just… How do you think they’re going to react when they see the ponies and then either Alice or I have to say, ‘Oh yeah, these two things came from that portal two nights ago, and now we’re traveling with them to find the others because we’re friends now. You can trust these talking, magical ponies from another world with your kids!’ I mean, I thought of just hiding them in the bedroom or something until they leave, but I don’t have the heart to do that to them, but–”

“Whoa, whoa, dude, slow down!” Hau approached Sam with his hands placed on his shoulders. “I think you’re overthinking this way too hard. I’m sure your folks will love the ponies just like we do.”

“It’s not really them loving them that bothers me.” Sam backed away from Hau’s grasp. “I really just don’t want to deal with a lecture about how we should leave the ponies in more capable hands.”

“I honestly don’t know whose hands the ponies are more capable in than you and your sister’s. I mean, you defeated my trial with only one Pokémon. I’ve never had anyone do that since I’ve become a kahuna.”

Sam couldn’t hold back a smile to hear such an honor, but resumed his worried grimace. “I… know, and I’m certain my sister is an even better trainer than me, but that really won’t matter to them. I’ve already nearly had the ponies taken from me yesterday, I don’t want to go through that again today.”

“Listen, for what it’s worth, I guarantee you’ll have an easier time with your parents than you had with Gladion.” Hau then sighed as he passed Sam and went to the exit door. “But it seems this is going to be one of those bridges that we’ll have to cross when we come to it.”

“Hey, where are you going?”

“The ponies and your sisters have a right to know what to expect. Let’s tell them.”

Sam opened his mouth to object, but Hau had pushed himself through the open door and into the main hall, where Starlight and Fluttershy continued to wait. They both turned their heads to face them.

“Oh, hey you two!” Fluttershy chirped. “What’s going on?”

Before Hau could even form a thought to answer, the bathroom door opened and Alice walked out, wearing only her red shirt and grey shorts, her hair and patches of her arms and legs still damp.

“Was that mom and dad you were talking to just now?” she asked Sam.

Now faced by them all, Sam turned to the ponies and took a deep, but silent breath in.

A small yellow car crept up the hill, the tires following the faint dirt tracks of the sparse number of cars who made the same journey up. As it continued its ascent, its driver, Benji, looked to see a large dirt lot bending off from the right side of the road with a sign posted in the grass in between, which depicted a black slash through a car icon. Understanding what to do, Benji pulled into the lot and quickly pulled into one of the very few parking spots still available.

“Lucky…” Benji commented as he exited his car, sporting a polyester yellow polo, white shorts, and light-brown boots.

Susan followed her husband from her side, wearing a low-cut sky-blue tee and skinny jeans while carrying a large white handbag, and began making the way further up. After a small bend to the left, Benji and Susan sighed with slight relief to see the gateway to Iki Town and all the buildings behind it.

“It’s like an actual tropical village,” said Susan. “Deep in the woods and hills and everything.”

“Have to imagine the locals put on an amazing barbeque,” Benji replied.

Once they got to the final five steps, Hau appeared from around one of the poles for the entryway, his fanned-out jacket giving off a threatening appearance that made Benji and Susan stop in their tracks.

“Hey there!” he said with a wave. “You must be Sam and Alice’s folks!”

Benji leaned in to shake the young man’s hand. “Yeah. How’d you know that?”

“I’m good at these things! Name’s Hau, the Kahuna for the island. And you are?”

“Benji. Call me Benji. And this is my wife, Susan.”

Hau moved to shake her hand as well. “Pleasure. I’m guessing you came to see your kids?”

“Yeah,” Susan responded. “You know where they are?”

“At my place, getting ready for the battle! Follow me!”

With a cartoonishly long swing of his arm, Hau led the two to follow him, his charm making them do so almost immediately.

“So,” Benji said, “our son already beat you, I heard.”

“You heard right, sir.”

“How else do you know them?”

“Ben!” Susan slapped her husband on the shoulder, offended by such an accusatory question.

“It’s alright ma’am, I understand. Kind of weird that the chief trainer of the island lets a couple tenderfeet crash at his place, but yeah. The kids were looking for a place to stay after the wormhole appeared, and so I was kind enough to shelter them until it blew over.”

“Oh, I see.” Ben was visibly more relaxed. “Thank you very much.”

“I should thank you. Your two kids are really something. We spent the night talking and got to know a bit about each other. Kind of nice to have one of them beat me in the Grand Trial this morning.”

“I can imagine,” Susan said. “I assume you didn’t go easy on him just because you became friends.”

“Absolutely not, and I don’t plan on giving a handicap to your daughter either. They’re very strong trainers; you shouldn’t have to worry.”

Walking up a flight of stone steps and turning left, the battling platform and Hau’s home were now in plain view.

“Wow!” Susan took her sunglasses off at the sight of the Kahuna’s house. “You live here?”

“Yeah. It’s passed down to each Kahuna from the last.”

“Who was the last one?” Benji asked.

“My grandfather, Hala.”

“Grandfather…” Benji’s words were hushed as he must have realized what this meant.

“Anyway, we’re here. After you.”

Hau stood at the foot of the wooden steps to the deck and front door, allowing Benji and Susan to go up first. Upon opening the door and stepping slowly inside, they were first greeted by Sam, Alice, who was now fully dressed, and both ponies relaxing on the couches. Sam and Alice stood up, initially glad to see them, while Fluttershy and Starlight stayed seated, turning to see who it was.

“Oh, are these them?” Fluttershy asked.

Susan let out a small gasp with a hand over her mouth as both ponies got up to join Sam and Alice’s sides. “Oh my gosh. What kind of Pokémon are those?”

Starlight failed to hold back a scowl. “We’re not–”

“Just be cool,” Sam sighed, quelling her mild anger.

The room was suddenly silent as Benji and Susan stared at the ponies, Starlight in particular. Alice and Sam’s suddenly relaxed faces turned disappointed and slightly bitter.

“Did… she just talk?” asked Benji.

“Pretty cool, huh?” Hau’s sudden appearance and voice behind the two parents forced them to leap to the sides. “I’d like to introduce you to our newest friends, but maybe it’d be better if they did it themselves.”

Starlight, happy to take the stage, stepped up to the still stupefied Benji and Susan. “My name is Starlight Glimmer. It’s a real honor to meet you.”

“Sam…” Susan stammered. “Alice… what are these things?”

“They call themselves ponies.” Alice crossed her arms, knowing what was to come. “They’re our friends.”

“Wait…” Benji looked down to Starlight and then to Fluttershy, who began to slink behind Alice’s legs. “These thin– ponies. They… weren’t what came out of that wormhole Monday night, were they?”

“Please,” Starlight spoke up, her optimism fading, “let me explain.”

“They are, aren’t they?” Susan’s voice became hushed with shock.

“Yes,” Sam blurted. “Please, don’t be upset!”

Benji and Susan’s continued silence came as an unexpected response to Sam and Alice, and their frightened expressions softened almost immediately. Benji continued looking down at Starlight before him, and slowly came down to a kneel, making Starlight shift back in confusion, Susan looking warily on.

“May I?” Benji queried with a reaching hand.

Starlight stayed still and uneasy as he gently cupped his face around the bottom of Starlight’s muzzle, moving and running it over her cheek and gently running it down the sides of the neck, shoulder, and stomach, mouth agape over the softness of her coat. Removing his hand, they both looked at each other, and finally, he put his palm out slowly to her.

“Starlight, right?” he said.

Starlight, understanding the gesture, lifted up her hoof and rested it in Benji’s hand. He grasped it and put his other hand over it, finally allowing the two to smile at each other over the bond they’ve established.

Susan looked to Hau, still flustered with concern. “How did you find them?”

Hau came between her and her husband. “Actually, it was your kids who found them wet, cold, and alone inside a cave near Kala’e Bay and kept them safe until I came across them. I’ve been letting them stay at my place ever since.”

“But… you said–”

“I know what I said.” His hands reached behind his neck. “I just thought I’d save the ponies for when you got here.”

Benji couldn’t help but chuckle as he stood, unable to find any sort of untruth in Hau’s words. “That’s… that’s really incredible.” He then also turned to face Hau. “I’m glad to know you’re taking good care of them.”

“Well, I get by with a little help,” he replied with a cock of his head towards Sam and Alice.

Sam and Alice smiled, and even Fluttershy stepped out in fuller view for their parents. It looked to be going much better than anticipated.

“Are there others?” asked Susan, then glancing toward Starlight. “Are there more like you?”

“Yes, there are.” Starlight’s ears drooped as she looked down. “My friends also got pulled here and we’re pretty certain they’re on the other islands.”

“But it’s good to know you have a strong trainer like Hau to help you find them,” Benji responded.

“Actually,” Hau said in full confidence, “your kids are seeing to their rescue.”

“What?” Both Benji and Susan’s sudden voices brought a grimace to both Sam and Alice’s faces.

“They can’t do that,” Benji responded. “They just started their island trials. Sam especially–”

“–Is a fine trainer,” Hau interjected. “If he can defeat a Kahuna like me with only one Pokémon, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. And considering how highly he thinks of his own sister, you should be doubly assured of their safety.”

“But…” Susan looked to her children, who appeared quite pleased with Hau’s praises. “Her other friends must be worried sick, and… no doubt frightened. They may see our children as trying to hunt them.”

“Fluttershy and I will be right there with them to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Starlight said. “Trust me, if they see we can trust them, they’ll trust them too.”

“Mom…” Alice stepped forward and left Fluttershy in the open, though she stood still where she was. “…Sam and I knew what we were getting into when we came here… I mean, other than the ponies, but yeah, that happened, and it is what it is. We agreed to help them, and we know what we’re going into with this too.”

Benji looked to his wife, who glanced down, knowing she couldn’t convince her daughter otherwise. “Sam,” he then said, looking dead into his son’s eyes. “Are you really prepared for this?”


“I’m not trying to talk you out of it. If you want to help these guys, then your mother and I will support you 100%, but I know how hard it’s been for you to leave home, your old life, and go off on your first journey as a trainer. I just want to know if you can also handle them.”

Starlight and Fluttershy looked to Sam, who looked at his Z-Ring, smiling as if the answer was written on its face. “You know, I missed so many opportunities in Kalos. Missed so many potential friends and memories. After meeting Hau, the ponies, and getting this far in my journey already, I can tell you I’ve never wanted anything more than this.”

Starlight smiled warmly at such a proud and steadfast response, and Fluttershy managed to step out further towards him. Benji closed his eyes and broke a smile.

“I guess that’s that, then.” Benji looked down to the general direction of both Starlight and Fluttershy. “And I can trust you to take care of my kids?”

“I think we’ll all be taking care of each each other,” she responded with a bow of her head, “won’t we, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy snapped into attention. “Oh, oh! Yes, we certainly will. We’ll all need all the help we can get!”

Fluttershy smiled sheepishly, unsure if she said the right thing, and even the other humans in the room were visibly puzzled by her remark.

“Hey!” Hau suddenly shouted with a clap and reach out with his hands. “Now that we’re all buds now, let’s see how my Pokémon are doing!”

With Hau’s jacket sailing behind him, he appeared to fly to the kitchen before he opened the door and entered inside. Either way, it seemed to distract everyone else from Fluttershy’s statement.

“Okay…” Susan sat cross-legged on the floor and fished a Poké Ball from her purse. “You.” Fluttershy turned her head to her. “Yes, sorry, I don’t think I got your name.”

“Oh, right.” Fluttershy came to her and laid on her stomach with her hooves tucked in. “I’m Fluttershy. I really can’t say enough how wonderful your kids are.”

“I’d like to think I’m partly responsible for that. Are you liking the Pokémon you’ve seen so far?”

“Oh my, yes! I especially love your daughter’s Noibat! Such a sweetie she is.”

“Here, I’d like you to meet one of mine.”

Susan held out her Poké Ball, where it opened up, the white energy popping out from it forming into a small, bipedal dark-blue cat with spikey white tufts of fur on its head, neck, and on the tips of its two tails.

“Oh, he’s so cute!” she squealed, putting her face close.

The cat shifted forward and sniffed tentatively at her snout before falling onto her face while holding to its muzzle, purring as its face rubbed her forehead.

“My,” Susan exclaimed, “my Meowstic is never usually this friendly to strangers, yet alone other Pokémon.”

Fluttershy stood up, causing the cat to float off her face and sit atop her neck. “It’s a little gift I have.” She looked as far up as she could and gave the Meowstic a wink.

“They’re ready!” Hau burst through the doors. “Alice, you ready?”

“Huh?” Alice spoke up. “You mean–”

“Yeah! If you’re ready for your Grand Trial, just say the word and we’ll get this show on the road.”

“Uh, do you think…”

“Come on,” Benji egged on, “we may have come to take you to Ten Karat Hill, but I don’t want to miss your trial for the world!”

Alice looked to her friends and family, all of whom looked pleasantly expectant for an affirmative answer. Feeling boxed in, she relaxed herself and huffed in laughter.

“Alright, you guys win. Let’s do this thing.”

“Great!” Hau shouted. “I’ll meet you out there!”

He strolled to the door and exited just as quickly. Susan, her Meowstic, and Fluttershy looked to each other before they decided to follow him outside, followed closely by Alice after placing her Normalium Z inside the face of her Z-Ring.

With Sam, Benji, and Starlight alone, Benji let out a sigh and rubbed his neck. “Hey, Sam, listen, I’m sorry I didn’t get to see your trial. I’m sure it was really neat.”

“Hey, jokes on you,” Sam said with a nudge to his father’s shoulder, “now you have to watch Alice beat Hau to a pulp in the most boring battle of the century.”

“Still looking forward to it.”

As Sam and Benji left the house together, Starlight, gladdened by seeing Sam find humor in his father’s absence and his sister’s strength, rolled her eyes with a smirk, trotting behind them before the door could close on her.