//------------------------------// // A Bit Too Much // Story: Cap U's Drunken MacDash Ramblings // by Jake The Army Guy //------------------------------// There were just some things that a stallion was used to when it came to dealing with their marefriend. From forgetting dates of special occasions, no mater how obscene, to saying the wrong thing no mater how much you meant it to be a complement. These were problems that Mac wished he had. He had grown up in a house of mares, and no mater how tough as nails his sister acted she would act like a mare at times when he said or did something wrong that would confuse him to no end. He was never sure how saying that a mare looked 'nice' could be taken as a insult, or not noticing something could be even worse. These were problems he grew up with two younger sisters, and problems he wish he could still be dealing with. Yet again, this is what he got when he decided to date the mare that was not like any other mare out there. Rainbow Dash was like no other mare he had ever met, so confident in her ability that it simply radiated off of her, making other wanting to be better just by being in her presence. She could have any stallion, or mare for that, of her choosing. She was beyond beautiful, in his own opinion, and confident enough that even those with great wills would bow before her. For some strange reason that still alluded Mac to this day, she had chosen him to be her lover, to be the one she would lay in bed with on the coldest of nights, to share those warm summer rays to sleep in. To confided those little doubts in in the darkest hours that haunted her dreams. She had chosen him to be the one she stood next to when facing the hands of times. Though, their were certain nights that he thought he understood why she had chosen him above all others. "Mac... have I ever... ever mentioned how soft your... uh... your fur is? Like... it's super soft and awesome!" Mac just gave out a sigh, adjusting the weight on his shoulders as he carried the drunken Rainbow Dash back to the farm house to sleep off the massive hangover she was going to have the next morning. That night had been a night of celebration for... well... Mac didn't rightly know. Pinkie Pie had thrown a party for something or other and he had been invited to the party just like every other pony in Ponyville. Normally, Mac would just thank the pink mare for the invite and go on his marry way, but being the coltfriend of Rainbow Dash he was expected to go to keep his filly company and to make sure no stallions tried to hook up with her. That was Rainbow's reasoning anyway, though she worded it differently saying that it was his duty to make sure if he was truly awesome enough to date her that he would be their to make sure no other stallion scored with the most amazing and cool pony in all of Equestria. He new Rainbow would never cheat on him, she was the element of loyalty for crying out loud, but he went with her and put on a whole show of warding off other suitors to see that smile. That smile had whipped him good, turning the one independent stallion into the competent love dog of the rainbow maned Pegasus. It was hard not to be taken up with the Pegasus, no mater how tough she acted there was part of her that was nothing put pure loveliness, that just called out to be held and whispered too all night long. "Ma... Mac... have I ever... ever mentioned how much I love banging you?" Then their were the other nights when she needed attention. "Eeyup" Mac responded knowing that at this time their was nothing more he could do then to tell Rainbow what she wanted to hear. "Go... good answer hayseed," Rainbow was laying flat across his back, her wings drooping off her sides and dragging against the dirt path below. She had both of her forelegs wrapped around Mac's broad neck, hugging him as tight as a drunk could to keep herself straight, a empty mug in one hoof. Mac just shook his head, as he adjusted his back just so she wouldn't fall off. He just kept on walking toward the Apple homestead, ready to get under the covers and catch a few Z's himself for the next day of work. Though Rainbow had other intentions in mind. Before long, Mac felt light bites on his right ear, as Rainbow dragged herself further up Mac's neck, rubbing her athletic body against him, trying to get him in the mood. In truth there was nothing better than to feel the athletic build of Rainbow Dash rubbing against him, wanting him, to share in that primal need that all ponies had; that need to enjoy the other companies and to create a life out of it. "I love jus.... just how strong you are... Mac." Rainbow said, her words spaced out between one another as the amount of cider she consumed flooded her bloodstream, making her so much more... interment that normal. At times Mac did not mind this much, he loved a good role in the hay like any other stallion but being the one sober in this situation it didn't seem right, and Mac was raised to be a gentlecolt, respecting a mare at all times, no mater how much he would loved to give in. "Eeyup" "And... so big..." Rainbow Dash "Growled as she kept rubbing against him, even using her mug to rub him. Mac just shook his head as he psuehd his head back to rub against her. "Ya know Ah love ya right?" Mac asked, as he felt he weight of the mare on him. "Duh," Rainbow replied as he rubbed against him more, using her entire body. "What stallion won't love me?" Mac just smiled, it was true, when she wet off the market he was sure that there was going to be a war on his head. He leaned his head just far back enough for her to rub her cheek against his. "And that Ah'd do anything fer ya" Mac added, as he felt her mane rubbing against he side of his face, just tracing over his muzzle. "Oh yeah..." Rainbow groaned as she kept on rubbing herself against him. Mac loved the feeling of her against him, her fur felt like silk against his own, just begging to be explored, to be pleasured in everyway. "Good," Mac growled, before flicking his head forward tossing the mare onto the bed. Rainbow let out a yelp as she was hurled forward onto the bed. Her stomach groaned in protest, moving about threatening to explode but was fought back by sheer will. "Because Ah ain't wanting to do that," Mac said, as he got into bed after, pulling the covers over them and wrapping his hooves around her. Rainbow grunted, and struggled against his grasp but there was not much she could do, he as just stronger than him. Mac just held her in tight, no mater how many times she elbowed him in the ribs. He just let out low grunts as she hit him, till finally she stopped her breathing hard though not angry. "You're a jerk." "Ah know." "A hot sexy jerk." "Eeyup." "A hot, sexy, nerdy jerk." "Eeyup." "A hot, sexy, nerdy, jerk that got the best mare in all of Equestria." "Eeyup." Rainbow let out a sigh as she nuzzled herself into Mac's side, letting his warmth cover her. She gave out a low sigh as her breathing began to slow, leaning into his embrace. "You jerk." "Eeyup." "I love you." "Ah love you, too."