//------------------------------// // Ch. 32; The Big Day // Story: Star Wars: A Second Chance // by Dorath //------------------------------// Revan reached up to tug nervously at the collar of her dress uniform as she paced the antechamber, only to have her hand swatted away by a burst of pale blue magic. “Stop fretting, darling,” Rarity admonished her as she trotted over to adjust the Jedi’s uniform – for the third time that morning, “Remember, this is one of the happiest days of your life.” “Right, I’m marrying Twi’, I should be giddy with joy,” the twi’lek slumped onto a sofa next to Applejack and dropped her face into her hands, “So why am I so frelling terrified?” The farmpony put a comforting hoof on Revan’s shoulder, “This is a big step for ya an’ Twi’, sugarcube, ah’d be worried about ya if ya weren’t scared at least a mite.” “Indeed,” Luna said, chiming in from her own seat, “Such apprehensions seem to be quite normal before a wedding, and as thy bridal party, it is our duty to prevent such worries from overwhelming thou on this most joyous day.” “So what we want is a distraction,” Cloud Kicker, the final pony in the room, observed, “Hmm … oh, I know! What was it like on the other side of that portal thing?” The peagsus’ question caused Luna to twitch slightly in surprise, “Thou know about the portal?” “Well of course, Luna,” replied Rarity nonchalantly, “Twilight told us about it when she came back from the Crystal Empire, although she hasn’t given us the full story yet.” The unicorn’s eyes glittered as she and Applejack leaned forward eagerly, “I must admit, I am rather interested in hearing more about this other world and our doubles.” Revan gave a short bark of laughter, “Sorry girls, I’m almost as much in the dark about this alternate Equestria as you are.” Applejack cocked an incredulous brow at her friend, “Wait, ya let Twi’ and Spike go ta another world without ya?” she asked, “That don’t sound like somethin’ ya’d do, what happened?” “Celestia happened,” the twi’lek answered as she continued to chuckle, “She practically sat on me until Cadance got me tied up, and our Princess of Love is really good with knots, by the way.” Luna blushed slightly as the other ponies joined in the laughter, “’Tia may have been somewhat … ardent in her actions, but she did have good intentions, with the portal open once more, she hoped that Twilight Sparkle could redeem Sunset Shimmer as she and our dear friends had done with mineself ….” “But if our dear, suspicious, Revan had gone through, she would have just seen a threat that needed to be neutralized,” grinned Cloud as she finished the alicorn’s statement, “I, for one, understand Celestia’s actions completely.” Although she was still faintly red-faced over her fellow Princesses’ behavior, Luna joined the others in their mirth, “Are thou feeling better, Revan Vao?” she asked once they had all regained their composure. “Yeah, I am, thanks girls, I needed that.” ________________________________________ “How are you holding up, Twily?” “This is now number three on my list of most nerve-wracking situations,” Twilight replied as she turned and buried her muzzle in her BBBFF’s shoulder, “This is even worse than when I had my entrance exam for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns!” “That bad, huh?” Shining asked as he gave the alicorn a comforting pat on the head, “Are you sure you still want to go through with this?” “Of course I’m sure!” Twilight glared up at her big brother, before sagging back against him, “All we wanted was a simple wedding with our friends and family, how did everything get so complicated?” “Well, you’re a Princess and a national hero,” Pinkie offered from her seat, “Oh, and Revan is the only confirmed space alien in the world and the head of a kinda spooky-mysterious government agency,” the earth pony tapped her hoof against her chin in thought, “Maybe we sent out too many invitations?” Fluttershy gently put a wing on the Princess of Friendship’s shoulder and led her over to a seat, “It will be alright, Twilight, just a little while longer and you and Revan will be walking down the aisle together,” the shy pegasus gave a sudden giggle, “Right now, Revan is probably just as anxious as you are!” Twilight smiled gratefully at her friend, “You’re probably right, Fluttershy,” she admitted with a small laugh of her own, “Revan doesn’t handle emotions nearly as well as problems she can confront head-on.” “Where are the two of you going to live, anyway?” Rainbow asked as she poured herself a cup of water from a pitcher on a corner table, “I mean, you have the library, but Revan’s got her ship ….” “We’ve decided that Revan will move in with me and Spike in the library,” Twilight said, in between controlled breathes as she started in on her breathing exercises, “Revan said that she could power everything down and set the ship for ‘long-term storage’, and then she would only have to check in on it every decade or so.” “Aww, but then it’ll get all covered up by the forest,” Pinkie pouted, “It’ll just be a hill instead of Ponyville’s Alien Landing Site (trademark pending),” her odd statement caused the other ponies to exchange confused glances, before they shrugged it off. A quick knock at the door drew the room’s attention as Cadance slipped inside, “It’s time!” she chirped happily as she enfolded Twilight in a wing-hug, “You look beautiful, Twily,” she added as she nuzzled the younger alicorn, “Now let’s go show Revan how lucky she is!” ________________________________________ Revan stopped in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat, as she got her first look at her wife-to-be in her wedding dress, but a nudge from Luna got her moving again. Before the two bridal parties, the Cutie Mark Crusaders cheerfully scattered flowers petals along the carpeted path (despite some earlier disappointment from the three fillies at not getting “Royal Flower Filly” cutie marks). ‘Damn, that’s a lot of ponies,’ the Jedi mused as she risked a quick glance around the Hall. In addition to family and friends, ‘It looks like almost half of Ponyville is here,’ there were the assorted dignitaries, ambassadors and members of the press one would expect at a Royal wedding. More important to Revan than any of those notables, however, the entirety of the Equestrian Force Academy, both students and teachers, had shown up to see their Legate get married. The twi’lek’s lips quirked as she looked to the end of the carpet where Celestia stood, ‘Damn cheating alicorn healing,’ she thought with amusement, ‘Barely three months for that scar I gave her to fade away like it never happened.’ As the two bridal parties finally reached the waiting Princess of the Sun, Twilight and Revan both smiled at their eldest sister, while Shining and Luna stepped forward to take their respective places as Best Stallion and Best Mare. Returning the couple’s smiles, Celestia raised her voice to address the gathering, “Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Twilight Sparkle and Revan Vao. Will you now speak your vows before these witnesses?” Turning to face Revan Twilight opened her mouth to speak, only for nothing to come out. Blushing furiously, the alicorn coughed a few times before she was finally able to begin, “I see these vows not as oaths but as privileges: I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will try to always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you.” “Twilight,” Revan said in turn, “You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant and you have made me a better person. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible ... you are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you." “Do you, Revan Vao, promise to love and honor Twilight Sparkle as your lawfully wedded spouse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in adversity, until death do you part?” “I do.” “And, do you, Twilight Sparkle, promise to love and honor Revan Vao as your lawfully wedded spouse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in adversity, until death do you part?” “I do.” “Please take each other’s hoof,” instructed Celestia with a smile. Once they had done so, she wrapped an embroidered sash around their joined limbs in a loose knot, “Before the Makers and those assembled here today, I pronounce you Married, the brides may now kiss.” Neither of them needed to be told twice, and the newly wedded couple’s enthusiasm was met with applause, cheers and some good-natured hooting from the audience, while Celestia unwrapped the sash. Turning to face the gathered ponies, Revan blinked as she saw that a mixed file of Royal Guards and Night Guards had slipped in while she and Twilight were distracted and now flanked the aisle. “Center face!” barked one of the guardponies, causing the detachment to turn and face each other across the aisle, while with an order to “Arch lances!” the guards raised their weapons to create an archway over the aisle. Smiling like loon and with her heart fit to burst, Revan started down the aisle alongside her beaming, beloved, Twilight as the two of them began a new life together.