//------------------------------// // Into the Deep Blue // Story: Into The Fog // by BG9 //------------------------------// Trixie had been walking quite a ways, only stopping for some brief cat naps and to have a meal or two with Leo. He sure was good at keeping her awake and focused. But the coast had to be coming up soon. It have been nearly a day and half since she left Way City. Trixie took the map out of her saddlebags and checked to see where she was. About seven miles until she reached the sea. But she could smell it from her. The sweet smell of sea salt. It was the first time she had ever been to the ocean. She'd only seen pictures of it. She wondered how it would look in person. She still couldn't believe she was a mother, too a new species no less! Her cute little boy was sleeping quietly on her back. Little guy could sleep through just about anything. Trixie could feel the air getting more and more humid the further down she traveled. The sun was just barely cracking the sky. It must have been about six in the morning. She was also running quite low on water. Trixie needed to get to coast soon. She double timed to the end and it hit her. The ocean. It was absolutely beautiful. It was even more blue than the pictures! And it seemed to extend endlessly. This world truly was amazing. Her new life was just mere hoofsteps away. Leo blinked open his eyes. "Mama?" he asked "Yes my child?" Trixie said with a smile She loved the way that rolled off her tongue. Her child! "Are we there yet?" "Yes sweetie. We're almost to the ship. It's just down this hill." "Good." he says, nestling into Trixie's mane "Will I vanquish a dragon someday?" "I sure hope so." Trixie giggled It was then she realized it had been nearly a day and a half since she spoke in third person. Such an awful tick she had to hide her low self confidence and pain. Maybe this kid was the happiness she needed. "You get some rest sweetie. Trixie-I mean mommy- will wake you when we get there." In a mere instant he was out again, sleeping like a baby. It had been quite a journey for a little boy. Now all Trixie had to do was find the coastal town. She checked her map. Only about a mile to the left. She could hardly contain her excitement! She began to walk in the direction of the town along the shore. It was supposed to be quite eye catching. After only about fifteen minutes she saw it. It was a town entirely made of seashells and sand! And beside it was a long range of docks with ships big and small. She didn't even know how such a thing was possible. Trixie walked through the docks, looking for a place that sold tickets. It didn't take long. About halfway down the quiet sea town was a ticket kiosk. And her way out. "Two tickets to Cervidas please." Trixie said to the mare manning the station "Cervidas ya say?" the pony said surprised "Now why would ya ever wanna go to a place like that?" "It looks nice. It's a country occupied mostly by griffons right?" "Oh ya sad little lady." she said shaking her head "Haven't ya heard what's been goin' on down there?" "No. What is it?" "There's been a massive civil war that just broke out. It's hardly a place for vacationing." "Alright. Then where do you recommend?" "Edona is real nice this time a year." "Edona!?" Trixie yelled "B-but that's on the other side of the globe! It would take months to get there by ship!" "I'm tellin ya little lady. It'll be well worth your time. Great place to settle down too. It's as peaceful as Equestria without all the annoyin' residents." "How much will the tickets be?" "One hundred and twenty bits each." Trixie was so sick of ponies trying to stiff her out of her hard earned cash. But she begrudgingly payed the money. Looking at the ticket, the ship wasn't going to board till later that night. Looks like she was going to have some time to kill. She walked down the dock to a bench. "Leo?" "Yeah?" he says opening his eyes "How long have you been awake?" "A while." "Is it alright if you help mommy undo her harness? It's starting to chafe." Leo hops off her back and takes off her harness with ease. While Trixie loathed to admit it, those fingers were quite convenient. Almost made her wish she had some. Trixie made a huge stretch and popped her joints. It felt amazing, especially with her muscles still as sore as they were. "So what is this place like?" Leo asked "Edona I mean." "I'm not sure. But I know it will be better than here." "I trust you mom." "Thanks sweetie." Trixie said, putting her arm around him "So how long till we get on the ship?" "About five hours." "Five hours!?" Leo cried "That's forever!" Trixie smiles "Well I know what we can do to shorten forever a little bit." "What?" "I'm surprised a little boy wouldn't know. Ice cream of course!" "Awesome!" he said, jumping in the air "This town is supposed to have some of the best ice cream on the continent." Trixie explained "They have some magic recipe that incorporates sea water. But no boy of mine is going to get ice cream without the proper gear." Trixe pulled out her wizard cap and placed it on Leo's head. She then took her robe and wrapped it around her. "There we go. Now we're officially ice cream ready." "Yeah! I'm the best wizard there ever was!" "The second best." she corrected "You're only as good as your master and, well, she is great and powerful after all." "We're the best wizards ever." Leo said with a hug The two brohoof and make their way to the ice cream shop. It too was made of seashells and sand. This world was such a fascinating place. One would think that the sand would just crumble away, yet here it was, holding everything together as if it were cement. When they walk inside they are met with a rush of cool air. It felt amazing after being out in the hot sun without water. The floor was made out of sand hardened into tiles and the walls seem to be made of mud. They really didn't use a thing other than seashells and sand. Trixie and her son walked over to the counter and looked through the flavors. All were named after sea and fish puns. "I'll have a scope of I'm Feeling Crabby. What about you Leo?" "I want the Big Gulper!" The sweet pony at the counter grants their requests and sets them up with the ice cream and it was just as delicious as the rumors said. Trixie had never tasted anything so magnificent. It was well worth the long walk to get it. Sadly, however, they wouldn't have much time to enjoy it before everything went to hell.