The Devil Inside

by Chelis

End of the Line

It was a peaceful night in Baltimare's mental asylum. There was no sudden outburst from a patent, security was down to a skeleton crew, and even the mice were taking the night off from scurrying through the ventilation shafts with audible clanks.

It drove Lizzie to near insanity. The peace and the tranquility were new to the daughter of the mob, and she hated it.

Still, there was perks in the madness.

She would have loved to be in the state penitentiary, to raise hell and make that her little personal castle, even if it was under the guise of incarceration. Thunder Breeze knew this, so he had her in the loony bin.

Now, instead of using shivs on her father's enemies in the big house. She was in her one person padded cell, enjoying her nightly tea, cookies, and reading a riveting chapter of "The Prince", while taking mental notes. She was already thinking ahead to her next book: "The Art of War"

"I hope something exciting would happen," Lizzie sighed as she looked at her wristwatch. She saw that the clock struck ten and waited for a minute.

"I said! I wish something exciting would happen!" she shouted. A few second later she heard an explosion from the other side of the institution. The lights when off and a light shaking rocked the room. The alarms went off as soon as the lights turned back on. Outside, she heard the masses of her prison mates startled by the developments. Many went on rampages, attacking anyone nearby. She stayed in her cell and waited as the plan went, but she wanted to get her hands on someone and start killing.

Suddenly, the door busted opened. A few black-clad men with tactical gear and assault rifles entered the room.

"Liz! Pappa came to get you!"

"Excellent!" she said as she got up from her chair. She kept the book and even took "The Art of War" from the small bookshelf on the foot of her bed.

"Before we get out of here, mind if we take a small stop? I have unfinished business to take care of."

* * *

They were deep in the riot, as they heard Baltimare's police start to surround the institution, making sure no one was able to leave.

The inmates were ripping everything off the wall, and throwing them at either each other or at doors or windows. She even saw a few bodies of guards laying about, with various state of death, either being the purple face of suffocation or straight decapitation. The rioters left her alone, knowing what she would do to them if they were to attack her, also the three men with assault rifles looked mean enough by themselves.

"Where are we headed?" One of the men asked.

"Special protection unit," she answered.

"Whats out there?"

"I have to get some answers that will help us with the She-Demon."

The special protection unit was a unit in the institution that protected those who would be otherwise killed in the general population: celebrities, politicians, former police. The main population of the wing was pedophiles, and it required an extra layer of security.

The guards there had long abandoned their post, leaving the unit to the mercy of the riot. They entered the wing through the Plexiglas guard entrance and were in the wing, which was least kept up than the rest of the institution, adding to the general disgust the people who ran the prison had for the inhabitants, but being forced to protect them. They didn't bother looking inside, but they assumed that whoever were in those cells were scared for what was about to happen next.

They went to the last door, and with the pass code entered, the door opened.

It was a padded cell like Lizzy's cell, but with no windows. Also, there were words scribbled all over the walls. Emotions, names, places, feelings were hastened written on the wall, and it was grouped over a name, the names were mostly female.

The man was disheveled, smelled of body odor, and was squatting in the center of the room, in his underwear, rocking back and forth. he didn't stop, even with Lizzie standing in front of him.

"You must be Risky Line," she said.

"Who are you?" He said, his wild eyes staring at her.

"A friend. What is this?" she said as she continued to look around.

"When the she-demon took me, she came to me in human form! she took the memories of the girls and boys I trafficked and gave me their memories…. I CANT GET THEM OUT OF MY HEAD!" He shouted.

"What they went through, what they felt, what they feel, it's now taken over! It won't fucking leave my head! The she-demon even gave me her memories!"

"So you met the she demon?! Who is she?!" Lizzie frantically asked.

Risky pointed to a section of the wall above his bed, which compelled Lizzie to walk over there. She saw the persons: Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Thunder Breeze, Hazel Cinnamon, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Flash Sentry. There were places too, like Equestria, Canterlot High, Baltimare. There were also objects or events: Fall Formal, Twilights Crown, She-Demon, Daydream.

They all were wrapped around a name

The name was Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh Sunset, Sunset, Sunset! You sneaky bitch!" Lizzy gloated with glee as one of the armed men took a photo with a camera phone.

"You got what you needed. Lets go!" the guard said.

"How are we getting out! We are surrounded!" Lizzie hollered.

"Old sewer tunnels will take us to a cove. There's a boat waiting for us.

"Excellent!" Lizzie said as they were about to leave.

"Wait!" Risky shouted, still in the fetal position.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I did you a favor, now return it!"

Lizzie sighed. "Okay, what do you want!?"

"Release me."

"Release you?!"

"Yes, please. Before the police comes."

"Are you sure?!"

"Please, release me from this place."


She took a kbar knife from one of her guards and walked up to him, his face pressed against her stomach. She lowered the knife down, right to where it would land: at the base of his neck.

"Thank you, my friend," Risky said.

Like a viper going for the kill, Lizzie's death swing was quick, and it was vicious. In the last clear second of his life, as the blade cut off the spinal cord, the memories were gone, it was over. It was the end of a monster, and although many would cheer the death of Risky Line, it would be Risky Line himself who cheered his demise the most.