Into The Fog

by BG9

Anything but the Rain

Now the real challenge began. In a few short steps she'd be face to face with a 90 degree cliff that had a path carved into it so thin, one could barely fit. Her caravan might barely fit. But now wasn't the time to be looking back.

Trixie hopped onto the path, barely being able to keep the cart from falling off. The wheels were touching the very edges of the beaten path. Trixie had to take great care in order not to let the cart pull her to the bottom of the cliff side. She not only had to contend with the weight of the cart, but the weight of another innocent life on her shoulders. If she so much as took one misstep, not only her, but Leo would die as well. She could deal with herself dying, it had done little good for anyone. But she could not let Leo die.

She took every step with care, as if preforming open heart surgery. Not even one stray pebble could be left unaccounted for. The turns were the worst. The path drastically thinned on the curves, so much so that her cart could barely make them. She had to slowly jimmy it over and even then it was too close for comfort. But she was getting the hang of it. Every corner she turned she got better and more precise. But Trixie was nothing if not unlucky.

Just as she was half way down, a large gust of wind struck the cart making it tip and start to fall. Trixie, thinking fast, cut the harness with her magic and put herself between the cart and the ledge. What she failed the understand, however, was just how heavy it was. With her measly strength, she could barely hold it. In fact her legs were going to give out any second. Turns out walking an entire day then lifting a heavy cart really took it out of a pony. With all her remaining strength she pushed the cart upright again. Trixie fell against the side of the cart, all of her remaining strength completely soaked away. But this battle was far from over.

In the distance storm clouds gathered and the wind picked up. This was bad. That last effort took all the remaining strength she had. She could barely stand up now. If another gust came and pushed the cart over, she'd never be able to push it back again. Trixie began to panic. Was this really it? Was this really how she was going to die? On a cliff with a little boy who hadn't even experienced life yet? Was she really going to die knowing she took someone innocent with her too? She slapped herself.

"Calm down Trixie! You will not die here! You will live!"

She stood up, barely being able to maintain her balance. Using nothing but the pure strength of her will, she grabbed the two planks that connected the harness to the cart and began to pull. Rain began to patter all over her face and thunder shook the very earth she walked on. She was in trouble. The wind rocked her repeatedly, but nothing as strong as the gust that took the cart down the first time. Quickly, but oh so carefully, she pulled the cart down the cliff side, making it to safety.

Trixie fell against the cart, panting loud. That was too close. Rain was drenching her but she didn't even care. It felt good. Inside the cart, Leo was still snoring. The entire thing and he didn't even wake up. Such a silly little boy. He must have been exhausted if he slept through all of that. Trixie used her last bit of magic to unfold the awning. Finally some rest.

The thunder cracked loudly, frightening her. She just wish she could just hide in the cart. But there was no way both she and Leo would be able to fit in such a cramped space. After a little while the latch got undone and Leo popped out, bright as a sunny day.

"Good morning Miss Trixie!"

"Good morning, Leo." she said unenthusiastically

He really had no idea that he was mere seconds away from falling to his doom.

"Are you alright Trixie?" he asked "You look awful."

She was so tired she didn't even register the insult

"I'm fine. It was just a difficult decent."

Leo climbs out and sits by the cyan mare's side

"How much further do we have?"

"About five miles."

Just hearing those words made every muscle in Trixie's body cry in pain. But she had to keep going. She lazily got up, back in the pouring rain and got out her spare harness.

"You look tried. Do you need some help?" Leo asked

It took every ounce of strength in her body not to snap at Leo. She just wanted peace and quiet.

"What do you need Leo?"

"Do you want me to pull the cart?"

"Leo you could never pull this. It must be five times your weight."

"Can too! Just watch!"

Leo runs out into the rain and grabs the two planks, using all his might to pull the cart. It didn't budge.

"Get out of the rain, Leo." Trixie sighed


"No buts." she snapped "The Great and Powerful Trixie knows what's best."

Leo walks back under the cart. Trixie gave the cart another kick and out popped the stage. It was going to be a bit lopsided but at least he'd be out in the rain.

"Wow! You're amazing Miss Trixie!"

"Well they don't call me Great and Powerful for nothing."

Trixie places the harness around her and pulls. Her muscles cried in pain as she tried to put out more energy than she had. But it didn't matter one bit to her. She had enough bits to stay a night at the inn in the next town. She'd be able to rest nice and easy on a soft bed for once. She wouldn't stop until she reached Way City: the crossing into Equestria.