//------------------------------// // Chapter 21 // Story: The Bill-inning // by EmperorDalek //------------------------------// A Warrior Reborn Part 1 Far across the galaxy on a distant green planet there exists a planet that is covered – for the most part – in greenery. The majority of its surface being vast open mountain ranges, stone formations and great canyons. A few consisting of small green plains and forests. Flying to and from a massive multi-towered tall structure are many sphere-shaped spacecraft that enter/leave through opened hatches that are either on the surface or built into the sides of the open canyons and mountain ranges. The surface may show a small base, but the inside is an entire fortress that is connected to fifty other bases like this one through a cave system that goes from one end of the planet to another. Having been removed from the healing chamber the blue Alicorn is now laying on an operating table. Aside from a pillow cushioning her head her whole body can be seen displayed on the operating table. Down a hallway, a gentle tapping echoes down the hall as a silhouetted figure proceeds to walk down the hall, its dark silhouetted body being seen by everyone it passes. Some grow nervous in its presence and others just remain still as it passes by them, beads of sweat running down their temples as its shadow moves away from them. *Tap Tap* In her operating table, Luna’s eyes began to twitch slightly while closed, a worried scrunch appearing on her face as she can see a dark being standing in front of her. A rip in the fabric of reality just over his shoulder. “N-no! I refus-!” she gasps as her fear starts to skyrocket, rising higher than anything she has ever known. *Tap Tap* “N-rgh-no! -“ Turning back to her the silhouette’s eyes suddenly flash golden as their bright shine on her face. *Tap Tap* Panting unevenly her fear reaches its highest point as the dark silhouette stands in front of her operating table, staring directly at her with its arms behind its back. Standing tall the dark figure slowly raises its hand, a ball of blue energy appearing as he holds his palm flat as the ball is aimed right at her face. Her mouth twitches as her eyes intensifies – looking more like she was in legitimate real pain. “No!” she protests as she disputes the being’s claims. Turning its head the silhouette’s glowing eyes once again look back down at her. Extending its arm out to the side a ball of energy begins to appear in the palm of its hand. “Heed my warning, Princess of the Night, perish your evil will…and prevail once more good will.” Without warning the silhouetted spiky-haired shadow suddenly threw the ball of energy at her. “NO!” Luna screamed as her eyes shot wide open. Immediately she sat up-right in her operating table from the shock of some dark silhouetted figure about to kill her with an energy blast that was similar to the one she had used against her sister back on Equestria. Breaking the restraints of her right arm she suddenly extends her hoof out in front of her, a ball of immediate energy being fired as her rage suddenly explodes! *Boom* After the blast is fired it hits the ceiling, destroying a good chunk of it, and leaving behind only a giant cracked hole in the ceiling. Only ten seconds after the explosion is heard a *Whoosh* is heard as two large steel doors open inwards…, - *Tap Tap* …and several footsteps is heard as something hurriedly runs into the room before coming to a sudden halt as it freezes in place. Snapping her head to where the sound of footsteps came from her wide-open eyes look down at the shocked and petrified being staring right back at her. Narrowing her brows, she looks down at the small creature with confused eyes, just as it is meeting those confused eyes with his own nervous ones. “Yep. She’s definitely recovered,” the small reptile-looking Humanoid says as some of its fear began to fade as it saw her tensing eyes staring at it, her chest heaving as her nostrils flared with every breath. Turning around so she couldn’t see he held up a small wrist-mounted device, atop which a blue glow started to appear. Hunching slightly, she could make out indiscernible sounds as he was saying something to someone. “Inform father that she has regained conscious and is now awake, and will soon be meeting with him,” he whispered to a holographic image of an alien that wore identical armor to what he wore, with a few minor differences like the color. “Yes, my Lord,” replied the holographic image. Deactivating the hologram on his wrist-device he turned back around, his eyes staring directly at the mare with nervous eyes. Lowering her hoof Luna’s non-blinking stare was finally interrupted as she started to turn her head, looking around the room she was in various directions. From what she could see the room itself was just a spherical chamber, with her operating table standing atop a slightly raised base that had a single walkway that led up to the front entrance, lights aligned around the table on the floor, illuminating the room. After seeing the whole room for herself and what it contained, her eyes returned to looking back upon the alien – she assumed it was an alien – that was now standing across from her with its arms folded, still wearing a nervous expression upon his face as he was worried about her for some reason. “Ohhh ~ my head,” Luna groaned as a sudden wooziness started coming over her. Bringing a hoof up to her forehead she gently rubbed it as very slowly her body started joining in on feeling…off. “Hey, kid,” he heard her calling to him. Looking up from the floor his eyes were staring straight back at her from across the chamber. “Hm?” he softly uttered as his eyes meet her own. “W-where are we, a-and what is going on here? I-I don’t feel t-too- “ Suddenly, as the lower half of her body moved off the table in an attempt to stand up she was immediately hit by an intense increase in gravity that almost pulled her down to the ground, - *Bzzt* …however, before she could be pulled to the ground she opened her eyes to find that she had not violently collapsed to the floor, instead he was holding her up in his arms. “Don’t worry, I got you,” said he as he stood up still holding her in his arms. Looking up she could only stare back, mouth agape as she was surprised by his incredible speed, and all of it within a single heartbeat! Lifting her back up he held her so that she understood she was supposed to get back onto the table. “Oh, right, thanks,” she said before taking simple steps back onto the table. Hm? Strange…now it feels like the gravity is back to normal, but then why earlier did I…fall like that? She thought as she turned back around, staring into his eyes. Judging by his light scoff he could almost tell what she was thinking from how she was looking at him. “Yeah, you should have waited for me to explain that the gravity of father’s planet is different from the one that you are used to,” Frieza said as he folded his arms with a friendly smile. Taking several steps back away from her he forced her to stay as close to the tables’ center as she possibly could. “Yeah, well, you could have warned me a little sooner.” “I would have, but you were already so pre-occupied with whatever you had on your mind that you did not seem like you wanted me to explain it.” “Hmpf!” Luna grumbled as her pupils looked away, off to the side. She folded her arms across her chest, crossing her legs as she assumed a very odd sitting position as she tried her best not to be affected by the intense gravity of the planet. Hearing him chuckle her eyes looked back down at him, still wearing a frown as she was immediately meet with his contrasting expression. “Heh ~ I’ve don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. The names Frieza,” Frieza said extending his hand in a friendly gesture. Lowering her eyes, she looked down at his extended hand with a blank stare, hesitating somewhat. She looked up at his face again for a moment, before looking back down at his hand. “Luna, Princess Luna of Equestria, Princess of the Night, sister to the Princess Celestia,” said Luna with a newfound smile as he extended her hoof for him to shake. “Hmm ~ A Princess you say..., -?” Smug said as his own hand grabbed Luna’s hoof, gently shaking it. “… Well, in that case you might say-… “ Suddenly pulling his arm back he immediately hunched forward, before quickly jumping back up into the air. Spinning in mid-air before he landed back down on one foot with the other touching the ground. Standing up on one leg his torso was hunched slightly forward, his arms were raised but the wrists were bent, pointing his flattened hands down. “I am…, - “he shouted as a fiery aura ignited around his body, enveloping him in a fiery orange glow. Raising his arms up he held his straightened hands’ fingertips to his forehead as he struck a pose. His aura igniting as it erupted into a bright flash of light that blinded her. When the light diminished and she could once more see without the light blinding her she saw that he still stood where she had last seen him, except this time he had struck a far different pose than before. He still stood on one leg, his torso hunched, but both his arms were now extended outwards down to the ground with his hands held flat. “…Frieza, Son of the Galactic Emperor, Frost!” After his…moment was passed she only blinked repeatedly as she was still processing what had just transpired before her very eyes. Outside the base’s walls the wind blew across the surface of the planet, emphasizing the silent ambience. “M-my, that was quite…some dance,” she nervously uttered, quite unsure on what to call what Frieza just did. It definitely involved doing poses of some sort. Exclaiming he stood back up on his feet, frowning as he folded his arms across his chest. “Hmpf ~ Its not a dance, it’s a stance that is meant to intimidate my enemies and make them fear me.” Luna could not hold back a snicker at such a ridiculous response, but still she brought her hoof up to her mouth to hide her light snicker. “Well, whatever it was you did, it looked like you’ve been practicing. Did someone teach you it?” she asked, trying to save this interaction they had going before it got awkward. “No, it is something I’ve come up with in my free time…when I’m not busy leading father’s squads, said Frieza as his eyes looked off to the side. His angered frown deteriorated slightly, returning to a more casual blank stare as he continued to meet her gaze as she did his. “Well, I’d say that your practice has paid off. It looked impressive for what it is.” His eyes suddenly widened as he was surprised by her compliment. He assumed she would be calling it ‘’weird’’ or ‘’bizarre’’ or something along those lines. He did not expect her to find his stance to actually be…impressive – to an extent. Without realizing it, he had started blushing from her remark. “R-really?” “Of course, I may not have encountered your kind before, but I am certain in rewarding talent when I spot it... At least you’re better at anything I could muster up,” she thought as she replied. “Hm.” An aura of pride started to come over the kid as he kept his arms folded across his chest, staring back at her with pride as clear as crystal on his face. “Hah! It would seem father was right to put me in charge of the Frost Force then ~ He he he,” he chuckled to himself as he raised his head up into the air. With the raise of an eyebrow Luna could not avoid asking the most obvious question that was coming to mind at this moment. “Frost…Force?” “Hm?” Lowering his head his eyes looked back at her from across the chamber in confusion. Before saying anything, his eyes blinked a series of times. “Wait. You…don’t know what the Frost Force is?” Oh, who am I kidding? You’ve been living on Equestria for most of your life, the most backwater planet in all the universe. Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me, he thought. Shaking her head his shock contorted into an unimpressed frown. Of course, not, he thought while clearing his throat with a cough before he spoke. “Well, I think if we have time before father arrives then I should be able to- “ Suddenly a light on his wrist-device started to beep loudly. Doing its best to draw his attention. Extending his arm out and looking down at the device he could see the light flashing on and off as there was an incoming message for him. “Hang on for a minute, just let me take this,” he excused himself as he turned his back on her. Pressing the button on his wrist device another hologram appeared shortly of a being clad in similar armor to him appeared. “M-master Frieza, you said that you wanted to be informed when your father arrived...well, he is awaiting you in the throne room as we speak,” the holographic image stuttered. Frieza’s eyes shot open in surprise at hearing that his father had arrived that soon. “T-that soon?!” “Y-yes, Master Frieza…as a matter of fact he awaits the two of you at this very moment.” “Grghh,” he grunted from a sudden nervous feeling overcoming him. “Frieza?” His head immediately shot up from merely hearing Luna’s voice speaking to him. Down the side of his head a nervous drop of sweat ran. “Master Frieza- “ *Beep* As the hologram tried to speak to him he suddenly silenced the conversation by cutting the connection. [Somewhere else at this exact same point in time] “Master Frieza- “the alien clad in similar armor inquired after the son of his master had failed to respond when the connection was suddenly lost. “Master Frieza?” the alien inquired as soon as the holographic display of Frieza vanished from his wrist device. “Master Frieza?” he tried calling up the successor to his master’s throne once again, but was still meet with no response from him. “You’re wasting your breath, there is no reason to keep calling him up,” a voice sounded from a nearby pod that hovered above the floor. Turning around the alien looked at the hover pod, feeling fear welling within him as he did not know what his master would do to him due to the lack of response from the young master. Sticking out on the sides he could see his master’s horns, as well a tail that hung off the left side of the pod. “M-my Lord?” he replied with a nervous tone. “Unless you intend to waste more of my son’s time with your pointless reputation of what is obvious to him I suggest you shut up and let him be on his way here to meet with me. Listening to your obnoxious voice must be what is keeping him.” *Gulp* “Y-yes, my Lord,” he swallowed down after giving his master’s words some thought that maybe it had been him keeping the young master. If only he had known that was far from the case. “But what about your meeting with your son, Sire?” asked the alien. Gently looking over his shoulder the figure in the hover pod grinned subtly. Narrowing his eyes, he completely ignored the alien and instead looked directly at the door at the other end of the room. [Back in the chamber with Luna with Frieza] Staring at his motionless form Luna could only begin to wonder nervously about whether that brief…conversation he had taken part in somehow contained bad news. “So…was that bad news that you just received?” she asked, still being uncertain so just resulted to simply asking him instead of wondering pointlessly. Slowly he turned around to stare back at her with a pale look on his face. “It would seem…father has arrived a little earlier than I expected he would. I have just been informed by his personal assistant that he is awaiting us in the throne room.” However, Luna’s response to this news being given was to close her eyes and lightly scoff, a calm smile appearing alongside the non-stare she was giving off towards him. Seeing this kind of obliviousness when faced with such news just served to confuse the future heir. Confused and surprised by her oblivious nature she knew “W-what are you doing?! Don’t you know what father will do if we are late to our meeting with him?!” the young reptilian alien creature shouted Luna’s way. Blowing through her fur and causing the room to shake, his voice proved useless in this attempt to make her understand the seriousness of their situation. Finally, after keeping her eyes closed for some time she opened her eyes again. Even closing his mouth where he now stood hunched forward with a fearful grimace she did not flinch or move an inch. She was just still and quiet. Out from the table that she sat atop she saw his shocked and horrified face. His gritted teeth, the tightened fists, the wide, pale eyes and his whole stance just giving off a fearful aura. “What are you doing?! We need to go before father comes to us!” Grabbing the side of his head his fingers tensed. Slowly standing back up on all fours she could already feel some of the gravitational pull as her mane and tail were quickly pulled down. Craning her head down she could see that it was not so far down to the metal floor. Her smile increased following this. Down along the side of his head ran a bead of sweat. “P-princess? What are you doi- “ …however, before he could continue she suddenly leaped forward off the edge of the table…, - *Thump* …only to be immediately pulled down to the floor by the gravity of the planet, which she still was not used to. From where he stood not far from the table, he could only watch with wide eyes as the violent force of gravity pulled her down to the floor with tremendous force. Hitting the metal floors hard she could not help but exclaim a pained grunt as the impact was still quite painful despite what she had originally expected. “Argh!” she groaned as she lay splayed against the floor with what felt like the weight of all Equestria weighing her body down. “Princess Luna!” Frieza called to her as he could she struggle with adapting her body to the intense pressure. He was about to run over to her side and help her, when a sudden voice replied to his actions. “Don’t you dare help me!” she shouted angrily, causing him to stop in his tracks before he could take another step. “This is something I will do on my own…, -!” she groaned through gritted teeth as she tried to stand up. Her whole body shook intensely, raging through her entire form painfully. Being sandwiched between the force of this planet’s gravity and the agony of trying to force her own body to stand up when it would have wanted to lay back down and not even bother. Her flesh burned, which at this point would be tame…, - … The bones felt like they were being shaken loose from their joints…and blood was starting to come pouring from her left arm. “RrrrrRRRRGGGGHHH…” she more or less growled through closed teeth. It was remarkably slow, like thirty seconds between every movement, but she was standing up. However, the thing is that as the more she stands up she has to use even more energy to move the rest of her body, and what had once been the simple act of standing up was now draining all the energy she had. “Come on, Luna! You can do it!” Frieza started cheering her own as he was amazed to see that she was faring this well against what was essentially the weight of an entire planet on her shoulders! Gritting her teeth so tense that cracks had started to appear in them, her closed eyes twitched violently. In her mind a dark silhouetted figure started to appear in front of her…, - …but as the blackness vanished and she could see clearly she could see that it was none other than- “Sister!?” she physically uttered. “What?” he reacted. The sudden momentary distracted increased the intense weight pounding down on her, quickly forcing her down closer to the floor again. She would have to start all over again from the literal bottom had she not started to physically push her body far past what it should be capable of handling. Her horn activated and inside her legs she started to magically enhance her bones, thickening them so that they would endure for a lot longer. “Hmpf ~ You cannot possibly imagine how disappointed I am at you,” said Celestia as she stared directly at her with crossed eyes. “You have the power of ending my life back on Equestria, but it’s a planet putting all its weight on you that is finally doing you in?” With a scoff Celestia’s head turned, looking off to the side, ignoring Luna. “RRrr-rrrggggggGGGGGGGGHH!” In her mouth blood started to build up from shattered teeth. She spat the blood from her mouth, causing it all to splatter on the floor. Turning back Celestia’s disappointed stare contorted into a condescending smile. “Once a tool, always a tool…I will make sure to inform our subjects about your little revolt, that way they will finally know how you never cared for their wellbeing in the first place and only your selfish desires to rule over them…, -“Celestia taunted. On her face a cruel grin appeared. “Luna?” Frieza asked concerned. Around her body electricity was a whole lot of random electrical discharges, her rage growing more and more angry, now echoing around the room so loud that it was almost putting a strain on him. Taking several steps back away he was unsure what to make of the situation that he was witnessing, nervously covering his ears from the loud volume. Simultaneously with her eye, her aura suddenly activated when her eye immediately shot open, increasing the output of energy that she was already using to an almost violent manner! At a normal pace she stood up, breaking through the gravity’s wave after wave of forced attempts to keep her down, but failing every time as it could only manage one inch for every two that she was gaining the more her body raised itself up. Now the air in the room started to spiral around her form or be pushed away alongside the floor. “Luna! What are you doing?!” Frieza shouted covering his face with his arms as it blew against him. However, no response came from the blue Alicorn, just the sound of the intense energy as it crackled around her. Her wide-open eyes soon started to cross, narrowing as her rage started to build again, but going even further than anything she had used on this planet so far. In her mind, she was seeing a headshot of a laughing Celestia that cruelly mocked. In front of her eyes random begins started to appear, each of them laughing at her with that same mock face that her sister had used. “See? Only I can protect them…what do you have to offer?” her sister’s disembodied voice said. That was the final straw! Exploding to the surface once again Luna craned her head up as she prepared to make her rage auditable. Outside one would see the side of the wall form a sudden dent as the loud volume in her voice was strong enough to damage the wall to such an extent. Her jaw dropping as a loud scream left her mouth, her eyes glowing violently blue, her aura flaring frantically as this new rage was nothing it had expected to experience yet. “LUNA?! YOU NEED TO-“ *BOOOOOOOM* An explosion of bright light erupted from Luna that engulfed the entire room, blinding anything inside the sphere-shaped chamber. “YyyAAAHHHHHHH!” he screamed seconds before the light engulfed him too, seeing nothing but white. Through cracks in the walls the light managed to escape, shining out. Anyone passing by were immediately drawn by its beams, unable to pinpoint their origin anywhere on the base, but certainly wondering what had happened over there. ***** In the throne room the screen that Frost had been watching shut off. With a newfound smile on his face Frost’s hover pod turned around and floated towards the control room’s main entrance. Narrowing his eyes, he chuckled to himself as his pod approached the door. Perfect, everything I expected of her is coming to fruition. “Hm?” the assistant reacted as he finally now noticed that his master was not there anymore. Turning his head to look behind him, he watched in silence as his Master was heading for the door. Panic suddenly overcame as he realized that he might force the Emperor of the Universe to wait for him. As fast as possible he ran up towards the Master. Beside the pod, he slowed his pace to a more casual trot rather than a run, joining his Master just as they left the control room and stepped out into the hallway. Out in the hall an alarm was loudly blaring as soldiers were all running in the same direction they were headed to investigate the sudden appearance smoke coming from one of the base’s towers. Outside on the surface soldiers were all scramming to the tower, their curiosity and duties to look into this matter so they could report back to their superiors who would inevitably be forced to report it to Lord Frost, himself. [At the destroyed tower] Watching his cowardly forces standing in his way, blocking his way and preventing entry into the chamber Feeza frowned annoyed. Slowly he extended a hand, holding the palm flat as it faced the door. The few guards that noticed what he was doing began to clear away to make space for him or just to flee so they wouldn’t share in the fate of those still standing at the door. “Hm,” he uttered before a grin appeared on his face. All of air started to appear at his hand, pulling in towards the sphere’s center…, - …then, there was but a flash of light and Frost thrust his arm forward. Inside the chamber the door was suddenly flung inwards by a powerful invisible force. Slamming against the wall the destroyed door caused a dent in the wall. The bodies of the two guards falling to the floor. Hovering into the room Frost’s pod turned right as it entered the chamber, heading for the section of the chamber where his son and Princess Luna was last seen. As groups of soldiers ran into the room they were all shocked like Frost’s assistant to see that the entire place had been blackened by a powerful heat. Smoke arose from randomly placed spots all throughout the chamber, and everywhere one would touch they would be burnt by the intense heat that remained on the walls and damaged controls. Coming to a stop Frost’s eyes jumped as he spotted a silhouetted figure moving towards them through a thick layer of smoke. His mouth hung open, but no sound was uttered as he watched a figure step towards him with intrigue. His eyes widened even further as he saw through the smoke. Suddenly the silhouette turned and started to come running towards him, moving slowly as the silhouette seemed to be struggling with something that it was trying to carry. “Father! Over here!” the recognizable voice of Frieza reached his ears. “Frieza! Frieza!!” he called back. With urgent pace, due to his son’s concerned tone he jumped down to the floor and started to run into the wall of smoke. “My Lord!” his assistant called after him, reaching out with an outstretched hoof after his master. But before his master could reach the smoke the silhouetted figure shortly emerged from the wall of smoke, now shown as to why it was moving so slow. “Princess Luna!!” Frost said as his eyes widened at the state Luna’s body was in. His mouth hung agape in shock and awe at what he was witnessing with his own two eyes. Even the soldiers present gasped as their eyes too fell upon the motionless creature Frieza was carrying in his arms. From her hanging head, blood continually dripped from the great injuries on Luna’s head and throughout her body. “No! We cannot lose her, - “he said looking up into his son’s face. “…we’ve already lost too much too lose her now!” Frieza nodded in agreement to what his father said. “Quickly! Prepare a healing pod! We need to get her stabilized, NOW!” he shouted to the nearest guards. Frost’s assistant flinched slightly from his master’s sudden raised voice. “Y-yes, my Lord! Right away!” he said as he stood at attention. “Well!? You heard what he said! Prepare the nearest healing pod for a Princess Luna!” Just as scared as their master’s assistant was the soldiers saluted and then without another second wasted ran out to not only find the closest healing pod to bring her to, but also a stretched so that her already damaged could be brought there without causing further damage to her…sufficiently damaged body. Picking her up with his hands Frieza started to hover through the air as he was too impatient to wait for his father’s soldiers to find anything that could be used to save her life. His red aura ignited, raising his power so that his speed would be fast enough to complete the search before the soldiers could. *Bzzt* Speeding down the hallways of the base his aura disengaged anyone that was foolish enough to be standing in his way at the time while he speeds down the hallways. “Hold on, Luna, I won’t let you die…not now, not by your own hand.” “Frieza, wait!” Frost’s voice could be heard calling for his son…, - …but yet he did not stop for anything…not even his own father.