Into The Fog

by BG9

Cars and Hay Sandwiches

"Thank you Trixie!" the boy said with glee "You're the best ever!"

You feel his arms wrap around you in a big tight hug. You got a warm feeling in your chest, nothing like you had ever felt before. It felt like jitterbugs were dancing in your tummy. It made you so happy.

"Trixie are you ok?" Leo asked

Trixie looks back at him

"Of course Trixie is! Why wouldn't she be?" Trixie replied

"Well... you're crying."

Trixie touched her face and sure enough, hot tears were streaming down her face. She didn't even notice. She quickly brushed the tears from her face.

"No Trixie is not!" she said defensively "She merely got dust in her eyes! Trixie is perfectly fine!"

She starts to briskly walk down the path again, grumbling to herself. Leo was completely confused but decides to leave it be. After a little while down that path Trixie decides to break the ice.


"Yes, Trixie?"

"Tell me where you came from. Your world."

Leo looks confused

"My world?"

"Never mind that. Just tell me about humans."

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Do humans have magic?"


A bewildered look crossed Trixie's face. How in the world did a society function without any semblance of magic!? Was that even possible!? How did they build? How did they control the weather or tend the land!? What a scary and tragic thought.

"Are there dragons?" she asked




"Crystal lizards?"

"Not that I know of."

What a backwards and strange world these humans lived in. And quite a boring one for that matter. What was the point of living in the world without dragons!? Even though she thought this, she couldn't help but think it might be a better place to be.

"Don't you have a car Trixie?" Leo asked

"A car?"


"What's that?"

"You don't have cars here!?"

"Tell the Great and Powerful Trixie what a car is this instant!" she demanded

Leo shuttered as she snapped at him.

"Uh... a car is like... it's like a big metal box on wheels. And when you press a pedal it moves forward."

"On it's own?"


"I thought humans couldn't preform magic." Trixie said, puzzled

"They can't. It runs on gas!"

A look of disgust goes across Trixie's face

"Ew! You humans move your cars by farting!?"

Leo busts up laughing, as any little boy would.

"Well I don't see what's so funny." Trixie said "You humans seem quite vulgar."

"We don't do it by farting!" Leo said, still laughing "Gas comes out of a pump. It's a liquid, like water."

"You live in a truly strange and unusual world Leo."

"Says the talking pony."

Trixie keeps walking and the fog begins to thin. They were nearing the exit of the woods. Once they reach the end, they come to a beautiful meadow. It was such a nice sight to see after journeying through those spooky woods. The sun was shining bright and the flowers were a beautiful golden color.

"Leo, dismount."


"Because Trixie orders it, that's why."

He grumbles to himself, reluctantly obliging and hopping down to the soft meadow floor.

"So what are we doing now?" ask Leo

"We're going to eat lunch of course."

Trixie began to try and get the harness off. She was so tried that she was fumbling with it. She couldn't seem to get her magic to to what she wanted it to. Leo comes over to help.

"I can do it Trixie." he said with the most adorable smile

Trixie stuck up her nose

"Silence. The Great and Powerful Trixie needs no help."

She struggles long and hard, just not being able to get that harness to unhook and fall off her body. After a long while Leo finally does it for you. Trixie shook a bit to get the stiffness out.

"Well don't expect any thank yous." she said "Trixie was merely testing your loyalty. She could've taken off the harness anytime she wanted too."

"Ok, Trixie."

Leo didn't seem to be the least bit upset by what she said. It was almost as if he could tell this was nothing but bravado on her part. This kid was a lot smarter than he seemed. Trixie goes back to the cart, pulling out a tank of water and a hay and flower sandwich from the compartment. Did humans eat the same thing ponies do?


"Yes Miss Trixie?"

Miss Trixie? No one had ever called her that before. It gave her a funny feeling in her stomach. She kinda liked it.

"What do humans eat?"

He thinks for a moment

"Well my mom always makes me chicken tendies and fish sticks."

Trixie had no idea what tendies or fish sticks were. He keeps listing off more food items, none of which you had the slightest idea about.

"Alright, alright that's enough." Trixie says, hushing him "Let me see if Trixie has something in her bag."

Trixie pulls out two slices of bread and the last slice or cheese. She was saving it for later but she certainly couldn't let Leo go hungry.

"Here," she said holding out the sandwich "Will this do?"

Leo inspects it and shrugs.

"Sure, I guess."

He takes it and eats it faster than you can say 'it's a working title.' They both sit in the field and silently eat their lunch.

"Miss Trixie?"

"Yes, Leo?"

"How far until the next town?"

Trixie put her hoof to her chin, thinking. She pulls out the map.

"Well since since we just made it out of the Shaded Woods, we should have about ten miles left."

The forest was in fact five miles wide. But the mist had strange effects on ones mind. It distorted time, sense of direction and many other things. Some say the the forest was growing and shrinking all the time.

"That's so far!" Leo groans

"Fear not, for Trixie knows of a shortcut that will get us there in half the time!" Trixie became serious for a moment "It is rather dangerous though."


"Are you tough enough for the danger?"

Leo stands up straight and puffs out his chest

"Of course miss Trixie! I'm ready for anything!"

Trixie giggles. He was such a sweet boy. And about as intimidating as a baby kitten. After a while, Trixie takes her last drink and packs everything up.

"Trixie demands you walk again. Her back hurts enough. Though she is sure someone as tough as you is up to the task?"

"Yes miss Trixie!" Leo said proudly "Leo is the strongest there is!"

You both start walking through the meadow towards the short cut. After about fifteen minutes Leo was starting to become exhusted. She felt pity for him.

"Would you like to ride on Trixie's back?"

"Nu-uh! I'm the toughest around!"

Poor thing could barely keep his eyes open. All of this adventuring must have tuckered him out.

"Get inside Trixie's cart."

"But how will I fit?"

"There is a bed in there for when Trixie gets her beauty sleep." She explained "You can access it through the small door on the side. It'll be a bit cramped but you should be able-"

Before Trixie even finished her sentence, Leo was already climbing into the back of the cart. The moment he shut and latched the door her was already snoring. Trixie giggled at her tough adventurer.

"Sleep tight, my brave warrior."